It's Official: Tim Kaine Interrupted Mike Pence An Unheard Of 70+ Times During The VP Debate

Caffeinated Kaine sacrificed any chance a normal person would vote for the democrat...

Bullshit, rw nutters like you never admit any "normal person" voting democrat. You just come up with a different excuse why that is the case every time.

And more bullshit yet - everybody knows this debate played right about even as far as the race's dynamic. Pence ran a radio show and has put on professional delivery that may have ultimately edged him to narrowly the debate, but on actual substance Kaine walloped him plenty when it came to indefensible stuff Trumps keeps doing and saying and that stuff isn't just going to go away by false no-no-no denial in the debate.

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KAINE is a BIG FAKE: He thinks he's a Catholic- oops- NOT!, he thinks he's Hispanic-oops- NOT! He thinks he's a champion- Oops- maybe he might look and sound more winning if he didn't scare the Millennials out of their pants who are wondering if washed out old lefty politicians rant and rave like a lunatic always...

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