It's Mueller Time!

How much more do you need?
  • 126 meetings? Nothing that shows Trump conspired to affect the election.
  • Flynn lied? About making money with Turkey. Nothing that showed that Trump conspired with Russia on anything affecting the election.
  • Manafort lied? On old, unrelated things that had nothing to do with the Russia investigation.
  • Gates lied? Lied about what again?
  • Papadapolis lied? And how did Mueller collect the information?
  • Cohen lied? So a liar lied about lying but you are using him as a witness for the truth?
  • All intelligence agencies agreed that Russia favored Trump, you mean the agencies who themselves went to Russia, lied, and who actively sought to destroy Trump?
  • Trump said he'd take dirt on Hillary from a foreign power, you mean just like Hillary and the DNC went to foreign powers to manufacture dirt against Trump proven false?
Meantime, democrats spent 8 hours today in a long string of lies, asking questions, then answering them themselves and coming to their own unsupported conclusions that NO ONE is above the law for nothing no matter how minor, except themselves of course and anyone supporting or connected to the DNC!
Did you not watch the testimony at all?

sure we did!

this is what we got from it! :dunno:


Best Mueller meme yet!
How much more do you need?
  • 126 meetings? Nothing that shows Trump conspired to affect the election.
  • Flynn lied? About making money with Turkey. Nothing that showed that Trump conspired with Russia on anything affecting the election.
  • Manafort lied? On old, unrelated things that had nothing to do with the Russia investigation.
  • Gates lied? Lied about what again?
  • Papadapolis lied? And how did Mueller collect the information?
  • Cohen lied? So a liar lied about lying but you are using him as a witness for the truth?
  • All intelligence agencies agreed that Russia favored Trump, you mean the agencies who themselves went to Russia, lied, and who actively sought to destroy Trump?
  • Trump said he'd take dirt on Hillary from a foreign power, you mean just like Hillary and the DNC went to foreign powers to manufacture dirt against Trump proven false?
Meantime, democrats spent 8 hours today in a long string of lies, asking questions, then answering them themselves and coming to their own unsupported conclusions that NO ONE is above the law for nothing no matter how minor, except themselves of course and anyone supporting or connected to the DNC!
Did you not watch the testimony at all?

You sticking with that? I watched it live end to end and have every minute saved. In a few days I will give a comprehensive digest of what was actually said and accomplished. Keep your diaper on.
Even liberal media is reporting Mueller was the equivalent of a proverbial suicide bomber who detonated prematurely and took out his co-conspirators.
Not faux news either.
Pathetic - you have to try to discredit the source because you can't debunk / disprove what is being reported...


Funny how many Leftards are experts on a news channel they never watch. Meantime, Mueller used far left liberal newspapers WaPo and NYT as sources in his report HUNDREDS of times! Fox hardly any. One of the GOP made the observation that they had paid 35 million for a report that they could have gotten off television for free.
Republicans looked much smarter than their counterparts. Sorry.
According to you? I would expect so. Bias does that kinda thing. The Democrats looked better to me.
Republicans looked much smarter than their counterparts. Sorry.
According to you? I would expect so. Bias does that kinda thing. The Democrats looked better to me.

Come on man. No way. Even CNN and MSNBC disagree with you.
I don't let commentators make my judgements for me, and besides from the little I heard from CNN, it's not even true. I listened to most of the testimony while driving on NPR, and the Democrats, while somewhat stymied by Mueller's lack muster performance, made clear points while the republicans either tried to discredit him or pushed their own pet conspiracy theories.

Polls agree with me. Even the Dems in those polls. Sorry, Crep.
Post them up. Not faux news either.

Yet you Tards love your lying cnn and msnbctard…...
Mueller is a prosecutor he cannot exonerate
In his role as Special Counsel he was not a prosecutor primarily. He took pains to say the report did not exonerate tRump.
its not there job its not a legal standard either they find the evidence a crime was committed or they don't and they didn't

"we did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime,”

game over
We did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime" is not the same as "we reached a determination that the president did not commit a crime". There are important differences in those two statements.

Prosecutor talk of he is innocent. Prosecutors need evidence to proceed with indictments. They didn’t have enough.
No. The first sentence means they did not make a decision. The second, which has not been spoken by Mueller or his investigators, would mean he didn't commit a crime.

Words have meanings.
INNOCENT until pproven guilty....the investigation is closed....

'Nuff said.
No, obstruction of justice very much is a crime. I hate to break it to you.

What are the three scenarios that prosecutors, members of Congress, and the public could consider under the heading of obstruction of justice?

  • First, any attempts to unlawfully have FBI Director James Comey drop the investigations of Michael Flynn
  • Second, any attempts to unlawfully interfere with FBI or congressional investigations into collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian officials during the 2016 election
  • Third, any attempts to unlawfully interfere with the FBI or congressional investigations into Russian interference in the 2016 election (having nothing to do with any alleged Trump campaign collusion)
Republicans looked much smarter than their counterparts. Sorry.
According to you? I would expect so. Bias does that kinda thing. The Democrats looked better to me.
Republicans looked much smarter than their counterparts. Sorry.
According to you? I would expect so. Bias does that kinda thing. The Democrats looked better to me.

Come on man. No way. Even CNN and MSNBC disagree with you.
I don't let commentators make my judgements for me, and besides from the little I heard from CNN, it's not even true. I listened to most of the testimony while driving on NPR, and the Democrats, while somewhat stymied by Mueller's lack muster performance, made clear points while the republicans either tried to discredit him or pushed their own pet conspiracy theories.

Polls agree with me. Even the Dems in those polls. Sorry, Crep.
Post them up. Not faux news either.
Poll: Democrats becoming increasingly skeptical of fairness of Russia probe
Except it does and after listening to Bob today, I am curious who actually wrote it. Embarrassing.
How can you know what it says if you haven't read it?

I read portions of it. Frankly not interested in 400+ pages of boredom.
Then how can you speak knowledgeably about it?

Same way I can do so about the NE Patriots. I know Enough to be dangerous. I am Not a football expert but I watch enough plays and games to opine.
Don't you think it's just slightly more important to be educated on this?

I have Heard 100s of hours from both sides and read the salient points IMO. I may Read the report too but doubt it will change my mind. My spirit animal, Ben Shapiro, not a Trump guy btw...agrees wirh me.
According to you? I would expect so. Bias does that kinda thing. The Democrats looked better to me.
According to you? I would expect so. Bias does that kinda thing. The Democrats looked better to me.

Come on man. No way. Even CNN and MSNBC disagree with you.
I don't let commentators make my judgements for me, and besides from the little I heard from CNN, it's not even true. I listened to most of the testimony while driving on NPR, and the Democrats, while somewhat stymied by Mueller's lack muster performance, made clear points while the republicans either tried to discredit him or pushed their own pet conspiracy theories.

Polls agree with me. Even the Dems in those polls. Sorry, Crep.
Post them up. Not faux news either.
Poll: Democrats becoming increasingly skeptical of fairness of Russia probe
It's not the Russia probe that will keep him from getting elected, imo. It's minor compared to the other issues.
Come on man. No way. Even CNN and MSNBC disagree with you.
I don't let commentators make my judgements for me, and besides from the little I heard from CNN, it's not even true. I listened to most of the testimony while driving on NPR, and the Democrats, while somewhat stymied by Mueller's lack muster performance, made clear points while the republicans either tried to discredit him or pushed their own pet conspiracy theories.

Polls agree with me. Even the Dems in those polls. Sorry, Crep.
Post them up. Not faux news either.
Poll: Democrats becoming increasingly skeptical of fairness of Russia probe
It's not the Russia probe that will keep him from getting elected, imo. It's minor compared to the other issues.

Time will tell

President Trump's job approval rating reaches high mark in NPR/PBS/Marist poll after racist tweets

40% say Democrat candidates will move the country in the right direction.
In his role as Special Counsel he was not a prosecutor primarily. He took pains to say the report did not exonerate tRump.
its not there job its not a legal standard either they find the evidence a crime was committed or they don't and they didn't

"we did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime,”

game over
We did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime" is not the same as "we reached a determination that the president did not commit a crime". There are important differences in those two statements.

Prosecutor talk of he is innocent. Prosecutors need evidence to proceed with indictments. They didn’t have enough.
No. The first sentence means they did not make a decision. The second, which has not been spoken by Mueller or his investigators, would mean he didn't commit a crime.

Words have meanings.
INNOCENT until pproven guilty....the investigation is closed....

'Nuff said.
It’s been closed really.
These topics should be in Conspiracy section
We would do ourselves a favor by not responding..
Except it does and after listening to Bob today, I am curious who actually wrote it. Embarrassing.
How can you know what it says if you haven't read it?

I read portions of it. Frankly not interested in 400+ pages of boredom.
Then how can you speak knowledgeably about it?

Same way I can do so about the NE Patriots. I know Enough to be dangerous. I am Not a football expert but I watch enough plays and games to opine.
Don't you think it's just slightly more important to be educated on this?

It's Mueller Time!
I don't let commentators make my judgements for me, and besides from the little I heard from CNN, it's not even true. I listened to most of the testimony while driving on NPR, and the Democrats, while somewhat stymied by Mueller's lack muster performance, made clear points while the republicans either tried to discredit him or pushed their own pet conspiracy theories.

Polls agree with me. Even the Dems in those polls. Sorry, Crep.
Post them up. Not faux news either.
Poll: Democrats becoming increasingly skeptical of fairness of Russia probe
It's not the Russia probe that will keep him from getting elected, imo. It's minor compared to the other issues.

Time will tell

President Trump's job approval rating reaches high mark in NPR/PBS/Marist poll after racist tweets

40% say Democrat candidates will move the country in the right direction.
Because the racist direction is the right direction? We'll see if the minorities and educated white women agree with you. Time will indeed tell.
Last edited:

Former special counsel Robert Mueller said Wednesday that he was “not familiar” with Fusion GPS, the opposition research firm that commissioned the Steele dossier.

Mueller revealed his surprising lack of familiarity with the firm during an exchange with Ohio Rep. Steve Chabot, a Republican member of the House Judiciary Committee.

“When you talk about the firm that produced the Steele reporting, the name of the firm that produced that was Fusion GPS, is that correct?” Chabot asked.

“I’m not familiar with that,” said Mueller, while scouring through his 448-page report of the Russia probe.

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The Barr/Durham investigation is new. It started after Mueller’s investigation was completed. Is the special counsel seriously making the claim he didn’t look into Fusion GPS or the Steele dossier because he knew, via some future telling power, that it would later be subject of a DOJ investigation by an AG who wasn’t even appointed yet?

Let’s also note that Mueller spent much of his time going after Paul Manafort for crimes that occurred years earlier, had nothing to do with Russia, and had no connection to the 2016 election. Yet, he found those “within his purview” while a document and agency (Fusion GPS) that formed the basis of the conspiracy claims were found to not be not in his purview. Does that make sense to anyone? It shouldn’t.

This is a total cluster. Mueller was clearly, as I speculated last night, a figurehead. He doesn’t even know what’s in his own report, as streiff pointed out earlier in a piece. This guy is absolutely clueless and that led to rabid partisans like Andrew Weissmann running wild, making baseless accusations and insinuations against DOJ policy. Much of the report doesn’t even appear to have been approved by Mueller outside of rubber stamping.

Today, Mueller’s investigation was exposed for exactly what it is and that’s a good thing.
The Democrats owe the Trumps reparations for the 3 years of enslaving them in the Collusion Delusion.
When correcting his earlier testimony Mueller said. "I want to go back to one thing that was said this morning by Mr. Lieu, who said and I quote, ‘You didn’t charge the President because of the OLC opinion. That is not the correct way to say it. As we say in the report and as I said at the opening, we did not reach a determination as to whether the President committed a crime.

But his findings state "... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..."

That certainly sounds like a determination.
You gotta post the whole quote kid:

“while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.”

Mueller didn't lie to congress, but you sure as hell just tried to lie to us.

I'm curious, Crepitus. Can you watch Mueller's testimony and tell me that was the performance of an "honest" man? Claiming he didn't investigate Steele and Simpson's involvement in the Trump Tower meeting because it wasn't part of his job? How could it NOT be? He investigated the Trump Tower meeting! Why would THAT be something worthy of a thorough investigation but Glenn Simpson's meetings with the Russian lawyer the day before the meeting and the day after the meeting NOT be worthy of an investigation?
He was avoiding playing into the silly republican conspiracy theories. That's all.


So the Trump Tower meeting is something you obviously think should have been investigated since it's been cited repeatedly by those of you on the left as "proof" that the Trump Campaign conspired with Russia...correct?

But you DON'T think that Glenn Simpson meeting with the Russian lawyer the day before the Trump Tower meeting and the day after the meeting should have been investigated as well?

How do you manage that? How can you justify investigating what took place at a meeting...but not investigate who was behind the meeting taking place in the first place? Aren't you curious as to what it was that Glenn Simpson spoke to the Russian lawyer about?
It was. He's already testified. They released transcripts back in January I think. I know it's a popular conspiracy theory among conservatives, but it's already been looked at a passed on.

You're claiming that Mueller brought Glenn Simpson in and questioned him about his meetings with Natalia Veselnitskaya before and after the Trump Tower meeting? Would you care to explain why neither Simpson nor Fusion GPS is mentioned in in connection with the Mueller report despite the meeting being the focus of 14 pages of the Mueller Report? Would you like to explain this testimony given by Mueller?
"At the hearing, Chabot asked Mueller a simple question. Chabot referred Mueller to page 103 of Volume 2 of his final report, in which he describes “the firm that produced the Steele reporting,” but does not name the firm. Chabot asked Mueller: “The name of that firm was Fusion GPS, is that correct?”

Mueller, who has appeared confused at numerous questions so far during this hearing, looked at his binder, which contained a copy of his report, and asked: “And you’re on page 103?”

Chabot asked the same question again.

“When you talk about the firm that produced the Steele reporting. The name of the firm that produced that was Fusion GPS. Is that correct?" Chabot asked.

Mueller responded: “I’m not familiar with that.”"
Think about that for a moment! The man who spent the better part of two years investigating collusion to influence the election doesn't seem to know who Fusion GPS is and what it is that they DID leading up to that election!!! I mean SERIOUSLY? Did those words really come out of Robert Mueller's mouth? This is the man who we're supposed to believe is above reproach?

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