It's Mueller Time!

126 undisclosed meetings. "I love it". Flynn lied, manafort lied, gates lied, papadoulos lied, Cohen lied... All intelligence agencies and the report all agree Russia weighed in on tRump's side... tRump just recently said if offered information my a foreign government he would take it... WikiLeaks coordinated email dumps...

How much more do you need?
Something that would show a conspiracy between the Trump campaign and the Russians...…. Ho hum.
The most shocking thing I took away from today's circus was that Mueller was actually involved in very little of this witch hunt. It appears Andrew Weisman hired most of the democrat hit men, and then he and they took care of all that went on, basically, that's why Mueller barely had any idea what was in the report. Mueller was USED by the democrats. He was appointed to be the front man to give this witch hunt the appearance of integrity. Well that cover has been blown wide open. We know now that Mueller was involved in very little, and let his pack of democrat, Trump hating wolves just run amok. Mueller looked tired, confused, unprepared and overwhelmed today. This has backfired on the democrats in epic fashion IMO. Course you won't know that if you watch any democrat propaganda wing channel. They'll be hoping up and down declaring victory like a pack of dumbasses throwing buckets of water on cops.
2 yrs
No conspiracy no obstruction
How much more do you need?
Even CNN says the Republicans won
I think it was THIRTY five million. THAT could be the reason why this farce took place, and went on for so long.

LAWYERS making money from it,
suckered Democrat politicians into believing there was something they would get out of it. All the while it was the lawyers who got something. Millions of $$$$$$$$$$.
The most shocking thing I took away from today's circus was that Mueller was actually involved in very little of this witch hunt. It appears Andrew Weisman hired most of the democrat hit men, and then he and they took care of all that went on, basically, that's why Mueller barely had any idea what was in the report. Mueller was USED by the democrats. He was appointed to be the front man to give this witch hunt the appearance of integrity. Well that cover has been blown wide open. We know now that Mueller was involved in very little, and let his pack of democrat, Trump hating wolves just run amok. Mueller looked tired, confused, unprepared and overwhelmed today. This has backfired on the democrats in epic fashion IMO. Course you won't know that if you watch any democrat propaganda wing channel. They'll be hoping up and down declaring victory like a pack of dumbasses throwing buckets of water on cops.
Yup. Figurehead Mueller was a prop, just used used by the Democrats.They are all about OPTICS, and scamming voters into voting for them. Any ruse will do, if it can up their vote count.

No damage to the American people and the country is too great for the 2019 Democratic Party.
Now the REAL show begins... investigating the investigators. NOW we'll get to the truth about WHAT, WHY, WHO, WHEN and HOW this entire FARCE of Russian collusion started, and how HIGH it goes up, like all the way to obama. There's an IG report coming, plus Barr and the man he appointed, and they're not going to pull any punches. They're going to get answers no matter how hard the democrat deep state tries to stone wall and obstruct, we're going to get the truth and we're going to see people go to JAIL. Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Storkz, Page, Ohr... just to name a few, should be SHITTING themselves right about now, and that's just the beginning.

I want to see these same little leftist bubble heads here after a few of these clowns have been indicted and convicted for CONSPIRACY and/or TREASON.

President Trump did NOTHING WRONG. You can't OBSTRUCT something when there is NO CRIME. He was being FRAMED by Hitlery Clinton, the DNC and by America's own top L.E. officials that were never Trumper, Hitlery worshiping corrupt democrat trash, and we're going to get to the bottom of it.
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Haha, schiff really embarrassed poor trumpy today. Naturally. He is an educated, articulate man who unserstands the law and the constitution. Trump is pretty much the opposite of that.
That's why Trump is President of the US, with a booming economy, and Schiff is a congressional clown. Schiff looked more like a used car salesman.
The most shocking thing I took away from today's circus was that Mueller was actually involved in very little of this witch hunt. It appears Andrew Weisman hired most of the democrat hit men, and then he and they took care of all that went on, basically, that's why Mueller barely had any idea what was in the report. Mueller was USED by the democrats. He was appointed to be the front man to give this witch hunt the appearance of integrity. Well that cover has been blown wide open. We know now that Mueller was involved in very little, and let his pack of democrat, Trump hating wolves just run amok. Mueller looked tired, confused, unprepared and overwhelmed today. This has backfired on the democrats in epic fashion IMO. Course you won't know that if you watch any democrat propaganda wing channel. They'll be hoping up and down declaring victory like a pack of dumbasses throwing buckets of water on cops.
Yup. Figurehead Mueller was a prop, just used used by the Democrats.They are all about OPTICS, and scamming voters into voting for them. Any ruse will do, if it can up their vote count.

No damage to the American people and the country is too great for the 2019 Democratic Party.
If I've said it once I've said it a thousand times, and it's more appropriate today than it was yesterday....


Bug eyed, pixie lipped, pencil necked ScHITt is one of the biggest liars on the planet, and he's got a wake up call coming, and so do you.
Now the REAL show begins... investigating the investigators. NOW we'll get to the truth about WHAT, WHY, WHO WHEN and HOW this entire FARCE of Russian collusion started, and how HIGH it goes up, like all the way to obama. But there's an IG report coming, plus Barr and the man he appointed, and they're not going to pull any punches. They're going to get answers no matter how hard the democrat deep state tries to stone wall and obstruct, we're going to get the truth and we're going to see people go to JAIL.

I want to see these same little leftist bubble heads here then.

President Trump did NOTHING WRONG. You can't OBSTRUCT something when there is NO CRIME. He was being FRAMED by Hitlery Clinton, the DNC and by America's own top L.E. officials that were never Trumper, Hitlery worshiping corrupt democrat trash, and we're going to get to the bottom of it.

Haha.....suuuuure, cultist.




And then there's the MURDERS. That will eventually be revealed as well, despite leftist media fanatical coverup. Democrats are petrified of this website. Once fully exposed, it will be the end of the Democratic Party, as Democrats who nominated a serial killer to become POTUS, will be too ashamed and embarrassed to ever show their faces in public again.>>

Sooo... Trump opposed an investigation into a matter that:
  1. Was begun 6-months before he was even president while Obama was in office in which Obama himself did absolutely nothing to stop Russian meddling.
  2. When asked how many votes were actually changed by the meddling, Mueller replied that he had no comment.
  3. Knowing that Mueller was prejudiced against him with a team of lawyers who were Hillary Supporters and heavy democratic donors, some of which vowed never to allow Trump to be president, fought tooth and nail to resist the investigation that having gone forward regardless, found no evidence he conspired with Russians anyway.
  4. Had Trump sat with his feet up on a desk somewhere and done nothing to oppose Mueller, still would have found no evidence he conspired with Russian meddling.
  5. Had Trump succeeded in deposing Mueller, another investigator would have simply been put in his place with exactly the same outcome: innocent.
  6. Having been found not guilty of conspiracy with Russia, the sole aim of Democrats is to still prosecute him anyway for opposing a public lynching in which the only thing he is really found likely guilty of is opposing the public lynching of which he was innocent of the core charges in the first place?
Democrats are making a mockery of our judicial system

  • A mockery of our judicial system.
  • An insult to our Representative System.
  • A sham to our taxpayer financed spending.
With a hundred other pressing national matters, they have, er, ah, trumped up this witch hunt into trying to pin crimes on Trump to the exclusion of all else that the more the voter gets to peer into it, the more we see Trump was actually the least suspect of all parties involved, and merely fought to stop what was now just one colossal waste of public money and time just hoping to tie Trump up long enough to either:
  • Get Trump out of office altogether.
  • Keep him from discovering and revealing the real crimes behind the 2016 election perpetrated by the Democrats.
  • Hopefully damage him enough in the public eye to get him not reelected in 2020.
Bull. Only in your wildest dreams. You pick and choose as you please.
Were you aware she also met with Fusion GPS before and after that Trump meeting? So, she is allowed back in the US by the then Dem DOJ, just in time for this meeting, and just happened to be seen with Dems before the meeting, as well as met with Fusion GPS before and after that meeting. All coincidental in your mind, right?
And yet, no charges were brought against the Trump team regarding that meeting, even though they had surveillance within that meeting. Funny that.

It was a setup from the get-go that failed. Period. Sadly for the Dems, trying to set him up.

By the way, you really need to get your temper under control when things don’t go your way. Your words reveal your tone every time.
I'll speak as I want, thanks. My words are meant to reveal my tone, and it is not because I think I'm "losing." It is because I'm right.
I had not heard about her meeting with Fusion GPS. You want to share a link with me on that? I'd appreciate it. As for meeting with Democrats, yeah, she was actively lobbying Congress to get rid of those sanctions. So that doesn't surprise me.
Oh, please, OldLady. You and I have been here too long for you to claim that. Obviously you can’t be right if you don’t follow all the evidence. And, if you’d been following the evidence you would know that-
Fusion GPS’ Glenn Simpson Dined With Russian Lawyer Before & After Her Meeting at Trump Tower

Fusion GPS official met with Russian operative before and after Trump Jr. sit-down
Thanks, depotoo. I missed this; their contacts are described pretty thoroughly in that first link you gave me, and I don't see how it changes any of the facts of the Prevezon case that I described. You are talking about something entirely different.

I just want to thank you for your entire series of posts about Prevezon case, which Jeff Sessions settled personally, after firing Preet Bahara. Why did Sessions handle this case personally?

Why are Trump, the Republican Party, and the Russian trolls now trying to smear, slander and investigate the US Attorney who has caused the most trouble for corrupt Russian mobsters in the city of New York, putting many Russian criminals in jail, or on planes back to Russia? Ohr has made a lot of enemies in the Russian government and now he's being labelled by Trump, as the most corrupt prosecutor in America. Did Putin make him do it?

Posters here continue to say that Democrats are seeing Russians everywhere, but scratch a Trump enemies list, and you find they're also enemies of Russia, and the ones at the top of Trump's enemies list are guys like Mueller, and Ohr who have done the most damage to Russia, and guys like Christopher Steele who have exposed those connections, as well as Fusion GPS.

Anyone in the FBI, the CIA, and the NSA who had any part of the decision making process to pursue these investigations was fired by Trump as soon as he took office. Trump has accused all of these people who have served their country with distinction, valor, and for civil service pay, of lying and plotting against him. This is the same Donald Trump, who has lied in public and in private his entire adult life, who lied about Trump Tower Moscow, who lied about contacts with Russians, who knew that Russian hackers had the DNC emails, who has been charged with crimes of racial discrimination, illegal campaign contributions, fraud, has admitted to bribing publica officials for personal gain, and has gone bankrupt 7 times while bragging about how much money he walked away with, calling all of the heads of the American Security Agencies sworn to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, liars.
Oh, just quit. Just quit. Both of you. That case had nothing to do with Trump. Nothing.
I can believe he wasn't involved in the money laundering. That time, anyway. But I find it hard to believe he had nothing to do with how the case was disposed of. Someone in Moscow called in a favor.. It's clear as day. We will probably never prove it.
Only in your underwear is the Obstruction DUPE.

Now go lick your wounds and come back in 2024 and try again.


You're the one on the defensive, dope. Mueller just publicly validated everything I've said from the beginnning.
You're an absolute idiot for trying to keep this train wreck going. Nothing came from this today that was good for you. All it did was enforce how fucking stupid you unhinged idiots really are.


Mueller discredited your entire narrative established by Barr. You are reduced to attacking his appearance and demeanor rather than the substance of the report. The truth is now out there straight from Mueller.

You took a hit whether you recognize it yet or not.
You're a joke. Nothing came from this hearing to support your position. Nothing. You lost at every turn today and you still want to claim a win? Pathetic.
Denial isn't going to get you anywhere.
Your narrative is shot to hell, loser.

You're delusional.

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