It's official BLM calls off roundup and will pull out next 1-3 days

If the BLM truly has killed cattle, then it becomes an illegal taking case and the whole mess starts again. Bundy was clearly in the wrong, but if the BLM did what is claimed that is far worse in the eyes of the ordinary citizen and no matter how wrong Bundy was that one act will make him the injured party here.

According to ever news source I found, the BLM hired contractors to remove the cattle. They did not slaughter them as the reactionaries want to claim.

See, you libfags use words like "reactionary" and then turn around and wonder why people call you socialists. How about you stop using language right out of a speech from Lenin?

Lenin and Stalin would be proud of the work of the BLM, so your position here isn't surprising.
"The court is unconstitutional and illegitimate,"

Nonsense statement above. Step along.
If the BLM truly has killed cattle, then it becomes an illegal taking case and the whole mess starts again. Bundy was clearly in the wrong, but if the BLM did what is claimed that is far worse in the eyes of the ordinary citizen and no matter how wrong Bundy was that one act will make him the injured party here.

According to ever news source I found, the BLM hired contractors to remove the cattle. They did not slaughter them as the reactionaries want to claim.

See, you libfags use words like "reactionary" and then turn around and wonder why people call you socialists. How about you stop using language right out of a speech from Lenin?

Lenin and Stalin would be proud of the work of the BLM, so your position here isn't surprising.

I call them reactionaries because they lie about the feds slaughtering Bundy's cattle in order to get a reaction.

Did they slaughter the cattle?? Several posters support your side have claimed it repeatedly. I don't see you correcting them or asking that they stick with the actual facts.

There have been so many sensationalistic lies told on these threads it has gotten ridiculous.
CaféAuLait;8923488 said:
OMG it's federal law, federal land!!! How dare he! It's hilarious to see this response to a few cows grazing on 150 acres of 600,000 acres. 6 million people a year visit, trample, camp, gold pan, hunt, fish, kill grass each year and much more for free! But this one man is 'breaking federal law' while we have millions and million of people breaking federal law coming to this country illegally and nothing done or they are encouraged to stay. . GMAB. It's silly to bitch about federal law being broken when such is supported daily.
This isn't the issue.
U.S. agency ends Nevada cattle roundup after stand-off | Reuters

This is what you losers support:
"I'm excited that we are really fighting for our freedom, we've been losing it for a long time," Bundy said. "I used to pay grazing fees but I fired the BLM."

take him to court, and put him in jail. Be done with this farce.

The only farce is the notion that the federal government has the notion to claim land ownership by fiat, against the principles of our US Constitution, homesteading, and ancient anglo saxon common law.

This is a victory to freedom. This just shows the government will buckle and cease from committing tyrannical actions if the people stand up for their rights.

So you don't pay your taxes? Oh wait it's you....I'll just ignore you now.
"The court is unconstitutional and illegitimate,"

Nonsense statement above. Step along.

The Federal Government has no right to claim ownership of land by fiat. This land grab is a violation of Article I Section 8 Clause 17 of the Constitution. The Nevada State Legislature has at no point consented to this land grab, which goes against the principles of homesteading and common law. Now the feds are engaging in theft. They are breaking more laws by the minute.
Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17
Where in Vegas? I'm here this weekend and haven't heard a peep.

At the police department. I cannot post links on this device or I would have. How close are you to LVPD?

Did you ever find a link for your repeated claims that the feds were slaughtering the cattle?

There's an article on Drudge from the Washington Free Beacon. The Feds are refusing to say exactly how many have been killed.
Ahh, you know what just hit me? The fact that the government is more concerned about a man paying $1.1 million in back grazing fees, all the meanwhile showing little concern for the $17 trillion debt of it's own. How completely ironic. Tragic really.
According to yet another drudge report, a group of armed citizens freed the cattle taken by the feds and still alive.
At the police department. I cannot post links on this device or I would have. How close are you to LVPD?

Did you ever find a link for your repeated claims that the feds were slaughtering the cattle?

There's an article on Drudge from the Washington Free Beacon. The Feds are refusing to say exactly how many have been killed.

Not exactly. The feds are refusing to say IF they have killed any cattle.

BLM Won’t Say if They’ve Euthanized Cows in Ranch Standoff
‘We do have a protocol in terms of when we would euthanize animals’
A helicopter takes off from a staging area of Bureau of Land Management outside the Bundy ranch / AP

A helicopter takes off from a staging area of Bureau of Land Management outside the Bundy ranch / AP

BY: Elizabeth Harrington
April 11, 2014 4:00 pm

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) will not say if they have euthanized any cows in the roundup of Cliven Bundy’s cattle on public land in Nevada.

Amy Lueders, the Nevada state director for the BLM, said in a conference call Thursday evening that the agency does have a “protocol,” but would not release any numbers for animals they have found dead or that they have euthanized.

A reporter asked about heavy construction equipment that was seen coming in and out of the blockade, and whether cattle have been found dead, injured, or euthanized during the operation.

“In terms of the number that we’ve found, animals who are, I think, deceased on the range, or if we’ve had to euthanize an animal, we don’t have an answer to that question at this time,” Lueders said. “We will euthanize an animal during the impoundment if they exhibit dangerous characteristics, threaten the health and safety of the employees, display a hopeless prognosis for life.”"

But that is a far cry from your claim that they were slaughtering Bundy's cattle and burying them, now isn't it?
It is the ultimate destiny for cows to be killed. The questions is, who's eating the steaks?

Federal Bureaucrats is the answer to that one, as we all know.

We need more cowboys like this one if we are going to get this Federal Government back under control.
I can mak it to the Bundy's in about 8 hours. If Lon Horiuchi would have been involved I would have been on my way
Lon's brother Randy is a city councilman in Salt Lake City. Not so sur if he's a Mormon though.
CaféAuLait;8923488 said:
OMG it's federal law, federal land!!! How dare he! It's hilarious to see this response to a few cows grazing on 150 acres of 600,000 acres. 6 million people a year visit, trample, camp, gold pan, hunt, fish, kill grass each year and much more for free! But this one man is 'breaking federal law' while we have millions and million of people breaking federal law coming to this country illegally and nothing done or they are encouraged to stay. . GMAB. It's silly to bitch about federal law being broken when such is supported daily.
This isn't the issue.

You said he was breaking federal law... so why not complain about everyone breaking federal law?

Why is it 6 million people a year can trample the place and pay no fee for their use of public land? The rancher is supposed to pay that fee to ensure the FEDS can see if they are damaging the land. Why is it the 6 million who visit there, hunt and kill wildlife, fish, bring their horses, animals, pan for gold, camp unregulated don't have to pay a fee to ensure the land is not being hurt?

That is what I do not understand to be honest.^

Why is it more people seem to be upset at his cows grazing on 150 acres of 600,000 acres instead of other federal laws being broken?

If you are upset he is not following federal law, then one would believe there should be the same outrage for everyone not following federal law, yes?

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