It's Official: What Started Out As A Crowd Of 500 Turned Into 20,000+ To Hear Trump At Anti

This is better than Mystery Science Theatre 3000.

Trump has zero chance in a national election but there are enough right wing whacks that love seeing any con screaming at people. And every day he opens his mouth the worse it hurts the Republicans.

PLLEEEEASE nominate this trainwreck. And, have a con-federate flag as his campaign flag! Let's do it up right.

^ Reactionary
Trump don't need donations/money all he has to do is say the truth, he will bust it wide open

This will be fun to watch, if he has the energy to go all the way

The dems are stressed Trump has momentum while their old decrepit candidates are ho hum. One wants to tax America to death and the other one keeps getting caught in whopper after whopper

The Dems are in a quandary: go with the old Socialist hag, or the old Socialist hag
Trump has to gear up. After all the damage he did to his businesses, the only way he reverses that is whole hog into a run. This isn't about the presidency this is about solvency for Donald Trump.

If he is truly a billionaire the losses he has taken so far are nothing that he will even notice. The worst thing that could happen to Trump is if the media closes him out and doesn't report on what he does. That will be very difficult.

Progressives should be worried about him. He speaks to a broad segment of the population of the US. They are pissed, and if he somehow wins the election, the Democrat Party will be in serious trouble.
This is better than Mystery Science Theatre 3000.

Trump has zero chance in a national election but there are enough right wing whacks that love seeing any con screaming at people. And every day he opens his mouth the worse it hurts the Republicans.

PLLEEEEASE nominate this trainwreck. And, have a con-federate flag as his campaign flag! Let's do it up right.

^ Reactionary

And, with a touch of 'kneejerk'.
Trump don't need donations/money all he has to do is say the truth, he will bust it wide open

This will be fun to watch, if he has the energy to go all the way

The dems are stressed Trump has momentum while their old decrepit candidates are ho hum. One wants to tax America to death and the other one keeps getting caught in whopper after whopper

The Dems are in a quandary: go with the old Socialist hag, or the old Socialist hag

LOL Well Biden the Boob is thinking of running. YAY comedy relief
Trump has to gear up. After all the damage he did to his businesses, the only way he reverses that is whole hog into a run. This isn't about the presidency this is about solvency for Donald Trump.

If he is truly a billionaire the losses he has taken so far are nothing that he will even notice. The worst thing that could happen to Trump is if the media closes him out and doesn't report on what he does. That will be very difficult.

Progressives should be worried about him. He speaks to a broad segment of the population of the US. They are pissed, and if he somehow wins the election, the Democrat Party will be in serious trouble.

Trump makes the media report on him, he knows how to play them
Trump has to gear up. After all the damage he did to his businesses, the only way he reverses that is whole hog into a run. This isn't about the presidency this is about solvency for Donald Trump.


What business did he damage? LOL

What a rube!

"Donald Trump's fortune is on the rise thanks to trophy New York properties like 40 Wall Street, Trump Tower and his Doral golf resort in Miami."

Donald Trump - Forbes
Hilly lost and will lose again because she's a shrew. Expect Biden to agree with Trump on some of the illegals debate he opposed sanctuary cities, which he can safely do again since they've turned whole country into an illegal sanctuary and thus appear moderate and not extreme like Trump and continue letting them in.
I just watched the video of Trump's AZ speech. Whether you love him or hate him, it was extremely effective. He keeps hammering at the same themes- Illegal immigration, insanley incompetent trade deals, incompetent foreign policy, what a weak C#nt Obama is, Hillary's horrid tenure as SOS, Obamacare, how weak establishment GOP is, what a loser Jeb is, etc etc.

Trump is knocking it out of the park. If he keeps hammering away, he's going to be very tough to beat.

The elites can snort and guffaw all they like, but at this point, Trump is the man to beat. Period.
And he will be beaten, easily. Can't win a presidential election anymore just getting the scared/angry/old white people to vote for you.

Actually, that voting block realizes that they are getting close to their last hurrah based on demographics. You will see them turn out in record numbers for someone they feel will alter the course.
This is better than Mystery Science Theatre 3000.

Trump has zero chance in a national election but there are enough right wing whacks that love seeing any con screaming at people. And every day he opens his mouth the worse it hurts the Republicans.

PLLEEEEASE nominate this trainwreck. And, have a con-federate flag as his campaign flag! Let's do it up right.

^ Reactionary

And, with a touch of 'kneejerk'.

This is better than Mystery Science Theatre 3000.

Trump has zero chance in a national election but there are enough right wing whacks that love seeing any con screaming at people. And every day he opens his mouth the worse it hurts the Republicans.

PLLEEEEASE nominate this trainwreck. And, have a con-federate flag as his campaign flag! Let's do it up right.

^ Reactionary

And, with a touch of 'kneejerk'.

And thatz all you gotz.........:bs1:.
Just want to point out that this thread was started by Stevie the racist- who hates blacks, Jews, Mexicans and homosexuals- and is a big Trump supporter- and a big David Duke supporter.

Trump does attract the best and the brightest of the RNC.
Just want to point out that this thread was started by Stevie the racist- who hates blacks, Jews, Mexicans and homosexuals- and is a big Trump supporter- and a big David Duke supporter.

Trump does attract the best and the brightest of the RNC.
LMAO! Jesus dude that's the best you got? That's your educated rebuttal. Go ask your mom for another hot pocket and shut the fuck up.
Just want to point out that this thread was started by Stevie the racist- who hates blacks, Jews, Mexicans and homosexuals- and is a big Trump supporter- and a big David Duke supporter.

Trump does attract the best and the brightest of the RNC.

It's a small world here at USMB. Check Trumps' polls in the bigger world. Thanks for playin'......

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