It's official: Colorado red flag gun confiscations begin

I wonder why someone like Tainted Tommy, a loyal product of the very same degenerate culture against which we rebelled, would wish to deny us the freedom that made this rebellion possible. I can't imagine, can you?

Uh, the American Revolution was a bunch of rich slave rapists who didn't want to pay their taxes...

If they had lost, we'd be Canadians right now.. Oh, the horror.

I wonder why someone like Tainted Tommy, a loyal product of the very same degenerate culture against which we rebelled, would wish to deny us the freedom that made this rebellion possible. I can't imagine, can you?

In Tommy’s defense, I know from talking to some acquaintances in the U.K. that the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812 are totally bypassed in their history curriculum. The USA just appears out of the mists of history in about 1815 according to their educational system.
So did Slavery... it doesn't make it a good thing.

I disagree with you on both topics. Both were good and necessary to the formation of this country and still have a place here today. Slavery in a different form, but it’s still a necessary thing even in this day and age.
We have no need of a second amendment.
That's a european thing though, [I wouldn't mind seeing that entire continent completely disarmed including the military] it would be akin to "we have no need for a first amendment since we've said everything we have to say". [much like soviets had no need for elections]

The evidence is that it makes a society more dangerous.
Not true tommy, The NRA is virtually crime free, it has a lower crime rate than WALES, how do you explain that? Folks who do not respect the second amendment are the ones who are dangerous, in fact it is the people who cherish the second amendment in this country that law abiding citizens need not fear.

I can accept that the US is too far gone to be brought back to civilisation. But it is a sad reflection of your crazy gun culture.
More than 2/3 of gun related deaths are suicides and suicide is not a crime

People have the absolute right to decide if they want to live or not

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
The cops are welcome to all my guns.

Then you are unworthy of Freedom, Liberty, or any of the other assumed Rights and Privileges normally associated with Western Democrscy.
It isnt freedom or liberty if it requires a gun to back it up. You have a violent society that has not evolved since the days of the wild west.
Every time you post you prove you know nothing about the US

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
The cops are welcome to all my guns.

Then you are unworthy of Freedom, Liberty, or any of the other assumed Rights and Privileges normally associated with Western Democrscy.
It isnt freedom or liberty if it requires a gun to back it up. You have a violent society that has not evolved since the days of the wild west.
Every time you post you prove you know nothing about the US

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
I know that it is a violent place that is outside the civilised norm. Its a tragedy that so many good people are oppressed by gun totin loons like yourself.
The cops are welcome to all my guns.

Then you are unworthy of Freedom, Liberty, or any of the other assumed Rights and Privileges normally associated with Western Democrscy.
It isnt freedom or liberty if it requires a gun to back it up. You have a violent society that has not evolved since the days of the wild west.
Every time you post you prove you know nothing about the US

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
I know that it is a violent place that is outside the civilised norm. Its a tragedy that so many good people are oppressed by gun totin loons like yourself.
No you know nothing.

If you knew anything about the US you would know that 70 percent of all murders take place in very small very well defined areas of our poorest inner city areas.

The rest of the country is as safe or even safer than any other country

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
The cops are welcome to all my guns.

Then you are unworthy of Freedom, Liberty, or any of the other assumed Rights and Privileges normally associated with Western Democrscy.
It isnt freedom or liberty if it requires a gun to back it up. You have a violent society that has not evolved since the days of the wild west.
Every time you post you prove you know nothing about the US

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
I know that it is a violent place that is outside the civilised norm. Its a tragedy that so many good people are oppressed by gun totin loons like yourself.
No you know nothing.

If you knew anything about the US you would know that 70 percent of all murders take place in very small very well defined areas of our poorest inner city areas.

The rest of the country is as safe or even safer than any other country

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
That remaining 30% still makes you more dangerous than the rest of civilisation. Its because you have guns and are angry.
Your suicide rates are higher as well. Again because you have easy access to guns. Many llives would be saved if you didnt.
It isnt freedom or liberty if it requires a gun to back it up. You have a violent society that has not evolved since the days of the wild west.

What? That’s ridiculous. ALL Freedom and Liberty are provided and protected by weapons. Whether they’re private arms or Government owned ones.

Then again, why would I expect someone whose family were SUBJECTS of the Crown, not citizens, until 1948 to understand thst?
That remaining 30% still makes you more dangerous than the rest of civilisation. Its because you have guns and are angry.
Your suicide rates are higher as well. Again because you have easy access to guns. Many llives would be saved if you didnt.

Therr are always downsides to Freedom. I can accept a certain level of violence in Society in order to ensure that I can protect myself, my family, and my property. We all accept that as part of the American Way of Life.
It isnt freedom or liberty if it requires a gun to back it up. You have a violent society that has not evolved since the days of the wild west.

What? That’s ridiculous. ALL Freedom and Liberty are provided and protected by weapons. Whether they’re private arms or Government owned ones.

Then again, why would I expect someone whose family were SUBJECTS of the Crown, not citizens, until 1948 to understand thst?
I can go wherever I like and do whatever I want without ever having owned or carried a weapon of any sort. That is freedom. You need to take a gun to church and your kids cant go to school in safety, that is not freedom. You are a prisoner of the 2nd.
Then you are unworthy of Freedom, Liberty, or any of the other assumed Rights and Privileges normally associated with Western Democrscy.
It isnt freedom or liberty if it requires a gun to back it up. You have a violent society that has not evolved since the days of the wild west.
Every time you post you prove you know nothing about the US

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
I know that it is a violent place that is outside the civilised norm. Its a tragedy that so many good people are oppressed by gun totin loons like yourself.
No you know nothing.

If you knew anything about the US you would know that 70 percent of all murders take place in very small very well defined areas of our poorest inner city areas.

The rest of the country is as safe or even safer than any other country

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
That remaining 30% still makes you more dangerous than the rest of civilisation. Its because you have guns and are angry.
Your suicide rates are higher as well. Again because you have easy access to guns. Many llives would be saved if you didnt.
No it really doesn't. That 70% of murders which our leaders and government has chosen to ignore could be eliminated and when you take that into account our murder rate would be 1.5 per 100000

And suicide isn't a crime it's a choice but then again what does one who allows himself to be ruled by an unelected monarch know about choice

And the UK has twice as many rapes and assaults annually than the US does so I wouldn't be too sure about your claim that the US is more dangerous
It always amazes me how pro-lifers aren’t pro-life when it comes to gun violence. Be that as it may, the police took the right action in confiscating the man’s guns. If confiscating his guns safe her life and the lives of her children, then this law served its purpose.

Nearly 1,000,0000 women have been shot or shot at as a result of domestic violence. Nearly half of all female homicide victims are killed by a current or former dating partner, according to a 2017 study by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Here's Why Domestic Violence Kills So Many Women and Children in America
I can go wherever I like and do whatever I want without ever having owned or carried a weapon of any sort. That is freedom. You need to take a gun to church and your kids cant go to school in safety, that is not freedom. You are a prisoner of the 2nd.

No. You can go wherever the Government lets you go and do whatever the Government lets you do. You have zero capability to stop your Government from telling you what to do.

I don’t NEED to take a gun anywhere. I do so as a reasonable precaution, just like buckling my seatbelt in my car and looking both ways before I cross the street.

However, I will agree that we have one hindrance to safety her in the USA... a Government that refuses to enforce laws and punish criminals.
Wife beaters should be in jail, not walking around with machine guns.

Agree but they aren't. The details of this even go deeper than I mentioned before. Actually AFT had domestic violence on the NICS check before, but can't because it needs to be a felony offense to stop one from having a gun. So they revised 4473's once again after domestic violence was deemed a felony. Next they realized the screwed half the cops out of guns!

I am not anti cop at all, they have a difficult job and life. However if they commit domestic violence they need to answer to it like anyone else, not be coddled by the establishment.
It isnt freedom or liberty if it requires a gun to back it up. You have a violent society that has not evolved since the days of the wild west.
Every time you post you prove you know nothing about the US

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
I know that it is a violent place that is outside the civilised norm. Its a tragedy that so many good people are oppressed by gun totin loons like yourself.
No you know nothing.

If you knew anything about the US you would know that 70 percent of all murders take place in very small very well defined areas of our poorest inner city areas.

The rest of the country is as safe or even safer than any other country

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
That remaining 30% still makes you more dangerous than the rest of civilisation. Its because you have guns and are angry.
Your suicide rates are higher as well. Again because you have easy access to guns. Many llives would be saved if you didnt.
No it really doesn't. That 70% of murders which our leaders and government has chosen to ignore could be eliminated and when you take that into account our murder rate would be 1.5 per 100000

And suicide isn't a crime it's a choice but then again what does one who allows himself to be ruled by an unelected monarch know about choice

And the UK has twice as many rapes and assaults annually than the US does so I wouldn't be too sure about your claim that the US is more dangerous
And the rest of the world would be on 0.0 per 100,000 and still well ahead. We have had this debate so often I should be shocked that you dont get it. There are no comparative figures for rape and sexual assault because all countries collate the data in a different way. You should know that as well.

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