It's official, Trump is the only President to be Impeached Twice

The vote is 232 to 197 with 10 Republicans voting to impeach. This is worth noting. The actual Senate vote won't happen until after Jan 20th the way Moscow Mitch has it worked out. Mitch is going to address this (according to Mitch) on the 19th. Meaning, it won't be voted on until at least the 20th. With a 50/50 split, if they can get 10 Republican Senators to vote for conviction then that's 60. There is a good chance that Mitch will be one of those that will vote to convict. On that alone, the number of Republicans will be closer to 16. As it stands, there are 6 solid Republican Senators that will vote to convict. That means that they only need 4.

Yah, I know, you rumpsters will all say it's not going to happen but you have been so wrong for so long. Think of this, Rump is now the ONLY President to be Impeached twice. I wonder if he gets not only one asterisk next to his name when listed or does he get two.

There is no cite on this one. This is real time.

Impeached for what? What did he say or do?

OH, just stop it. I no longer have the time to spend reading your traitorous posts.

Once again, what did he say or do on the day those people swarmed the Capitol?
He lied and said he won the election and that congress was stealing it from them.
LOL! Biden's a liar, too. But you can't seem to work up any outrage for that.
Biden said he won the election which is a fact. Dump lied and claimed he won the election.

Biden did not win the election. The Democrats cheated, therefore he is illegitimate.
Prove it.

Under the rule of law and the presumption of innocence, the accused don't have to prove their innocence. More rather, you must prove their guilt.

I'm amazed at how stupid you guys and girls are, when it comes to simple concepts like that.
You accused Biden and the dems of cheating. Prove it.
You accused Trump of inciting insurrection. Prove it.
The impeachment just proved it. Stop stalling and prove your claim.
The impeachment proved nothing except that Democrats are spoiled children. But if you think it did prove something substantive, tell it to Jamal Trulove -- the man CA AG Kamala Harris put in prison for life despite no evidence.

That is Democrat "justice". Arrive at the verdict, the evidence doesn't matter.

Do you fully understand what you are promoting? The Trump movement is autocratic and charismatic. Its NOT about Democracy or rule of law. Its about losers and militia freaks.
Mindlessly repeating leftist propaganda is not a compelling argument.
So your go to is to deny reality and claim Dump won the election?
Oh no, I'm perfectly willing to believe a senile pedophile was the absolute best the Democratic Party could offer.
It was much better than the pedophile, liar, grifter, and illiterate choice that Dump presented.
The vote is 232 to 197 with 10 Republicans voting to impeach. This is worth noting. The actual Senate vote won't happen until after Jan 20th the way Moscow Mitch has it worked out. Mitch is going to address this (according to Mitch) on the 19th. Meaning, it won't be voted on until at least the 20th. With a 50/50 split, if they can get 10 Republican Senators to vote for conviction then that's 60. There is a good chance that Mitch will be one of those that will vote to convict. On that alone, the number of Republicans will be closer to 16. As it stands, there are 6 solid Republican Senators that will vote to convict. That means that they only need 4.

Yah, I know, you rumpsters will all say it's not going to happen but you have been so wrong for so long. Think of this, Rump is now the ONLY President to be Impeached twice. I wonder if he gets not only one asterisk next to his name when listed or does he get two.

There is no cite on this one. This is real time.

Impeached for what? What did he say or do?

OH, just stop it. I no longer have the time to spend reading your traitorous posts.

Once again, what did he say or do on the day those people swarmed the Capitol?
He told them the election was stolen. He told them to go home after the Capitol invasion, but then said that he loves them, which means he agrees with their actions, despite saying they shouldn't be violent.

He's reading from the teleprompter right now and claiming he doesnt want violence. He wants to run again.

At this point? I favor a censure which would prohibit the orange anus from EVER running or occupying anything N of Dog Catcher.

I didnt know that. A censure will keep him from ever holding office again?

That is what I heard last night - There's a way to do that, but I'm not a lawyer. ;)

McConnell wants to purge the Trumps from the Republican party.
The vote is 232 to 197 with 10 Republicans voting to impeach. This is worth noting. The actual Senate vote won't happen until after Jan 20th the way Moscow Mitch has it worked out. Mitch is going to address this (according to Mitch) on the 19th. Meaning, it won't be voted on until at least the 20th. With a 50/50 split, if they can get 10 Republican Senators to vote for conviction then that's 60. There is a good chance that Mitch will be one of those that will vote to convict. On that alone, the number of Republicans will be closer to 16. As it stands, there are 6 solid Republican Senators that will vote to convict. That means that they only need 4.

Yah, I know, you rumpsters will all say it's not going to happen but you have been so wrong for so long. Think of this, Rump is now the ONLY President to be Impeached twice. I wonder if he gets not only one asterisk next to his name when listed or does he get two.

There is no cite on this one. This is real time.
Thats extremely shameful, for democrats i mean. But hey, now that you have set the precedent, republicans can now return the favor in the future.

The way it is right now, the John Birch Society Republicans are in serious trouble. The Koolaid is wearing off.
Regardless, you guys set a terrible precedent that hurts the nation.
So, fomenting a riot was OK. I get it.

You want unity, get the Republicans to quit lying about the election and call in the Senate & act now. Quit defending Trump.
Who fomented a riot? Certainly not Trump, but you are free to prove me wrong by providing an exact quote.
With a few Republican senators already on board, there’s actually a chance that this one passes through the Senate.

I don’t expect it to pass at this moment, but it might. McConnell’s weight behind this might steer more Republicans toward it in the next week.
The vote is 232 to 197 with 10 Republicans voting to impeach. This is worth noting. The actual Senate vote won't happen until after Jan 20th the way Moscow Mitch has it worked out. Mitch is going to address this (according to Mitch) on the 19th. Meaning, it won't be voted on until at least the 20th. With a 50/50 split, if they can get 10 Republican Senators to vote for conviction then that's 60. There is a good chance that Mitch will be one of those that will vote to convict. On that alone, the number of Republicans will be closer to 16. As it stands, there are 6 solid Republican Senators that will vote to convict. That means that they only need 4.

Yah, I know, you rumpsters will all say it's not going to happen but you have been so wrong for so long. Think of this, Rump is now the ONLY President to be Impeached twice. I wonder if he gets not only one asterisk next to his name when listed or does he get two.

There is no cite on this one. This is real time.

Impeached for what? What did he say or do?

OH, just stop it. I no longer have the time to spend reading your traitorous posts.

Once again, what did he say or do on the day those people swarmed the Capitol?
He told them the election was stolen. He told them to go home after the Capitol invasion, but then said that he loves them, which means he agrees with their actions, despite saying they shouldn't be violent.

He's reading from the teleprompter right now and claiming he doesnt want violence. He wants to run again.

At this point? I favor a censure which would prohibit the orange anus from EVER running or occupying anything N of Dog Catcher.

I didnt know that. A censure will keep him from ever holding office again?

That is what I heard last night - There's a way to do that, but I'm not a lawyer. ;)

McConnell wants to purge the Trumps from the Republican party.

If he does that the dems will rule forever. They primarily consist of Dump supporters at this point.
This thread AGAIN proves I am correct.

The Left are all Moral Narcissists.

Do ANYTHING if it makes you feel good. To hell with any consequences, right vs wrong or who might get hurt in the process.

Do you fully understand that Trump's movement is autocratic and charismatic.
The vote is 232 to 197 with 10 Republicans voting to impeach. This is worth noting. The actual Senate vote won't happen until after Jan 20th the way Moscow Mitch has it worked out. Mitch is going to address this (according to Mitch) on the 19th. Meaning, it won't be voted on until at least the 20th. With a 50/50 split, if they can get 10 Republican Senators to vote for conviction then that's 60. There is a good chance that Mitch will be one of those that will vote to convict. On that alone, the number of Republicans will be closer to 16. As it stands, there are 6 solid Republican Senators that will vote to convict. That means that they only need 4.

Yah, I know, you rumpsters will all say it's not going to happen but you have been so wrong for so long. Think of this, Rump is now the ONLY President to be Impeached twice. I wonder if he gets not only one asterisk next to his name when listed or does he get two.

There is no cite on this one. This is real time.

Impeached for what? What did he say or do?
Twice failed to win the popular vote.

Voted out of office.

Now twice impeached.

After having lost the election Trump propagated lies and conspiracy theories that the election was ‘stolen,’ that there was ‘fraud’ and ‘cheating’ and that he had actually won the election after election officials at both the state and Federal level and of both parties confirmed that the election was fair, free, and honest.

Trump then attempted to coerce Georgia election officials to enter into a criminal conspiracy to falsify that state’s election results after those results had been recounted and certified to be correct and accurate.

Last week Trump incited his supporters to attack America’s democracy and bring domestic terrorism to the halls of Congress.

Trump’s impeachment was more than appropriate, warranted, and justified; Trump has only himself to blame.
Prediction. In 2022 the Dems lose the House (because that is what Nancy does) and the Republicans ramp up the Ukrainian investigation and they impeach Biden (if he is still around). It would work great for the Dems which would be the only reason it wouldn't happen but I doubt the Republicans will be able to resist.
ZERO Chance. None. Zip. Zero.

We are going to start healing and uniting. Enough of this bickering. Biden may be a corpse but he is fairly benign and with Trump gone, Nancy will calm down as well.
Good luck with that moron, you reap what you sow. What is good for the goose is good for the gander. They had a chance for unity and Piglosi decided to throw another temper tantrum--going as far as putting a Chinese spy on the committee.
It is now nothing more than a cheap political stunt. No due process, no evidence, no hearings.......just a railroaded vote.
The Fascist party just shit on the Constitution, again.
No – there’s no ‘joke’ here; just the end to a sad, failed Trump administration and an individual who had no business being president – someone utterly infit and incompetent, someone who has nothing but contempt for our democratic institutions, the will of the people, and the rule of law.

Not satisfied with attempting to coerce Georgia election officials into entering a criminal conspiracy to falsify that state’s lawful, honest, and fair election results, Trump then incited a mob of his violent supporters to attack America’s democracy and bring domestic terrorism to the halls of Congress.

Trump’s impeachment was warranted, appropriate, and justified.

Trump has only himself to blame.
Communist democrat POS
The vote is 232 to 197 with 10 Republicans voting to impeach. This is worth noting. The actual Senate vote won't happen until after Jan 20th the way Moscow Mitch has it worked out. Mitch is going to address this (according to Mitch) on the 19th. Meaning, it won't be voted on until at least the 20th. With a 50/50 split, if they can get 10 Republican Senators to vote for conviction then that's 60. There is a good chance that Mitch will be one of those that will vote to convict. On that alone, the number of Republicans will be closer to 16. As it stands, there are 6 solid Republican Senators that will vote to convict. That means that they only need 4.

Yah, I know, you rumpsters will all say it's not going to happen but you have been so wrong for so long. Think of this, Rump is now the ONLY President to be Impeached twice. I wonder if he gets not only one asterisk next to his name when listed or does he get two.

There is no cite on this one. This is real time.

Impeached for what? What did he say or do?

OH, just stop it. I no longer have the time to spend reading your traitorous posts.

Once again, what did he say or do on the day those people swarmed the Capitol?
He lied and said he won the election and that congress was stealing it from them.
LOL! Biden's a liar, too. But you can't seem to work up any outrage for that.
Biden said he won the election which is a fact. Dump lied and claimed he won the election.

Biden did not win the election. The Democrats cheated, therefore he is illegitimate.
Prove it.

Under the rule of law and the presumption of innocence, the accused don't have to prove their innocence. More rather, you must prove their guilt.

I'm amazed at how stupid you guys and girls are, when it comes to simple concepts like that.
You accused Biden and the dems of cheating. Prove it.
You accused Trump of inciting insurrection. Prove it.
The impeachment just proved it. Stop stalling and prove your claim.
The impeachment proved nothing except that Democrats are spoiled children. But if you think it did prove something substantive, tell it to Jamal Trulove -- the man CA AG Kamala Harris put in prison for life despite no evidence.

That is Democrat "justice". Arrive at the verdict, the evidence doesn't matter.

Do you fully understand what you are promoting? The Trump movement is autocratic and charismatic. Its NOT about Democracy or rule of law. Its about losers and militia freaks.
Mindlessly repeating leftist propaganda is not a compelling argument.
So your go to is to deny reality and claim Dump won the election?
Oh no, I'm perfectly willing to believe a senile pedophile was the absolute best the Democratic Party could offer.
It was much better than the pedophile, liar, grifter, and illiterate choice that Dump presented.
And yet you believe, somehow, Biden, who is all those things, was a better choice.
This thread AGAIN proves I am correct.

The Left are all Moral Narcissists.

Do ANYTHING if it makes you feel good. To hell with any consequences, right vs wrong or who might get hurt in the process.

Do you fully understand that Trump's movement is autocratic and charismatic.
Do you fully understand that repeating things does not make them true?
The vote is 232 to 197 with 10 Republicans voting to impeach. This is worth noting. The actual Senate vote won't happen until after Jan 20th the way Moscow Mitch has it worked out. Mitch is going to address this (according to Mitch) on the 19th. Meaning, it won't be voted on until at least the 20th. With a 50/50 split, if they can get 10 Republican Senators to vote for conviction then that's 60. There is a good chance that Mitch will be one of those that will vote to convict. On that alone, the number of Republicans will be closer to 16. As it stands, there are 6 solid Republican Senators that will vote to convict. That means that they only need 4.

Yah, I know, you rumpsters will all say it's not going to happen but you have been so wrong for so long. Think of this, Rump is now the ONLY President to be Impeached twice. I wonder if he gets not only one asterisk next to his name when listed or does he get two.

There is no cite on this one. This is real time.

Impeached for what? What did he say or do?

OH, just stop it. I no longer have the time to spend reading your traitorous posts.

Once again, what did he say or do on the day those people swarmed the Capitol?
He lied and said he won the election and that congress was stealing it from them.
LOL! Biden's a liar, too. But you can't seem to work up any outrage for that.
Biden said he won the election which is a fact. Dump lied and claimed he won the election.

Biden did not win the election. The Democrats cheated, therefore he is illegitimate.
Prove it.

Under the rule of law and the presumption of innocence, the accused don't have to prove their innocence. More rather, you must prove their guilt.

I'm amazed at how stupid you guys and girls are, when it comes to simple concepts like that.
You accused Biden and the dems of cheating. Prove it.
You accused Trump of inciting insurrection. Prove it.
The impeachment just proved it. Stop stalling and prove your claim.
The impeachment proved nothing except that Democrats are spoiled children. But if you think it did prove something substantive, tell it to Jamal Trulove -- the man CA AG Kamala Harris put in prison for life despite no evidence.

That is Democrat "justice". Arrive at the verdict, the evidence doesn't matter.

Do you fully understand what you are promoting? The Trump movement is autocratic and charismatic. Its NOT about Democracy or rule of law. Its about losers and militia freaks.
Mindlessly repeating leftist propaganda is not a compelling argument.
So your go to is to deny reality and claim Dump won the election?
Oh no, I'm perfectly willing to believe a senile pedophile was the absolute best the Democratic Party could offer.
It was much better than the pedophile, liar, grifter, and illiterate choice that Dump presented.
And yet you believe, somehow, Biden, who is all those things, was a better choice.
I dont believe. I know Biden was a better choice. Dump was a incompetent fuckup and I called it the moment he got nominated.
The vote is 232 to 197 with 10 Republicans voting to impeach. This is worth noting. The actual Senate vote won't happen until after Jan 20th the way Moscow Mitch has it worked out. Mitch is going to address this (according to Mitch) on the 19th. Meaning, it won't be voted on until at least the 20th. With a 50/50 split, if they can get 10 Republican Senators to vote for conviction then that's 60. There is a good chance that Mitch will be one of those that will vote to convict. On that alone, the number of Republicans will be closer to 16. As it stands, there are 6 solid Republican Senators that will vote to convict. That means that they only need 4.

Yah, I know, you rumpsters will all say it's not going to happen but you have been so wrong for so long. Think of this, Rump is now the ONLY President to be Impeached twice. I wonder if he gets not only one asterisk next to his name when listed or does he get two.

There is no cite on this one. This is real time.

And he'll be the first President to be exonerated twice as well.

Trump's point about being attacked pointlessly proven again.

Sleepy Joe will be coronated in less than a week. One would think libs would be celebrating what a tremendous time they expect America to have under the sedated one's rule. But instead, Trump continues to rule the News Cycle.
No one will give a fuck about Dump other than his supporters once he is gone. He wont have access to the nuclear codes or command the military.

Oh you will care because he is starting the resistance
The vote is 232 to 197 with 10 Republicans voting to impeach. This is worth noting. The actual Senate vote won't happen until after Jan 20th the way Moscow Mitch has it worked out. Mitch is going to address this (according to Mitch) on the 19th. Meaning, it won't be voted on until at least the 20th. With a 50/50 split, if they can get 10 Republican Senators to vote for conviction then that's 60. There is a good chance that Mitch will be one of those that will vote to convict. On that alone, the number of Republicans will be closer to 16. As it stands, there are 6 solid Republican Senators that will vote to convict. That means that they only need 4.

Yah, I know, you rumpsters will all say it's not going to happen but you have been so wrong for so long. Think of this, Rump is now the ONLY President to be Impeached twice. I wonder if he gets not only one asterisk next to his name when listed or does he get two.

There is no cite on this one. This is real time.

Impeached for what? What did he say or do?

OH, just stop it. I no longer have the time to spend reading your traitorous posts.

Once again, what did he say or do on the day those people swarmed the Capitol?
He lied and said he won the election and that congress was stealing it from them.
LOL! Biden's a liar, too. But you can't seem to work up any outrage for that.
Biden said he won the election which is a fact. Dump lied and claimed he won the election.

Biden did not win the election. The Democrats cheated, therefore he is illegitimate.
Prove it.

Under the rule of law and the presumption of innocence, the accused don't have to prove their innocence. More rather, you must prove their guilt.

I'm amazed at how stupid you guys and girls are, when it comes to simple concepts like that.
You accused Biden and the dems of cheating. Prove it.
You accused Trump of inciting insurrection. Prove it.
The impeachment just proved it. Stop stalling and prove your claim.
The impeachment proved nothing except that Democrats are spoiled children. But if you think it did prove something substantive, tell it to Jamal Trulove -- the man CA AG Kamala Harris put in prison for life despite no evidence.

That is Democrat "justice". Arrive at the verdict, the evidence doesn't matter.

Do you fully understand what you are promoting? The Trump movement is autocratic and charismatic. Its NOT about Democracy or rule of law. Its about losers and militia freaks.
Mindlessly repeating leftist propaganda is not a compelling argument.
So your go to is to deny reality and claim Dump won the election?
Oh no, I'm perfectly willing to believe a senile pedophile was the absolute best the Democratic Party could offer.
It was much better than the pedophile, liar, grifter, and illiterate choice that Dump presented.
And yet you believe, somehow, Biden, who is all those things, was a better choice.
I dont believe. I know Biden was a better choice. Dump was a incompetent fuckup and I called it the moment he got nominated.
So your solution was to vote for another incompetent fuckup.

Who are you trying to convince? Me, or yourself?
The vote is 232 to 197 with 10 Republicans voting to impeach. This is worth noting. The actual Senate vote won't happen until after Jan 20th the way Moscow Mitch has it worked out. Mitch is going to address this (according to Mitch) on the 19th. Meaning, it won't be voted on until at least the 20th. With a 50/50 split, if they can get 10 Republican Senators to vote for conviction then that's 60. There is a good chance that Mitch will be one of those that will vote to convict. On that alone, the number of Republicans will be closer to 16. As it stands, there are 6 solid Republican Senators that will vote to convict. That means that they only need 4.

Yah, I know, you rumpsters will all say it's not going to happen but you have been so wrong for so long. Think of this, Rump is now the ONLY President to be Impeached twice. I wonder if he gets not only one asterisk next to his name when listed or does he get two.

There is no cite on this one. This is real time.

Impeached for what? What did he say or do?

OH, just stop it. I no longer have the time to spend reading your traitorous posts.

Once again, what did he say or do on the day those people swarmed the Capitol?
He lied and said he won the election and that congress was stealing it from them.
LOL! Biden's a liar, too. But you can't seem to work up any outrage for that.
Biden said he won the election which is a fact. Dump lied and claimed he won the election.

Biden did not win the election. The Democrats cheated, therefore he is illegitimate.
Prove it.

Under the rule of law and the presumption of innocence, the accused don't have to prove their innocence. More rather, you must prove their guilt.

I'm amazed at how stupid you guys and girls are, when it comes to simple concepts like that.
You accused Biden and the dems of cheating. Prove it.
You accused Trump of inciting insurrection. Prove it.
The impeachment just proved it. Stop stalling and prove your claim.
The impeachment proved nothing except that Democrats are spoiled children. But if you think it did prove something substantive, tell it to Jamal Trulove -- the man CA AG Kamala Harris put in prison for life despite no evidence.

That is Democrat "justice". Arrive at the verdict, the evidence doesn't matter.

Do you fully understand what you are promoting? The Trump movement is autocratic and charismatic. Its NOT about Democracy or rule of law. Its about losers and militia freaks.
Mindlessly repeating leftist propaganda is not a compelling argument.
So your go to is to deny reality and claim Dump won the election?
Oh no, I'm perfectly willing to believe a senile pedophile was the absolute best the Democratic Party could offer.
It was much better than the pedophile, liar, grifter, and illiterate choice that Dump presented.
And yet you believe, somehow, Biden, who is all those things, was a better choice.
I dont believe. I know Biden was a better choice. Dump was a incompetent fuckup and I called it the moment he got nominated.
How did he fuck up? He kept most of his campaign promises
The vote is 232 to 197 with 10 Republicans voting to impeach. This is worth noting. The actual Senate vote won't happen until after Jan 20th the way Moscow Mitch has it worked out. Mitch is going to address this (according to Mitch) on the 19th. Meaning, it won't be voted on until at least the 20th. With a 50/50 split, if they can get 10 Republican Senators to vote for conviction then that's 60. There is a good chance that Mitch will be one of those that will vote to convict. On that alone, the number of Republicans will be closer to 16. As it stands, there are 6 solid Republican Senators that will vote to convict. That means that they only need 4.

Yah, I know, you rumpsters will all say it's not going to happen but you have been so wrong for so long. Think of this, Rump is now the ONLY President to be Impeached twice. I wonder if he gets not only one asterisk next to his name when listed or does he get two.

There is no cite on this one. This is real time.

And he'll be the first President to be exonerated twice as well.

Trump's point about being attacked pointlessly proven again.

Sleepy Joe will be coronated in less than a week. One would think libs would be celebrating what a tremendous time they expect America to have under the sedated one's rule. But instead, Trump continues to rule the News Cycle.
No one will give a fuck about Dump other than his supporters once he is gone. He wont have access to the nuclear codes or command the military.

Oh you will care because he is starting the resistance
Wake me when he does.
The vote is 232 to 197 with 10 Republicans voting to impeach. This is worth noting. The actual Senate vote won't happen until after Jan 20th the way Moscow Mitch has it worked out. Mitch is going to address this (according to Mitch) on the 19th. Meaning, it won't be voted on until at least the 20th. With a 50/50 split, if they can get 10 Republican Senators to vote for conviction then that's 60. There is a good chance that Mitch will be one of those that will vote to convict. On that alone, the number of Republicans will be closer to 16. As it stands, there are 6 solid Republican Senators that will vote to convict. That means that they only need 4.

Yah, I know, you rumpsters will all say it's not going to happen but you have been so wrong for so long. Think of this, Rump is now the ONLY President to be Impeached twice. I wonder if he gets not only one asterisk next to his name when listed or does he get two.

There is no cite on this one. This is real time.

Impeached for what? What did he say or do?

OH, just stop it. I no longer have the time to spend reading your traitorous posts.

Once again, what did he say or do on the day those people swarmed the Capitol?
He lied and said he won the election and that congress was stealing it from them.
LOL! Biden's a liar, too. But you can't seem to work up any outrage for that.
Biden said he won the election which is a fact. Dump lied and claimed he won the election.

Biden did not win the election. The Democrats cheated, therefore he is illegitimate.
Prove it.

Under the rule of law and the presumption of innocence, the accused don't have to prove their innocence. More rather, you must prove their guilt.

I'm amazed at how stupid you guys and girls are, when it comes to simple concepts like that.
You accused Biden and the dems of cheating. Prove it.
You accused Trump of inciting insurrection. Prove it.
The impeachment just proved it. Stop stalling and prove your claim.
The impeachment proved nothing except that Democrats are spoiled children. But if you think it did prove something substantive, tell it to Jamal Trulove -- the man CA AG Kamala Harris put in prison for life despite no evidence.

That is Democrat "justice". Arrive at the verdict, the evidence doesn't matter.

Do you fully understand what you are promoting? The Trump movement is autocratic and charismatic. Its NOT about Democracy or rule of law. Its about losers and militia freaks.
Mindlessly repeating leftist propaganda is not a compelling argument.
So your go to is to deny reality and claim Dump won the election?
Oh no, I'm perfectly willing to believe a senile pedophile was the absolute best the Democratic Party could offer.
It was much better than the pedophile, liar, grifter, and illiterate choice that Dump presented.
And yet you believe, somehow, Biden, who is all those things, was a better choice.
I dont believe. I know Biden was a better choice. Dump was a incompetent fuckup and I called it the moment he got nominated.
So your solution was to vote for another incompetent fuckup.

Who are you trying to convince? Me, or yourself?

Have you forgotten that Trump exposed Israeli intelligence assets to the Russians right after he took office?
The vote is 232 to 197 with 10 Republicans voting to impeach. This is worth noting. The actual Senate vote won't happen until after Jan 20th the way Moscow Mitch has it worked out. Mitch is going to address this (according to Mitch) on the 19th. Meaning, it won't be voted on until at least the 20th. With a 50/50 split, if they can get 10 Republican Senators to vote for conviction then that's 60. There is a good chance that Mitch will be one of those that will vote to convict. On that alone, the number of Republicans will be closer to 16. As it stands, there are 6 solid Republican Senators that will vote to convict. That means that they only need 4.

Yah, I know, you rumpsters will all say it's not going to happen but you have been so wrong for so long. Think of this, Rump is now the ONLY President to be Impeached twice. I wonder if he gets not only one asterisk next to his name when listed or does he get two.

There is no cite on this one. This is real time.

Impeached for what? What did he say or do?

OH, just stop it. I no longer have the time to spend reading your traitorous posts.

Once again, what did he say or do on the day those people swarmed the Capitol?
He lied and said he won the election and that congress was stealing it from them.
LOL! Biden's a liar, too. But you can't seem to work up any outrage for that.
Biden said he won the election which is a fact. Dump lied and claimed he won the election.

Biden did not win the election. The Democrats cheated, therefore he is illegitimate.
Prove it.

Under the rule of law and the presumption of innocence, the accused don't have to prove their innocence. More rather, you must prove their guilt.

I'm amazed at how stupid you guys and girls are, when it comes to simple concepts like that.
You accused Biden and the dems of cheating. Prove it.
You accused Trump of inciting insurrection. Prove it.
The impeachment just proved it. Stop stalling and prove your claim.
The impeachment proved nothing except that Democrats are spoiled children. But if you think it did prove something substantive, tell it to Jamal Trulove -- the man CA AG Kamala Harris put in prison for life despite no evidence.

That is Democrat "justice". Arrive at the verdict, the evidence doesn't matter.

Do you fully understand what you are promoting? The Trump movement is autocratic and charismatic. Its NOT about Democracy or rule of law. Its about losers and militia freaks.
Mindlessly repeating leftist propaganda is not a compelling argument.
So your go to is to deny reality and claim Dump won the election?
Oh no, I'm perfectly willing to believe a senile pedophile was the absolute best the Democratic Party could offer.
It was much better than the pedophile, liar, grifter, and illiterate choice that Dump presented.
And yet you believe, somehow, Biden, who is all those things, was a better choice.
I dont believe. I know Biden was a better choice. Dump was a incompetent fuckup and I called it the moment he got nominated.
How did he fuck up? He kept most of his campaign promises
He fucked up and lied about Covid. He fucked up and had tax payers pay for his partial wall instead of Mexico. He fucked up and tried to mafia Georgia voting officials to rig the election for him. Should I go on?
The vote is 232 to 197 with 10 Republicans voting to impeach. This is worth noting. The actual Senate vote won't happen until after Jan 20th the way Moscow Mitch has it worked out. Mitch is going to address this (according to Mitch) on the 19th. Meaning, it won't be voted on until at least the 20th. With a 50/50 split, if they can get 10 Republican Senators to vote for conviction then that's 60. There is a good chance that Mitch will be one of those that will vote to convict. On that alone, the number of Republicans will be closer to 16. As it stands, there are 6 solid Republican Senators that will vote to convict. That means that they only need 4.

Yah, I know, you rumpsters will all say it's not going to happen but you have been so wrong for so long. Think of this, Rump is now the ONLY President to be Impeached twice. I wonder if he gets not only one asterisk next to his name when listed or does he get two.

There is no cite on this one. This is real time.

And he'll be the first President to be exonerated twice as well.

Trump's point about being attacked pointlessly proven again.

Sleepy Joe will be coronated in less than a week. One would think libs would be celebrating what a tremendous time they expect America to have under the sedated one's rule. But instead, Trump continues to rule the News Cycle.
No one will give a fuck about Dump other than his supporters once he is gone. He wont have access to the nuclear codes or command the military.

Oh you will care because he is starting the resistance
Wake me when he does.
when do you ever sleep, we all know you're a meth head

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