It's official BLM calls off roundup and will pull out next 1-3 days

According to yet another drudge report, a group of armed citizens freed the cattle taken by the feds and still alive.

...and they're all now in hiding, being kept incommunicado at undisclosed locations by patriotic conservatives all over the country who have disguised the cattle as overweight dependent relatives who have recently applied for Social Security survivor benefits or disability due to the trauma suffered at that hands of an out of control federal bureaucracy, and a heavily-armed swat team armed with AK-47s and cattle prods who were being directed by the tyrannical regime currently entrenched in power in Washington DC.
CaféAuLait;8923854 said:
CaféAuLait;8923488 said:
OMG it's federal law, federal land!!! How dare he! It's hilarious to see this response to a few cows grazing on 150 acres of 600,000 acres. 6 million people a year visit, trample, camp, gold pan, hunt, fish, kill grass each year and much more for free! But this one man is 'breaking federal law' while we have millions and million of people breaking federal law coming to this country illegally and nothing done or they are encouraged to stay. . GMAB. It's silly to bitch about federal law being broken when such is supported daily.
This isn't the issue.

You said he was breaking federal law... so why not complain about everyone breaking federal law?

Why is it 6 million people a year can trample the place and pay no fee for their use of public land? The rancher is supposed to pay that fee to ensure the FEDS can see if they are damaging the land. Why is it the 6 million who visit there, hunt and kill wildlife, fish, bring their horses, animals, pan for gold, camp unregulated don't have to pay a fee to ensure the land is not being hurt?

That is what I do not understand to be honest.^

Why is it more people seem to be upset at his cows grazing on 150 acres of 600,000 acres instead of other federal laws being broken?

If you are upset he is not following federal law, then one would believe there should be the same outrage for everyone not following federal law, yes?

People don't care about the cows. They care he ignored BLM for 20 years and didn't pay his fees like everyone else. He should be in jail.
CaféAuLait;8923854 said:
This isn't the issue.

You said he was breaking federal law... so why not complain about everyone breaking federal law?

Why is it 6 million people a year can trample the place and pay no fee for their use of public land? The rancher is supposed to pay that fee to ensure the FEDS can see if they are damaging the land. Why is it the 6 million who visit there, hunt and kill wildlife, fish, bring their horses, animals, pan for gold, camp unregulated don't have to pay a fee to ensure the land is not being hurt?

That is what I do not understand to be honest.^

Why is it more people seem to be upset at his cows grazing on 150 acres of 600,000 acres instead of other federal laws being broken?

If you are upset he is not following federal law, then one would believe there should be the same outrage for everyone not following federal law, yes?

People don't care about the cows. They care he ignored BLM for 20 years and didn't pay his fees like everyone else. He should be in jail.


And King George III thought Washington, Jefferson, Adams and the rest who rebelled against oppressive government....well, he didn't want them in jail,,,,he wanted them hung.
CaféAuLait;8923854 said:
This isn't the issue.

You said he was breaking federal law... so why not complain about everyone breaking federal law?

Why is it 6 million people a year can trample the place and pay no fee for their use of public land? The rancher is supposed to pay that fee to ensure the FEDS can see if they are damaging the land. Why is it the 6 million who visit there, hunt and kill wildlife, fish, bring their horses, animals, pan for gold, camp unregulated don't have to pay a fee to ensure the land is not being hurt?

That is what I do not understand to be honest.^

Why is it more people seem to be upset at his cows grazing on 150 acres of 600,000 acres instead of other federal laws being broken?

If you are upset he is not following federal law, then one would believe there should be the same outrage for everyone not following federal law, yes?

People don't care about the cows. They care he ignored BLM for 20 years and didn't pay his fees like everyone else. He should be in jail.

Its not the cows, silly. It is the principal of the whole matter. If the feds are collecting fees for monitoring the land for POSSIBLE cow damage, why aren't they collecting the same for the 6 million who visit and trample the land each year? If these fees are indeed for upkeep of PUBLIC land why should everyone pay them? Why should he pay to use public land when they are not given they are most likely damaging the land and probably worse with camp fires, ATVs, cars, killing animals, killing fish, trampling of grass by horses, fecal matter, etc.

There are federal laws ignored everyday and for years at a time... why? not rise up and enforce ALL federal laws instead of only supporting the ones you agree with?
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CaféAuLait;8924170 said:
CaféAuLait;8923854 said:
You said he was breaking federal law... so why not complain about everyone breaking federal law?

Why is it 6 million people a year can trample the place and pay no fee for their use of public land? The rancher is supposed to pay that fee to ensure the FEDS can see if they are damaging the land. Why is it the 6 million who visit there, hunt and kill wildlife, fish, bring their horses, animals, pan for gold, camp unregulated don't have to pay a fee to ensure the land is not being hurt?

That is what I do not understand to be honest.^

Why is it more people seem to be upset at his cows grazing on 150 acres of 600,000 acres instead of other federal laws being broken?

If you are upset he is not following federal law, then one would believe there should be the same outrage for everyone not following federal law, yes?

People don't care about the cows. They care he ignored BLM for 20 years and didn't pay his fees like everyone else. He should be in jail.

Its not the cows, silly. It is the principal of the whole matter. If the feds are collecting fees for cow monitoring why are they collecting the same for the 6 million who visit and trample the land each year? If these fees are indeed for upkeep of PUBLIC land why should everyone pay them? The feds say they will spend 6,000 dollars per cow to be removed.

There are federal laws ignored everyday and for years at a time... why? not rise up and enforce ALL federal laws instead of only supporting the ones you agree with?

I'd assume they get money via taxes or a park fee..
Cows are different...
And next?
CaféAuLait;8924170 said:
People don't care about the cows. They care he ignored BLM for 20 years and didn't pay his fees like everyone else. He should be in jail.

Its not the cows, silly. It is the principal of the whole matter. If the feds are collecting fees for cow monitoring why are they collecting the same for the 6 million who visit and trample the land each year? If these fees are indeed for upkeep of PUBLIC land why should everyone pay them? The feds say they will spend 6,000 dollars per cow to be removed.

There are federal laws ignored everyday and for years at a time... why? not rise up and enforce ALL federal laws instead of only supporting the ones you agree with?

I'd assume they get money via taxes or a park fee..
Cows are different...
And next?

They don't, it is free for 6 million visitors to camp unregulated, build fires, kill animals, kill fish, run horses, cars, ATVs, boat on pristine lakes and rivers, pan for gold, etc. And if it goes by taxes he is paying the same tax as they are, yes? He just chooses not to use the land in the same manner, he uses it in a different manner than using then those profiting off the place as a hotel, toilet, hunting for food, play area, horse run, etc.

Gold Butte Region - Area Overview

About Gold Butte | Friends of Gold Butte

You and I both know those human activities are probably far worse for the environment than cows eating grass.
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let's see....

Ruby Ridges

All from Democratic Administrations is that a problem for you Plasma Boy?

Let's see...

Panama, Granada, Iran-Contra, Iraq and asleep at the switch for 9-11

All from Republican Administrations.

Least we forgot the 2007-2009 Great Recession.

So military adventurism is ok when it is waged upon American citizens? Good to know your position there, dipshit.

Besides what the fuck do you care about war and foreign entanglements? You support a president that has expanded and/or US intervention into Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq(US special forces are still there), Somalia, Uganda, Mali, Colombia among other places.

Never said it was, law enforcement is a far cry from an invasion of a sovereign state or seeking to overthrow the legitimate government of a sovereign nation. I see why you would support Koresh and Weaver, you're cut from the same cloth: A little bit country, a little bit paranoid, cocksure no can tell you what to do and as bright as a rusty nail.

Don't tell me what I support, you have no idea.
CaféAuLait;8924208 said:
CaféAuLait;8924170 said:
Its not the cows, silly. It is the principal of the whole matter. If the feds are collecting fees for cow monitoring why are they collecting the same for the 6 million who visit and trample the land each year? If these fees are indeed for upkeep of PUBLIC land why should everyone pay them? The feds say they will spend 6,000 dollars per cow to be removed.

There are federal laws ignored everyday and for years at a time... why? not rise up and enforce ALL federal laws instead of only supporting the ones you agree with?

I'd assume they get money via taxes or a park fee..
Cows are different...
And next?

They don't, it is free for 6 million visitors to camp unregulated, build fires, kill animals, kill fish, run horses, cars, ATVs, boat on pristine lakes and rivers, pan for gold, etc. And if it goes by taxes he is paying the same tax as they are, yes? He just chooses not to use the land in the same manner, he 'profits' in a different manner than using then those profiting off the place as a hotel, toilet, hunting for food, play area, horse run, etc.

Gold Butte Region - Area Overview

About Gold Butte | Friends of Gold Butte

You and I both know those human activities are probably far worse than cows eating grass.

Shrug. .
They get money via donations and 4x4ing is done on certain trails. I'd assume hunting is also regulated as well.

You should read your own links. They have policies people need to follow. Leave no trace. Which makes impacting the environment minimal.

Allowing cows on there means you follow the rules. If not you get kicked off.

The cows should be seized and sold to make back what he owes. He should be tossed in jail for being Deadbeat.
Anyone else wanting to help him can join him.

You are lucky I'm not in office.
CaféAuLait;8924208 said:
I'd assume they get money via taxes or a park fee..
Cows are different...
And next?

They don't, it is free for 6 million visitors to camp unregulated, build fires, kill animals, kill fish, run horses, cars, ATVs, boat on pristine lakes and rivers, pan for gold, etc. And if it goes by taxes he is paying the same tax as they are, yes? He just chooses not to use the land in the same manner, he 'profits' in a different manner than using then those profiting off the place as a hotel, toilet, hunting for food, play area, horse run, etc.

Gold Butte Region - Area Overview

About Gold Butte | Friends of Gold Butte

You and I both know those human activities are probably far worse than cows eating grass.

Shrug. .
They get money via donations and 4x4ing is done on certain trails. I'd assume hunting is also regulated as well.

You should read your own links. They have policies people need to follow. Leave no trace. Which makes impacting the environment minimal.

Allowing cows on there means you follow the rules. If not you get kicked off.

The cows should be seized and sold to make back what he owes. He should be tossed in jail for being Deadbeat.
Anyone else wanting to help him can join him.

You are lucky I'm not in office.

You really think those 6 million humans , with horses, ATVs, cars, boats, leave no trace? LOL Please. We both know that most humans just don't give a flip.

As far as rules, I see they are enforced differently for different people. If you were in charge you would enforce ALL federal laws? Yes?
I can mak it to the Bundy's in about 8 hours. If Lon Horiuchi would have been involved I would have been on my way
Lon's brother Randy is a city councilman in Salt Lake City. Not so sur if he's a Mormon though.

Lon should be hunted down, executed and his JAP/FBI ass left for the fucking wolves.
Moderation Message:

Two threads owned by TyroneWeaver concerning the BLM action
in Nevada have been merged.. This should appear seamless since the
posts from "If Lon Horiushi shows Up..... " are much earlier than the current
surviving discussion..

This is in response to the NUMBER of threads spawned on this topic..
Please check the Forum for topical content before you open new thread.
New angles are fine -- But make it unique..

CaféAuLait;8924261 said:
CaféAuLait;8924208 said:
They don't, it is free for 6 million visitors to camp unregulated, build fires, kill animals, kill fish, run horses, cars, ATVs, boat on pristine lakes and rivers, pan for gold, etc. And if it goes by taxes he is paying the same tax as they are, yes? He just chooses not to use the land in the same manner, he 'profits' in a different manner than using then those profiting off the place as a hotel, toilet, hunting for food, play area, horse run, etc.

Gold Butte Region - Area Overview

About Gold Butte | Friends of Gold Butte

You and I both know those human activities are probably far worse than cows eating grass.

Shrug. .
They get money via donations and 4x4ing is done on certain trails. I'd assume hunting is also regulated as well.

You should read your own links. They have policies people need to follow. Leave no trace. Which makes impacting the environment minimal.

Allowing cows on there means you follow the rules. If not you get kicked off.

The cows should be seized and sold to make back what he owes. He should be tossed in jail for being Deadbeat.
Anyone else wanting to help him can join him.

You are lucky I'm not in office.

You really think those 6 million humans , with horses, ATVs, cars, boats, leave no trace? LOL Please. We both know that most humans just don't give a flip.

As far as rules, I see they are enforced differently for different people. If you were in charge you would enforce ALL federal laws? Yes?
I'm sure they do the best they really doesn't matter though.
He should be tossed in jail and the cows seized
I can mak it to the Bundy's in about 8 hours. If Lon Horiuchi would have been involved I would have been on my way
Lon's brother Randy is a city councilman in Salt Lake City. Not so sur if he's a Mormon though.

Lon should be hunted down, executed and his JAP/FBI ass left for the fucking wolves.
wolves are a real hot topic here in idaho
CaféAuLait;8924261 said:
Shrug. .
They get money via donations and 4x4ing is done on certain trails. I'd assume hunting is also regulated as well.

You should read your own links. They have policies people need to follow. Leave no trace. Which makes impacting the environment minimal.

Allowing cows on there means you follow the rules. If not you get kicked off.

The cows should be seized and sold to make back what he owes. He should be tossed in jail for being Deadbeat.
Anyone else wanting to help him can join him.

You are lucky I'm not in office.

You really think those 6 million humans , with horses, ATVs, cars, boats, leave no trace? LOL Please. We both know that most humans just don't give a flip.

As far as rules, I see they are enforced differently for different people. If you were in charge you would enforce ALL federal laws? Yes?

I'm sure they do the best they really doesn't matter though.
He should be tossed in jail and the cows seized

You did not answer my question, should everyone breaking federal law be thrown in jail? Yes, or no, it is a pretty simple question. You said he should be thankful you were not 'in charge', suggesting you would enforce federal laws.
CaféAuLait;8924373 said:
CaféAuLait;8924261 said:
You really think those 6 million humans , with horses, ATVs, cars, boats, leave no trace? LOL Please. We both know that most humans just don't give a flip.

As far as rules, I see they are enforced differently for different people. If you were in charge you would enforce ALL federal laws? Yes?

I'm sure they do the best they really doesn't matter though.
He should be tossed in jail and the cows seized

You did not answer my question, should everyone breaking federal law be thrown in jail? Yes, or no, it is a pretty simple question. You said he should be thankful you were not 'in charge', suggesting you would enforce federal laws.

after 20 years? yes
CaféAuLait;8924373 said:
CaféAuLait;8924261 said:
You really think those 6 million humans , with horses, ATVs, cars, boats, leave no trace? LOL Please. We both know that most humans just don't give a flip.

As far as rules, I see they are enforced differently for different people. If you were in charge you would enforce ALL federal laws? Yes?

I'm sure they do the best they really doesn't matter though.
He should be tossed in jail and the cows seized

You did not answer my question, should everyone breaking federal law be thrown in jail? Yes, or no, it is a pretty simple question. You said he should be thankful you were not 'in charge', suggesting you would enforce federal laws.

We punish people who commit crime in two ways: Take away their liberty and/or take away their property. Not everyone should be jailed; the cost to the taxpayer is enormous. Thus, periods of probation, stiff fines and restitution to victims and the agencies which arrested, prosecuted and supervised the offender.
CaféAuLait;8924373 said:
I'm sure they do the best they really doesn't matter though.
He should be tossed in jail and the cows seized

You did not answer my question, should everyone breaking federal law be thrown in jail? Yes, or no, it is a pretty simple question. You said he should be thankful you were not 'in charge', suggesting you would enforce federal laws.

We punish people who commit crime in two ways: Take away their liberty and/or take away their property. Not everyone should be jailed; the cost to the taxpayer is enormous. Thus, periods of probation, stiff fines and restitution to victims and the agencies which arrested, prosecuted and supervised the offender.

I agree, but we do not enforce federal laws, we pick and choose which ones to enforce, many a time based on cost and many a time based on other criteria, look at immigration laws. Sometimes its because the law was found to be unfair and or outdated. It is overlooked.

In the case of the above rancher the FEDS are charging him 48,000 a year because of concern supposedly for the 'environment' on public land. That cost IMO for environmental concerns should also be born by anyone who wishes to use the public land to assure there are no issue for the endangered turtle.

As average ranchers income is between 70-80K per year. Now subtract business taxes, personal taxes and the fee the government wished to impose of 48,000 per year, the farmer is left with little. ( the feds state he owes 1.1 million for the past 23 years) I keep hearing this fee is 'nominal' I don't see near 50k a year as "nominal" at all.

The Average Income of a Cattle Rancher |

All this over a desert turtle they must not be too concerned about as they do not charge the 6 million people who enter the land a single penny. If those people were only allowed to walk in the area I might understand, but they can hunt, fish, pan for gold, camp as long as they want, build fires, bring in horses, dogs, cats, run cars in many areas, ATVS, etc. It just seems as if he is being unfairly targeted to assure this turtles well-being while 6 million people trample over 600,000 acres, while the Feds say his cows walk and graze on about 150 acres. Humans must be endangering these turtles as well, there is no way around it.
Ah you remember the name of the FBI sniper who got the wife of the Ruby Ridge fugitive in his scope and decided to pull the trigger on a woman who was holding a 18th month child in her arms. Local jurisdiction indicted the FBI sniper for manslaughter but a friendly federal judge dismissed the charges.


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