It's not a Muslim ban, but....

How many Christians have rights in these countries? Since you're our resident justice warrior now.

So, your point is, if many Muslim countries don't give rights to Christians, then we should be equally as bad as they are? Oh, amazing.
Your argument must not be very strong when you have your own conversation with yourself about what I might say.
I'm certainly not going to compete with my alter ego that's living rent free in your head.

Oh, wow, that's a massive diversion from you. Whatever dude, you want to play those games, I'm better off without your weak replies.
So you use what I said reworded as your reply. my my

I don't do silly games, either make a fucking point or don't bother.
LOL, you're so bad.
Since Britain isn't one of the countries on the exclusion list, I'm curious why you feel this incident is connected to the exclusion.

This is the exact point. He's British, so why should he be singled out? Oh, he's a Muslim. How many more people are getting singled out just because they have a Muslim name?
We do not know. Your news article does not know. There is noting pointing out why or even a plausible possibility of why he was removed from the flight.

I fond it interesting that you tie this into the EO that was signed by Trump when this case has literally nothing to do with that EO whatsoever at this point. Perhaps you have something of actual substance on the event?

Because if you do not, your comments are pointless conjecture and rather damaging to your position.

Well, if there were a valid reason, don't you think US officials would have given a valid reason? How can a guy be kicked off a plane without being given a valid reason?

I'm not saying this is part of the ban on 7 countries. I'm saying there is an anti-Muslim policy in place, and it's going to annoy a lot of people, you know, the sort of people who set off bombs and use guns etc. Guess who they'll target?
You clearly made that tie in your OP.

Now you are trying to move the goalposts that there is an anti-Muslim policy in place yet, again, not identifying the actual policy. I do not know if there is a viable reason or not for removing him from the place. I said as much. The point here is that you also do not know and to continue to demand that it is due to some policy or another is a complete fabrication based on what you want to think rather than facts in evidence.

Yes, I did, and I still stand by it. The point I made was that the media have been calling it a Muslim ban, I'm not calling it a Muslim ban, but that the reality is there is an anti-Muslim policy in place. The policy is not fixed, it will be changed to suit the needs of whoever gets to decide at any point in time.

No, the point seems to be that you've decided I said something that I didn't.
So now it is linked to the 'Muslim ban' that is not a Muslim ban. When you stated the opposite earlier.

If I addressed something that you did not say why not point it out?
So, the right are getting all in a tizz because the Media has called Trump's attempt at a ban on 7 countries, all of the Muslim, as a Muslim ban. Sure, it's not a Muslim ban, it doesn't include countries that the US finds convenient to pretend they're not strict Muslims because they happen to have a lot of oil and are willing to be two faced about their relationship with the US.

British Muslim teacher taken off US-bound flight: I was treated like a criminal

But then you have a British school teacher, on a school trip. And he gets taken off the plane. Five teachers, and the only teacher to get treated like this was called Mohammed. Oh, what a surprise.

It's not a ban, but certainly the US is making Islam the enemy, and making the lives of Muslims who go to the US much harder.
It could easily be perceived to be, "racial profiling". We have, militia acts and civil rights acts.

Well, right now it'll probably just become a diplomatic issue. The UK managed to get out of the "Muslim ban" thing for duel citizens of those 7 Muslim countries, so a non-duel citizen with a UK passport should have the ability to go to the UK. However the UK Tory Party will probably just roll over.
In the US, we have a Second Amendment; we just have, lousy leadership; even Kentucky Colonels may be challenged.

What's your point?

A war on crime, is an expensive, political game.
The "ban" doesn't effect the other billion or so Muslim's on earth which official makes it the shittiest attempt at a "ban" in human history.
So, the right are getting all in a tizz because the Media has called Trump's attempt at a ban on 7 countries, all of the Muslim, as a Muslim ban. Sure, it's not a Muslim ban, it doesn't include countries that the US finds convenient to pretend they're not strict Muslims because they happen to have a lot of oil and are willing to be two faced about their relationship with the US.

British Muslim teacher taken off US-bound flight: I was treated like a criminal

But then you have a British school teacher, on a school trip. And he gets taken off the plane. Five teachers, and the only teacher to get treated like this was called Mohammed. Oh, what a surprise.

It's not a ban, but certainly the US is making Islam the enemy, and making the lives of Muslims who go to the US much harder.

Muslims have made America their enemy.
Only fair to return the favor.
So, the right are getting all in a tizz because the Media has called Trump's attempt at a ban on 7 countries, all of the Muslim, as a Muslim ban. Sure, it's not a Muslim ban, it doesn't include countries that the US finds convenient to pretend they're not strict Muslims because they happen to have a lot of oil and are willing to be two faced about their relationship with the US.

British Muslim teacher taken off US-bound flight: I was treated like a criminal

But then you have a British school teacher, on a school trip. And he gets taken off the plane. Five teachers, and the only teacher to get treated like this was called Mohammed. Oh, what a surprise.

It's not a ban, but certainly the US is making Islam the enemy, and making the lives of Muslims who go to the US much harder.

Muslims have made America their enemy.
Only fair to return the favor.

The funny thing is, who started it? I mean, who was in whose countries causing problems?

The first attack in the USA by Muslim extremists was a shooting at Langley in 1993 (as far as I can tell). The US was in Muslim countries interfering from the end of WW2. The West has been in Muslim countries for hundreds of years, mostly the British and the French. The British essentially made Israel a country which also didn't help matters and the US has supported Israel for a long time.

The big thing in modern times though was the Iraq War, it has caused so many more problems. Very convenient for the right though, they then get to be tough on the terror and problems they created.
This is the exact point. He's British, so why should he be singled out? Oh, he's a Muslim. How many more people are getting singled out just because they have a Muslim name?
We do not know. Your news article does not know. There is noting pointing out why or even a plausible possibility of why he was removed from the flight.

I fond it interesting that you tie this into the EO that was signed by Trump when this case has literally nothing to do with that EO whatsoever at this point. Perhaps you have something of actual substance on the event?

Because if you do not, your comments are pointless conjecture and rather damaging to your position.

Well, if there were a valid reason, don't you think US officials would have given a valid reason? How can a guy be kicked off a plane without being given a valid reason?

I'm not saying this is part of the ban on 7 countries. I'm saying there is an anti-Muslim policy in place, and it's going to annoy a lot of people, you know, the sort of people who set off bombs and use guns etc. Guess who they'll target?
You clearly made that tie in your OP.

Now you are trying to move the goalposts that there is an anti-Muslim policy in place yet, again, not identifying the actual policy. I do not know if there is a viable reason or not for removing him from the place. I said as much. The point here is that you also do not know and to continue to demand that it is due to some policy or another is a complete fabrication based on what you want to think rather than facts in evidence.

Yes, I did, and I still stand by it. The point I made was that the media have been calling it a Muslim ban, I'm not calling it a Muslim ban, but that the reality is there is an anti-Muslim policy in place. The policy is not fixed, it will be changed to suit the needs of whoever gets to decide at any point in time.

No, the point seems to be that you've decided I said something that I didn't.
So now it is linked to the 'Muslim ban' that is not a Muslim ban. When you stated the opposite earlier.

If I addressed something that you did not say why not point it out?

Jeez, I stated "Muslim ban" because the media has. Don't try and score useless points for this. The title of my thread is "it's not a Muslim ban, but...", think about it.

Why point out that you decided I had said that I didn't say? Er... I don't know, maybe it pisses me off when people read something I didn't say.

Hey, you said you fucked three gay guys last night. Are you just going to accept this?
The "ban" doesn't effect the other billion or so Muslim's on earth which official makes it the shittiest attempt at a "ban" in human history.

No, the ban doesn't, however (the point of my thread) was that the policy of the government DOES. How is it that a dude from Wales who happens to be a Muslim, and who has gained the ability to go VISA FREE to the USA based on a treaty the US and UK have, gets denied simply because he's a Muslim? That's a problem. Other people are getting problems too.
We do not know. Your news article does not know. There is noting pointing out why or even a plausible possibility of why he was removed from the flight.

I fond it interesting that you tie this into the EO that was signed by Trump when this case has literally nothing to do with that EO whatsoever at this point. Perhaps you have something of actual substance on the event?

Because if you do not, your comments are pointless conjecture and rather damaging to your position.

Well, if there were a valid reason, don't you think US officials would have given a valid reason? How can a guy be kicked off a plane without being given a valid reason?

I'm not saying this is part of the ban on 7 countries. I'm saying there is an anti-Muslim policy in place, and it's going to annoy a lot of people, you know, the sort of people who set off bombs and use guns etc. Guess who they'll target?
You clearly made that tie in your OP.

Now you are trying to move the goalposts that there is an anti-Muslim policy in place yet, again, not identifying the actual policy. I do not know if there is a viable reason or not for removing him from the place. I said as much. The point here is that you also do not know and to continue to demand that it is due to some policy or another is a complete fabrication based on what you want to think rather than facts in evidence.

Yes, I did, and I still stand by it. The point I made was that the media have been calling it a Muslim ban, I'm not calling it a Muslim ban, but that the reality is there is an anti-Muslim policy in place. The policy is not fixed, it will be changed to suit the needs of whoever gets to decide at any point in time.

No, the point seems to be that you've decided I said something that I didn't.
So now it is linked to the 'Muslim ban' that is not a Muslim ban. When you stated the opposite earlier.

If I addressed something that you did not say why not point it out?

Jeez, I stated "Muslim ban" because the media has. Don't try and score useless points for this. The title of my thread is "it's not a Muslim ban, but...", think about it.

Why point out that you decided I had said that I didn't say? Er... I don't know, maybe it pisses me off when people read something I didn't say.

Hey, you said you fucked three gay guys last night. Are you just going to accept this?
You did not point out what I claimed you stated that you did not.
Still waiting.
So, the right are getting all in a tizz because the Media has called Trump's attempt at a ban on 7 countries, all of the Muslim, as a Muslim ban. Sure, it's not a Muslim ban, it doesn't include countries that the US finds convenient to pretend they're not strict Muslims because they happen to have a lot of oil and are willing to be two faced about their relationship with the US.

British Muslim teacher taken off US-bound flight: I was treated like a criminal

But then you have a British school teacher, on a school trip. And he gets taken off the plane. Five teachers, and the only teacher to get treated like this was called Mohammed. Oh, what a surprise.

It's not a ban, but certainly the US is making Islam the enemy, and making the lives of Muslims who go to the US much harder.

Asswipe...there are 50 muslim majority countries in the world....only 7 of them have a 90 day temporary hold on immigration...

1) how is 7 out of 50 muslim countries a "muslim ban?"

2) how is a 90 day temporary hold a ban?

3) Indonesia is the country with the largest muslim population and is not an oil country that we depend how does that make it a muslim ban of only "convenient" muslim countries....?

You are a dumb f**k
So, the right are getting all in a tizz because the Media has called Trump's attempt at a ban on 7 countries, all of the Muslim, as a Muslim ban. Sure, it's not a Muslim ban, it doesn't include countries that the US finds convenient to pretend they're not strict Muslims because they happen to have a lot of oil and are willing to be two faced about their relationship with the US.

British Muslim teacher taken off US-bound flight: I was treated like a criminal

But then you have a British school teacher, on a school trip. And he gets taken off the plane. Five teachers, and the only teacher to get treated like this was called Mohammed. Oh, what a surprise.

It's not a ban, but certainly the US is making Islam the enemy, and making the lives of Muslims who go to the US much harder.

Hey moron.....this is why we don't want gun owners to be placed on no fly/no buy lists..........this guy more than likely had a name that matched a known terrorist and was pulled out because of that.....the no fly list......

you are such a moron...this thread was over as soon as you started typing.....
We have refugee's here in Twin Falls, Idaho
When you ask them what they're fleeing from the usual reply is, "I don't know."
Makes me wonder if they're basically being herded up like slave ships over there.
We have refugee's here in Twin Falls, Idaho
When you ask them what they're fleeing from the usual reply is, "I don't know."
Makes me wonder if they're basically being herded up like slave ships over there.

The democrats want the votes...they don't care about anything else.....
So, the right are getting all in a tizz because the Media has called Trump's attempt at a ban on 7 countries, all of the Muslim, as a Muslim ban. Sure, it's not a Muslim ban, it doesn't include countries that the US finds convenient to pretend they're not strict Muslims because they happen to have a lot of oil and are willing to be two faced about their relationship with the US.

British Muslim teacher taken off US-bound flight: I was treated like a criminal

But then you have a British school teacher, on a school trip. And he gets taken off the plane. Five teachers, and the only teacher to get treated like this was called Mohammed. Oh, what a surprise.

It's not a ban, but certainly the US is making Islam the enemy, and making the lives of Muslims who go to the US much harder.

Muslims have made America their enemy.
Only fair to return the favor.

The funny thing is, who started it? I mean, who was in whose countries causing problems?

The first attack in the USA by Muslim extremists was a shooting at Langley in 1993 (as far as I can tell). The US was in Muslim countries interfering from the end of WW2. The West has been in Muslim countries for hundreds of years, mostly the British and the French. The British essentially made Israel a country which also didn't help matters and the US has supported Israel for a long time.

The big thing in modern times though was the Iraq War, it has caused so many more problems. Very convenient for the right though, they then get to be tough on the terror and problems they created.

So? Totally beside the point. There is a hugh difference between "causing problems" and deliberate terrorism that most especially targets civilian women and children.
So, the right are getting all in a tizz because the Media has called Trump's attempt at a ban on 7 countries, all of the Muslim, as a Muslim ban. Sure, it's not a Muslim ban, it doesn't include countries that the US finds convenient to pretend they're not strict Muslims because they happen to have a lot of oil and are willing to be two faced about their relationship with the US.

British Muslim teacher taken off US-bound flight: I was treated like a criminal

But then you have a British school teacher, on a school trip. And he gets taken off the plane. Five teachers, and the only teacher to get treated like this was called Mohammed. Oh, what a surprise.

It's not a ban, but certainly the US is making Islam the enemy, and making the lives of Muslims who go to the US much harder.

Muslims have made America their enemy.
Only fair to return the favor.

The funny thing is, who started it? I mean, who was in whose countries causing problems?

The first attack in the USA by Muslim extremists was a shooting at Langley in 1993 (as far as I can tell). The US was in Muslim countries interfering from the end of WW2. The West has been in Muslim countries for hundreds of years, mostly the British and the French. The British essentially made Israel a country which also didn't help matters and the US has supported Israel for a long time.

The big thing in modern times though was the Iraq War, it has caused so many more problems. Very convenient for the right though, they then get to be tough on the terror and problems they created.

So? Totally beside the point. There is a hugh difference between "causing problems" and deliberate terrorism that most especially targets civilian women and children.

Yes, there's a huge difference. There's a huge difference between apples and oranges, but they're both fruit.

The actions of the US will haunt the world for decades, if not centuries. The invasion of Iraq will go down as one of the defining moments of the 21st Century, for all the wrong reasons. Someone makes a terrorist attack, the impact is usually not that far reaching, but the invasion of Iraq.... much worse.
Well, if there were a valid reason, don't you think US officials would have given a valid reason? How can a guy be kicked off a plane without being given a valid reason?

I'm not saying this is part of the ban on 7 countries. I'm saying there is an anti-Muslim policy in place, and it's going to annoy a lot of people, you know, the sort of people who set off bombs and use guns etc. Guess who they'll target?
You clearly made that tie in your OP.

Now you are trying to move the goalposts that there is an anti-Muslim policy in place yet, again, not identifying the actual policy. I do not know if there is a viable reason or not for removing him from the place. I said as much. The point here is that you also do not know and to continue to demand that it is due to some policy or another is a complete fabrication based on what you want to think rather than facts in evidence.

Yes, I did, and I still stand by it. The point I made was that the media have been calling it a Muslim ban, I'm not calling it a Muslim ban, but that the reality is there is an anti-Muslim policy in place. The policy is not fixed, it will be changed to suit the needs of whoever gets to decide at any point in time.

No, the point seems to be that you've decided I said something that I didn't.
So now it is linked to the 'Muslim ban' that is not a Muslim ban. When you stated the opposite earlier.

If I addressed something that you did not say why not point it out?

Jeez, I stated "Muslim ban" because the media has. Don't try and score useless points for this. The title of my thread is "it's not a Muslim ban, but...", think about it.

Why point out that you decided I had said that I didn't say? Er... I don't know, maybe it pisses me off when people read something I didn't say.

Hey, you said you fucked three gay guys last night. Are you just going to accept this?
You did not point out what I claimed you stated that you did not.
Still waiting.

Whatever... I'm not interest in this bullshit.
You clearly made that tie in your OP.

Now you are trying to move the goalposts that there is an anti-Muslim policy in place yet, again, not identifying the actual policy. I do not know if there is a viable reason or not for removing him from the place. I said as much. The point here is that you also do not know and to continue to demand that it is due to some policy or another is a complete fabrication based on what you want to think rather than facts in evidence.

Yes, I did, and I still stand by it. The point I made was that the media have been calling it a Muslim ban, I'm not calling it a Muslim ban, but that the reality is there is an anti-Muslim policy in place. The policy is not fixed, it will be changed to suit the needs of whoever gets to decide at any point in time.

No, the point seems to be that you've decided I said something that I didn't.
So now it is linked to the 'Muslim ban' that is not a Muslim ban. When you stated the opposite earlier.

If I addressed something that you did not say why not point it out?

Jeez, I stated "Muslim ban" because the media has. Don't try and score useless points for this. The title of my thread is "it's not a Muslim ban, but...", think about it.

Why point out that you decided I had said that I didn't say? Er... I don't know, maybe it pisses me off when people read something I didn't say.

Hey, you said you fucked three gay guys last night. Are you just going to accept this?
You did not point out what I claimed you stated that you did not.
Still waiting.

Whatever... I'm not interest in this bullshit.
You are not interested in pointing out where I put the words into your mouth?

Not really surprised as I have not done so. When your attempt at diversion is called out you run away. Come back when you want to bother substantiate your position.
Yes, I did, and I still stand by it. The point I made was that the media have been calling it a Muslim ban, I'm not calling it a Muslim ban, but that the reality is there is an anti-Muslim policy in place. The policy is not fixed, it will be changed to suit the needs of whoever gets to decide at any point in time.

No, the point seems to be that you've decided I said something that I didn't.
So now it is linked to the 'Muslim ban' that is not a Muslim ban. When you stated the opposite earlier.

If I addressed something that you did not say why not point it out?

Jeez, I stated "Muslim ban" because the media has. Don't try and score useless points for this. The title of my thread is "it's not a Muslim ban, but...", think about it.

Why point out that you decided I had said that I didn't say? Er... I don't know, maybe it pisses me off when people read something I didn't say.

Hey, you said you fucked three gay guys last night. Are you just going to accept this?
You did not point out what I claimed you stated that you did not.
Still waiting.

Whatever... I'm not interest in this bullshit.
You are not interested in pointing out where I put the words into your mouth?

Not really surprised as I have not done so. When your attempt at diversion is called out you run away. Come back when you want to bother substantiate your position.

I'm not interested in playing silly little childish games. I made my point and I made it clear enough for people to understand. So, you want to play games rather than talk about what I wrote, fine, just don't talk to me about it. I don't want your bullshit of going off topic and then starting a pointless fight.
So now it is linked to the 'Muslim ban' that is not a Muslim ban. When you stated the opposite earlier.

If I addressed something that you did not say why not point it out?

Jeez, I stated "Muslim ban" because the media has. Don't try and score useless points for this. The title of my thread is "it's not a Muslim ban, but...", think about it.

Why point out that you decided I had said that I didn't say? Er... I don't know, maybe it pisses me off when people read something I didn't say.

Hey, you said you fucked three gay guys last night. Are you just going to accept this?
You did not point out what I claimed you stated that you did not.
Still waiting.

Whatever... I'm not interest in this bullshit.
You are not interested in pointing out where I put the words into your mouth?

Not really surprised as I have not done so. When your attempt at diversion is called out you run away. Come back when you want to bother substantiate your position.

I'm not interested in playing silly little childish games. I made my point and I made it clear enough for people to understand. So, you want to play games rather than talk about what I wrote, fine, just don't talk to me about it. I don't want your bullshit.
No, no games at all. You made a charge - that I put words into your mouth.

Now back that charge up.
So, the right are getting all in a tizz because the Media has called Trump's attempt at a ban on 7 countries, all of the Muslim, as a Muslim ban. Sure, it's not a Muslim ban, it doesn't include countries that the US finds convenient to pretend they're not strict Muslims because they happen to have a lot of oil and are willing to be two faced about their relationship with the US.

British Muslim teacher taken off US-bound flight: I was treated like a criminal

But then you have a British school teacher, on a school trip. And he gets taken off the plane. Five teachers, and the only teacher to get treated like this was called Mohammed. Oh, what a surprise.

It's not a ban, but certainly the US is making Islam the enemy, and making the lives of Muslims who go to the US much harder.
How many Christians have rights in these countries? Since you're our resident justice warrior now.

So, your point is, if many Muslim countries don't give rights to Christians, then we should be equally as bad as they are? Oh, amazing.

Muslims in the Mid East region don't respect individuals that believe in other faiths, it's embedded into their culture, with a rhetoric that refers to those religious "outsiders" as infidels. They have a choice to accept and coexist among other religions, this particular faith AND culture chooses not to. As a result, our president has a constitutional obligation as well as the clear written legislation, to limit refugees and especially those who may bring harm to the citizens of this country. There isn't anything in prior legislation that says such act to limit refugees entry is based on special "permission" of the court, it DOES state the president has the ultimate authority on the issue.

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