'Its Not YOUR Decision If I 'NEED' An AR-15'. Washibgton Gov Signs Constitution-Violating Bill Into Law

Maybe you’re making up shit, but my contention has always been, machine guns ARE well REGULATED and because of that, have presented FEWER problems. That we don’t have the crime numbers with machine guns shows everyone with a brain, that regulations WORKS.
Good for you.
So you agree, machine guns should be well regulated.
Supply and demand makes the average machine gun worth $2,000 to $8,000, and
in the possession of someone who went through all the red tape, including getting finger printed, in order to buy one. So that owner isn't going to break the law to transfer it to someone who hasn't gone through the same red tape.
The owners will also be very responsible with their toys, keeping them locked up securely, so they don't get stolen, and end up in a bad guys hands.
I’m not, you are. It’s pretty obvious, if you want to change behavior, you regulate it. Case closed. Problem is, raising the price of a firearm isn’t the same as regulating it.
Think about it. The regulations require both the buyer and the seller be finger printed before making the transaction.

So it's not the cost, since bad guys can steal the money. It's the regulations, because what criminal is going to get fingerprinted BEFORE committing a crime?
Think about it. The regulations require both the buyer and the seller be finger printed before making the transaction.

So it's not the cost, since bad guys can steal the money. It's the regulations, because what criminal is going to get fingerprinted BEFORE committing a crime?
The entire process takes months.
The entire process takes months.
Which means no spur of the moment, in the heat of passion revenge purchases.

Any use of the weapon would have to be planned up to a year in advance, which makes what they do a 1st degree felony. Another regulatory success.

If a Democrat / snowflake EVER asks you, 'Why do you NEED an AR-15' respond to them by saying, 'IT'S NONE OF YOUR F*ING BUSINESS!'

The Constitution protects the rights of Americans to own guns - that right may NOT be unfringed upon...even if liberals, Democrats, and snowflakes want to get up in your business and demand to know why you 'NEED' a gun!

Its not their business, and THEIR OPINION of what you need or do not need has nothing to do with your Constitutional right to own weapons.

Please, USSC, stomp this shit out of this ASAP.

I would like to say one day Democrats will stop trying to violate the Constitution and strip us of our rights ... but its never going to happen.
The statist left do possess a substantial history of "Unreasonable Fear" on a variety of topics. This has led those into the religion of groupthink, also coined as "follow the leader" into a hive mentality. The difference between folks that support GUARANTEED 'INDIVIDUAL' CONSTITUTIONALLY BASED RIGHTS vs. those that support adopting a hive mentality is as follows;

1) Those of us Americans who believe in &/or actively support our U.S. Constitution & BoR in its Original Intent(critical) REALIZE that it takes a shared MORALITY towards & between our fellow Americans to make it work. Both dignity & respect come to mind here.

2) Those Americans that adopt the hive mentality have no need for the above mentioned "values" that I listed. Following ones 'self appointed' leader blindly is as simple as riding oneself of critical thinking & morality & let their hive leader do the thinking for them.

The end result for #1 is a drive for preservation of human life(hopefully other precious creatures also) from conception to & through eternity in a secure/loving life bonded together by mutual respect for one another through the Word(ultra-critical).

The end result for #2 shows up so far throughout recorded history with quite a different track record than the #1 crowd has achieved.

I agree 101% with your opinions stated in this post of yours! Don't despair for what you are witnessing in todays America has got to happen as it's looking like harvest time, the separating of the wheat from the chaff. We want to concentrate upon salvaging as much wheat as will listen as it looks to be a good chance that the FINAL harvest is coming up. There are two trains coming into our station like make absolutely sure you have the Word in hand so you can board the 1st train. Likewise if you miss the 1st train then AVOID the 2nd train @ any & all costs to you.

On a lighter subject I am posting my FAVORITE & very DEER to me vid in hopes it will give you a chuckle(innocence here to the MAX!)

My opinion is not popular in some circles but I don't want to them available.
They aren’t. They are very limited in availability and impossible to put in the hands of criminals without putting suppliers in a lot of jeopardy, regardless of how much money you have.

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