It's Mueller Time!

It was. He's already testified. They released transcripts back in January I think. I know it's a popular conspiracy theory among conservatives, but it's already been looked at a passed on.

You're claiming that Mueller brought Glenn Simpson in and questioned him about his meetings with Natalia Veselnitskaya before and after the Trump Tower meeting? Would you care to explain why neither Simpson nor Fusion GPS is mentioned in in connection with the Mueller report despite the meeting being the focus of 14 pages of the Mueller Report? Would you like to explain this testimony given by Mueller?
"At the hearing, Chabot asked Mueller a simple question. Chabot referred Mueller to page 103 of Volume 2 of his final report, in which he describes “the firm that produced the Steele reporting,” but does not name the firm. Chabot asked Mueller: “The name of that firm was Fusion GPS, is that correct?”

Mueller, who has appeared confused at numerous questions so far during this hearing, looked at his binder, which contained a copy of his report, and asked: “And you’re on page 103?”

Chabot asked the same question again.

“When you talk about the firm that produced the Steele reporting. The name of the firm that produced that was Fusion GPS. Is that correct?" Chabot asked.

Mueller responded: “I’m not familiar with that.”"
Think about that for a moment! The man who spent the better part of two years investigating collusion to influence the election doesn't seem to know who Fusion GPS is and what it is that they DID leading up to that election!!! I mean SERIOUSLY? Did those words really come out of Robert Mueller's mouth? This is the man who we're supposed to believe is above reproach?

What I heard him say was that the Steele business was being investigated by other departments.

If there is some problem with 'oranges' and Dossiers and etc., you need to get your investigations finished and your congressional hearings lined up. Show us the evidence.

Mueller wasn't hired to do that part for you. Have Trump appoint a special prosecutor for crying out loud.

Mueller was supposed to be checking out and verifying the Dossier. President Putin invited Mueller's staff to Moscow to interview those he indicted. I'm sure that Uncle Pooty would have been amenable to opening up the Russian Federation's landfills so that Mueller's staff could test ruined mattresses for Hooker DNA. Mueller's failure to do his job was disgraceful.
No. Mueller said a different department is investigating. There is somebody else in Russia looking for the mattress DNA.

Your side needs to get finished and make their case. Instead of whining like little bitches.

Actually, the only ones who are interested in the Hoes Ruining Mattresses story are Mueller and his liberal friends.

The matter will be dropped
That story was written for Democrats.

You can tell because it's both totally stupid and perverted.
You're a joke. Nothing came from this hearing to support your position. Nothing. You lost at every turn today and you still want to claim a win? Pathetic.
Denial isn't going to get you anywhere.
Your narrative is shot to hell, loser.

LMAO! No kidding, the prosecutor doesn't determine exhoneration? Holy shit cupcake it's almost like you just discovered the American system of law.

Tell Trump, dope. That's his line.

It;s actually the line of our entire legal system. You aren't real smart are you?

Exoneration, dope. Christ, you're dense.

If a 2 yr, $35 million witch-hunt finds you did not commit a crime, you have been exonerated.

"... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..." - the Mueller Report
It was. He's already testified. They released transcripts back in January I think. I know it's a popular conspiracy theory among conservatives, but it's already been looked at a passed on.

You're claiming that Mueller brought Glenn Simpson in and questioned him about his meetings with Natalia Veselnitskaya before and after the Trump Tower meeting? Would you care to explain why neither Simpson nor Fusion GPS is mentioned in in connection with the Mueller report despite the meeting being the focus of 14 pages of the Mueller Report? Would you like to explain this testimony given by Mueller?
"At the hearing, Chabot asked Mueller a simple question. Chabot referred Mueller to page 103 of Volume 2 of his final report, in which he describes “the firm that produced the Steele reporting,” but does not name the firm. Chabot asked Mueller: “The name of that firm was Fusion GPS, is that correct?”

Mueller, who has appeared confused at numerous questions so far during this hearing, looked at his binder, which contained a copy of his report, and asked: “And you’re on page 103?”

Chabot asked the same question again.

“When you talk about the firm that produced the Steele reporting. The name of the firm that produced that was Fusion GPS. Is that correct?" Chabot asked.

Mueller responded: “I’m not familiar with that.”"
Think about that for a moment! The man who spent the better part of two years investigating collusion to influence the election doesn't seem to know who Fusion GPS is and what it is that they DID leading up to that election!!! I mean SERIOUSLY? Did those words really come out of Robert Mueller's mouth? This is the man who we're supposed to believe is above reproach?

What I heard him say was that the Steele business was being investigated by other departments.

If there is some problem with 'oranges' and Dossiers and etc., you need to get your investigations finished and your congressional hearings lined up. Show us the evidence.

Mueller wasn't hired to do that part for you. Have Trump appoint a special prosecutor for crying out loud.

Mueller was supposed to be checking out and verifying the Dossier. President Putin invited Mueller's staff to Moscow to interview those he indicted. I'm sure that Uncle Pooty would have been amenable to opening up the Russian Federation's landfills so that Mueller's staff could test ruined mattresses for Hooker DNA. Mueller's failure to do his job was disgraceful.
No. Mueller said a different department is investigating. There is somebody else in Russia looking for the mattress DNA.

Your side needs to get finished and make their case. Instead of whining like little bitches.

Actually, the only ones who are interested in the Hoes Ruining Mattresses story are Mueller and his liberal friends.

The matter will be dropped
Too bad. It sounds salacious. I was looking forward to the hearings.
Former special counsel Robert S. Mueller III, at long last, testified before Congress about his investigation into Russian interference and President Trump’s conduct related to it.

Mueller appeared before the House Judiciary Committee in the morning and the House Intelligence Committee in the afternoon. Here’s what we learned from both sessions.

1. Mueller struggled

If Democrats hoped this would be a seminal moment, they will apparently leave sorely disappointed — in large part because their star witness was no star. Mueller spoke haltingly, seemed not to remember key details and tripped over himself even when members weren’t trying to trip him up.

The ranking Republican on the House Judiciary Committee, Douglas A. Collins (Ga.), began by asking him whether “collusion” was colloquially the same as “conspiracy.” “No,” Mueller said flatly.

Collins then pointed to Mueller’s report, which states that certain legal dictionaries do regard the terms as “largely synonymous.” Mueller didn’t seem to have much of an answer, eventually stating that the report spoke for itself.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
I don’t think we need to degrade Mueller.
He could not deliver what the libbies and Dems wanted so let’s be happy with that and watch ‘em wail!
When correcting his earlier testimony Mueller said. "I want to go back to one thing that was said this morning by Mr. Lieu, who said and I quote, ‘You didn’t charge the President because of the OLC opinion. That is not the correct way to say it. As we say in the report and as I said at the opening, we did not reach a determination as to whether the President committed a crime.

But his findings state "... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..."

That certainly sounds like a determination.

We did not reach a determination...

We did not reach a conclusion...

We did not conclude...

That kind of sounds like a distinction without difference, no?
Nope. In today's correction he said his team did not form a determination about criminality while in his report he stated that they found no criminality.
When correcting his earlier testimony Mueller said. "I want to go back to one thing that was said this morning by Mr. Lieu, who said and I quote, ‘You didn’t charge the President because of the OLC opinion. That is not the correct way to say it. As we say in the report and as I said at the opening, we did not reach a determination as to whether the President committed a crime.

But his findings state "... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..."

That certainly sounds like a determination.
You gotta post the whole quote kid:

“while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.”

Mueller didn't lie to congress, but you sure as hell just tried to lie to us.
And in light of my response to Bootney above how is your whining relevant?
Because it's the truth, and what you are spouting is fake news. The report did not say they found no criminality.
Once more for the pathetic, brain-dead MORON: WTF do you think "... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..." means?

We do not prosecute nor should congress persecute any American for crimes they have not committed.


Fucking IDIOT.
Anybody who supports that lying, fat, dumb as batshit, piece of crap in the oval office doesn't have the right to call anybody a jackass. Or even attempt to see themselves as an adult.

I have always disliked Nadler too...... intensely. He reminds me of a huge TOAD. OR...wait! The Hooka smokin' caterpiller!!! You gotta admit.....He looks JUST like that!!!!!!
He used to be super fat. Fatter than Trump even. Then he lost a lot of weight. So your story would have been better if he was still super fat.

Yeah he was a blob for sure. He looked like a fat toad back then. LOL
lol ya got him now!!!!!! Number 5,236

That is right, GO GET HIM, DIMOCRATS!
The problem with that is that if he was convicted in the Senate, he could be pardoned. I want him in prison. Better to wait for 2021 when he can be indicted.
He'll be POTUS until 2025. I suggest you hold your breath.
lol ya got him now!!!!!! Number 5,236

That is right, GO GET HIM, DIMOCRATS!
The problem with that is that if he was convicted in the Senate, he could be pardoned. I want him in prison. Better to wait for 2021 when he can be indicted.
He'll be POTUS until 2025. I suggest you hold your breath.
Is that the best you've got? L is for Lame.
We did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime" is not the same as "we reached a determination that the president did not commit a crime". There are important differences in those two statements.

Clever wording.....'whether'......notice he DID NOT say 'whether or NOT'......So much for objectivity.
So, let's review again:

- Trump committed the crime of obstruction

What was the corrupt intent? None of the acts Mueller investigate were crimes? It was THE PRESIDENT'S FUCKING JOB to end a bullshit, wasteful, NON-CRIME investigations.

- Russia tried to help trump, and the trump campaign welcomed the help.
Which Mueller himself failed to find, or found that such conduct was NOT ILLEGAL.
- the trump campaign did not inform the FBI of this illegal activity and lied to cover it up
The alleged illegal activity that Mueller himself dismissed as NOT CRIMINAL?

But ... but ... but ... Trump is a poopy-head.
Mueller looked like a feeble old man who had no idea what was going on. The report states he interviewed Steele,yet he has no idea who Fusion GPS is and wouldn't answer any questions pertaining to Steele? He came off as incompetent and not knowing what was in "his" report. A bad day for Mueller and the Dems.
I'm not yet convinced it wasn't an act but definitely a very bad day for Dems.

Vincent Gigante - Wikipedia
For the better part of 30 years, Gigante feigned insanity in an effort to throw law enforcement off his trail. Dubbed "The Oddfather" and "The Enigma in the Bathrobe" by the press, Gigante often wandered the streets of Greenwich Village in his bathrobe and slippers, mumbling incoherently to himself. He was indicted on federal racketeering charges in 1990, but was determined to be mentally unfit to stand trial. In 1997 he was tried and convicted of racketeering and was given a 12-year sentence. Facing new charges in 2003, he pleaded guilty and admitted that his supposed insanity was an elaborate effort to avoid prosecution.[2] He died while incarcerated in 2005 at the United States Medical Center for Federal Prisoners.
Where's the left wing meltdown? Seems like the thread's mostly the usual whining and bitching trumpbots.
They are drowning their sorrows similar to the 2016 election, but not as severe. The Democrats fail so often they are starting to get conditioned to it.
They had their asses handed to them so often they now celebrate winning the annual congressional softball game like it's the Superbowl.
Trump is the first president in a long time who truly represents patriotic Americans Do you Democrats really think were going to turn on him based on something that Mueller says?

If by "patriotic Americans" you mean racists, skinheads, and nazis, that's very true. The rest of us consider these people, who killed 50 Americans in the Churches, their places of work, and their public spaces, last year, who ran down protestors in broad daylight, and who are now locking up brown people in concentration camps on the border, to be a disgrace to the flag which flies over these facilities, the Constition which they violated when they locked these people up, and has caused shame to the people who did not vote for these crimes against humanity and the Constitution.

Listen up Canuck! Unless you are in possession of piece of paper granting you United States citizenship, I have a suggestion for you! STFU!

You get no say, no one cares about your opinion, and most importantly you are a foreigner! Mind your own fucking business, bitch!

Is that plain enough, with the profanity for emphasis?
Yes, a fact finder could infer that a defendant taking steps to obstruct an investigation did so because the defendant was guilt -- OF THE UNDERLYING CRIME.

If, however, there is no underlying crime, that is also probative as to whether the defendant, acting to end the investigation, had corrupt intent. It really make the case for LACK of corrupt intent when ending a wasteful investigation into NON-crimes is your job---like the President.

126 undisclosed meetings. "I love it". Flynn lied, manafort lied, gates lied, papadoulos lied, Cohen lied... All intelligence agencies and the report all agree Russia weighed in on tRump's side... tRump just recently said if offered information my a foreign government he would take it... WikiLeaks coordinated email dumps...

How much more do you need?
Democrats Voted NO to impeach Trump, what are YOU going to do about it?
Nothing to be done as long as the Senate is packed with McConnell's meatpuppets.

Republicans looked much smarter than their counterparts. Sorry.
According to you? I would expect so. Bias does that kinda thing. The Democrats looked better to me.

According to you? I would expect so. Bias does that kind of thing.

So, tell me...which Democrat impressed you the most
when they read sections of the report back to Mueller
and asked him if they read it correctly?

You’re a fucking moron and Mueller is a straw man

Now it all makes sense why we didn’t hear from Mueller ASAP
It’s taken him 3 months to read ‘his’ report.
That’s why he didn’t want to testify...

Here is a man put in charge to investigate
foreign collusion of a presidential election
and this mother fucker doesn’t know WHO GPS Fusion is?

You have the Democrats reading sections of the report
and asking Mueller if they read it correctly...
That’s what they were told to do,
they read the entire report

2 fucking years and demanding Mueller testify,
they take turns reading the report to him
What a fucking joke!

Then you have fucking Pelosi
holding a press conference immediately afterward
to spin another failure into a strategic move that was a success

This much I know...this is beyond the Clinton’s
Everyone is a straw man for someone else

Trump getting elected threw a monkey wrench into something
The Steel Dossier was Russian sourced, for the purpose of influencing the election in Hilldog's favor. :dunno:
Then why is Trumpy all up in Putin's ass all the time?...
I'm just wondering ... why do you post such STUPID stuff all the time?
If you can't figure out the ignore button, that's on you. I am not responsible for your stupidity.

I have gobs of people on ignore. It's not that hard, bless your heart.
The Steel Dossier was Russian sourced, for the purpose of influencing the election in Hilldog's favor. :dunno:
Then why is Trumpy all up in Putin's ass all the time?...
I'm just wondering ... why do you post such STUPID stuff all the time?
If you can't figure out the ignore button, that's on you. I am not responsible for your stupidity.

I have gobs of people on ignore. It's not that hard, bless your heart.
So you don't know why you post such STUPID stuff all the time but you know you enjoy it? Got it.

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