It's Official: Lt Col Vindman Accused Of Illegally Leaking Contents Of Trump Call to Eric Ciamarella

Big reb maybe you're a little smarter than bri and can tell me without your BS WHY the trump pos stopped money going in and then a couple of months later sent it? You do know congress has the power of the purse and congress voted to send the money ? You should know bribery on the scale of how trump used the money is impeachable
AND just because he sent the money and got nothing back does NOT absolve him..Sorta like you going into a bank to rob it but found no money You're STILL guilty
It seems to me the Ukranian President has been giving back quite a bit. But the poor guy is NEVER gonna get invited to the White House now, I fear.
Might not even get that phone call Poor guy His country in trouble and Trump squeezing his nads
I'm not talking about the identity of the whistleblower or who he voted for in 2016. It's immaterial.
Of course you are trying your damnedest to avoid addressing the fact that YOU LIED! You claimed that there IS a law that affords whistle blowers, even ones who do not qualify as 'whistle blowers', the rights of anonymity and immunity, parroting the proven liar D-Adam Schiff. You seek to avoid it like the plague, unable to post any link to such a law because none exists and seek to avoid any mention of your lie because you know that bringing this up shows you have ZERO CREDIBILITY.

What I'm talking about is exactly what you DON'T want to talk about--that every single bit of testimony so far has painted a coherent picture telling us that Trump indeed did what they say he did.

Although I have complete confidence that you will avoid this challenge like you have avoided the challenge to prove you did NOT lie about the above-mentioned non-existent law, I still challenge you to post a link to President Trump's videotaped confession of committing bribery / extortion, like the one Biden made!
- You can't because, like the law you and Schiff claims exists that affords whistle blowers anonymity and immunity, no such videotape exists.

EVERY person (not 'witnesses' because none of them WITNESSED anything) called to testify by Schiff has made it clear there is no crime, no evidence, no whistle blower, no witnesses!

The people testifying were asked numerous times to name the crime / Impeachable offense Trump is guilty of - NONE OF THEM could come up with any.

Volker and Morrison DESTROYED the Democrats' false accusation.

Sondland was even forced to admit 1) he never talked to Trump about a concern of quid pro quo, 2) his belief that there was quid pro quo was based on HIS OWN PERSONAL GUESS, & FINALLY 3) President Trump told him on MULTIPLE occasions 'There is NO quid pro quo', 'NO quid pro quo is attached to the military aid his administration gave to Ukraine (military aid Barry and Biden withheld from Ukraine as Putin was massing his troops on Ukraine's border, invading, and annexing Crimea)!

AGAIN, you are exposed as a LIAR. You have ZERO credibility! You spew ignorant BS and never provide anything to even try to support it!
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Might not even get that phone call Poor guy His country in trouble and Trump squeezing his nads

Putin was placing his troops on Ukraine's border preparing to invade.

Biden, Obama's new Ukraine Point Man, went to Ukraine to extort the Ukraine PM to protect his son who was working for a notorious Ukrainian criminal whose corrupt energy company stood to make a LOT of money from Putin annexing Crimea.

And to keep his promise to Putin to be more flexible after his re-election, a promise passed through Putin-Puppet Medvedev, Barry withheld lethal military aid to Ukraine and would not allow lethal weapons Ukraine needed to defend itself from Russian invasion to be sold to Ukraine.

Biden was extorting the Ukraine PM while Barry was withholding desperately needed military aid so Putin would have an easier time taking Crimea!

Once again, Democrats and snowflakes continue to accuse others of doing what THEY have done / do and of being who THEY are!
Might not even get that phone call Poor guy His country in trouble and Trump squeezing his nads

Putin was placing his troops on Ukraine's border preparing to invade.

Biden, Obama's new Ukraine Point Man, went to Ukraine to extort the Ukraine PM to protect his son who was working for a notorious Ukrainian criminal whose corrupt energy company stood to make a LOT of money from Putin annexing Crimea.

And to keep his promise to Putin to be more flexible after his re-election, a promise passed through Putin-Puppet Medvedev, Barry withheld lethal military aid to Ukraine and would not allow lethal weapons Ukraine needed to defend itself from Russian invasion to be sold to Ukraine.

Biden was extorting the Ukraine PM while Barry was withholding desperately needed military aid so Putin would have an easier time taking Crimea!

Once again, Democrats and snowflakes continue to accuse others of doing what THEY have done / do and of being who THEY are!
WOW easy in all due respect see a shrink,,You are one Fed up individual Everything in that post is wrong ,,,crazy
WOW easy in all due respect see a shrink,,You are one Fed up individual Everything in that post is wrong ,,,crazy
With very little respect, Ed, your fragile, easily-offended, easily-duped, emotionally-manipulated, unsubstantiated, unsupported personal attacks and opinions mean nothing. As usual, you bring nothing to the table...which is why no one expects you to anymore.
WOW easy in all due respect see a shrink,,You are one Fed up individual Everything in that post is wrong ,,,crazy
With very little respect, Ed, your fragile, easily-offended, easily-duped, emotionally-manipulated, unsubstantiated, unsupported personal attacks and opinions mean nothing. As usual, you bring nothing to the table...which is why no one expects you to anymore.
And you are such a great representative of the truth ? NO ONE respecting truth believes anything you say You are nothing but a joke a Republican joke Listen to Dr Hill and the other person testifying and call them liars too
WOW easy in all due respect see a shrink,,You are one Fed up individual Everything in that post is wrong ,,,crazy
With very little respect, Ed, your fragile, easily-offended, easily-duped, emotionally-manipulated, unsubstantiated, unsupported personal attacks and opinions mean nothing. As usual, you bring nothing to the table...which is why no one expects you to anymore.
Hill says our nation being torn apart by Russia And your AH in the WH is helping them Easy, you are a fool but you're far from alone here You have bri and many others who help bring our country down You're all stupid and refuse to admit your being taken by trump down a dead end road at 100 mph You ALL speak for Putin
There's plenty of evidence, moron. First off, there's that $83,000/month paycheck he was getting.
Making money on your family name is a bad thing ?? What about Dump and his children?
He made money on the fact that his father had a lot of pull in the government, asshole.
Go ahead and investigate- nobody cares, brainwashed functional moron. Unless you blackmail a foreign leader to get dirt. What is wrong with you people?
It's against the law for American companies to take bribes from foreign companies, moron. Hunter Biden will care when he's looking through some iron bars.
It's against the law bri for trump to offer money to a foreign country to benefit himself It's called bribery
He didn't do that, moron.
WOW easy in all due respect see a shrink,,You are one Fed up individual Everything in that post is wrong ,,,crazy
With very little respect, Ed, your fragile, easily-offended, easily-duped, emotionally-manipulated, unsubstantiated, unsupported personal attacks and opinions mean nothing. As usual, you bring nothing to the table...which is why no one expects you to anymore.
Hill says our nation being torn apart by Russia And your AH in the WH is helping them Easy, you are a fool but you're far from alone here You have bri and many others who help bring our country down You're all stupid and refuse to admit your being taken by trump down a dead end road at 100 mph You ALL speak for Putin
Dims are the ones tearing this country apart with their phone investigations and their faux scandals.

No one is fooled.
You shitstain should try reading my posts, instead of just senselessly yapping to everything I post.

I said there was investigation into Burisma corruption during previous (Ukrainian) administration that ended with Biden intervention.
Can you stop lying? There was no active investigation into Burisma when Shokin was fired.

You're misstating the claim so you can slap it down. Here's what Shokin has to say on the matter:

The fired prosecutor at the center of the Ukraine controversy said during a private interview with President Trump's personal attorney Rudy Giuliani earlier this year that he was told to back off an investigation involving a natural gas firm that was linked to Joe Biden’s son, according to details of that interview that were handed over to Congress by the State Department’s inspector general Wednesday.

Fox News obtained a copy of Giuliani’s notes from his January 2019 interview with fired Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin in which he claimed that his “investigations stopped out of fear of the United States.”

“Mr. Shokin attempted to continue the investigations but on or around June or July of 2015, the U.S. Ambassador Geoffrey R. Pyatt told him that the investigation has to be handled with white gloves, which according to Mr. Shokin, that implied do nothing,” the notes from the interview stated. The notes also claimed Shokin was told Biden had held up U.S. aid to Ukraine over the investigation.
That's based on Rudy Giuliani's notes, ya lyin' fucking moron.


Are you ever not a lyin' fucking moron?

You got any proof that what Shokin told Rudy isn't true?
Don't need to, as Trump's personal attorney, his position is to protect his client. You idiotically rely on his notes rather than news to support your claims.

That would have been like relying on Clinton's attorney's notes, and not actual evidence, to make the case that Clinton was innocent of perjury.

As always, you prove yourself to be the forum's lying fucking moron. :badgrin:
Rely on the FAUX news? You must be joking. Anyone who relies in the DNC propaganda organs for facts is the fool.

What actual evidence do you have the Shokin is lying?
Making money on your family name is a bad thing ?? What about Dump and his children?
He made money on the fact that his father had a lot of pull in the government, asshole.
Go ahead and investigate- nobody cares, brainwashed functional moron. Unless you blackmail a foreign leader to get dirt. What is wrong with you people?
It's against the law for American companies to take bribes from foreign companies, moron. Hunter Biden will care when he's looking through some iron bars.
It's against the law bri for trump to offer money to a foreign country to benefit himself It's called bribery
He didn't do that, moron.
Bri you watching the hearings???? Don't ,,,,It'll make you republicans look like the fools you are Holmes and Hill are burying you
WOW easy in all due respect see a shrink,,You are one Fed up individual Everything in that post is wrong ,,,crazy
With very little respect, Ed, your fragile, easily-offended, easily-duped, emotionally-manipulated, unsubstantiated, unsupported personal attacks and opinions mean nothing. As usual, you bring nothing to the table...which is why no one expects you to anymore.
And you are such a great representative of the truth ? NO ONE respecting truth believes anything you say You are nothing but a joke a Republican joke Listen to Dr Hill and the other person testifying and call them liars too
NO ONE respecting truth believes anything you say
Correction, snowflake - fragile, easily-offended, reality-denying snowflakes like yourself do their very best to ignore me, ignore the links / testimony / documents / facts I post, and - like you - get all emotional and personally attack me with the usual useless insults and lies. If you could actually substantiate any of your claims you would actually engage in actual discussion and debate in which you provide anything to support what you say. You don't, as you once again proved, because you CAN'T.

Need a tissue? Or perhaps a quarter to call someone who cares what you personally FEEL or think.?!
NO ONE respecting truth believes anything you say
Correction, snowflake - fragile, easily-offended, reality-denying snowflakes like yourself do their very best to ignore me, ignore the links / testimony / documents / facts I post, and - like you - get all emotional and personally attack me with the usual useless insults and lies. If you could actually substantiate any of your claims you would actually engage in actual discussion and debate in which you provide anything to support what you say. You don't, as you once again proved, because you CAN'T.

Need a tissue? Or perhaps a quarter to call someone who cares what you personally FEEL or think.?!
NITWIT Have you listened to a word Holmes and Hill have said ?? No matter how much bs you republicans throw you can't make gold from bullshit Bet you AH's believe it was Ukraine attacked our election in 2016 not Russia
NO ONE respecting truth believes anything you say
Correction, snowflake - fragile, easily-offended, reality-denying snowflakes like yourself do their very best to ignore me, ignore the links / testimony / documents / facts I post, and - like you - get all emotional and personally attack me with the usual useless insults and lies. If you could actually substantiate any of your claims you would actually engage in actual discussion and debate in which you provide anything to support what you say. You don't, as you once again proved, because you CAN'T.

Need a tissue? Or perhaps a quarter to call someone who cares what you personally FEEL or think.?!
NITWIT Have you listened to a word Holmes and Hill have said ?? No matter how much bs you republicans throw you can't make gold from bullshit Bet you AH's believe it was Ukraine attacked our election in 2016 not Russia
Such simple-minded ignorance. Has anyone explained to you how multiple things can happen at the same time? Has anyone explained to you that corrupt Ukraine officials and treasonous criminal Democrats colluding and working together in 2016 has been PROVEN already? Have you not seen Joe Biden's videotaped confession?


Silly snowflake.....
NO ONE respecting truth believes anything you say
Correction, snowflake - fragile, easily-offended, reality-denying snowflakes like yourself do their very best to ignore me, ignore the links / testimony / documents / facts I post, and - like you - get all emotional and personally attack me with the usual useless insults and lies. If you could actually substantiate any of your claims you would actually engage in actual discussion and debate in which you provide anything to support what you say. You don't, as you once again proved, because you CAN'T.

Need a tissue? Or perhaps a quarter to call someone who cares what you personally FEEL or think.?!
NITWIT Have you listened to a word Holmes and Hill have said ?? No matter how much bs you republicans throw you can't make gold from bullshit Bet you AH's believe it was Ukraine attacked our election in 2016 not Russia
Such simple-minded ignorance. Has anyone explained to you how multiple things can happen at the same time? Has anyone explained to you that corrupt Ukraine officials and treasonous criminal Democrats colluding and working together in 2016 has been PROVEN already? Have you not seen Joe Biden's videotaped confession?


Silly snowflake.....
UKRAINE in no way interfered with our election and the WH meeting depended on Ukraine investigation of bidens Trump is scum and he's painted all of you morons as his dupes
UKRAINE in no way interfered with our election and the WH meeting depended on Ukraine investigation of bidens Trump is scum and he's painted all of you morons as his dupes
Once again, very nice demonstration of an emotional, highly unsubstantiated opinion based on ignorance and bias.

Once again you provide nothing but your own say-so....

I, on the other hand - as opposed to snowflakes - provide links, reports, testimony, etc....

Let's get real: Democrats were first to enlist Ukraine in US elections

Ukraine admitted to interfering in the 2016 US election on Clinton’s side

'Ukraine did admit to interfering in the 2016 US election helping the Democratic candidate, Hillary Clinton.'

Report: Top Democrats Colluded with Ukrainians to Interfere with 2016 Election

Flashback: Top Dems Colluded With Ukraine Govt To Interfere in 2016 Election

"Ukrainian law enforcement officials claimed they have evidence of crimes by U.S. Democrats and their allies in Kiev, “ranging from 2016 election interference to obstructing criminal probes,”

Ukrainian to US prosecutors: Why don't you want our evidence on Democrats?
Gotta remember easy that reality Is what they feel it should be. That’s why suspension of reality is currently in full effect
NO ONE respecting truth believes anything you say
Correction, snowflake - fragile, easily-offended, reality-denying snowflakes like yourself do their very best to ignore me, ignore the links / testimony / documents / facts I post, and - like you - get all emotional and personally attack me with the usual useless insults and lies. If you could actually substantiate any of your claims you would actually engage in actual discussion and debate in which you provide anything to support what you say. You don't, as you once again proved, because you CAN'T.

Need a tissue? Or perhaps a quarter to call someone who cares what you personally FEEL or think.?!
NITWIT Have you listened to a word Holmes and Hill have said ?? No matter how much bs you republicans throw you can't make gold from bullshit Bet you AH's believe it was Ukraine attacked our election in 2016 not Russia
It pretty much was Ukraine attacked our election in 2016, moron - ion cooperation with Democrats in Congress and Hillary. The bullshit is all coming from leftwing turds like you

Who the hell are Holmes and Hill?
NO ONE respecting truth believes anything you say
Correction, snowflake - fragile, easily-offended, reality-denying snowflakes like yourself do their very best to ignore me, ignore the links / testimony / documents / facts I post, and - like you - get all emotional and personally attack me with the usual useless insults and lies. If you could actually substantiate any of your claims you would actually engage in actual discussion and debate in which you provide anything to support what you say. You don't, as you once again proved, because you CAN'T.

Need a tissue? Or perhaps a quarter to call someone who cares what you personally FEEL or think.?!
NITWIT Have you listened to a word Holmes and Hill have said ?? No matter how much bs you republicans throw you can't make gold from bullshit Bet you AH's believe it was Ukraine attacked our election in 2016 not Russia
Such simple-minded ignorance. Has anyone explained to you how multiple things can happen at the same time? Has anyone explained to you that corrupt Ukraine officials and treasonous criminal Democrats colluding and working together in 2016 has been PROVEN already? Have you not seen Joe Biden's videotaped confession?


Silly snowflake.....
UKRAINE in no way interfered with our election and the WH meeting depended on Ukraine investigation of bidens Trump is scum and he's painted all of you morons as his dupes
That's just dead wrong. It only shows how ignorant you are.

Ukraine admitted to interfering in the 2016 US election on Clinton’s side

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