It's Obvious, Trump Cares Nothing About the Nation, He’s In It For Himself

Conservatives are much too naive, or ignorant, or just plain stupid to see the reality of the Big Orange Idiot’s single-minded agenda as president.

The conservatives absolute denial of truth gives them comfort, but does not change facts. The facts are, every move taken by Big Orange proves his only goals are self-aggrandisement and to line his own pockets.

Typically, conservatives refuse to see all that is staring them in their faces, and it’s been this way for decades. They blind themselves to the failure of “Trickle Down”. They believe universal healthcare is unnecessary. The list of conservative folly, denial of reality, and tortuous logic is long. And, coupled with their extreme naiveté, permits them to remain as content with the status quo as children in a playground. This is the only reason they foolishly giggle or respond with total nonsense when confronted with the truth.

Watch and see.'s-more-obvious-than.html


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I take it that heretofore you believed that Conservatives were a good thing.
I love it when you liberals claim Trump is doing this to "line his pockets"!

How stupid does one have to be to spend millions of his own money to get elected, then elect to donate his salary, and expect to make millions on top of the billions he already has? What more could the man possibly want in life? Another billion? What good does that do him?
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Well, I think none of the politicians really care about this nation, if they did we wouldn't have jobs being given to foreigners like illegals, or outsourced jobs.

That's how free markets and capitalism work. It's done wonders for us here, but it seems the people have resurrected the pre-civil rights Democrat party under the banner of the modern GOP. Unless things change, the U.S. will decline and eventually be just another country.

Oh really?
So, taking American jobs, and giving them to foreigners is "Doing wonders for us"?
But, not only does it undermine wages, it takes jobs out of our hands.
How is this beneficial, exactly?
If we use massive artificial controls on the market to keep people employed in positions that braindead robots can do for nothing, and that homeless foreigners can do for a few cents an hour, then we'll fall the same as the USSR did.

We are not the lone world superpower because we spent the last century pursuing extreme populism.

We're the world's lone superpower because of the trillions spent getting to that position. The soviet union crashed for the same reason.

Wrong. The U.S. thrived for decades, as the USSR spent those same decades collapsing. Socialism/populism are terrible forms of government.

We thrived for decades but it's coming to an end. Look at our debt in the trillions. This is not the sign of a wealthy nation. Another indication is our place behind many other nations as far as education and health care are concerned.
A typical liberal screed. Trump is a self-centered poopyhead, and everybody except liberals is too dumb and stupid to realize it. And I hate you, I hate you, I hate you.

That's what most liberal posts amount to nowadays.

Well, I think none of the politicians really care about this nation, if they did we wouldn't have jobs being given to foreigners like illegals, or outsourced jobs.

That's how free markets and capitalism work. It's done wonders for us here, but it seems the people have resurrected the pre-civil rights Democrat party under the banner of the modern GOP. Unless things change, the U.S. will decline and eventually be just another country.

Oh really?
So, taking American jobs, and giving them to foreigners is "Doing wonders for us"?
But, not only does it undermine wages, it takes jobs out of our hands.
How is this beneficial, exactly?
If we use massive artificial controls on the market to keep people employed in positions that braindead robots can do for nothing, and that homeless foreigners can do for a few cents an hour, then we'll fall the same as the USSR did.

We are not the lone world superpower because we spent the last century pursuing extreme populism.
So robots are doing the jobs?
Then why do CEOs keep saying we need millions of super educated Indians?
And now it's becoming South Koreans.
Who needs them when we have robots?
You're a traitor point blank

Wow. Well fuck you, you piece of shit. Learn a skill. If you can't get a job because you have the same qualifications as a homeless Haitian, blame yourself and not the government.

Typical unpatriotic Capitalist swine, oh it's American's fault for wanting a decent pay , when the third-World riff-raffs will work for cheaper, undermining our economy.
You pompous prick. Look at you spitting on poor "third-world riff-raffs" because you think you're owed more than they are by the world. Fun fact: nobody owes you a damn thing.

This isn't their country, why should they be entitled to OUR JOBS?

You put Capitalism above Americans.

Just proof of your lack of regard for this country.

Not that I regard this country highly, either.

Unfortunately it's filled with people of a British background who tend to be Capitalist scums just like you.
It obvious that Bert is a man in search of a clue. He keeps looking for one on this board and obviously hasn't found one yet.
That's how free markets and capitalism work. It's done wonders for us here, but it seems the people have resurrected the pre-civil rights Democrat party under the banner of the modern GOP. Unless things change, the U.S. will decline and eventually be just another country.

Oh really?
So, taking American jobs, and giving them to foreigners is "Doing wonders for us"?
But, not only does it undermine wages, it takes jobs out of our hands.
How is this beneficial, exactly?
If we use massive artificial controls on the market to keep people employed in positions that braindead robots can do for nothing, and that homeless foreigners can do for a few cents an hour, then we'll fall the same as the USSR did.

We are not the lone world superpower because we spent the last century pursuing extreme populism.

We're the world's lone superpower because of the trillions spent getting to that position. The soviet union crashed for the same reason.

Wrong. The U.S. thrived for decades, as the USSR spent those same decades collapsing. Socialism/populism are terrible forms of government.

We thrived for decades but it's coming to an end. Look at our debt in the trillions. This is not the sign of a wealthy nation. Another indication is our place behind many other nations as far as education and health care are concerned.
So you want to turn to socialism. Fuckin' A.
So robots are doing the jobs?
Then why do CEOs keep saying we need millions of super educated Indians?

Quote one then.
Go to YouTube and watch any interview with Bill Gates.
Then come back and apologize.
The onus is on you. It should be easy for you to quote him then. Go on.
Thanks for admitting you don't watch any Sunday morning news show.
Please explain why Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio were going to boost Business Visas to 500,000 a year when all this mindless work is being done by robots.
Oh really?
So, taking American jobs, and giving them to foreigners is "Doing wonders for us"?

Well, nitwit.......Consider this...

A few days ago a CA farmer of watermelons stated that HALF of his crop had to be abandoned as waste because NO city dweller wanted to work in the hot son AND the Mexican migrant workers did not want to tangle with the Trump thugs at ICE....

So, not only is what you state a fucking lie, but we get less watermelons this summer and those we get become more expensive (supply and demand realities.)

Lots of Americans used to pick crops back in the day. I remember in the '50s, neighbors of mine doing it on weekends for extra money. This included the children. You could drive throught the central valley of California and see whites picking crops. Even Caesar Chavez campaigned against the wetbacks coming here and lowering farm wages.
Oh really?
So, taking American jobs, and giving them to foreigners is "Doing wonders for us"?

Well, nitwit.......Consider this...

A few days ago a CA farmer of watermelons stated that HALF of his crop had to be abandoned as waste because NO city dweller wanted to work in the hot son AND the Mexican migrant workers did not want to tangle with the Trump thugs at ICE....

So, not only is what you state a fucking lie, but we get less watermelons this summer and those we get become more expensive (supply and demand realities.)

Lots of Americans used to pick crops back in the day. I remember in the '50s, neighbors of mine doing it on weekends for extra money. This included the children. You could drive throught the central valley of California and see whites picking crops. Even Caesar Chavez campaigned against the wetbacks coming here and lowering farm wages.
Fucking greedy neo-Cons want all the cheap ass labor they can get.
Not that I regard this country highly

^ And there it is. Good luck with your pursuit of communism you little shit.

I don't support Communism, I support throwing those who hire illegals, or outsource jobs behind bars.

Why should they party at our expense?

American workers built these companies, now they backstab us.
You spent the entire thread supporting communism. Don't backpedal now.
Conservatives are much too naive, or ignorant, or just plain stupid to see the reality of the Big Orange Idiot’s single-minded agenda as president.

The conservatives absolute denial of truth gives them comfort, but does not change facts. The facts are, every move taken by Big Orange proves his only goals are self-aggrandisement and to line his own pockets.

Typically, conservatives refuse to see all that is staring them in their faces, and it’s been this way for decades. They blind themselves to the failure of “Trickle Down”. They believe universal healthcare is unnecessary. The list of conservative folly, denial of reality, and tortuous logic is long. And, coupled with their extreme naiveté, permits them to remain as content with the status quo as children in a playground. This is the only reason they foolishly giggle or respond with total nonsense when confronted with the truth.

Watch and see.'s-more-obvious-than.html


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it really isn't even "trump care"... he just wants to say he won something. it's Ryan's dream of destroying the working class and poor....

Sucks to be him then. Obama beat him to it
Well, I think none of the politicians really care about this nation, if they did we wouldn't have jobs being given to foreigners like illegals, or outsourced jobs.

it's not the politicians making those decisions, it is the CEOs on multi-million dollar salaries that are...

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