'Its Not YOUR Decision If I 'NEED' An AR-15'. Washibgton Gov Signs Constitution-Violating Bill Into Law

Still proving you're moron?
Nope. Your moronic comments put you in a class of your own. Wow, $200 saves lives. Let’s just put a $200 stamp tax on AR15 platform rifles and high cap pistols and sell them to anyone. By you’re reasoning, there will be fewer then two firearm deaths over the next 10 years.
It is not the regulation. It is the cost. The tax stamp is 200 bucks per weapon in 1934. It still is today. In 34 Tht was a lot of money.

It is the cost of the machine guns themselves. Tens of thousands of dollars.

So back to the type of regulation you want.

Is your problem you can't read, comprehend or dishonesty?

Is your problem you can't read, comprehend or dishonesty?
Hilarious. Still floating that same bullshit line. Police forces today are converting their AR15 platforms to full auto For minimal amounts. Why aren’t criminals doing it foolish. Tell us. You are ignorant at how physically easy to do for many firearms . And you claim to be a smart gun a holic. Hilarious..
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Hilarious. Still floating that same bullshit line. Police forces today are converting their AR15 platforms to full auto For minimal amounts. Why aren’t criminals doing it foolish. Tell us. You are ignorant at how physically easy to do for many firearms . And you claim to be a smart gun a holic. HilRious.

Has nothing to do with our discussion. Nice reframe strawman argument.

Has nothing to do with our discussion. Nice reframe strawman argument.

If has everything idiot. You’re afraid to go there simply because you know being in possession of a machine gun today without proper licenses is a $250,000 fine and ten years in jail. But no, stupid, you keep saying it’s a $200 tax.
If has everything idiot. You’re afraid to go there simply because you know being in possession of a machine gun today without proper licenses is a $250,000 fine and ten years in jail. But no, stupid, you keep saying it’s a $200 tax.
Never said that. I posted what I said. Yeah, you’re a liar.
Nope. Your moronic comments put you in a class of your own. Wow, $200 saves lives. Let’s just put a $200 stamp tax on AR15 platform rifles and high cap pistols and sell them to anyone. By you’re reasoning, there will be fewer then two firearm deaths over the next 10 years.

I showd you yesterday that that $200 fee would have cost over #4,000 in the mid 30s.

But you continue your stupidity.
Hilarious. Still floating that same bullshit line. Police forces today are converting their AR15 platforms to full auto For minimal amounts. Why aren’t criminals doing it foolish. Tell us. You are ignorant at how physically easy to do for many firearms . And you claim to be a smart gun a holic. Hilarious..
Police forces today are converting their AR15 platforms to full auto
I did some research.

seems you pulled it out of your ass,

should have pulled your head out at the same time.
Do you admit that a $20 device can be used to convert some semi auto firearms to full auto ? Yes or no.
Which is stupid considering the tax is still $200 now dufus.
and in the early 20s, that was also the approximate price of machine gun.

what is it now?

as I keep pointing out, YOU'RE STUPID
and in the early 20s, that was also the approximate price of machine gun.

what is it now?

as I keep pointing out, YOU'RE STUPID
It’s not $200 . The fines are up to $250,000 and the jail term is up to 10 years idiot. You can convert many semi autos to full autos with a $20 part ignoramus.
Yup, and the company is making parts for law enforcement did for “situational awareness.”
Thats called TRAINING. Look it up dufus.
post a link, stupid.

On second thought, don't bother.

I won't see it any way.


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