It's not that liberals hate wealth; They hate people.


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
We have to understand liberals a bit better in this campaign. We are saying they hate the rich, they hate wealth. No. Thats not accurate.

They LOVE rich people like Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, Will Smith, George Clooney. Entertainers who provide NOTHING to society except...well...entertainment.

They LOVE rich people like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs and the Facebook guy. The people who make the very gadgets libtards use to get on here and rant.

The LOVE rich athletes and singers. Jay-Z. LeBron James. Like or hate their music or sports team, they dont protest those people being rich.

And of course, they absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE rich people like Barack Obama, Al Gore, George Soros, John Kerry, John Edwards, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid. Yes, those rich people they love.

So, it's not that liberals hate wealth. They hate PEOPLE. But only certain people. It's why liberals LOVE to classify us in little subgroups:

The 99% vs 1%
African-Americans, Indian-Americans, Asian-Americans, Hispanic-Americans.
Gay, Lesbian, Transexual.
"Workers" vs "CEO's"

They must classify us as smaller groups, so they can tell one group (see above names) who else to hate.

So who does the left hate?

Rich white business men who aren't involved in entertainment, music, sports or social gadgetry.
Oil men.
Traditional Christians.
Non-left wing people of the South.
People who drive SUV's (but dont vote Dem).
Military people who dont vote for the left wing (or who fight Republican wars).

It's not that they hate your wealth. No no no. It's that they hate the person with the wealth. They just dont want YOU to have it. George Clooney? Bill Gates? Rapper 50 Cent? Sure, they are fine with wealth. Just not YOU. You arent cool, and hip, and left wing, and radical. You didn't invent the Iphone18. You dont wear a hoodie to work. Your job may involve firing someone.

And thus, the left hates you. And taking your wealth is just one form of their hate.
You can't get rich without being evil. You can't get rich without hurting Gaia. You can't get rich without exploiting brown babies in Africa. You can't get rich without throwing puppies into rush hour traffic.

Therefore, rich people should pay off my student loan.

Don't worry. I did not get a college degree that will help me to become rich. I have a PhD in Applied Whining.

If you got rich the right way, like Soros, then you understand that we need to take your money to pay for my loans.
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Hmm. I see no liberals wanted to disagree with me on this since I posted it early today.

Well there we have it. Thats one campaign myth we can discard.

Liberals do not hate wealth, they hate people.

Now, we can keep framing the debate with further truths of liberalism.

Such as, to a liberal, race matters.....A LOT.

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