It's official BLM calls off roundup and will pull out next 1-3 days

This is YOUR GOVERNMENT people...You better wake up

Everyone should stand with that rancher and show them we won't be threated this way by them....

this whole thing was over what?

certainly not anything to call in this swat's getting our of hand and sit back and say nothing it will continue and they could come you next
let's see....

Ruby Ridges

All from Democratic Administrations is that a problem for you Plasma Boy?

Crazy....This isnt the samething

You're right, at least this time they didn't kill any Americans.

The motherfucker ignored a federal judge and stopped paying his fees and let his cattle still graze. This is what you people defend because all you see is one man vs the government. Why because you morons have bought in the fact that government is evil and you must win out against them.

You back a man who is breaking laws. Since you want to be that way i will treat you all the same as him. Criminals.
This is YOUR GOVERNMENT people...You better wake up

Everyone should stand with that rancher and show them we won't be threated this way by them....

this whole thing was over what?

certainly not anything to call in this swat's getting our of hand and sit back and say nothing it will continue and they could come you next

you should be thrown in jail with Bundy as well. You stupid fuck. You dont ignore federal judges rulings because you dont want to pay fees.

the cows should be seized and sold off to repay the 1.1 million he owes.
This is YOUR GOVERNMENT people...You better wake up

Everyone should stand with that rancher and show them we won't be threated this way by them....

this whole thing was over what?

certainly not anything to call in this swat's getting our of hand and sit back and say nothing it will continue and they could come you next

Go ahead and stand with him, Stephanie. Stand with a man who's trespassing on property he has no legal right to use, defying numerous court orders going back several years, and cheating the American taxpayer of rightful grazing fees.

As you stand there supporting a man and a family who has and have no respect for the rule of law, go ahead and revel in the nobility of your cause which just so happens to bear a striking similarity to the so-called Sovereign Citizens a few years ago who refused to pay their taxes and filed false liens against gov't officials and ended up going to prison after being convicted by a jury of their peers.
U.S. agency ends Nevada cattle roundup after stand-off | Reuters

This is what you losers support:
"I'm excited that we are really fighting for our freedom, we've been losing it for a long time," Bundy said. "I used to pay grazing fees but I fired the BLM."
take him to court, and put him in jail. Be done with this farce.

Here's what I can't help being reminded of when Bundy spins his BS story about how he's being oppressed by the gov't:

Sovereign Citizen Sentenced for Filing False Liens | Hatewatch
OMG it's federal law, federal land!!! How dare he! It's hilarious to see this response to a few cows grazing on 150 acres of 600,000 acres. 6 million people a year visit, trample, camp, gold pan, hunt, fish, kill grass each year and much more for free! But this one man is 'breaking federal law' while we have millions and million of people breaking federal law coming to this country illegally and nothing done or they are encouraged to stay. . GMAB. It's silly to bitch about federal law being broken when such is supported daily.
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U.S. agency ends Nevada cattle roundup after stand-off | Reuters

This is what you losers support:
"I'm excited that we are really fighting for our freedom, we've been losing it for a long time," Bundy said. "I used to pay grazing fees but I fired the BLM."

take him to court, and put him in jail. Be done with this farce.

The only farce is the notion that the federal government has the notion to claim land ownership by fiat, against the principles of our US Constitution, homesteading, and ancient anglo saxon common law.

This is a victory to freedom. This just shows the government will buckle and cease from committing tyrannical actions if the people stand up for their rights.
Demonstrations have already spread to Las Vegas. The Feds were looking at the start of a general uprising.
The Regime saw it was losing control and remembering 'Ruby Ridge' and Waco Obama decided to punt.

Remembered what exactly? How they got a way with it and only had to spend a few million tax dollars? How the dirty JAP sniper at Ruby Ridge walks around a free man?
U.S. agency ends Nevada cattle roundup after stand-off | Reuters

This is what you losers support:
"I'm excited that we are really fighting for our freedom, we've been losing it for a long time," Bundy said. "I used to pay grazing fees but I fired the BLM."
take him to court, and put him in jail. Be done with this farce.

The only farce is the notion that the federal government has the notion to claim land ownership by fiat, against the principles of our US Constitution, homesteading, and ancient anglo saxon common law.

This is a victory to freedom. This just shows the government will buckle and cease from committing tyrannical actions if the people stand up for their rights.

I heard it referred to as a retreat. That's nonsense. There's no reason for officials to be out there anymore since they've removed the cattle in question after several times attempting to resolve the dispute through the use of the court system which Bundy decided to ignore.

In other words, the gov't gave Bundy plenty of time to comply with the court order and make other arrangements for his cattle, and instead, Bundy decided to defy the court order as if he could just make his own laws or do as he damn well pleased. He was wrong. After years of this nonsense, the gov't finally acted as was their right to do long before this time. Now Bundy wants to cry foul? The only people more foolish than Bundy are his antigovernment supporters who are being manipulated by him for his own ends.
U.S. agency ends Nevada cattle roundup after stand-off | Reuters

This is what you losers support:
take him to court, and put him in jail. Be done with this farce.

The only farce is the notion that the federal government has the notion to claim land ownership by fiat, against the principles of our US Constitution, homesteading, and ancient anglo saxon common law.

This is a victory to freedom. This just shows the government will buckle and cease from committing tyrannical actions if the people stand up for their rights.

I heard it referred to as a retreat. That's nonsense. There's no reason for officials to be out there anymore since they've removed the cattle in question after several times attempting to resolve the dispute through the use of the court system which Bundy decided to ignore.

In other words, the gov't gave Bundy plenty of time to comply with the court order and make other arrangements for his cattle, and instead, Bundy decided to defy the court order as if he could just make his own laws or do as he damn well pleased. He was wrong. After years of this nonsense, the gov't finally acted as was their right to do long before this time. Now Bundy wants to cry foul? The only people more foolish than Bundy are his antigovernment supporters who are being manipulated by him for his own ends.

The court is unconstitutional and illegitimate, no reason to recognize their ruling. And the BLM have shown themselves to be thieves. This scenario has shown who our enemies are, and they include dumb sheep like you who celebrate this tyranny and thievery. The good thing is, most sheep like yourself aren't armed, and rely on this tyrannical state for protection. If you really want to take their side on this, it should concern you how easily they folded here.

You should reconsider your stance, and stand with the American people and the Constitution for a change.
The fight in Bunkersville is just one fight in a very long war. This isn't the end. It's the beginning.
now its 900

Bundy claims his herd of roughly 900 cattle have grazed on the land along the riverbed near Bunkerville, 80 miles northeast of Las Vegas, since 1870

yeah news doesn't update does it? Follow the story or quit commenting on it. Typical talking point liberal

neat! he still stopped paying the fees to graze there, ignored a federal judge and claims to not believe in any federal laws.

Once you work that out get back to me.


Sounds like a man with guts and Washington and Jefferson.

Like a man with a love of freedom and a legitimate grievance that amounts to Washington and Jefferson
and here comes the crazy

let's see....

Ruby Ridges

All from Democratic Administrations is that a problem for you Plasma Boy?

Let's see...

Panama, Granada, Iran-Contra, Iraq and asleep at the switch for 9-11

All from Republican Administrations.

Least we forgot the 2007-2009 Great Recession.

So military adventurism is ok when it is waged upon American citizens? Good to know your position there, dipshit.

Besides what the fuck do you care about war and foreign entanglements? You support a president that has expanded and/or US intervention into Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq(US special forces are still there), Somalia, Uganda, Mali, Colombia among other places.
If the BLM truly has killed cattle, then it becomes an illegal taking case and the whole mess starts again. Bundy was clearly in the wrong, but if the BLM did what is claimed that is far worse in the eyes of the ordinary citizen and no matter how wrong Bundy was that one act will make him the injured party here.

According to every news source I found, the BLM hired contractors to remove the cattle. They did not slaughter them as the reactionaries want to claim.
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