It's OK To Betray The Kurds Because They Didn't Help Us With Normandy

Did Israel help with Normandy? Has Israel ever helped with any wars - other than their own?

Israel didn't EXIST when we stormed Normandy. My GOD will you leftists pick up a history book just once in your lives?

Oh, so you're saying no Jews fought at Normandy. How about other wars since creation in 1948?

You didn't say Jews - you said ISRAEL. Nice deflection attempt, tard.
Every time the Kurds get the shaft it's because of republican presidents like Bush Sr., Bush Jr. and now Trump..
And as somebody wrote in a very, very powerful article today, they didn’t help us in the Second World War, they didn’t help us with Normandy, as an example. They mentioned names of different battles. But they’re there to help us with their land. And that’s a different thing. In addition to that we have spent tremendous amounts of money on helping the Kurds in terms of ammunition, in terms of weapons, in terms of money, in terms of pay.”

Trump: It's okay to betray the Kurds because 'they didn't help us with Normandy'

Were you able to think, you would have understood he was saying the only times the Kurds allied themselves with us was when they needed our help with their enemies. While the Kurds seem like sympathetic allies now, it is well to remember they partnered with the Turks to commit the Armenian genocide and they fought with the Turks in WWI and never aided the allies in WWII in the fighting in North Africa or the ME. It was only after the they were cast aside by the Arabs and Turks and Iranians that chose to ally themselves with us. In the ME everyone operates under the same principle: the enemy of my enemy is my friend. The Kurds are no exception, nor are we; after WWII Germany and Japan became our new best friends as we confronted the USSR.
Whether they did or did not, the tensions between factions in the ME are due to tribal differences that go back in some cases thousands of years.

Not our fight. Give the region The Klaatu Ultimatum, and be done with it.

Just to recall, the point of the Korean and Vietnam Wars was ostensibly to stem the spread of Communism.

Guess what? It's here, embodied now in the Democratic Party. Just a thought.

Our fight is here.
Politics 101

Never mess with war profiteering. It’s one of the few issues the two corporate parties see eye to eye on....
What does the OP want to do?....step in the middle of their conflict?...are you sure you aren't a Bush?....
I take it you like the kind of guy who says they will back someone up, protect them....then throw them to the wolves as soon as there is profit to be had. Sounds like your kind of guy.
Neither did Israel..I know it' is just as stupid as Trump's reasoning.Enjoy!
Trump's reasoning was to keep our men and women safe from another quagmire....another regional conflict with no end...we only had a few hundred troops left in the area...Trump is showing the world the real Turkey by stepping aside and letting them do what tyrants do...kill the innocent....this will backfire on Turkey and I think that is what Trump has wanted for a long time...
Maybe Russia will interdict this time...
Trump has said numerous times that Turkey is not a good NATO he is allowing them to show the world why that is....
Whether they did or did not, the tensions between factions in the ME are due to tribal differences that go back in some cases thousands of years.

Not our fight. Give the region The Klaatu Ultimatum, and be done with it.

Just to recall, the point of the Korean and Vietnam Wars was ostensibly to stem the spread of Communism.

Guess what? It's here, embodied now in the Democratic Party. Just a thought.

Our fight is here.

Actually they're due in large part to Western imperialism that goes back decades that created artificial pseudonations such as "Iraq" and (what we now call) Syria, within the last century.
What does the OP want to do?....step in the middle of their conflict?...are you sure you aren't a Bush?....
Didn't Trump call President Obama the "founder of ISIS" because he withdrew from Iraq too early?
This is different...Turkey a member of NATO views the Syrian Kurd's as terrorists....(which are different than the Iraqi Kurd's)...they are wrong but that is the state of the world right now....Trump knows Turkey will end up with egg on their face...maybe even sanctioned by the UN for their predictable over reach....
Who wins? Certainly Iran. Certainly Russia and certainly the ruthless Turks.

And who loses? Certainly our Kurdish allies. And certainly American credibility with potential allies.

And yet, faced with that reality, devotion to Trump justifies your agreement with this reckless decision. How much farther down the rabbit hole will you go?
We win...who loses?....Iran....we already have them in a corner financially...Turkey was once a moderate Muslim nation...that has changed...and the world along with other NATO members are seeing just how much they have changed....we win because for the first time in a long time we are not going to allow our troops to die over some generational middle east conflict that means nothing to us at all...remember...the Iraqi Kurd's stood by us and fought beside us in Iraq...not the Syrian Kurd's....the Syrian Kurd's were fighting Assad and as a favor to us they would hit Issl from time to time but they are very different from Iraqi Kurd's...
Being that Turkey is a NATO ally would the idiotic OP have us ignore that?

Diplomatic solutions need to be implemented long before we take action in any military fashion.
Isn't that what liberals always claim?
Lindsey Graham says Congress will call for Turkey to be suspended from NATO and hit it with sanctions if it attacks Kurds
The Kurds ARE an ALLY! They fought alongside us against ISIL. They had nothing to do with WWII. Trump has thrown them under the bus simply to appease a country where he HAS TWO HOTELS! With him, as usual, it's all about protecting Trump. Wake up Trumpanzees and smell he filth in the White House. Or are you as stupid as Trump?
As long as it isn´t Assad, Washington doesn´t mind who controls that area.
"As long as it isn´t Assad, Washington doesn´t mind who controls that area." assad (iran-putler) will get 90% of this aria with all Syrian oil , buy a map
Heavy fighting as Turkey pushes into north Syria

Mr Trump tweeted on Thursday that he was trying to end "endless wars" but added: "I say hit Turkey very hard financially & with sanctions if they don't play by the rules! I am watching closely." He also said he was "talking to both sides".

The offensive has drawn international condemnation. The UN Security Council is due to discuss it on Thursday at the request of its current five EU members - the UK, France, Germany, Belgium and Poland.

One major concern for the international community is the fate of thousands of suspected IS prisoners, including many foreign nationals, being guarded by Kurdish-led forces in the region."

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