It's Official: Legendary American Patriotic Journalist Tucker Carlson Has Just Interviewed Vladimir Putin

Denying that democrats have become disgusting inhuman creatures doesn't make it so.

Whatever you say nutbag.

Now how about you start learning some basics, like a difference between the word democracy and Democrats. Maybe if you do that long enough you'd get to actually understanding the difference between autocrats and democrats.
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It's bizarre how American communists now pretend to despise Russia. You guys loved the Soviet Union. You're such a fair weather friends
I wonder what in the world makes you think I'm a communist. It can't be my positions on the issues. It can't be that, as a 23+ year Financial Advisor/CFP, I'm a better capitalist than you could ever dream of being. So it's all your ignorant, gullible, manipulated head.

You're free to adore Putin and all the other dictators. I'm well aware of how weak you are. Your orange god even loves Xi. You need to be led.
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There is nothing wrong with giving Putin a platform to speak.

But Tucker Carlson will be judged on the questions he asks and the answers he accepts.

He will be 'judged', quite the understatement. And I have no doubt that no matter what questions he asks or answers he accepts, you will judge him harshly and negatively just based on who he is, it will have nothing to do with the actual content of the interview.

I bet we could sub out Tucker and replace with one of your leftie journalists and you'd be singing their praises, using the exact same questions and answers. I could win a ton of money on that bet, all you know how to be is partisan, if they didn't have a letter after their name, or appear on certain networks, you'd have no clue how to feel about what they say. Sad truth.
He will be 'judged', quite the understatement. And I have no doubt that no matter what questions he asks or answers he accepts, you will judge him harshly and negatively just based on who he is, it will have nothing to do with the actual content of the interview.

I bet we could sub out Tucker and replace with one of your leftie journalists and you'd be singing their praises, using the exact same questions and answers. I could win a ton of money on that bet, all you know how to be is partisan, if they didn't have a letter after their name, or appear on certain networks, you'd have no clue how to feel about what they say. Sad truth.
Tucker has already established himself as a non journalist.

This is a chance to redeem his reputation with a high profile interview

Let’s see if he blows it
Tucker has already established himself as a non journalist.

This is a chance to redeem his reputation with a high profile interview

Let’s see if he blows it

Of course you think that, he exposes your corrupt cult party for what it is. :rolleyes: You just proved my point even further, thanks.
Sean Hannity to Trump

Why do you love America so much?

So you admit that those you consider true 'journalists' don't ask your dear cult leader any tough questions, good job!

They are all just like Hannity, there may be hope for you yet. :laughing0301:
Wow. Spoken like a true surrender monkey appeaser.

Man, your propagandists have really dumbed you tard down beyond belief!

By the way, tard. INVADING ANOTHER COUNTRY is not "internal affairs".

Soros Loves You Chickenhawk Neo-Cons and Finances Your Influencers

Once again, the Russians are bearing the brunt of an attempt by elitists to take over the whole world for their toxic clique.
Sean Hannity to Trump

Why do you love America so much?
There are thousands of Progs who ask simpler questions than that and are on 24 hours a day on most stations. Joe has guest starred and could not even finish sentences. Jimmy Kimmel was finishing sentences for him. People have to survive and Progressive shills and traitors more like carpetbaggers and scallywags dominate TV media and entertainment. They deserve karma and justice.
If Tucker is a true independent of sorts who wants to engage in pure journalism, I see no problem interviewing even aggressive, war violators such as Putin.

Years ago I would have been disgusted, but with age comes wisdom. Just as Reagan angered so many by becoming close to Gorbie, we can avoid more death if we try to understand our adversaries.

That said, Ukraine must be supported by the world as Russia is the aggressor and already had Crimea for some time.
Unfortunately Tucker is NOT a good or objective journalist.
Benedict Arnold all over again. The republicans don't know what they're doing. Don't have a clue , helping to destroy America's greatness.

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