It’s official...Mexifornia is now a sanctuary state. Executive Order coming soon?

Well, starting Monday anyway.
California to officially become ‘Sanctuary State’ in the new year - KIEM-TV | News Channel 3
I’m thinking this is going to light a major fire under the asses of the Trump admin.
What are the odds that we’ll see an Executive Order or two related to this?
I expect some extreme measures to be taken...I won’t be surprised if Trump, with iCE, assemble task forces that will essentially patrol the streets of Los Angeles and San Francisco using stop and identify tactics...grab your popcorn...this is gonna get good.

I wonder if it's legal for Trump to build a wall.........around California?
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Shit...let me out first fellas....LOL
I’m in full liquidation mode and moving as fast as I can.
Well take advantage of the situation. Hire you some mexicans to help! ;)
This made me think of an interesting question regarding the rights of states compared to federal laws.

The constitution allows for the federal government to defend our borders from threats and invasions, but if a state wants to allow illegals in, isn't that a states rights issue? If that were to go to court, who wins? The state, or the federal government?

The issue is not about allowing illegals to cross the border. The borders are controlled by US federal government. The issue is allowing illegals to stay once across, and actually protecting them from deportation.
The constitution allows for the federal government to defend our borders from threats and invasions, but if a state wants to allow illegals in, isn't that a states rights issue? If that were to go to court, who wins? The state, or the federal government?
Here is a very quick stab at it. Very quick. It is a whole lot more complicated than this.

Immigration is an enumerated power, congress has the exclusive power to regulate or not regulate it. Supremecy clause.

But, the question is whether states must use their executive resources to enforce federal law.

In case of California not enforcing fed law on immigration, they likely win.
This made me think of an interesting question regarding the rights of states compared to federal laws.

The constitution allows for the federal government to defend our borders from threats and invasions, but if a state wants to allow illegals in, isn't that a states rights issue? If that were to go to court, who wins? The state, or the federal government?

The federal government. Immigration is one of their few Constitutionally-mandated duties, over which they have absolute authority.

It is not a states-rights issue.
The constitution allows for the federal government to defend our borders from threats and invasions, but if a state wants to allow illegals in, isn't that a states rights issue? If that were to go to court, who wins? The state, or the federal government?
Here is a very quick stab at it. Very quick. It is a whole lot more complicated than this.

Immigration is an enumerated power, congress has the exclusive power to regulate or not regulate it. Supremecy clause.

But, the question is whether states must use their executive resources to enforce federal law.

In case of California not enforcing fed law on immigration, they likely win.

Possibly, but that would not prevent the federal government from sending in federal agencies and troops to enforce immigration law.

It would be most unpleasant for the state government.
The constitution allows for the federal government to defend our borders from threats and invasions, but if a state wants to allow illegals in, isn't that a states rights issue? If that were to go to court, who wins? The state, or the federal government?
Here is a very quick stab at it. Very quick. It is a whole lot more complicated than this.

Immigration is an enumerated power, congress has the exclusive power to regulate or not regulate it. Supremecy clause.

But, the question is whether states must use their executive resources to enforce federal law.

In case of California not enforcing fed law on immigration, they likely win.

You’re right for the most part...states can elect not to direct resources toward solving federal crimes. BUT, it’s when they incentivize and harbor federal criminals that it becomes an issue of aiding and abetting.
Taxpayers are now paying $31,000 per year per illegal inmate in Federal prisons, 59,000 illegals that's $1.8 BILLION per year or $18 billion over the next 10 years. How much border wall can we build for $18 billion?
Neither the Toxic Tumor nor Beauregard Sessions has much power over state decisions.
Fuck 'em both
They are breaking federal law you moron....just go back to mommies basement and smoke some weed.
Well, starting Monday anyway.
California to officially become ‘Sanctuary State’ in the new year - KIEM-TV | News Channel 3
I’m thinking this is going to light a major fire under the asses of the Trump admin.
What are the odds that we’ll see an Executive Order or two related to this?
I expect some extreme measures to be taken...I won’t be surprised if Trump, with iCE, assemble task forces that will essentially patrol the streets of Los Angeles and San Francisco using stop and identify tactics...grab your popcorn...this is gonna get good.

Sounds like an illegal magnet to me.

They can enjoy it.
Well, starting Monday anyway.
California to officially become ‘Sanctuary State’ in the new year - KIEM-TV | News Channel 3
I’m thinking this is going to light a major fire under the asses of the Trump admin.
What are the odds that we’ll see an Executive Order or two related to this?
I expect some extreme measures to be taken...I won’t be surprised if Trump, with iCE, assemble task forces that will essentially patrol the streets of Los Angeles and San Francisco using stop and identify tactics...grab your popcorn...this is gonna get good.
I'd institute a travel ban from terrorist liberals moving to other states.....preventing them from spreading their insanity to the rest of America.

Outstanding! I'd confine liberal traitors to work camps, they would be picking up trash along public roads in orange jumpsuits so you libs be glad I'm not in charge.
They are breaking federal law you moron....just go back to mommies basement and smoke some weed.

Sorry, but there is no federal law allowing federal jackbooted autocrats to (as the OP put it) "assemble task forces that will essentially patrol the streets of Los Angeles and San Francisco using stop and identify tactic".

Now go re-take that government class that you failed in high school.
They are breaking federal law you moron....just go back to mommies basement and smoke some weed.

Sorry, but there is no federal law allowing federal jackbooted autocrats to (as the OP put it) "assemble task forces that will essentially patrol the streets of Los Angeles and San Francisco using stop and identify tactic".

Now go re-take that government class that you failed in high school.
Did I say there was moron? This law blocks ALL law enforcement in California from working with Federal Government agents to deport criminals who are here illegally. They are breaking a federal law as I stated you idiot. I never said the one response was legal even though it is I said the state law is illegal and unconstitutional and will be found as such at the SC.
They are breaking federal law you moron....just go back to mommies basement and smoke some weed.

Sorry, but there is no federal law allowing federal jackbooted autocrats to (as the OP put it) "assemble task forces that will essentially patrol the streets of Los Angeles and San Francisco using stop and identify tactic".

Now go re-take that government class that you failed in high school.

We won't have to, black Americans will arm and resist the illegal invasion or get a brain and stop voting for Dem traitors.
They are breaking federal law you moron....just go back to mommies basement and smoke some weed.

Sorry, but there is no federal law allowing federal jackbooted autocrats to (as the OP put it) "assemble task forces that will essentially patrol the streets of Los Angeles and San Francisco using stop and identify tactic".

Now go re-take that government class that you failed in high school.

We won't have to, black Americans will arm and resist the illegal invasion or get a brain and stop voting for Dem traitors.
He is too dumb to realize Blacks in California HATE Mexicans because they are taking their slice of the gubmint pie...let them destroy each other. I personally hope President Trump gives California an ultimatum. Reverse the decision or I send in the national guard.
They are breaking federal law you moron....just go back to mommies basement and smoke some weed.

Sorry, but there is no federal law allowing federal jackbooted autocrats to (as the OP put it) "assemble task forces that will essentially patrol the streets of Los Angeles and San Francisco using stop and identify tactic".

Now go re-take that government class that you failed in high school.

We won't have to, black Americans will arm and resist the illegal invasion or get a brain and stop voting for Dem traitors.
He is too dumb to realize Blacks in California HATE Mexicans because they are taking their slice of the gubmint pie...let them destroy each other. I personally hope President Trump gives California an ultimatum. Reverse the decision or I send in the national guard.

Interesting question, does the POTUS out rank the Governor when it comes to commanding the national guard?
They are breaking federal law you moron....just go back to mommies basement and smoke some weed.

Sorry, but there is no federal law allowing federal jackbooted autocrats to (as the OP put it) "assemble task forces that will essentially patrol the streets of Los Angeles and San Francisco using stop and identify tactic".

Now go re-take that government class that you failed in high school.

We won't have to, black Americans will arm and resist the illegal invasion or get a brain and stop voting for Dem traitors.
He is too dumb to realize Blacks in California HATE Mexicans because they are taking their slice of the gubmint pie...let them destroy each other. I personally hope President Trump gives California an ultimatum. Reverse the decision or I send in the national guard.

Blacks who want unfettered immigration of Mexicans to the USA are really really stupid.
Did I say there was moron? This law blocks ALL law enforcement in California from working with Federal Government agents to deport criminals who are here illegally. They are breaking a federal law as I stated you idiot. I never said the one response was legal even though it is I said the state law is illegal and unconstitutional and will be found as such at the SC.

Edjumucate yerself turd-brain
California could become a sanctuary state. What that means
He is too dumb to realize Blacks in California HATE Mexicans because they are taking their slice of the gubmint pie...let them destroy each other. I personally hope President Trump gives California an ultimatum. Reverse the decision or I send in the national guard.

The National Guard is in no way equipped at present to send in enough forces to police a state of 33 million people.

The U.S. Army's top enlisted soldier said the number-one readiness problem facing the service is that the active component -- the most deployable force -- has 50,000 soldiers who can't deploy. That figure represents the largest number of non-deployable soldiers in all three components of the service. The National Guard has 28,000 non-deployable soldiers and the Reserve component has 25,000, according to Sgt. Maj. of the Army Daniel Dailey's office. Having 50,000 non-deployable, active soldiers is comparable to three of the Army's 10 active combat divisions,​

Army Has 50,000 Active Soldiers Who Can't Deploy, Top NCO Says
Army wants more Guard, Reserve deployments in 2017

And no Odious - Blacks to not "hate Mexicans"
Do Blacks and Hispanics Get Along?

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