It's Official: Lt Col Vindman Accused Of Illegally Leaking Contents Of Trump Call to Eric Ciamarella

Trump wasn't looking for info on Biden who he considers his greatest competition??

Low IQ Joe is not his "greatest competition," and was not a declared candidate at the time.

Low IQ Joe is a joke who has ZERO chance to win the Demo nomination

President Trump was attempting to FIND OUT WHERE OUR MONEY WENT, and you don't want him to succeed, because you know a lot of it went

As I've explained to you a dozen times already, for the purpose of this impeachment kangaroo court, it doesn't matter if the terms of the treaty were met. The treaty doesn't make it illegal for Trump to submit a request to the president of Ukraine.

Poor lying fucking moron. I never said it was illegal because of the treaty. I said he was acting under the provisions of the treaty. Therefore, the treaty doesn't buy him any cover for the crime he committed.
Whoever said he was "acting under the provisions of the treaty?" You keep claiming he wasn't. You keep dancing around the issue. You want to imply it wasn't legal for him to make a request of the President of Ukraine, but you know that's a lie.

The treaty makes it apparent that previous claims by numskulls like you that it's illegal for Trump to make a request of the President of Ukraine are not true. It's prefectly legal.

Over the course of a single seven-minute media availability on Thursday, President Donald Trump encouraged two foreign nations — Ukraine and China — to open investigations he hopes will implicate former vice president and current Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden in (unfounded) corruption allegations.

Not only was Trump’s conduct unseemly, but, as the head of America’s elections watchdog explained on national television Friday, it could be illegal.

That’s because federal elections law prohibits any person from soliciting, accepting, or receiving anything of value from a foreign national in connection with a US election. The law doesn’t just apply to money — investigations or political dirt that benefit a particular campaign counts as “things of value” too. And in case Trump is unclear about this, the current chair of the Federal Election Commission (FEC) has gone out of her way to try to explain it to him.

On Friday’s edition of Morning Joe, FEC chair Ellen Weintraub declined to talk about the specifics of Trump’s case but noted that “the law is pretty clear. ... It is absolutely illegal for anyone to solicit, accept, or receive anything of value from a foreign national in connection with any election in the United States.”
I won't bother to untangle that mass of idiocy. I'll just leave it at the fact that you're a moron.
can you get any more brainwashed ignorant and idiotic, brainwashed functional moron?I

It is absolutely illegal for anyone to solicit, accept, or receive anything of value from a foreign national in connection with any election in the United States.”

Putin's little buddy... by the way the Steele dossier has in no way been discredited. I caramba. Nor Mueller's report of collusion and obstruction or global warming etc etc dumbass dupes.

"I caramba"??? Really? while I had 2 years of Spanish in college, I don't profess Spanish speaking, BUT I know a common phrase "ay caramba" is the correct
spelling. Consequently though it goes with a Francophile such as you should understand that distinction. A you a racist?
"Global warming"...again your simpletonian inclusion really illustrates how simple facts confuse you.
Evidently you aren't aware of this:
"Averaged" =


NO WARMING in the oceans

NO WARMING on non-urban land

"averaged" =

Trump wasn't looking for info on Biden who he considers his greatest competition??

Low IQ Joe is not his "greatest competition," and was not a declared candidate at the time.

Low IQ Joe is a joke who has ZERO chance to win the Demo nomination

President Trump was attempting to FIND OUT WHERE OUR MONEY WENT, and you don't want him to succeed, because you know a lot of it went

OR our tax money in the pocket of Israeli leader ,, him and trump are almost the same garbage
OR our tax money in the pocket of Israeli leader

What do Zionists think of Low IQ Joe?

Is he "on their side?"


Atlanta Jewish Times publisher resigns over Obama 'assassination' column

The first is to launch a pre-emptive strike against Hamas and Hezbollah, the second is to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities and the third is to “give the go-ahead for U.S.-based Mossad agents to take out a president deemed unfriendly to Israel in order for the current vice president to take his place and forcefully dictate that the United States’ policy includes its helping the Jewish state obliterate its enemies.

IN other words, if the MOSSAD had offed the Cocksucker in Chief, the Atlanta Jewish Times expected Low IQ Joe to cover that up, blame Iran, and start a US war with Iran over a lie....

Zionism, America's worst problem

Poor lying fucking moron. I never said it was illegal because of the treaty. I said he was acting under the provisions of the treaty. Therefore, the treaty doesn't buy him any cover for the crime he committed.
Whoever said he was "acting under the provisions of the treaty?" You keep claiming he wasn't. You keep dancing around the issue. You want to imply it wasn't legal for him to make a request of the President of Ukraine, but you know that's a lie.

The treaty makes it apparent that previous claims by numskulls like you that it's illegal for Trump to make a request of the President of Ukraine are not true. It's prefectly legal.

Over the course of a single seven-minute media availability on Thursday, President Donald Trump encouraged two foreign nations — Ukraine and China — to open investigations he hopes will implicate former vice president and current Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden in (unfounded) corruption allegations.

Not only was Trump’s conduct unseemly, but, as the head of America’s elections watchdog explained on national television Friday, it could be illegal.

That’s because federal elections law prohibits any person from soliciting, accepting, or receiving anything of value from a foreign national in connection with a US election. The law doesn’t just apply to money — investigations or political dirt that benefit a particular campaign counts as “things of value” too. And in case Trump is unclear about this, the current chair of the Federal Election Commission (FEC) has gone out of her way to try to explain it to him.

On Friday’s edition of Morning Joe, FEC chair Ellen Weintraub declined to talk about the specifics of Trump’s case but noted that “the law is pretty clear. ... It is absolutely illegal for anyone to solicit, accept, or receive anything of value from a foreign national in connection with any election in the United States.”
I won't bother to untangle that mass of idiocy. I'll just leave it at the fact that you're a moron.
can you get any more brainwashed ignorant and idiotic, brainwashed functional moron?I

It is absolutely illegal for anyone to solicit, accept, or receive anything of value from a foreign national in connection with any election in the United States.”

Putin's little buddy... by the way the Steele dossier has in no way been discredited. I caramba. Nor Mueller's report of collusion and obstruction or global warming etc etc dumbass dupes.

"I caramba"??? Really? while I had 2 years of Spanish in college, I don't profess Spanish speaking, BUT I know a common phrase "ay caramba" is the correct
spelling. Consequently though it goes with a Francophile such as you should understand that distinction. A you a racist?
"Global warming"...again your simpletonian inclusion really illustrates how simple facts confuse you.
Evidently you aren't aware of this:
View attachment 291125
That is the way my smartphone spells it and the hell with it. You are correct technically. Get used to lazy people talking into some real news programs and you would know that global warming is happening. Ask anyone in Australia southern Spain southern United States California and etc etc. Global warming in Latin America is giving us a lot of refugees along with the GOP War on Drugs.
Whoever said he was "acting under the provisions of the treaty?" You keep claiming he wasn't. You keep dancing around the issue. You want to imply it wasn't legal for him to make a request of the President of Ukraine, but you know that's a lie.

The treaty makes it apparent that previous claims by numskulls like you that it's illegal for Trump to make a request of the President of Ukraine are not true. It's prefectly legal.

Over the course of a single seven-minute media availability on Thursday, President Donald Trump encouraged two foreign nations — Ukraine and China — to open investigations he hopes will implicate former vice president and current Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden in (unfounded) corruption allegations.

Not only was Trump’s conduct unseemly, but, as the head of America’s elections watchdog explained on national television Friday, it could be illegal.

That’s because federal elections law prohibits any person from soliciting, accepting, or receiving anything of value from a foreign national in connection with a US election. The law doesn’t just apply to money — investigations or political dirt that benefit a particular campaign counts as “things of value” too. And in case Trump is unclear about this, the current chair of the Federal Election Commission (FEC) has gone out of her way to try to explain it to him.

On Friday’s edition of Morning Joe, FEC chair Ellen Weintraub declined to talk about the specifics of Trump’s case but noted that “the law is pretty clear. ... It is absolutely illegal for anyone to solicit, accept, or receive anything of value from a foreign national in connection with any election in the United States.”
I won't bother to untangle that mass of idiocy. I'll just leave it at the fact that you're a moron.
can you get any more brainwashed ignorant and idiotic, brainwashed functional moron?I

It is absolutely illegal for anyone to solicit, accept, or receive anything of value from a foreign national in connection with any election in the United States.”

Putin's little buddy... by the way the Steele dossier has in no way been discredited. I caramba. Nor Mueller's report of collusion and obstruction or global warming etc etc dumbass dupes.

"I caramba"??? Really? while I had 2 years of Spanish in college, I don't profess Spanish speaking, BUT I know a common phrase "ay caramba" is the correct
spelling. Consequently though it goes with a Francophile such as you should understand that distinction. A you a racist?
"Global warming"...again your simpletonian inclusion really illustrates how simple facts confuse you.
Evidently you aren't aware of this:
View attachment 291125
That is the way my smartphone spells it and the hell with it. You are correct technically. Get used to lazy people talking into some real news programs and you would know that global warming is happening. Ask anyone in Australia southern Spain southern United States California and etc etc. Global warming in Latin America is giving us a lot of refugees along with the GOP War on Drugs.
Talking to BRI ?? He's smarter than scientists too ,just like Dump
Over the course of a single seven-minute media availability on Thursday, President Donald Trump encouraged two foreign nations — Ukraine and China — to open investigations he hopes will implicate former vice president and current Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden in (unfounded) corruption allegations.

Not only was Trump’s conduct unseemly, but, as the head of America’s elections watchdog explained on national television Friday, it could be illegal.

That’s because federal elections law prohibits any person from soliciting, accepting, or receiving anything of value from a foreign national in connection with a US election. The law doesn’t just apply to money — investigations or political dirt that benefit a particular campaign counts as “things of value” too. And in case Trump is unclear about this, the current chair of the Federal Election Commission (FEC) has gone out of her way to try to explain it to him.

On Friday’s edition of Morning Joe, FEC chair Ellen Weintraub declined to talk about the specifics of Trump’s case but noted that “the law is pretty clear. ... It is absolutely illegal for anyone to solicit, accept, or receive anything of value from a foreign national in connection with any election in the United States.”
I won't bother to untangle that mass of idiocy. I'll just leave it at the fact that you're a moron.
can you get any more brainwashed ignorant and idiotic, brainwashed functional moron?I

It is absolutely illegal for anyone to solicit, accept, or receive anything of value from a foreign national in connection with any election in the United States.”

Putin's little buddy... by the way the Steele dossier has in no way been discredited. I caramba. Nor Mueller's report of collusion and obstruction or global warming etc etc dumbass dupes.

"I caramba"??? Really? while I had 2 years of Spanish in college, I don't profess Spanish speaking, BUT I know a common phrase "ay caramba" is the correct
spelling. Consequently though it goes with a Francophile such as you should understand that distinction. A you a racist?
"Global warming"...again your simpletonian inclusion really illustrates how simple facts confuse you.
Evidently you aren't aware of this:
View attachment 291125
That is the way my smartphone spells it and the hell with it. You are correct technically. Get used to lazy people talking into some real news programs and you would know that global warming is happening. Ask anyone in Australia southern Spain southern United States California and etc etc. Global warming in Latin America is giving us a lot of refugees along with the GOP War on Drugs.
Talking to BRI ?? He's smarter than scientists too ,just like Dump
I'm smarter than every snowflake in this forum, but that isn't much of an accomplishment.
As I've explained to you a dozen times already, for the purpose of this impeachment kangaroo court, it doesn't matter if the terms of the treaty were met. The treaty doesn't make it illegal for Trump to submit a request to the president of Ukraine.

Poor lying fucking moron. I never said it was illegal because of the treaty. I said he was acting under the provisions of the treaty. Therefore, the treaty doesn't buy him any cover for the crime he committed.
Whoever said he was "acting under the provisions of the treaty?" You keep claiming he wasn't. You keep dancing around the issue. You want to imply it was illegal for him to make a request of the President of Ukraine, but you know that's a lie.

The treaty makes it apparent that previous claims by numskulls like you that it's illegal for Trump to make a request of the President of Ukraine are not true. It's perfectly legal.
It was illegal for him to request a foreign leader to help him with his campaign for re-election. The treaty doesn't help him since the request wasn't made under the jurisdiction of the treaty.
We're talking about the treaty, moron. His request had nothing to do with any election. If the treaty is irrelevant, then why do dumbasses like you keep bringing it up?
So why is Biden leading Democratic candidates in the upcoming primaries? Jesus you people are pathetic....

Because as boring and gaffe prone as he is, he's still preferable to the rest of the loons in the clown car. You know, those useless democrats scared to do anything that might make a Republican mad at them, but can count on your vote anyway.
I won't bother to untangle that mass of idiocy. I'll just leave it at the fact that you're a moron.
can you get any more brainwashed ignorant and idiotic, brainwashed functional moron?I

It is absolutely illegal for anyone to solicit, accept, or receive anything of value from a foreign national in connection with any election in the United States.”

Putin's little buddy... by the way the Steele dossier has in no way been discredited. I caramba. Nor Mueller's report of collusion and obstruction or global warming etc etc dumbass dupes.

"I caramba"??? Really? while I had 2 years of Spanish in college, I don't profess Spanish speaking, BUT I know a common phrase "ay caramba" is the correct
spelling. Consequently though it goes with a Francophile such as you should understand that distinction. A you a racist?
"Global warming"...again your simpletonian inclusion really illustrates how simple facts confuse you.
Evidently you aren't aware of this:
View attachment 291125
That is the way my smartphone spells it and the hell with it. You are correct technically. Get used to lazy people talking into some real news programs and you would know that global warming is happening. Ask anyone in Australia southern Spain southern United States California and etc etc. Global warming in Latin America is giving us a lot of refugees along with the GOP War on Drugs.
Talking to BRI ?? He's smarter than scientists too ,just like Dump
I'm smarter than every snowflake in this forum, but that isn't much of an accomplishment.
Smarter ?? Debatable,,,......Comedian?? you're number 1
can you get any more brainwashed ignorant and idiotic, brainwashed functional moron?I

It is absolutely illegal for anyone to solicit, accept, or receive anything of value from a foreign national in connection with any election in the United States.”

Putin's little buddy... by the way the Steele dossier has in no way been discredited. I caramba. Nor Mueller's report of collusion and obstruction or global warming etc etc dumbass dupes.

"I caramba"??? Really? while I had 2 years of Spanish in college, I don't profess Spanish speaking, BUT I know a common phrase "ay caramba" is the correct
spelling. Consequently though it goes with a Francophile such as you should understand that distinction. A you a racist?
"Global warming"...again your simpletonian inclusion really illustrates how simple facts confuse you.
Evidently you aren't aware of this:
View attachment 291125
That is the way my smartphone spells it and the hell with it. You are correct technically. Get used to lazy people talking into some real news programs and you would know that global warming is happening. Ask anyone in Australia southern Spain southern United States California and etc etc. Global warming in Latin America is giving us a lot of refugees along with the GOP War on Drugs.
Talking to BRI ?? He's smarter than scientists too ,just like Dump
I'm smarter than every snowflake in this forum, but that isn't much of an accomplishment.
Smarter ?? Debatable,,,......Comedian?? you're number 1
If only you could hear us all laughing when you pretend to be smart.
I won't bother to untangle that mass of idiocy. I'll just leave it at the fact that you're a moron.
can you get any more brainwashed ignorant and idiotic, brainwashed functional moron?I

It is absolutely illegal for anyone to solicit, accept, or receive anything of value from a foreign national in connection with any election in the United States.”

Putin's little buddy... by the way the Steele dossier has in no way been discredited. I caramba. Nor Mueller's report of collusion and obstruction or global warming etc etc dumbass dupes.

"I caramba"??? Really? while I had 2 years of Spanish in college, I don't profess Spanish speaking, BUT I know a common phrase "ay caramba" is the correct
spelling. Consequently though it goes with a Francophile such as you should understand that distinction. A you a racist?
"Global warming"...again your simpletonian inclusion really illustrates how simple facts confuse you.
Evidently you aren't aware of this:
View attachment 291125
That is the way my smartphone spells it and the hell with it. You are correct technically. Get used to lazy people talking into some real news programs and you would know that global warming is happening. Ask anyone in Australia southern Spain southern United States California and etc etc. Global warming in Latin America is giving us a lot of refugees along with the GOP War on Drugs.
Talking to BRI ?? He's smarter than scientists too ,just like Dump
I'm smarter than every snowflake in this forum, but that isn't much of an accomplishment.
Just don't try taking your garbage propaganda to polite Society.
It wasn't in connection with any election, you fucking brain-dead moron. You can peddle that shit to ignorant gullible snowflakes, but no one else is buying it.
OH? Trump wasn't looking for info on Biden who he considers his greatest competition?? Personal gain ? Illegal

It certainly looks as though Biden is crooked and used his position to greatly benefit his son with an undeniable Quid Pro Quo. That IS corruption and should be investigated. Just because he decided to run for President, doesn't preclude him from wrongdoing or investigation.
And just because moron trump is president doesn't preclude him either The difference is Trump during his lifetime has managed to stay one step ahead of the sheriff Biden is clean

I agree, being President doesn't preclude anything he may have done. The problem is, he didn't do anything wrong in this case. There was no Quid Pro Quo and even if there was, it was justified to investigate corruption. The Dems have nothing but votes. This impeachment case would have never even made it to court in the real world.
You idiots just love mobbed-up criminal businessman / politicians don't you? Poor America.

And you morons love Socialism, despite all the evidence pointing to failure. Bizarre
Whoever said he was "acting under the provisions of the treaty?" You keep claiming he wasn't. You keep dancing around the issue. You want to imply it wasn't legal for him to make a request of the President of Ukraine, but you know that's a lie.

The treaty makes it apparent that previous claims by numskulls like you that it's illegal for Trump to make a request of the President of Ukraine are not true. It's prefectly legal.

Over the course of a single seven-minute media availability on Thursday, President Donald Trump encouraged two foreign nations — Ukraine and China — to open investigations he hopes will implicate former vice president and current Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden in (unfounded) corruption allegations.

Not only was Trump’s conduct unseemly, but, as the head of America’s elections watchdog explained on national television Friday, it could be illegal.

That’s because federal elections law prohibits any person from soliciting, accepting, or receiving anything of value from a foreign national in connection with a US election. The law doesn’t just apply to money — investigations or political dirt that benefit a particular campaign counts as “things of value” too. And in case Trump is unclear about this, the current chair of the Federal Election Commission (FEC) has gone out of her way to try to explain it to him.

On Friday’s edition of Morning Joe, FEC chair Ellen Weintraub declined to talk about the specifics of Trump’s case but noted that “the law is pretty clear. ... It is absolutely illegal for anyone to solicit, accept, or receive anything of value from a foreign national in connection with any election in the United States.”
I won't bother to untangle that mass of idiocy. I'll just leave it at the fact that you're a moron.
can you get any more brainwashed ignorant and idiotic, brainwashed functional moron?I

It is absolutely illegal for anyone to solicit, accept, or receive anything of value from a foreign national in connection with any election in the United States.”

Putin's little buddy... by the way the Steele dossier has in no way been discredited. I caramba. Nor Mueller's report of collusion and obstruction or global warming etc etc dumbass dupes.

"I caramba"??? Really? while I had 2 years of Spanish in college, I don't profess Spanish speaking, BUT I know a common phrase "ay caramba" is the correct
spelling. Consequently though it goes with a Francophile such as you should understand that distinction. A you a racist?
"Global warming"...again your simpletonian inclusion really illustrates how simple facts confuse you.
Evidently you aren't aware of this:
View attachment 291125
That is the way my smartphone spells it and the hell with it. You are correct technically. Get used to lazy people talking into some real news programs and you would know that global warming is happening. Ask anyone in Australia southern Spain southern United States California and etc etc. Global warming in Latin America is giving us a lot of refugees along with the GOP War on Drugs.

Yeah, Bernie said something about certain US cities being underwater in under a decade. Talk about a wackadoo...and you brainwashed dolts lap it up.
OH? Trump wasn't looking for info on Biden who he considers his greatest competition?? Personal gain ? Illegal

It certainly looks as though Biden is crooked and used his position to greatly benefit his son with an undeniable Quid Pro Quo. That IS corruption and should be investigated. Just because he decided to run for President, doesn't preclude him from wrongdoing or investigation.
And just because moron trump is president doesn't preclude him either The difference is Trump during his lifetime has managed to stay one step ahead of the sheriff Biden is clean

I agree, being President doesn't preclude anything he may have done. The problem is, he didn't do anything wrong in this case. There was no Quid Pro Quo and even if there was, it was justified to investigate corruption. The Dems have nothing but votes. This impeachment case would have never even made it to court in the real world.
You idiots just love mobbed-up criminal businessman / politicians don't you? Poor America.

And you morons love Socialism, despite all the evidence pointing to failure. Bizarre
And you still think socialism means communism Cold War dinosaur brainwashed functional moron. It is what every other modern country has Australia New Zealand France Japan Canada EU. Only brainwashed fools like you make this possible. Ask Bernie or AOC.
Over the course of a single seven-minute media availability on Thursday, President Donald Trump encouraged two foreign nations — Ukraine and China — to open investigations he hopes will implicate former vice president and current Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden in (unfounded) corruption allegations.

Not only was Trump’s conduct unseemly, but, as the head of America’s elections watchdog explained on national television Friday, it could be illegal.

That’s because federal elections law prohibits any person from soliciting, accepting, or receiving anything of value from a foreign national in connection with a US election. The law doesn’t just apply to money — investigations or political dirt that benefit a particular campaign counts as “things of value” too. And in case Trump is unclear about this, the current chair of the Federal Election Commission (FEC) has gone out of her way to try to explain it to him.

On Friday’s edition of Morning Joe, FEC chair Ellen Weintraub declined to talk about the specifics of Trump’s case but noted that “the law is pretty clear. ... It is absolutely illegal for anyone to solicit, accept, or receive anything of value from a foreign national in connection with any election in the United States.”
I won't bother to untangle that mass of idiocy. I'll just leave it at the fact that you're a moron.
can you get any more brainwashed ignorant and idiotic, brainwashed functional moron?I

It is absolutely illegal for anyone to solicit, accept, or receive anything of value from a foreign national in connection with any election in the United States.”

Putin's little buddy... by the way the Steele dossier has in no way been discredited. I caramba. Nor Mueller's report of collusion and obstruction or global warming etc etc dumbass dupes.

"I caramba"??? Really? while I had 2 years of Spanish in college, I don't profess Spanish speaking, BUT I know a common phrase "ay caramba" is the correct
spelling. Consequently though it goes with a Francophile such as you should understand that distinction. A you a racist?
"Global warming"...again your simpletonian inclusion really illustrates how simple facts confuse you.
Evidently you aren't aware of this:
View attachment 291125
That is the way my smartphone spells it and the hell with it. You are correct technically. Get used to lazy people talking into some real news programs and you would know that global warming is happening. Ask anyone in Australia southern Spain southern United States California and etc etc. Global warming in Latin America is giving us a lot of refugees along with the GOP War on Drugs.

Yeah, Bernie said something about certain US cities being underwater in under a decade. Talk about a wackadoo...and you brainwashed dolts lap it up.
At this rate, anything's possible. You people are incredibly ignorant about global warming. You just get the brainwash. Don't watch any nature programs or anythink or science programs. Only Sean and Rush are right. The whole rest of the world of journalists law enforcement scientists are all lying....

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