It's Not Over


Gold Member
Mar 4, 2013
The militia kooks and anti-government websites may call it a "watershed moment" but confronting law enforcement officers with guns will do nothing but put an end to their sad little movements.

Energized by their success, Bundy’s supporters are already talking about where else they can exercise armed defiance. They include groups deeply suspicious of what they see as a bloated, over-reaching government they fear wants to restrict their constitutional right to bear arms.

Alex Jones, a radio host and anti-government conspiracy theorist whose popular right-wing website, Infowars, helped popularize Bundy’s dispute, called it a watershed moment.

“Americans showed up with guns and said, ‘No, you’re not,” before confronting the armed BLM agents, Jones said in a telephone interview. “And they said, ‘Shoot us.’ And they did not. That’s epic. And it’s going to happen more.”

Newsflash! This country does not operate on disobeying law, surrounding someone with guns to prevent enforcement of laws, and walk away from it.

There are, at most, 60,000 militia members in this country.

How long do you think it would take a few well-placed drones to take out these domestic terrorists?
This just in...militias firing on areas around the reserve, almost killing a three year old child.
Your first mistake is assuming drones used by law enforcement will be the same as drones used by the military, bristling with Hellfires. This is an erroneous assumption.

I am sure Alex Jones is creaming his sweat-soaked pants over this Bundy standoff. And you can be sure some of those gun toting militia can't wait for a shooting war to start.

It is precisely because of the hair-trigger mindset of these goons that the government tread very carefully around them. Law enforcement understands these yahoos need only the slightest excuse to start a real bloodbath. A bloodbath that would end with a lot of dead paranoid retards which other paranoid retards like Alex Jones would exploit to the hilt. Jones would dine out for years on a "massacre" of these idiots.

The retards did not win a victory, though they think they did and Jones is telling them they did. What this actually was, was a prevention of a mass suicide.
You blood thirsty lefties seem awfully anxious to see government troops firing on American citizens.
Ack, the feds are just going to bury the guy in court filings and make sure they, and not the guy's heirs, end up owning the ranch when he kicks from natl causes.

Hopefully the Alex Jones charlatans will not incite the nuts to bomb another court house.
They didn't confront law officials. The case will go back to court and the feds will win. Nobody has the unlimited resources of the fed.
You blood thirsty lefties seem awfully anxious to see government troops firing on American citizens.

Predicting the outcome of a particular course of events is not the same as wishing for that outcome or that course of events.

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