It's Official: Tim Kaine Interrupted Mike Pence An Unheard Of 70+ Times During The VP Debate

[Kaine]He sacrificed his performance in the debate to hit at Trump.

Caffeinated Kaine sacrificed any chance a normal person would vote for the democrat ticket with his bizarre behavior, reciting the memorized MSNBC talking points in response to every question.
Kaine did a good impersonation of Trump.... :D

I didn't like it....wanted to smack him upside of the head, just shut up already, and learn from your boss, not your opponent's boss.
In 2012 Joe Biden laughed through the whole debate when facing Paul Ryan. Now Tim Kaine acts like a 5th grader when debating Mike Pence. Clearly Democrats can't talk about the real issues so they come up with this shit. America loses.
In 2012 Joe Biden laughed through the whole debate when facing Paul Ryan. Now Tim Kaine acts like a 5th grader when debating Mike Pence. Clearly Democrats can't talk about the real issues so they come up with this shit. America loses.
LMAO America loses to an unimaginable extent if T-Rump is actually elected. What a deeply sad day that would be for America.
In 2012 Joe Biden laughed through the whole debate when facing Paul Ryan. Now Tim Kaine acts like a 5th grader when debating Mike Pence. Clearly Democrats can't talk about the real issues so they come up with this shit. America loses.
LMAO America loses to an unimaginable extent if T-Rump is actually elected. What a deeply sad day that would be for America.
We lose what exactly? Secure borders, reasonable taxes, America first foriegn policy, a president not selling out, someone not lying to us on a daily basis and someone who has never set up a secret email system to keep their grifting ways from the public. Is that what we all stand to lose by voting for Trump?
In 2012 Joe Biden laughed through the whole debate when facing Paul Ryan. Now Tim Kaine acts like a 5th grader when debating Mike Pence. Clearly Democrats can't talk about the real issues so they come up with this shit. America loses.
LMAO America loses to an unimaginable extent if T-Rump is actually elected. What a deeply sad day that would be for America.
We lose what exactly? Secure borders, reasonable taxes, America first foriegn policy, a president not selling out, someone not lying to us on a daily basis and someone who has never set up a secret email system to keep their grifting ways from the public. Is that what we all stand to lose by voting for Trump?
We lose in so many ways. Our standing in the world will drop enormously; it already has just with him running. We will lose economically; he will bankrupt our economy: experts around the world have said his economic plans are a disaster. We will not have any more secure borders than we do now. He will increase the level of terrorist threat to Americans, inside the country and around the world, with his anti-Muslim stance: the very vast majority of Muslims are not terrorists and don't endorse it, but his attitude feeds right into what ISIS wants. They will be able to recruit more and more terrorists. It isn't HC that is lying to us on a daily basis: it is Trump, only you are too blind to see it. He is lying about nearly everything, and he is caught on it almost every time, but you people ignore it. He will probably alienate all of our allies: he has already done so to a large extent. He will embroil us in a lot more military action and put thousands of US soldiers at risk. He will endanger the environment. The list goes on and on. He would be the ultimate disaster for the US.

Lyin' Donald: 101 Of Trump's Greatest Lies

Lyin' Donald: 101 Of Trump's Greatest Lies

The Atlantic Monthly has endorsed Hillary. Has any major media outlet endorsed Trump?

"Today, our position is similar to the one in which The Atlantic’s editors found themselves in 1964. We are impressed by many of the qualities of the Democratic Party’s nominee for president, even as we are exasperated by others, but we are mainly concerned with the Republican Party’s nominee, Donald J. Trump, who might be the most ostentatiously unqualified major-party candidate in the 227-year history of the American presidency."

So far, several major media outlets who have been conservative for decades, even over a hundred years, have endorsed Mrs. Clinton, not Trump. Thinking people know that Trump is a danger to our nation.
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Hillary supports isis, killing of gays and raping of women and child brides and Es is ok with that- hello???

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