It's official: Colorado red flag gun confiscations begin

The voices in Joey's head are reading them to him while he sleeps.

Apparently. I follow a large number of law enforcement and self-defense need sources and I can’t remember more than a small handful of incidents where armed citizens just started indiscriminately returning fire.
The voices in Joey's head are reading them to him while he sleeps.

Apparently. I follow a large number of law enforcement and self-defense need sources and I can’t remember more than a small handful of incidents where armed citizens just started indiscriminately returning fire.

Joey is either batshit nuts and spends every waking hour trolling forums, or is actually a remarkably-sophisticated new spambot. He is a new development, a stupidbot. The program was written to produce more stupidity than fifty ordinary morons could post. Unlike said morons, it didn't spill beer, use flower vases as bongs, leave week-old pizza on the counter, and whiz on the bathroom floor. Originally a joke, one of the writers set it up while drunk...upon sobering up, he forgot about it, and Joey (among others) has been posting ever since.
Again, you're the only one here saying anything about race. You're the only one who, by your very own postings, demonstrates yourself to be a racist, as well as being rather seriously bigoted against people by other categories than race.

Do something about the beam in your own eye, before you complain about the mote in mine, or anyone else's.

Racism doesn't go away because you pretend it isn't there... I mean, I know this is a Mormon Survival Strategy, living in denial.

We live in a racist country... deal with it.

If you stopped talking about shit you know nothing about you wouldn't talk at all

Now that's what would make the country better
And you can move to the UK and be happy too.

Or we can fix this country... that'll work.

It's too bad we have to drag you inbred rednecks into the 21st century.

And what makes the dim dem assume I am a redneck? The fact I retired to KY from 55 years in Yankee land 10 years ago? Or is it the avatar of the great moonshiner Popcorn Sutton?

Actually these rednecks around here are some of the finest, nicest always willing to people I have ever met. Not a miserable bunch like you dems.
Joey is either batshit nuts and spends every waking hour trolling forums, or is actually a remarkably-sophisticated new spambot. He is a new development, a stupidbot. The program was written to produce more stupidity than fifty ordinary morons could post. Unlike said morons, it didn't spill beer, use flower vases as bongs, leave week-old pizza on the counter, and whiz on the bathroom floor. Originally a joke, one of the writers set it up while drunk...upon sobering up, he forgot about it, and Joey (among others) has been posting ever since.

Sometimes, as I read postings by some of the more extreme and bizarre characters on a forum, I wonder if I'm not seeing Poe's law in play; if rather than seeing someone who is expressing bizarre and extreme, but sincerely-held opinions, I am instead seeing someone who is intentionally playing at an extreme caricature of opinions opposite his own, either as some form of sarcasm or humor, or just to try to make the other side look really bad.

In the relative anonymity of forums such as this, we pretty much have to take everyone at their word as to who and what they claim to be. But really, there's little to stop anyone from pretending, in this setting, to be anything or anyone, however far removed from who and what they really are.

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