It's Mueller Time!

The Dems have want they want, Trump was specifically not exonerated. Now it's up to Pelosi to exert enough control to avoid impeachment.
Why? Isn't it part of her job to insure the POTUS deserves to be POTUS?
Her job description is absolutely irrelevant. We're talking about partisan politicians here. I don't expect either party to do anything that isn't in their best partisan political interests.

Acting in political interest while doing the right and correct thing are not mutually exclusive. They can both be done at the same time.

It's Trump's own actions that gave the dems advantage and his own party disadvantage.
funny. you say to not act in political interest and then you dive right off that cliff of moher into the abyss of politics.
Obstruction, fool.
Which he did quite easily.

Session did not have a conflict. The report states as much.

So now answer the question.

Irrelevant to Trump's actions.
The purpose of the "unrecusal" was so Sessions could then limit the investigation. IOW, obstruction.

What actions?

There was full cooperation by The Administration with the investigation in to the Russian Collusion Hoax.

It's not like The President Burned 30,000 emails with Bleach Bit to cover his tracks for a non crime and event that never happened.

Contrast that with the treatment of Clinton who not only committed numerous felonies, but destroyed evidence and actually obstructed justice, and her treatment vs the vicious witch hunt and personal vendetta against The President.
What actions?
Jesus, dude. Can you not follow?

The actions of trying to get Sessions to "unrecuse".


The Mueller report PROVED that Sessions had no conflict and should never have recused himself.
This whole thing was nothing but an attempt by the Washington establishment to slow down or wreck Trump's presidency. The people dared elect someone who wasn't a party bought and paid for hack and Washington had a hissy fit.
Wow...I watched several minutes of this shit show.....

1) I would not have thought Mueller would be this nervous and seemingly unsure of what he should say.
I mean c'mon "I am not familiar with them"...when has asked about Fusion GPS???... not familiar??? Really??
That is either A) an obvious lie, or B) if he honestly isn't familiar on the dossier that started this whole thing...that would be like a Math teacher saying they are not familiar with subtraction.

2) Anyone who has even a modest sense of objectivity can't possibly miss the elephant in the room...the promises of Trumps doom was greatly exaggerated. And the Democrat members who went on and on about "this evidence" they consistently said was going to be shown... now have egg on their face.

What a joke.
This is our government people. And look at the clowns (on both sides) we have running things.
We are the ones doomed.
Comey might be going to the pokey donkey

They are all going to swing as Hillary said
The Dems have want they want, Trump was specifically not exonerated. Now it's up to Pelosi to exert enough control to avoid impeachment.
Why? Isn't it part of her job to insure the POTUS deserves to be POTUS?
Her job description is absolutely irrelevant. We're talking about partisan politicians here. I don't expect either party to do anything that isn't in their best partisan political interests.

Acting in political interest while doing the right and correct thing are not mutually exclusive. They can both be done at the same time.

It's Trump's own actions that gave the dems advantage and his own party disadvantage.
Politics and The Law are NEVER SUPPOSED TO MIX.

The second The Dirty Russian Dossier was used and paid for by Clinton and Obama they colluded with Russia and then engaged in a Political Witch Hunt, Corrupting the Purpose of The FBI and DOJ and weaponized it in a Failed COUP attempt.

The second any part of the Fake Dirty Russian Dossier was used by The FBI and DOJ to file for a FISA Warrant and then to launch an investigation, Treason was committed.
Mueller caught lying.. Will he now get raids at his home like other caught liars


House Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Rep. Doug Collins, R-Ga., focused his questions on the former Special Counsel's findings that the investigation did not establish any conspiracy between President Trump and Russia. Collins asked Mueller if "conspiracy" and "collusion" were colloquially the same thing, and Mueller said no. Collins then quoted Mueller's own report, which Indicates the same .
How many fucking times is this senile old fart going to ask for the question to be repeated?

Dimms saying “No one is above the law” at the end of every Dimms time like parrots.

How about HIllary fucking Clinton deleting emails and destroying phones with hammers? :21: That’s not obstruction and she isn’t above the law?

Dimms are so funny

And if that's the standard, you can wipe hard drives and destroy devices and that's not obstruction then Trump is totally in the clear.
If you cannot bring a charge against a sitting president, then how did Bill Clinton get impeached?

Impeachment isn't a criminal charge, dope.
The basis of Impeachment must be based in Criminal Offenses.

When Clinton was investigated he was Charged by someone Identical to Mueller, doing the same job Mueller was appointed to do WITH 13 CRIMES.

Those 13 Crimes were listed in that Special Counsels Report.

Mueller charged Trump with ZERO CRIMES in his report.

Mueller is currently being skewered for being Biased and slapped in the face with Evidence including his OWN STATEMENTS RIGHT NOW.
The basis of Impeachment must be based in Criminal Offenses.

Nope....Not in any way.
" High crimes and misdemeanors" do not speak to actual statutes.
How many fucking times is this senile old fart going to ask for the question to be repeated?

'Senile'? No, criminally cunning. He is STALLING. He knows Congress has been given only a limited amount of time, each person a little amount of time.
They're angling for obstruction of justice now.

View attachment 270768
Obstructing justice of a charge that never happened is impossible

But keep this quiet because fat nadler is in charge of trumps campaign, he just does not know this
Obstructing justice of a charge that never happened is impossible

A charge is not what's obstructed. The investigation is what's obstructed.
An investigation into a bogus charge is illegal
They're angling for obstruction of justice now.

View attachment 270768
Obstructing justice of a charge that never happened is impossible

But keep this quiet because fat nadler is in charge of trumps campaign, he just does not know this
Obstructing justice of a charge that never happened is impossible

A charge is not what's obstructed. The investigation is what's obstructed.
An investigation into a bogus charge is illegal
An investigation into a bogus charge is
Facepalm........christ you dopes are dumb.

There is no charge during an investigation, dope.
You can not as a prosecutor release a 400 page damning report with no evidence just speculation and then not indict...Mueller has done to Trump what Comey did to Hillary.....spells out possible crimes but no evidence to indict?...that goes against our system and bastardizes libs used to be very concerned over such action....what happened?....
The rise and codification of their religion … progressivism … in which truth, justice, and facts are to be ignored if they conflict - as they almost invariably do - with the ideology.

Not in my purview?????????????????????????...What a jackass...what is it about Trump that causes lifetime public figures to sully their good reputations at the end of their careers?....
Mueller caught lying.. Will he now get raids at his home like other caught liars


House Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Rep. Doug Collins, R-Ga., focused his questions on the former Special Counsel's findings that the investigation did not establish any conspiracy between President Trump and Russia. Collins asked Mueller if "conspiracy" and "collusion" were colloquially the same thing, and Mueller said no. Collins then quoted Mueller's own report, which Indicates the same .
Mueller caught lying.. Will he now get raids at his home like other caught liars


House Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Rep. Doug Collins, R-Ga., focused his questions on the former Special Counsel's findings that the investigation did not establish any conspiracy between President Trump and Russia. Collins asked Mueller if "conspiracy" and "collusion" were colloquially the same thing, and Mueller said no. Collins then quoted Mueller's own report, which Indicates the same .
"Beer and party" over a mundane freaking congressional hearing? Too bad y'all lefties weren't around during the McCarthy era, now that was a democrat sponsored show.
Dimms are begging Mueller to give them a reason to impeach for Obstruction.

This whole thing was about Trump and Putin rigging the election.

It didn’t fucking happen, but they want to get him on process crimes from a witch hunt....and the obstruction DIDNT HAPPEN. THERE WERE NO OBSTRUCTING ACTS COMMITTED BY TRUMP.

What soulless cvnts.

Obstruction of justice is a federal felony, dope.
There is no justice to obstruct on a presidential coup
Amazing, eh? Some adamantly refuse to be relieved (or even believe) that the POTUS is not a Russian asset and are furious that America and Americans are winning and prospering with Trump as Prez.

They are traitors … every one of 'em.

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