It's official, Trump is the only President to be Impeached Twice

The vote is 232 to 197 with 10 Republicans voting to impeach. This is worth noting. The actual Senate vote won't happen until after Jan 20th the way Moscow Mitch has it worked out. Mitch is going to address this (according to Mitch) on the 19th. Meaning, it won't be voted on until at least the 20th. With a 50/50 split, if they can get 10 Republican Senators to vote for conviction then that's 60. There is a good chance that Mitch will be one of those that will vote to convict. On that alone, the number of Republicans will be closer to 16. As it stands, there are 6 solid Republican Senators that will vote to convict. That means that they only need 4.

Yah, I know, you rumpsters will all say it's not going to happen but you have been so wrong for so long. Think of this, Rump is now the ONLY President to be Impeached twice. I wonder if he gets not only one asterisk next to his name when listed or does he get two.

There is no cite on this one. This is real time.

Impeached for what? What did he say or do?

OH, just stop it. I no longer have the time to spend reading your traitorous posts.

Once again, what did he say or do on the day those people swarmed the Capitol?
He lied and said he won the election and that congress was stealing it from them.
LOL! Biden's a liar, too. But you can't seem to work up any outrage for that.
Biden said he won the election which is a fact. Dump lied and claimed he won the election.

Biden did not win the election. The Democrats cheated, therefore he is illegitimate.
Prove it.

Under the rule of law and the presumption of innocence, the accused don't have to prove their innocence. More rather, you must prove their guilt.

I'm amazed at how stupid you guys and girls are, when it comes to simple concepts like that.
You accused Biden and the dems of cheating. Prove it.
You accused Trump of inciting insurrection. Prove it.
The impeachment just proved it. Stop stalling and prove your claim.
The impeachment proved nothing except that Democrats are spoiled children. But if you think it did prove something substantive, tell it to Jamal Trulove -- the man CA AG Kamala Harris put in prison for life despite no evidence.

That is Democrat "justice". Arrive at the verdict, the evidence doesn't matter.

Do you fully understand what you are promoting? The Trump movement is autocratic and charismatic. Its NOT about Democracy or rule of law. Its about losers and militia freaks.
Mindlessly repeating leftist propaganda is not a compelling argument.
So your go to is to deny reality and claim Dump won the election?
Oh no, I'm perfectly willing to believe a senile pedophile was the absolute best the Democratic Party could offer.
It was much better than the pedophile, liar, grifter, and illiterate choice that Dump presented.
And yet you believe, somehow, Biden, who is all those things, was a better choice.
I dont believe. I know Biden was a better choice. Dump was a incompetent fuckup and I called it the moment he got nominated.
So your solution was to vote for another incompetent fuckup.

Who are you trying to convince? Me, or yourself?

Have you forgotten that Trump exposed Israeli intelligence assets to the Russians right after he took office?
The vote is 232 to 197 with 10 Republicans voting to impeach. This is worth noting. The actual Senate vote won't happen until after Jan 20th the way Moscow Mitch has it worked out. Mitch is going to address this (according to Mitch) on the 19th. Meaning, it won't be voted on until at least the 20th. With a 50/50 split, if they can get 10 Republican Senators to vote for conviction then that's 60. There is a good chance that Mitch will be one of those that will vote to convict. On that alone, the number of Republicans will be closer to 16. As it stands, there are 6 solid Republican Senators that will vote to convict. That means that they only need 4.

Yah, I know, you rumpsters will all say it's not going to happen but you have been so wrong for so long. Think of this, Rump is now the ONLY President to be Impeached twice. I wonder if he gets not only one asterisk next to his name when listed or does he get two.

There is no cite on this one. This is real time.

Impeached for what? What did he say or do?

OH, just stop it. I no longer have the time to spend reading your traitorous posts.

Once again, what did he say or do on the day those people swarmed the Capitol?
He lied and said he won the election and that congress was stealing it from them.
LOL! Biden's a liar, too. But you can't seem to work up any outrage for that.
Biden said he won the election which is a fact. Dump lied and claimed he won the election.

Biden did not win the election. The Democrats cheated, therefore he is illegitimate.
Prove it.

Under the rule of law and the presumption of innocence, the accused don't have to prove their innocence. More rather, you must prove their guilt.

I'm amazed at how stupid you guys and girls are, when it comes to simple concepts like that.
You accused Biden and the dems of cheating. Prove it.
You accused Trump of inciting insurrection. Prove it.
The impeachment just proved it. Stop stalling and prove your claim.
The impeachment proved nothing except that Democrats are spoiled children. But if you think it did prove something substantive, tell it to Jamal Trulove -- the man CA AG Kamala Harris put in prison for life despite no evidence.

That is Democrat "justice". Arrive at the verdict, the evidence doesn't matter.

Do you fully understand what you are promoting? The Trump movement is autocratic and charismatic. Its NOT about Democracy or rule of law. Its about losers and militia freaks.
Mindlessly repeating leftist propaganda is not a compelling argument.
So your go to is to deny reality and claim Dump won the election?
Oh no, I'm perfectly willing to believe a senile pedophile was the absolute best the Democratic Party could offer.
It was much better than the pedophile, liar, grifter, and illiterate choice that Dump presented.
And yet you believe, somehow, Biden, who is all those things, was a better choice.
I dont believe. I know Biden was a better choice. Dump was a incompetent fuckup and I called it the moment he got nominated.
So your solution was to vote for another incompetent fuckup.

Who are you trying to convince? Me, or yourself?

Have you forgotten that Trump exposed Israeli intelligence assets to the Russians right after he took office?
Have you forgotten Biden got SeAL Team 6 killed?

Or do you just not give a shit?
The vote is 232 to 197 with 10 Republicans voting to impeach. This is worth noting. The actual Senate vote won't happen until after Jan 20th the way Moscow Mitch has it worked out. Mitch is going to address this (according to Mitch) on the 19th. Meaning, it won't be voted on until at least the 20th. With a 50/50 split, if they can get 10 Republican Senators to vote for conviction then that's 60. There is a good chance that Mitch will be one of those that will vote to convict. On that alone, the number of Republicans will be closer to 16. As it stands, there are 6 solid Republican Senators that will vote to convict. That means that they only need 4.

Yah, I know, you rumpsters will all say it's not going to happen but you have been so wrong for so long. Think of this, Rump is now the ONLY President to be Impeached twice. I wonder if he gets not only one asterisk next to his name when listed or does he get two.

There is no cite on this one. This is real time.

Impeached for what? What did he say or do?

OH, just stop it. I no longer have the time to spend reading your traitorous posts.

Once again, what did he say or do on the day those people swarmed the Capitol?
He lied and said he won the election and that congress was stealing it from them.
LOL! Biden's a liar, too. But you can't seem to work up any outrage for that.
Biden said he won the election which is a fact. Dump lied and claimed he won the election.

Biden did not win the election. The Democrats cheated, therefore he is illegitimate.
Prove it.

Under the rule of law and the presumption of innocence, the accused don't have to prove their innocence. More rather, you must prove their guilt.

I'm amazed at how stupid you guys and girls are, when it comes to simple concepts like that.
You accused Biden and the dems of cheating. Prove it.
You accused Trump of inciting insurrection. Prove it.
The impeachment just proved it. Stop stalling and prove your claim.
The impeachment proved nothing except that Democrats are spoiled children. But if you think it did prove something substantive, tell it to Jamal Trulove -- the man CA AG Kamala Harris put in prison for life despite no evidence.

That is Democrat "justice". Arrive at the verdict, the evidence doesn't matter.

Do you fully understand what you are promoting? The Trump movement is autocratic and charismatic. Its NOT about Democracy or rule of law. Its about losers and militia freaks.
Mindlessly repeating leftist propaganda is not a compelling argument.
So your go to is to deny reality and claim Dump won the election?
Oh no, I'm perfectly willing to believe a senile pedophile was the absolute best the Democratic Party could offer.
It was much better than the pedophile, liar, grifter, and illiterate choice that Dump presented.
And yet you believe, somehow, Biden, who is all those things, was a better choice.
I dont believe. I know Biden was a better choice. Dump was a incompetent fuckup and I called it the moment he got nominated.
How did he fuck up? He kept most of his campaign promises

Like healthcare and coal mining jobs? Or the wall that Mexico would pay for? He did manage to destroy our soybean farmers.
The vote is 232 to 197 with 10 Republicans voting to impeach. This is worth noting. The actual Senate vote won't happen until after Jan 20th the way Moscow Mitch has it worked out. Mitch is going to address this (according to Mitch) on the 19th. Meaning, it won't be voted on until at least the 20th. With a 50/50 split, if they can get 10 Republican Senators to vote for conviction then that's 60. There is a good chance that Mitch will be one of those that will vote to convict. On that alone, the number of Republicans will be closer to 16. As it stands, there are 6 solid Republican Senators that will vote to convict. That means that they only need 4.

Yah, I know, you rumpsters will all say it's not going to happen but you have been so wrong for so long. Think of this, Rump is now the ONLY President to be Impeached twice. I wonder if he gets not only one asterisk next to his name when listed or does he get two.

There is no cite on this one. This is real time.
Thats extremely shameful, for democrats i mean. But hey, now that you have set the precedent, republicans can now return the favor in the future.
Yup..the next time a Democratic President sends his goons into the Capital to beat people and terrify lawmakers..I hope that the Republicans have the guts to impeach and convict.
Prediction. In 2022 the Dems lose the House (because that is what Nancy does) and the Republicans ramp up the Ukrainian investigation and they impeach Biden (if he is still around). It would work great for the Dems which would be the only reason it wouldn't happen but I doubt the Republicans will be able to resist.
ZERO Chance. None. Zip. Zero.

We are going to start healing and uniting. Enough of this bickering. Biden may be a corpse but he is fairly benign and with Trump gone, Nancy will calm down as well.
Pedo Joe could have been a uniter and leader by telling the party he runs to grow up and move on.

He is neither.

Why in the world would we even need Joe to be a “uniter”? It's not like the guy we have in there now is a divider, is it?
No the one before him, that jack ass divided this country like no one ever has.
The vote is 232 to 197 with 10 Republicans voting to impeach. This is worth noting. The actual Senate vote won't happen until after Jan 20th the way Moscow Mitch has it worked out. Mitch is going to address this (according to Mitch) on the 19th. Meaning, it won't be voted on until at least the 20th. With a 50/50 split, if they can get 10 Republican Senators to vote for conviction then that's 60. There is a good chance that Mitch will be one of those that will vote to convict. On that alone, the number of Republicans will be closer to 16. As it stands, there are 6 solid Republican Senators that will vote to convict. That means that they only need 4.

Yah, I know, you rumpsters will all say it's not going to happen but you have been so wrong for so long. Think of this, Rump is now the ONLY President to be Impeached twice. I wonder if he gets not only one asterisk next to his name when listed or does he get two.

There is no cite on this one. This is real time.

Impeached for what? What did he say or do?

OH, just stop it. I no longer have the time to spend reading your traitorous posts.

Once again, what did he say or do on the day those people swarmed the Capitol?
He lied and said he won the election and that congress was stealing it from them.
LOL! Biden's a liar, too. But you can't seem to work up any outrage for that.
Biden said he won the election which is a fact. Dump lied and claimed he won the election.

Biden did not win the election. The Democrats cheated, therefore he is illegitimate.
Prove it.

Under the rule of law and the presumption of innocence, the accused don't have to prove their innocence. More rather, you must prove their guilt.

I'm amazed at how stupid you guys and girls are, when it comes to simple concepts like that.
You accused Biden and the dems of cheating. Prove it.
You accused Trump of inciting insurrection. Prove it.
The impeachment just proved it. Stop stalling and prove your claim.
The impeachment proved nothing except that Democrats are spoiled children. But if you think it did prove something substantive, tell it to Jamal Trulove -- the man CA AG Kamala Harris put in prison for life despite no evidence.

That is Democrat "justice". Arrive at the verdict, the evidence doesn't matter.

Do you fully understand what you are promoting? The Trump movement is autocratic and charismatic. Its NOT about Democracy or rule of law. Its about losers and militia freaks.
Mindlessly repeating leftist propaganda is not a compelling argument.
So your go to is to deny reality and claim Dump won the election?
Oh no, I'm perfectly willing to believe a senile pedophile was the absolute best the Democratic Party could offer.
It was much better than the pedophile, liar, grifter, and illiterate choice that Dump presented.
And yet you believe, somehow, Biden, who is all those things, was a better choice.
I dont believe. I know Biden was a better choice. Dump was a incompetent fuckup and I called it the moment he got nominated.
How did he fuck up? He kept most of his campaign promises

Like healthcare and coal mining jobs? Or the wall that Mexico would pay for? He did manage to destroy our soybean farmers.
Like bill Clinton killed the cotton industry?

Conspiracy Theory Baselessly Claims Biden Had Navy SEALs ...
Claim: "CIA Whistleblower Exposes Biden's Alleged Role with the Deaths of SEAL Team."

Fact checked by

Fact check: Biden did not leak SEAL Team 6 identities
Aug 18, 2020 · The parents of Aaron Vaughn, a SEAL Team 6 member killed in the attack but not believed to have been on the mission that killed bin Laden, have …
The vote is 232 to 197 with 10 Republicans voting to impeach. This is worth noting. The actual Senate vote won't happen until after Jan 20th the way Moscow Mitch has it worked out. Mitch is going to address this (according to Mitch) on the 19th. Meaning, it won't be voted on until at least the 20th. With a 50/50 split, if they can get 10 Republican Senators to vote for conviction then that's 60. There is a good chance that Mitch will be one of those that will vote to convict. On that alone, the number of Republicans will be closer to 16. As it stands, there are 6 solid Republican Senators that will vote to convict. That means that they only need 4.

Yah, I know, you rumpsters will all say it's not going to happen but you have been so wrong for so long. Think of this, Rump is now the ONLY President to be Impeached twice. I wonder if he gets not only one asterisk next to his name when listed or does he get two.

There is no cite on this one. This is real time.

Impeached for what? What did he say or do?

OH, just stop it. I no longer have the time to spend reading your traitorous posts.

Once again, what did he say or do on the day those people swarmed the Capitol?
He lied and said he won the election and that congress was stealing it from them.
LOL! Biden's a liar, too. But you can't seem to work up any outrage for that.
Biden said he won the election which is a fact. Dump lied and claimed he won the election.

Biden did not win the election. The Democrats cheated, therefore he is illegitimate.

It's not an impeachable offense to maintain that claim, it's the truth.'s your truth..good luck with in the real world...Biden is president on Jan. 21...and no one really cares what the fringe thinks..really...they just don't.

The hammer is coming down on the Alt/ obey the law....or get crushed.
The vote is 232 to 197 with 10 Republicans voting to impeach. This is worth noting. The actual Senate vote won't happen until after Jan 20th the way Moscow Mitch has it worked out. Mitch is going to address this (according to Mitch) on the 19th. Meaning, it won't be voted on until at least the 20th. With a 50/50 split, if they can get 10 Republican Senators to vote for conviction then that's 60. There is a good chance that Mitch will be one of those that will vote to convict. On that alone, the number of Republicans will be closer to 16. As it stands, there are 6 solid Republican Senators that will vote to convict. That means that they only need 4.

Yah, I know, you rumpsters will all say it's not going to happen but you have been so wrong for so long. Think of this, Rump is now the ONLY President to be Impeached twice. I wonder if he gets not only one asterisk next to his name when listed or does he get two.

There is no cite on this one. This is real time.

Impeached for what? What did he say or do?

OH, just stop it. I no longer have the time to spend reading your traitorous posts.

Once again, what did he say or do on the day those people swarmed the Capitol?
He lied and said he won the election and that congress was stealing it from them.
LOL! Biden's a liar, too. But you can't seem to work up any outrage for that.
Biden said he won the election which is a fact. Dump lied and claimed he won the election.

Biden did not win the election. The Democrats cheated, therefore he is illegitimate.
Prove it.

Under the rule of law and the presumption of innocence, the accused don't have to prove their innocence. More rather, you must prove their guilt.

I'm amazed at how stupid you guys and girls are, when it comes to simple concepts like that.
You accused Biden and the dems of cheating. Prove it.
You accused Trump of inciting insurrection. Prove it.
The impeachment just proved it. Stop stalling and prove your claim.
The impeachment proved nothing except that Democrats are spoiled children. But if you think it did prove something substantive, tell it to Jamal Trulove -- the man CA AG Kamala Harris put in prison for life despite no evidence.

That is Democrat "justice". Arrive at the verdict, the evidence doesn't matter.

Do you fully understand what you are promoting? The Trump movement is autocratic and charismatic. Its NOT about Democracy or rule of law. Its about losers and militia freaks.
Mindlessly repeating leftist propaganda is not a compelling argument.
So your go to is to deny reality and claim Dump won the election?
Oh no, I'm perfectly willing to believe a senile pedophile was the absolute best the Democratic Party could offer.
It was much better than the pedophile, liar, grifter, and illiterate choice that Dump presented.
And yet you believe, somehow, Biden, who is all those things, was a better choice.
I dont believe. I know Biden was a better choice. Dump was a incompetent fuckup and I called it the moment he got nominated.
So your solution was to vote for another incompetent fuckup.

Who are you trying to convince? Me, or yourself?

Have you forgotten that Trump exposed Israeli intelligence assets to the Russians right after he took office?
Have you forgotten Biden got SeAL Team 6 killed?

Or do you just not give a shit?
That is a lie..simple as that..file it with all your other conspiracy BS.

Conspiracy Theory Baselessly Claims Biden Had Navy SEALs ...
View attachment 442470
Claim: "CIA Whistleblower Exposes Biden's Alleged Role with the Deaths of SEAL Team."
View attachment 442471
Fact checked by

Fact check: Biden did not leak SEAL Team 6 identities
Aug 18, 2020 · The parents of Aaron Vaughn, a SEAL Team 6 member killed in the attack but not believed to have been on the mission that killed bin Laden, have …
Factcheck. :auiqs.jpg:
The vote is 232 to 197 with 10 Republicans voting to impeach. This is worth noting. The actual Senate vote won't happen until after Jan 20th the way Moscow Mitch has it worked out. Mitch is going to address this (according to Mitch) on the 19th. Meaning, it won't be voted on until at least the 20th. With a 50/50 split, if they can get 10 Republican Senators to vote for conviction then that's 60. There is a good chance that Mitch will be one of those that will vote to convict. On that alone, the number of Republicans will be closer to 16. As it stands, there are 6 solid Republican Senators that will vote to convict. That means that they only need 4.

Yah, I know, you rumpsters will all say it's not going to happen but you have been so wrong for so long. Think of this, Rump is now the ONLY President to be Impeached twice. I wonder if he gets not only one asterisk next to his name when listed or does he get two.

There is no cite on this one. This is real time.

Impeached for what? What did he say or do?

OH, just stop it. I no longer have the time to spend reading your traitorous posts.

Once again, what did he say or do on the day those people swarmed the Capitol?
He lied and said he won the election and that congress was stealing it from them.
LOL! Biden's a liar, too. But you can't seem to work up any outrage for that.
Biden said he won the election which is a fact. Dump lied and claimed he won the election.

Biden did not win the election. The Democrats cheated, therefore he is illegitimate.
Prove it.

Under the rule of law and the presumption of innocence, the accused don't have to prove their innocence. More rather, you must prove their guilt.

I'm amazed at how stupid you guys and girls are, when it comes to simple concepts like that.
You accused Biden and the dems of cheating. Prove it.
You accused Trump of inciting insurrection. Prove it.
The impeachment just proved it. Stop stalling and prove your claim.
The impeachment proved nothing except that Democrats are spoiled children. But if you think it did prove something substantive, tell it to Jamal Trulove -- the man CA AG Kamala Harris put in prison for life despite no evidence.

That is Democrat "justice". Arrive at the verdict, the evidence doesn't matter.

Do you fully understand what you are promoting? The Trump movement is autocratic and charismatic. Its NOT about Democracy or rule of law. Its about losers and militia freaks.
Mindlessly repeating leftist propaganda is not a compelling argument.
So your go to is to deny reality and claim Dump won the election?
Oh no, I'm perfectly willing to believe a senile pedophile was the absolute best the Democratic Party could offer.
It was much better than the pedophile, liar, grifter, and illiterate choice that Dump presented.
And yet you believe, somehow, Biden, who is all those things, was a better choice.
I dont believe. I know Biden was a better choice. Dump was a incompetent fuckup and I called it the moment he got nominated.
So your solution was to vote for another incompetent fuckup.

Who are you trying to convince? Me, or yourself?

Have you forgotten that Trump exposed Israeli intelligence assets to the Russians right after he took office?
Have you forgotten Biden got SeAL Team 6 killed?

Or do you just not give a shit?
That is a lie..simple as that..file it with all your other conspiracy BS.
Your petulant foot-stamping is less than compelling. Maybe if you threatened to hold your breath until you turn blue...?

Conspiracy Theory Baselessly Claims Biden Had Navy SEALs ...
View attachment 442470
Claim: "CIA Whistleblower Exposes Biden's Alleged Role with the Deaths of SEAL Team."
View attachment 442471
Fact checked by

Fact check: Biden did not leak SEAL Team 6 identities
Aug 18, 2020 · The parents of Aaron Vaughn, a SEAL Team 6 member killed in the attack but not believed to have been on the mission that killed bin Laden, have …
Factcheck. :auiqs.jpg:

You don't care at all, do you?

Conspiracy Theory Baselessly Claims Biden Had Navy SEALs ...
View attachment 442470
Claim: "CIA Whistleblower Exposes Biden's Alleged Role with the Deaths of SEAL Team."
View attachment 442471
Fact checked by

Fact check: Biden did not leak SEAL Team 6 identities
Aug 18, 2020 · The parents of Aaron Vaughn, a SEAL Team 6 member killed in the attack but not believed to have been on the mission that killed bin Laden, have …
Factcheck. :auiqs.jpg:

You don't care at all, do you?
I care about the lives of our military servicemen and -women. Democrats don't. Run along now, kid.
The vote is 232 to 197 with 10 Republicans voting to impeach. This is worth noting. The actual Senate vote won't happen until after Jan 20th the way Moscow Mitch has it worked out. Mitch is going to address this (according to Mitch) on the 19th. Meaning, it won't be voted on until at least the 20th. With a 50/50 split, if they can get 10 Republican Senators to vote for conviction then that's 60. There is a good chance that Mitch will be one of those that will vote to convict. On that alone, the number of Republicans will be closer to 16. As it stands, there are 6 solid Republican Senators that will vote to convict. That means that they only need 4.

Yah, I know, you rumpsters will all say it's not going to happen but you have been so wrong for so long. Think of this, Rump is now the ONLY President to be Impeached twice. I wonder if he gets not only one asterisk next to his name when listed or does he get two.

There is no cite on this one. This is real time.
Getting republicans on board will be a lot easier with Trump gone. Most republican in congress today, support Trump out of fear and the fact that he is still the party standard bearing. That all goes away on Jan 20th. There is at least half dozen republicans in the Senate who would love to make sure that Trump does not run in 2024 and a conviction could do that..
Last edited:
The vote is 232 to 197 with 10 Republicans voting to impeach. This is worth noting. The actual Senate vote won't happen until after Jan 20th the way Moscow Mitch has it worked out. Mitch is going to address this (according to Mitch) on the 19th. Meaning, it won't be voted on until at least the 20th. With a 50/50 split, if they can get 10 Republican Senators to vote for conviction then that's 60. There is a good chance that Mitch will be one of those that will vote to convict. On that alone, the number of Republicans will be closer to 16. As it stands, there are 6 solid Republican Senators that will vote to convict. That means that they only need 4.

Yah, I know, you rumpsters will all say it's not going to happen but you have been so wrong for so long. Think of this, Rump is now the ONLY President to be Impeached twice. I wonder if he gets not only one asterisk next to his name when listed or does he get two.

There is no cite on this one. This is real time.

Chew on this, Daryl Hunt. A few minutes ago a new Congresswoman just announced on OAN to Greg Kelly that the day after the inauguration that she will introduce articles of impeachment of Joe Biden. Her name is Majorie Taylor Greene (R) GA.
The vote is 232 to 197 with 10 Republicans voting to impeach. This is worth noting. The actual Senate vote won't happen until after Jan 20th the way Moscow Mitch has it worked out. Mitch is going to address this (according to Mitch) on the 19th. Meaning, it won't be voted on until at least the 20th. With a 50/50 split, if they can get 10 Republican Senators to vote for conviction then that's 60. There is a good chance that Mitch will be one of those that will vote to convict. On that alone, the number of Republicans will be closer to 16. As it stands, there are 6 solid Republican Senators that will vote to convict. That means that they only need 4.

Yah, I know, you rumpsters will all say it's not going to happen but you have been so wrong for so long. Think of this, Rump is now the ONLY President to be Impeached twice. I wonder if he gets not only one asterisk next to his name when listed or does he get two.

There is no cite on this one. This is real time.

Yes, he made the political class look so bad, incompetent, and corrupt, that they had to do this or their minions in CACA (Chinese American Communist Association), like you, would cry and snivel too much.
No republican will vote to convict.
The vote is 232 to 197 with 10 Republicans voting to impeach. This is worth noting. The actual Senate vote won't happen until after Jan 20th the way Moscow Mitch has it worked out. Mitch is going to address this (according to Mitch) on the 19th. Meaning, it won't be voted on until at least the 20th. With a 50/50 split, if they can get 10 Republican Senators to vote for conviction then that's 60. There is a good chance that Mitch will be one of those that will vote to convict. On that alone, the number of Republicans will be closer to 16. As it stands, there are 6 solid Republican Senators that will vote to convict. That means that they only need 4.

Yah, I know, you rumpsters will all say it's not going to happen but you have been so wrong for so long. Think of this, Rump is now the ONLY President to be Impeached twice. I wonder if he gets not only one asterisk next to his name when listed or does he get two.

There is no cite on this one. This is real time.

Chew on this, Daryl Hunt. A few minutes ago a new Congresswoman just announced on OAN to Greg Kelly that the day after the inauguration that she will introduce articles of impeachment of Joe Biden. Her name is Majorie Taylor Greene (R) GA.
The vote is 232 to 197 with 10 Republicans voting to impeach. This is worth noting. The actual Senate vote won't happen until after Jan 20th the way Moscow Mitch has it worked out. Mitch is going to address this (according to Mitch) on the 19th. Meaning, it won't be voted on until at least the 20th. With a 50/50 split, if they can get 10 Republican Senators to vote for conviction then that's 60. There is a good chance that Mitch will be one of those that will vote to convict. On that alone, the number of Republicans will be closer to 16. As it stands, there are 6 solid Republican Senators that will vote to convict. That means that they only need 4.

Yah, I know, you rumpsters will all say it's not going to happen but you have been so wrong for so long. Think of this, Rump is now the ONLY President to be Impeached twice. I wonder if he gets not only one asterisk next to his name when listed or does he get two.

There is no cite on this one. This is real time.
Thats extremely shameful, for democrats i mean. But hey, now that you have set the precedent, republicans can now return the favor in the future.
Yup..the next time a Democratic President sends his goons into the Capital to beat people and terrify lawmakers..I hope that the Republicans have the guts to impeach and convict.
The problem is, Trump didnt do that, yet you still impeached him. He never told anyone to riot.
The vote is 232 to 197 with 10 Republicans voting to impeach. This is worth noting. The actual Senate vote won't happen until after Jan 20th the way Moscow Mitch has it worked out. Mitch is going to address this (according to Mitch) on the 19th. Meaning, it won't be voted on until at least the 20th. With a 50/50 split, if they can get 10 Republican Senators to vote for conviction then that's 60. There is a good chance that Mitch will be one of those that will vote to convict. On that alone, the number of Republicans will be closer to 16. As it stands, there are 6 solid Republican Senators that will vote to convict. That means that they only need 4.

Yah, I know, you rumpsters will all say it's not going to happen but you have been so wrong for so long. Think of this, Rump is now the ONLY President to be Impeached twice. I wonder if he gets not only one asterisk next to his name when listed or does he get two.

There is no cite on this one. This is real time.

Impeached for what? What did he say or do?

OH, just stop it. I no longer have the time to spend reading your traitorous posts.

Once again, what did he say or do on the day those people swarmed the Capitol?
He lied and said he won the election and that congress was stealing it from them.
LOL! Biden's a liar, too. But you can't seem to work up any outrage for that.
Biden said he won the election which is a fact. Dump lied and claimed he won the election.

Biden did not win the election. The Democrats cheated, therefore he is illegitimate.
Prove it.

Under the rule of law and the presumption of innocence, the accused don't have to prove their innocence. More rather, you must prove their guilt.

I'm amazed at how stupid you guys and girls are, when it comes to simple concepts like that.
You accused Biden and the dems of cheating. Prove it.
You accused Trump of inciting insurrection. Prove it.
The impeachment just proved it. Stop stalling and prove your claim.
The impeachment proved nothing except that Democrats are spoiled children. But if you think it did prove something substantive, tell it to Jamal Trulove -- the man CA AG Kamala Harris put in prison for life despite no evidence.

That is Democrat "justice". Arrive at the verdict, the evidence doesn't matter.

Trump brought the impeachment on himself because he is so incredibly stupid. He debased his presidency and threw away the election.
Yes, that's what you were told to believe.

So who do you think should be held accountable for this insurrection that took place at the Capitol. Do you believe there has to be accountability.
The people that lured African Americans to Baltimore for jobs that were lost quickly as the manufacturing reduced in the 1950's as the world retooled should be held accountable. That would be Nancy Pelosi's family. She seems to be doing well.

So Pelosi should be held accountable for black folks in Baltimore in the 1950s, but America shouldn't be held accountable for what was done to black folks in America for almost 400yrs. Smfh.
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The vote is 232 to 197 with 10 Republicans voting to impeach. This is worth noting. The actual Senate vote won't happen until after Jan 20th the way Moscow Mitch has it worked out. Mitch is going to address this (according to Mitch) on the 19th. Meaning, it won't be voted on until at least the 20th. With a 50/50 split, if they can get 10 Republican Senators to vote for conviction then that's 60. There is a good chance that Mitch will be one of those that will vote to convict. On that alone, the number of Republicans will be closer to 16. As it stands, there are 6 solid Republican Senators that will vote to convict. That means that they only need 4.

Yah, I know, you rumpsters will all say it's not going to happen but you have been so wrong for so long. Think of this, Rump is now the ONLY President to be Impeached twice. I wonder if he gets not only one asterisk next to his name when listed or does he get two.

There is no cite on this one. This is real time.

Impeached for what? What did he say or do?

OH, just stop it. I no longer have the time to spend reading your traitorous posts.

Once again, what did he say or do on the day those people swarmed the Capitol?
He lied and said he won the election and that congress was stealing it from them.
LOL! Biden's a liar, too. But you can't seem to work up any outrage for that.
Biden said he won the election which is a fact. Dump lied and claimed he won the election.

Biden did not win the election. The Democrats cheated, therefore he is illegitimate.
Prove it.

Under the rule of law and the presumption of innocence, the accused don't have to prove their innocence. More rather, you must prove their guilt.

I'm amazed at how stupid you guys and girls are, when it comes to simple concepts like that.
You accused Biden and the dems of cheating. Prove it.
No you made claims Trump lied, you prove it

Nothing to prove, you Trump Humpers know what his lies are you will just never admit it.

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