It's Not His Fault...White Culture and Racism Did This

How dare she walk around with all that white privilege and flaunt it in his face.
Liberals condone these actions and the actions of Black Lives Matter with the " Blame it on historical white suppression " argument. Common savage needs to be put to death. Bet he is is the product of liberal welfare and public housing policies. But hey, Democratic Party will blame that on whitey too.
Convicted sex offender charged in murder of Ohio State University student
EVERY day an African in America murders and rapes a young white girl. Parents of these girls aren't doing their job.
Liberals condone these actions and the actions of Black Lives Matter with the " Blame it on historical white suppression " argument. Common savage needs to be put to death. Bet he is is the product of liberal welfare and public housing policies. But hey, Democratic Party will blame that on whitey too.
Convicted sex offender charged in murder of Ohio State University student
BLM is a racist terrorist Marxist organization.
Yet anther Trumpette who has no clue what BLM is all about.
Liberals condone these actions and the actions of Black Lives Matter with the " Blame it on historical white suppression " argument. Common savage needs to be put to death. Bet he is is the product of liberal welfare and public housing policies. But hey, Democratic Party will blame that on whitey too.
Convicted sex offender charged in murder of Ohio State University student
You're the morons that elected a sex offender.
Nice Attemp at defelection through a lie.
Liberals condone these actions and the actions of Black Lives Matter with the " Blame it on historical white suppression " argument. Common savage needs to be put to death. Bet he is is the product of liberal welfare and public housing policies. But hey, Democratic Party will blame that on whitey too.
Convicted sex offender charged in murder of Ohio State University student
BLM is a racist terrorist Marxist organization.
Yet anther Trumpette who has no clue what BLM is all about.
BLM is a terrorist organization with no basis in truth (hands up don't shoot was a lie) and they advocate dead cops. So you condone the death of this girl?
To bad she was not armed with a hand gun. Legal process and taxpayers would be spared paying for legal expenses for the poster child of Democratic Party.
Liberals condone these actions and the actions of Black Lives Matter with the " Blame it on historical white suppression " argument. Common savage needs to be put to death. Bet he is is the product of liberal welfare and public housing policies. But hey, Democratic Party will blame that on whitey too.
Convicted sex offender charged in murder of Ohio State University student
You're the morons that elected a sex offender.
Nice Attemp at defelection through a lie.
The groper-in0chief admitted to groping women, he was accused of spousal rape, he walked into locker rooms with under aged girls, he was accused of raping a 14 year old girl.

You love him for it.
Liberals condone these actions and the actions of Black Lives Matter with the " Blame it on historical white suppression " argument. Common savage needs to be put to death. Bet he is is the product of liberal welfare and public housing policies. But hey, Democratic Party will blame that on whitey too.
Convicted sex offender charged in murder of Ohio State University student
You're the morons that elected a sex offender.

Says the man that doesn't understand the word "let".
Liberals condone these actions and the actions of Black Lives Matter with the " Blame it on historical white suppression " argument. Common savage needs to be put to death. Bet he is is the product of liberal welfare and public housing policies. But hey, Democratic Party will blame that on whitey too.
Convicted sex offender charged in murder of Ohio State University student
BLM is a racist terrorist Marxist organization.
Yet anther Trumpette who has no clue what BLM is all about.
BLM is a terrorist organization with no basis in truth (hands up don't shoot was a lie) and they advocate dead cops. So you condone the death of this girl?
BLM is about the killing of black men by law enforcement & others without investigation by police.

Has nothing to do with the rape in your story. I do not condone rape. You did when you voted for Trump. I guess to you, it is OK for wealthy white men to abuse women.
Liberals condone these actions and the actions of Black Lives Matter with the " Blame it on historical white suppression " argument. Common savage needs to be put to death. Bet he is is the product of liberal welfare and public housing policies. But hey, Democratic Party will blame that on whitey too.
Convicted sex offender charged in murder of Ohio State University student
You're the morons that elected a sex offender.
Nice Attemp at defelection through a lie.
The groper-in0chief admitted to groping women, he was accused of spousal rape, he walked into locker rooms with under aged girls, he was accused of raping a 14 year old girl.

You love him for it.

He stated that when you are rich and famous, that women will LET you group them.

THat you lie about that, shows that on some level you know that your position is bullshit.
Liberals condone these actions and the actions of Black Lives Matter with the " Blame it on historical white suppression " argument. Common savage needs to be put to death. Bet he is is the product of liberal welfare and public housing policies. But hey, Democratic Party will blame that on whitey too.
Convicted sex offender charged in murder of Ohio State University student
You're the morons that elected a sex offender.
Nice Attemp at defelection through a lie.
The groper-in0chief admitted to groping women, he was accused of spousal rape, he walked into locker rooms with under aged girls, he was accused of raping a 14 year old girl.

You love him for it.

He stated that when you are rich and famous, that women will LET you group them.

THat you lie about that, shows that on some level you know that your position is bullshit.

So he asked permission first? No. You lying fuck. He used his power & wealth to molest women. And assholes like you defend this.
Liberals condone these actions and the actions of Black Lives Matter with the " Blame it on historical white suppression " argument. Common savage needs to be put to death. Bet he is is the product of liberal welfare and public housing policies. But hey, Democratic Party will blame that on whitey too.
Convicted sex offender charged in murder of Ohio State University student
You're the morons that elected a sex offender.
I never voted for Bill Clinton, but what has that got to do with the threads topic.
Liberals condone these actions and the actions of Black Lives Matter with the " Blame it on historical white suppression " argument. Common savage needs to be put to death. Bet he is is the product of liberal welfare and public housing policies. But hey, Democratic Party will blame that on whitey too.
Convicted sex offender charged in murder of Ohio State University student
You're the morons that elected a sex offender.
Nice Attemp at defelection through a lie.
The groper-in0chief admitted to groping women, he was accused of spousal rape, he walked into locker rooms with under aged girls, he was accused of raping a 14 year old girl.

You love him for it.

He stated that when you are rich and famous, that women will LET you group them.

THat you lie about that, shows that on some level you know that your position is bullshit.

So he asked permission first? No. You lying fuck. He used his power & wealth to molest women. And assholes like you defend this.
Im wondering why your post isn't deleted by the mods. Complete hijacking of this thread
Not that this thread deserves participation, but it is an prime example of the silliness of American political "debate". The same old same old, the tired and trite epithets and insults fly.
The 'right' finds the bleeding-heart 'left' to be disgustingly and falsely humanistic and trot out perfect examples to illustrate the point.
The 'left' finds the heartless 'right' to be disgustingly and genuinely incapable of humanity and trot out perfect examples to illustrate the point.
Some of us agree in both cases.
Some of us are tired of both cases.
It is all hot air, serving only to vent spleen.
The problem is, we become inured to the seriousness of things like war and dying when they are tossed around and tossed off so often.
Get it all out there, then. Perhaps that way, someday, all of us will be tired enough both.
Liberals condone these actions and the actions of Black Lives Matter with the " Blame it on historical white suppression " argument. Common savage needs to be put to death. Bet he is is the product of liberal welfare and public housing policies. But hey, Democratic Party will blame that on whitey too.
Convicted sex offender charged in murder of Ohio State University student
Who exactly is claiming this PoS is not responsible for the rape and murder because of white culture and racism? And what on earth does this story have to do with BLM?
Liberals condone these actions and the actions of Black Lives Matter with the " Blame it on historical white suppression " argument. Common savage needs to be put to death. Bet he is is the product of liberal welfare and public housing policies. But hey, Democratic Party will blame that on whitey too.
Convicted sex offender charged in murder of Ohio State University student
EVERY day an African in America murders and rapes a young white girl. Parents of these girls aren't doing their job.
Would it be better if the girls were raped and murdered by Asians? or Whites?
Kinda funny how you never hear of white guys raping and murdering black girls.

This is the exact problem that segregationists warned would happen,
there's no denying that fact.

The ****** should get the death penalty with the method chosen by the victim's father.

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