It's Mueller Time!

Veselnitskaya didn't have what she promised. The questions that should be asked are how did she get into the country for that meeting?
FYI-she was here as the lawyer for some Russian Corporation being tried for money laundering or fraud.... the Southern District might have been the prosecutors that charged the Russian firm if memory serves....

When Don jr got the email for the Russian meeting set up with Veselnitskaya from his promoter friend, junior tried to move up the meeting earlier, and that promoter guy (can't remember his name) answered back to him via this email chain, that she could not meet earlier, she had to be in a Court hearing for her clients.... order for Veselnitskaya to enter the US...she had to obtain a special visa from the State Department...a visa which only 3 months earlier had been denied! This from an article by Reuters. How did Russian lawyer Veselnitskaya get into U.S. for Trump Tower meeting? - Reuters

"The back-and-forth over what happened at the infamous 2016 Trump Tower meeting leads to a question that arose last week in a different case involving Veselnitskaya: How did she get into the U.S. for the meeting with Donald Trump Jr.?

On the same day as the Trump Tower meeting, Veselnitskaya attended oral arguments at the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in the U.S. government’s forfeiture case against the Cyprus-based real estate holding company Prevezon, which prosecutors accused of laundering some of the proceeds of a $230 million Russian tax fraud scheme. Prevezon has U.S. lawyers in the forfeiture action but Veselnitskaya represents Prevezon owner Denis Katsyv, a Russian businessman.

Veselnitskaya, however, wasn’t admitted into the U.S. in June 2016 because of her role in the Prevezon case. In fact, then U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara of Manhattan specifically refused Veselnitskaya’s request that the Justice Department authorize her trip via a mechanism known as immigration parole, which allows the attorney general to temporarily suspend immigration requirements on a case-by-case basis.

Bharara’s office has recommended immigration paroles for Veselnitskaya on three occasions, when her client, Katsyv, was being deposed in the U.S. in the Prevezon case. But in March 2016, Bharara’s office said no. In a letter to Prevezon’s U.S. lawyers, prosecutors said such paroles aren’t appropriate for foreign lawyers asking to help U.S. counsel prepare for appellate arguments or to attend appellate proceedings. “Since neither Katsyv nor Veselnitskaya are required to appear as witnesses in person at this stage of proceedings, we do not believe that immigration parole is appropriate,” the since-fired U.S. attorney wrote.

Nevertheless, three months later, Veselnitskaya not only attended oral arguments in the Prevezon case but also traveled uptown to meet with Trump campaign officials.

Veselnitskaya obtained a visa from the State Department to enter the country in June 2016, according to a government filing last week. The filing, which came in response to a new request by Veselnitskaya to be allowed into the U.S. for a Nov. 9 hearing in the now-settled Prevezon case, cited a Fox News report from last July.

The Manhattan U.S. attorney’s office did not disclose in the filing whether it independently confirmed that the State Department issued a visa to Veselnitskaya to allow to her attend the 2nd Circuit argument in June 2016. The prosecutor leading the Prevezon case, assistant U.S. attorney Paul Monteleoni, referred me to a spokesman, who said the office could not supply additional public information on Veselnitskaya’s reported visa.

A State Department spokesman declined to comment in response to my email request for comment on whether it approved a visa for Veselnitskaya in June 2016. John Moscow of Baker Hostetler, who was Prevezon’s lawyer when the Justice Department denied Veselnitskaya’s 2016 request for immigration parole, was subsequently disqualified from the case by the 2nd Circuit because of a client conflict. He did not respond to my phone message asking about Veselnitskaya’s visa."

So you tell me, Care...why was Veselnitskaya denied a visa 3 months earlier because she wasn't going to be testifying as a witness in the Prevezon case but WAS issued a visa "parole" by the Obama State Department when she STILL wasn't testifying as a witness 3 months later but WAS going to meet with Donald Trump Jr.?
She may not have been testifying, but she was at the court hearing on June 9, so obviously she was still active in the case. The State Department initially agreed with the US Attorney's office and denied her visa, but it was appealed and she was allowed back in for the court case specifically because our law allows for representation by an attorney. This has been stated many times in articles about this.

If you want to imagine that the Obama State Department let her in specifically to meet with the Trump campaign and set him up for collusion, you're welcome to, but that is happy horseshit.
History will show just how idiotic these never-Trumpers are. They will be seen as left wing conspiracy nuts. Trump will never, ever be charged with obstruction in this case.
History will show just how idiotic these never-Trumpers are. They will be seen as left wing conspiracy nuts. Trump will never, ever be charged with obstruction in this case.
History will have a lot to say about Trump. History will judge, as it always does.

The difference is now we have the internet where everyone's side is publicly stated. Forever. You won't be able to go back and hide it. History will not be kind to the Trumpers.
History will show just how idiotic these never-Trumpers are. They will be seen as left wing conspiracy nuts. Trump will never, ever be charged with obstruction in this case.
History will have a lot to say about Trump. History will judge, as it always does.

The difference is now we have the internet where everyone's side is publicly stated. Forever. You won't be able to go back and hide it. History will not be kind to the Trumpers.
Like how 'history' has judged BONOBO? HAAA HAAAAAA!!!!!!!!
BONOBO's 'legacy' would fit in a woman's shoe box.
BONOBO's 'library' is going to be in a portable behind some post office in the middle of nowhere.
History will show just how idiotic these never-Trumpers are. They will be seen as left wing conspiracy nuts. Trump will never, ever be charged with obstruction in this case.
History will have a lot to say about Trump. History will judge, as it always does.

The difference is now we have the internet where everyone's side is publicly stated. Forever. You won't be able to go back and hide it. History will not be kind to the Trumpers.
Like how 'history' has judged BONOBO? HAAA HAAAAAA!!!!!!!!
BONOBO's 'legacy' would fit in a woman's shoe box.
BONOBO's 'library' is going to be in a portable behind some post office in the middle of nowhere.
Obama has the fortune of being sandwiched by 2 of the worst presidents in history.

Bush Jr who took us into an illegitimate war based on lies and used our tax $$$ to bail out rich CEO's and wall street. Folks who are now richer than even and getting richer by the moment. Wonder when they'll 'need' another bailout?

And Trump, who can barely read and has no idea how government functions, even after 2 1/2 years.

Obama will be remembered as brilliant, lmao!
History will show just how idiotic these never-Trumpers are. They will be seen as left wing conspiracy nuts. Trump will never, ever be charged with obstruction in this case.
History will have a lot to say about Trump. History will judge, as it always does.

The difference is now we have the internet where everyone's side is publicly stated. Forever. You won't be able to go back and hide it. History will not be kind to the Trumpers.

The only reason it may not be "kind" is because of all the false narratives that exist on the Internet. Most citizens are doing very well under Trump's presidency. That is a fact that is not debateable, despite the haters. Real historians will pick through the fake news and get to the actual facts. There will undoubtedly still be those who have their own version of history based on false narratives and speculation.
Well now.....It wasn't that easy, right ? you three scum traitors?


Wow.....that's some seriously deep state woke troof right there. :cuckoo:

Simple? No. Probably the most convoluted, backward plan ever.
All they had to do to prevent Trump from being elected was to leak the details of the investigation into the Trump campaign that was well underway before the election.
History will show just how idiotic these never-Trumpers are. They will be seen as left wing conspiracy nuts. Trump will never, ever be charged with obstruction in this case.
History will have a lot to say about Trump. History will judge, as it always does.

The difference is now we have the internet where everyone's side is publicly stated. Forever. You won't be able to go back and hide it. History will not be kind to the Trumpers.
Like how 'history' has judged BONOBO? HAAA HAAAAAA!!!!!!!!
BONOBO's 'legacy' would fit in a woman's shoe box.
BONOBO's 'library' is going to be in a portable behind some post office in the middle of nowhere.
Obama has the fortune of being sandwiched by 2 of the worst presidents in history.

Bush Jr who took us into an illegitimate war based on lies and used our tax $$$ to bail out rich CEO's and wall street. Folks who are now richer than even and getting richer by the moment. Wonder when they'll 'need' another bailout?

And Trump, who can barely read and has no idea how government functions, even after 2 1/2 years.

Obama will be remembered as brilliant, lmao!

There is nothing to say to you never-Trumpers. Trump could cure cancer and you would likely be pissed due to population growth, further contributing to your global warming theory. The real proof is in the pudding, which can't be denied by sane people.

Obama was a foreign policy moron. History has already shown this.

So the Trump Tower meeting is something you obviously think should have been investigated since it's been cited repeatedly by those of you on the left as "proof" that the Trump Campaign conspired with Russia...correct?

But you DON'T think that Glenn Simpson meeting with the Russian lawyer the day before the Trump Tower meeting and the day after the meeting should have been investigated as well?

How do you manage that? How can you justify investigating what took place at a meeting...but not investigate who was behind the meeting taking place in the first place? Aren't you curious as to what it was that Glenn Simpson spoke to the Russian lawyer about?
It was. He's already testified. They released transcripts back in January I think. I know it's a popular conspiracy theory among conservatives, but it's already been looked at a passed on.

You're claiming that Mueller brought Glenn Simpson in and questioned him about his meetings with Natalia Veselnitskaya before and after the Trump Tower meeting? Would you care to explain why neither Simpson nor Fusion GPS is mentioned in in connection with the Mueller report despite the meeting being the focus of 14 pages of the Mueller Report? Would you like to explain this testimony given by Mueller?
"At the hearing, Chabot asked Mueller a simple question. Chabot referred Mueller to page 103 of Volume 2 of his final report, in which he describes “the firm that produced the Steele reporting,” but does not name the firm. Chabot asked Mueller: “The name of that firm was Fusion GPS, is that correct?”

Mueller, who has appeared confused at numerous questions so far during this hearing, looked at his binder, which contained a copy of his report, and asked: “And you’re on page 103?”

Chabot asked the same question again.

“When you talk about the firm that produced the Steele reporting. The name of the firm that produced that was Fusion GPS. Is that correct?" Chabot asked.

Mueller responded: “I’m not familiar with that.”"
Think about that for a moment! The man who spent the better part of two years investigating collusion to influence the election doesn't seem to know who Fusion GPS is and what it is that they DID leading up to that election!!! I mean SERIOUSLY? Did those words really come out of Robert Mueller's mouth? This is the man who we're supposed to believe is above reproach?

What I heard him say was that the Steele business was being investigated by other departments.

If there is some problem with 'oranges' and Dossiers and etc., you need to get your investigations finished and your congressional hearings lined up. Show us the evidence.

Mueller wasn't hired to do that part for you. Have Trump appoint a special prosecutor for crying out loud.

Mueller was supposed to be checking out and verifying the Dossier. President Putin invited Mueller's staff to Moscow to interview those he indicted. I'm sure that Uncle Pooty would have been amenable to opening up the Russian Federation's landfills so that Mueller's staff could test ruined mattresses for Hooker DNA. Mueller's failure to do his job was disgraceful.
No. Mueller said a different department is investigating. There is somebody else in Russia looking for the mattress DNA.

Your side needs to get finished and make their case. Instead of whining like little bitches.
Dude, we all on this side understand this was never about Russia, but instead taking out Trump. we know. Mueller confirmed it yesterday. In fact, the dupe was a BINO Boss in Name Only. so hop off your cart it's heading to the cliff.

From Mueller's own mouth, this was unique!!!! no, it isn't, it's America's rule of law, not the Clintons.
History will show just how idiotic these never-Trumpers are. They will be seen as left wing conspiracy nuts. Trump will never, ever be charged with obstruction in this case.
History will have a lot to say about Trump. History will judge, as it always does.

The difference is now we have the internet where everyone's side is publicly stated. Forever. You won't be able to go back and hide it. History will not be kind to the Trumpers.
Like how 'history' has judged BONOBO? HAAA HAAAAAA!!!!!!!!
BONOBO's 'legacy' would fit in a woman's shoe box.
BONOBO's 'library' is going to be in a portable behind some post office in the middle of nowhere.
Obama has the fortune of being sandwiched by 2 of the worst presidents in history.

Bush Jr who took us into an illegitimate war based on lies and used our tax $$$ to bail out rich CEO's and wall street. Folks who are now richer than even and getting richer by the moment. Wonder when they'll 'need' another bailout?

And Trump, who can barely read and has no idea how government functions, even after 2 1/2 years.

Obama will be remembered as brilliant, lmao!

There is nothing to say to you never-Trumpers. Trump could cure cancer and you would likely be pissed due to population growth, further contributing to your global warming theory. The real proof is in the pudding, which can't be denied by sane people.

Obama was a foreign policy moron. History has already shown this.
Well since Trump doesn't/can't read, I don't think we need to worry about him curing cancer. You should set your sights much much lower. Something that doesn't involve any reading or spelling.

I'm fine with how history writes this story, and I'm even finer that the sides are so clearly marked and recorded for posterity. Forever. Just how it should be.
History will show just how idiotic these never-Trumpers are. They will be seen as left wing conspiracy nuts. Trump will never, ever be charged with obstruction in this case.
History will have a lot to say about Trump. History will judge, as it always does.

The difference is now we have the internet where everyone's side is publicly stated. Forever. You won't be able to go back and hide it. History will not be kind to the Trumpers.
Like how 'history' has judged BONOBO? HAAA HAAAAAA!!!!!!!!
BONOBO's 'legacy' would fit in a woman's shoe box.
BONOBO's 'library' is going to be in a portable behind some post office in the middle of nowhere.
Obama has the fortune of being sandwiched by 2 of the worst presidents in history.

Bush Jr who took us into an illegitimate war based on lies and used our tax $$$ to bail out rich CEO's and wall street. Folks who are now richer than even and getting richer by the moment. Wonder when they'll 'need' another bailout?

And Trump, who can barely read and has no idea how government functions, even after 2 1/2 years.

Obama will be remembered as brilliant, lmao!

There is nothing to say to you never-Trumpers. Trump could cure cancer and you would likely be pissed due to population growth, further contributing to your global warming theory. The real proof is in the pudding, which can't be denied by sane people.

Obama was a foreign policy moron. History has already shown this.
Likewise, trump could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and not lose any supporters.
Exoneration should never have even been discussed. But then the entire investigation should have never seen the light of day so surprise, I guess.
especially if one understands that one can't indict a sitting president. hmmmmmmm
The Russian Dossier suggests otherwise.
No it doesn't. That's pure fantasy, on your part. Stoked by rightwing bubble bloggers.
Well, we may never know. Nobody bothered to look into it.

Or maybe we will.

Well, we may never know. Nobody bothered to look into it.

Or maybe we will.
You could look into it anytime you wish, dope. If you were in any way competent that is.

Full text of "The Steele Dossier - Trump Intelligence Allegations"
History will show just how idiotic these never-Trumpers are. They will be seen as left wing conspiracy nuts. Trump will never, ever be charged with obstruction in this case.
History will have a lot to say about Trump. History will judge, as it always does.

The difference is now we have the internet where everyone's side is publicly stated. Forever. You won't be able to go back and hide it. History will not be kind to the Trumpers.
Like how 'history' has judged BONOBO? HAAA HAAAAAA!!!!!!!!
BONOBO's 'legacy' would fit in a woman's shoe box.
BONOBO's 'library' is going to be in a portable behind some post office in the middle of nowhere.
Obama has the fortune of being sandwiched by 2 of the worst presidents in history.

Bush Jr who took us into an illegitimate war based on lies and used our tax $$$ to bail out rich CEO's and wall street. Folks who are now richer than even and getting richer by the moment. Wonder when they'll 'need' another bailout?

And Trump, who can barely read and has no idea how government functions, even after 2 1/2 years.

Obama will be remembered as brilliant, lmao!

There is nothing to say to you never-Trumpers. Trump could cure cancer and you would likely be pissed due to population growth, further contributing to your global warming theory. The real proof is in the pudding, which can't be denied by sane people.

Obama was a foreign policy moron. History has already shown this.
Likewise, trump could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and not lose any supporters.

For some yes, but for me, if he had colluded with Russia, I would be the first one to say he should be impeached. The diffference is that by all reasonable accounts, he was shown to be innnocent but the never-Trumpers can't stop. Their hate for Trump, the man, blinds rational thought.
The Steel Dossier was Russian sourced, for the purpose of influencing the election in Hilldog's favor. :dunno:
Then why is Trumpy all up in Putin's ass all the time?...
I'm just wondering ... why do you post such STUPID stuff all the time?
If you can't figure out the ignore button, that's on you. I am not responsible for your stupidity.

I have gobs of people on ignore. It's not that hard, bless your heart.
if you ignore everyone, then you could leave. funny eh?

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