It's Official: What Started Out As A Crowd Of 500 Turned Into 20,000+ To Hear Trump At Anti

If he had the same rally anywhere else it would be a flop, thankfully the republicans of Maricopa county do not represent the entire electorate. At least he did not come to South looking for a big crowd, sorry, I meant a bigot crowd.

Again, one has to wonder , instead of the party elite being friendly to "TRUTH" Trump they are just more RINO'S that HATE him for SPEAKING THE TRUTH.... Perhaps readers here will get a good laugh at the occupied-outhouse with this news item....

Arizona Republicans Aren't All Rolling Out Red Carpet for Donald Trump

Donald Trump's campaign said he had to move his speech in Phoenix today from the Biltmore hotel to the city's convention center "due to the overwhelming response," but not everyone is happy the Republican presidential candidate is coming to Arizona. Trump plans to deliver a speech on "illegal immigration and numerous other topics," according to his campaign. He will be speaking at an event organized by the Republican Party of Maricopa County along with Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who has gained a reputation for his hard-line tactics to combat illegal immigration. "The Republican Party of Maricopa County is pleased to bring...
I just watched the video of Trump's AZ speech. Whether you love him or hate him, it was extremely effective. He keeps hammering at the same themes- Illegal immigration, insanley incompetent trade deals, incompetent foreign policy, what a weak C#nt Obama is, Hillary's horrid tenure as SOS, Obamacare, how weak establishment GOP is, what a loser Jeb is, etc etc.

Trump is knocking it out of the park. If he keeps hammering away, he's going to be very tough to beat.

The elites can snort and guffaw all they like, but at this point, Trump is the man to beat. Period.
And he will be beaten, easily. Can't win a presidential election anymore just getting the scared/angry/old white people to vote for you.
I just watched the video of Trump's AZ speech. Whether you love him or hate him, it was extremely effective. He keeps hammering at the same themes- Illegal immigration, insanley incompetent trade deals, incompetent foreign policy, what a weak C#nt Obama is, Hillary's horrid tenure as SOS, Obamacare, how weak establishment GOP is, what a loser Jeb is, etc etc.

Trump is knocking it out of the park. If he keeps hammering away, he's going to be very tough to beat.

The elites can snort and guffaw all they like, but at this point, Trump is the man to beat. Period.
And he will be beaten, easily. Can't win a presidential election anymore just getting the scared/angry/old white people to vote for you.


Trump has to gear up. After all the damage he did to his businesses, the only way he reverses that is whole hog into a run. This isn't about the presidency this is about solvency for Donald Trump.

One really has to wonder how this fool can even post shit like this without being laughed off the board....Trump worth on the LOW side $5 BILLION, and this pea brain thinks Macy's stopping the sale of The Donald's ties, and shirts, and the Communist mayor of NYC looking into pulling the Donald's contract for A CONCESSION STAND at the Wollman skating rink, is damaging Trump financially.... THIS is the kind of low 2digit mentality that will vote for a NeoCommie, no matter who it is! :ahole-1::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
No one with intelligence will ever accept a Republican's wisdom about finances or fiscal astuteness. Your track record proves how worthless you really are.

A $5 BILLION Republican candidate, and this flaming idiot makes another statement that has to leave sane people ROLLING!...Please, keep it up, you're showing just how fucked up REGULAR DemocRATS think, much less the ones that would vote for an ADMITTED SOCIALIST!....My sides are hurting from the entertainment this THUG renders!
Your $5 billion dollar candidate won't even get out of second gear and this is the best you've got so far. LOL

We'll see little piss ant, in the meantime, he's SUCKING all the air out of the Hildebeast's campaign, wasn't she giving a speech, at the Alcoholic's Anonymous meeting in East Cupcake, Iowa today?
I just watched the video of Trump's AZ speech. Whether you love him or hate him, it was extremely effective. He keeps hammering at the same themes- Illegal immigration, insanley incompetent trade deals, incompetent foreign policy, what a weak C#nt Obama is, Hillary's horrid tenure as SOS, Obamacare, how weak establishment GOP is, what a loser Jeb is, etc etc.

Trump is knocking it out of the park. If he keeps hammering away, he's going to be very tough to beat.

The elites can snort and guffaw all they like, but at this point, Trump is the man to beat. Period.
And he will be beaten, easily. Can't win a presidential election anymore just getting the scared/angry/old white people to vote for you.

There is no way he can win the Electoral College.
I just watched the video of Trump's AZ speech. Whether you love him or hate him, it was extremely effective. He keeps hammering at the same themes- Illegal immigration, insanley incompetent trade deals, incompetent foreign policy, what a weak C#nt Obama is, Hillary's horrid tenure as SOS, Obamacare, how weak establishment GOP is, what a loser Jeb is, etc etc.

Trump is knocking it out of the park. If he keeps hammering away, he's going to be very tough to beat.

The elites can snort and guffaw all they like, but at this point, Trump is the man to beat. Period.
And he will be beaten, easily. Can't win a presidential election anymore just getting the scared/angry/old white people to vote for you.

Hillary is an angry,, old white person
I just watched the video of Trump's AZ speech. Whether you love him or hate him, it was extremely effective. He keeps hammering at the same themes- Illegal immigration, insanley incompetent trade deals, incompetent foreign policy, what a weak C#nt Obama is, Hillary's horrid tenure as SOS, Obamacare, how weak establishment GOP is, what a loser Jeb is, etc etc.

Trump is knocking it out of the park. If he keeps hammering away, he's going to be very tough to beat.

The elites can snort and guffaw all they like, but at this point, Trump is the man to beat. Period.
And he will be beaten, easily. Can't win a presidential election anymore just getting the scared/angry/old white people to vote for you.

There is no way he can win the Electoral College.

they said the same thing about some black dude back in 2008.......

I just watched the video of Trump's AZ speech. Whether you love him or hate him, it was extremely effective. He keeps hammering at the same themes- Illegal immigration, insanley incompetent trade deals, incompetent foreign policy, what a weak C#nt Obama is, Hillary's horrid tenure as SOS, Obamacare, how weak establishment GOP is, what a loser Jeb is, etc etc.

Trump is knocking it out of the park. If he keeps hammering away, he's going to be very tough to beat.

The elites can snort and guffaw all they like, but at this point, Trump is the man to beat. Period.
And he will be beaten, easily. Can't win a presidential election anymore just getting the scared/angry/old white people to vote for you.

There is no way he can win the Electoral College.

Baloney, they said the same thing about Obungles
I just watched the video of Trump's AZ speech. Whether you love him or hate him, it was extremely effective. He keeps hammering at the same themes- Illegal immigration, insanley incompetent trade deals, incompetent foreign policy, what a weak C#nt Obama is, Hillary's horrid tenure as SOS, Obamacare, how weak establishment GOP is, what a loser Jeb is, etc etc.

Trump is knocking it out of the park. If he keeps hammering away, he's going to be very tough to beat.

The elites can snort and guffaw all they like, but at this point, Trump is the man to beat. Period.
And he will be beaten, easily. Can't win a presidential election anymore just getting the scared/angry/old white people to vote for you.

Yeah just like in the Congressional midterms

How many state houses do you guys run?
I just watched the video of Trump's AZ speech. Whether you love him or hate him, it was extremely effective. He keeps hammering at the same themes- Illegal immigration, insanley incompetent trade deals, incompetent foreign policy, what a weak C#nt Obama is, Hillary's horrid tenure as SOS, Obamacare, how weak establishment GOP is, what a loser Jeb is, etc etc.

Trump is knocking it out of the park. If he keeps hammering away, he's going to be very tough to beat.

The elites can snort and guffaw all they like, but at this point, Trump is the man to beat. Period.
And he will be beaten, easily. Can't win a presidential election anymore just getting the scared/angry/old white people to vote for you.

Hillary is an angry,, old white person

really old
This is better than Mystery Science Theatre 3000.

Trump has zero chance in a national election but there are enough right wing whacks that love seeing any con screaming at people. And every day he opens his mouth the worse it hurts the Republicans.

PLLEEEEASE nominate this trainwreck. And, have a con-federate flag as his campaign flag! Let's do it up right.
Trump called out Sharpton as a con man. Said he would have never traded Bergdahl. Said the reason he didn't use a teleprompter cause he's smart.
This is better than Mystery Science Theatre 3000.

Trump has zero chance in a national election but there are enough right wing whacks that love seeing any con screaming at people. And every day he opens his mouth the worse it hurts the Republicans.

PLLEEEEASE nominate this trainwreck. And, have a con-federate flag as his campaign flag! Let's do it up right.

Go kiss the lying old hag's old fat ass
I just watched the video of Trump's AZ speech. Whether you love him or hate him, it was extremely effective. He keeps hammering at the same themes- Illegal immigration, insanley incompetent trade deals, incompetent foreign policy, what a weak C#nt Obama is, Hillary's horrid tenure as SOS, Obamacare, how weak establishment GOP is, what a loser Jeb is, etc etc.

Trump is knocking it out of the park. If he keeps hammering away, he's going to be very tough to beat.

The elites can snort and guffaw all they like, but at this point, Trump is the man to beat. Period.
And he will be beaten, easily. Can't win a presidential election anymore just getting the scared/angry/old white people to vote for you.

Yeah just like in the Congressional midterms

How many state houses do you guys run?
I said presidential elections, comprende?
Trump don't need donations/money all he has to do is say the truth, he will bust it wide open

This will be fun to watch, if he has the energy to go all the way
Trump don't need donations/money all he has to do is say the truth, he will bust it wide open

This will be fun to watch, if he has the energy to go all the way

The dems are stressed Trump has momentum while their old decrepit candidates are ho hum. One wants to tax America to death and the other one keeps getting caught in whopper after whopper

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