It’s OK To Mourn For Our First Female President

There were lots of women around who weren't liars, socialists, arrogant and power-mad.

Why didn't you pick one of those?

You made the mistake of picking Hillary at about the time the country was getting sick of people like Hillary.

Exactly. One has to ask what female in the Democrat party was more corrupt than Hillary? None that I can think of.
well, there is Donna Brazile. Two peas in a pod they are.

Yes, there are some other close candidates, but Hil-Liar still wins the medal.
One lie, dupe?
You are infested with Lies
Such as? BTW, there were 30 other attacks/protests around Bengazi, ALL in reaction to the fundie islam Rush Limbaugh of Cairo's call against the video. Amazing that the Bengazi guys never heard of it, lol, dupe. Everything else you know is total bs too...Obama had control for 2 years, his policies blah bah blah...FDR blah...Pubs have blocked EVERYTHING since 2/4/2010- don't be duped...again.:eusa_whistle: Stimulus worked-ran out in 2010.
Total Pub Propaganda BS: ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. :eusa_liar::cuckoo::lol:
I'm sorry- dupes are lovely people- but I can't take their lazy, ignorant, careless, stupid politics a minute longer. Sorry
The left is in full panic mode, and they should be. Celebrities are being booed off stage when they decide to make jokes months ago got laughs. There has been a huge shift. Mainly in political power. Conservatives have solidified their power in the Supreme Court for decades, and have the real possibility to put and end to the left's incredibly moronic gender theories, put abortion back into the hands of the states where it will die (pun intended) as an independent industry, have a solid majority in both houses of Congress and thanks to the Democrats and Harry Reid for changing the rules of the Senate Trump can nominate anyone he fucking wants with a simple majority no chance of a filibuster--HAFHDISOJ:FAD HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH

There isn't a god damned thing some fucking know-nothing troll on this or any where else on the internet could possibly say that would take this smile off my face. And there isn't a god damned thing they can do about that, or anything Trump is about to do. HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHASODGJ{O
Too bad he's not going to do anything he promised, diddly dupe. lol. Enjoy the giant tax cut for the rich and the nuclear build up.

Enjoy the prosperity that will make you look like more of a fool.
Predicting a corrupt bubble? Anything's possible....I hope he's a successful genius- but it won't have anything to do with a giant tax cut for the rich. That is seriously dumb at this point.

Taxes will be simplified and also cut for the middle class.

Why is it that Republicans only care about the national debt when Democrats are in power?

It seems Democrats only care Bout the national debt when Republicans are in power. Funny how that works, isn't it?
Dems go to heaven, GOPers to hell. Easy. God doesn't like haters and willful ignorance...

Why would God send evil to heaven and good to hell? You people that know nothing about religion should not use it to try and make a point.
Racists, bigots, greedy a-holes and haters are GOOD? Fascinating...

You don't even pay attention to your own party. Liberals always side with evil and conservatives with good.

Abortion vs non-abortion. Liberals side with killing babies.

Police vs criminals. Liberals side with criminals and against police.

Military vs terrorists. Liberals side with terrorists.

Teaching God in school or banning God from school. Liberals chose banning God from school.

Allowing citizens to be armed to fight criminals or give criminals the upper hand. Liberals choose giving criminals the upper hand.

Bigger government or smaller government. Liberals choose bigger government.

Execute blood thirsty murderers or put them in a cell with three squares a day, workout rooms, libraries and free healthcare. Liberals are against executing these animals.

So you see, liberals are the son of Satin. They always side with evil any chance they get.
And you're with dictators and killers, and the greedy a-hole rich. Abortions have been cut 50% because of free BC since ACA started and more to come. The rest is pure bs.
Dems go to heaven, GOPers to hell. Easy. God doesn't like haters and willful ignorance...

Why would God send evil to heaven and good to hell? You people that know nothing about religion should not use it to try and make a point.
Racists, bigots, greedy a-holes and haters are GOOD? Fascinating...

You don't even pay attention to your own party. Liberals always side with evil and conservatives with good.

Abortion vs non-abortion. Liberals side with killing babies.

Police vs criminals. Liberals side with criminals and against police.

Military vs terrorists. Liberals side with terrorists.

Teaching God in school or banning God from school. Liberals chose banning God from school.

Allowing citizens to be armed to fight criminals or give criminals the upper hand. Liberals choose giving criminals the upper hand.

Bigger government or smaller government. Liberals choose bigger government.

Execute blood thirsty murderers or put them in a cell with three squares a day, workout rooms, libraries and free healthcare. Liberals are against executing these animals.

So you see, liberals are the son of Satin. They always side with evil any chance they get.
And you're with dictators and killers, and the greedy a-hole rich. Abortions have been cut 50% because of free BC since ACA started and more to come. The rest is pure bs.

Got a link?
Dems go to heaven, GOPers to hell. Easy. God doesn't like haters and willful ignorance...

Why would God send evil to heaven and good to hell? You people that know nothing about religion should not use it to try and make a point.
Racists, bigots, greedy a-holes and haters are GOOD? Fascinating...
Who's that?
KKK, southerners, half the MB GOPers, my friends here in cow country, your brainwashers Murdoch, Kochs, Adelson, Moonies, Rush etc etc etc. Thank god for Trump in comparison...
Dems go to heaven, GOPers to hell. Easy. God doesn't like haters and willful ignorance...

Why would God send evil to heaven and good to hell? You people that know nothing about religion should not use it to try and make a point.
Racists, bigots, greedy a-holes and haters are GOOD? Fascinating...

You don't even pay attention to your own party. Liberals always side with evil and conservatives with good.

Abortion vs non-abortion. Liberals side with killing babies.

Police vs criminals. Liberals side with criminals and against police.

Military vs terrorists. Liberals side with terrorists.

Teaching God in school or banning God from school. Liberals chose banning God from school.

Allowing citizens to be armed to fight criminals or give criminals the upper hand. Liberals choose giving criminals the upper hand.

Bigger government or smaller government. Liberals choose bigger government.

Execute blood thirsty murderers or put them in a cell with three squares a day, workout rooms, libraries and free healthcare. Liberals are against executing these animals.

So you see, liberals are the son of Satin. They always side with evil any chance they get.
The guy who doesn't believe in god and shuts him out believes he's going to heaven and those who worship god are going to hell. You can't make this shit up!
Dems go to heaven, GOPers to hell. Easy. God doesn't like haters and willful ignorance...

Why would God send evil to heaven and good to hell? You people that know nothing about religion should not use it to try and make a point.
Racists, bigots, greedy a-holes and haters are GOOD? Fascinating...

You don't even pay attention to your own party. Liberals always side with evil and conservatives with good.

Abortion vs non-abortion. Liberals side with killing babies.

Police vs criminals. Liberals side with criminals and against police.

Military vs terrorists. Liberals side with terrorists.

Teaching God in school or banning God from school. Liberals chose banning God from school.

Allowing citizens to be armed to fight criminals or give criminals the upper hand. Liberals choose giving criminals the upper hand.

Bigger government or smaller government. Liberals choose bigger government.

Execute blood thirsty murderers or put them in a cell with three squares a day, workout rooms, libraries and free healthcare. Liberals are against executing these animals.

So you see, liberals are the son of Satin. They always side with evil any chance they get.
The guy who doesn't believe in god and shuts him out believes he's going to heaven and those who worship god are going to hell. You can't make this shit up!
Where the hell do you get your stupid ideas about me, dupe? Your RW god is a stupid a-hole, not mine.
Dems go to heaven, GOPers to hell. Easy. God doesn't like haters and willful ignorance...

Why would God send evil to heaven and good to hell? You people that know nothing about religion should not use it to try and make a point.
Racists, bigots, greedy a-holes and haters are GOOD? Fascinating...

You don't even pay attention to your own party. Liberals always side with evil and conservatives with good.

Abortion vs non-abortion. Liberals side with killing babies.

Police vs criminals. Liberals side with criminals and against police.

Military vs terrorists. Liberals side with terrorists.

Teaching God in school or banning God from school. Liberals chose banning God from school.

Allowing citizens to be armed to fight criminals or give criminals the upper hand. Liberals choose giving criminals the upper hand.

Bigger government or smaller government. Liberals choose bigger government.

Execute blood thirsty murderers or put them in a cell with three squares a day, workout rooms, libraries and free healthcare. Liberals are against executing these animals.

So you see, liberals are the son of Satin. They always side with evil any chance they get.
The guy who doesn't believe in god and shuts him out believes he's going to heaven and those who worship god are going to hell. You can't make this shit up!

What's more amazing is this is the type that fears an entity they tell us doesn't exist. How stupid is that?
Dems go to heaven, GOPers to hell. Easy. God doesn't like haters and willful ignorance...

Why would God send evil to heaven and good to hell? You people that know nothing about religion should not use it to try and make a point.
Racists, bigots, greedy a-holes and haters are GOOD? Fascinating...

You don't even pay attention to your own party. Liberals always side with evil and conservatives with good.

Abortion vs non-abortion. Liberals side with killing babies.

Police vs criminals. Liberals side with criminals and against police.

Military vs terrorists. Liberals side with terrorists.

Teaching God in school or banning God from school. Liberals chose banning God from school.

Allowing citizens to be armed to fight criminals or give criminals the upper hand. Liberals choose giving criminals the upper hand.

Bigger government or smaller government. Liberals choose bigger government.

Execute blood thirsty murderers or put them in a cell with three squares a day, workout rooms, libraries and free healthcare. Liberals are against executing these animals.

So you see, liberals are the son of Satin. They always side with evil any chance they get.
The guy who doesn't believe in god and shuts him out believes he's going to heaven and those who worship god are going to hell. You can't make this shit up!

What's more amazing is this is the type that fears an entity they tell us doesn't exist. How stupid is that?
Libs believe in god, silly dupe, just not a hater god who charges exorbitant prices. And loves the greedy GOP rich. wrong AGAIN and always....
Why would God send evil to heaven and good to hell? You people that know nothing about religion should not use it to try and make a point.
Racists, bigots, greedy a-holes and haters are GOOD? Fascinating...

You don't even pay attention to your own party. Liberals always side with evil and conservatives with good.

Abortion vs non-abortion. Liberals side with killing babies.

Police vs criminals. Liberals side with criminals and against police.

Military vs terrorists. Liberals side with terrorists.

Teaching God in school or banning God from school. Liberals chose banning God from school.

Allowing citizens to be armed to fight criminals or give criminals the upper hand. Liberals choose giving criminals the upper hand.

Bigger government or smaller government. Liberals choose bigger government.

Execute blood thirsty murderers or put them in a cell with three squares a day, workout rooms, libraries and free healthcare. Liberals are against executing these animals.

So you see, liberals are the son of Satin. They always side with evil any chance they get.
The guy who doesn't believe in god and shuts him out believes he's going to heaven and those who worship god are going to hell. You can't make this shit up!

What's more amazing is this is the type that fears an entity they tell us doesn't exist. How stupid is that?
Libs believe in god, silly dupe, just not a hater god who charges exorbitant prices. And loves the greedy GOP rich. wrong AGAIN and always....

Right. Libs believe in God. That's why they think humans can control the climate of the earth. Dupe.

We saw what happens when a woman dares to seek power. It was heartbreaking.

Six months ago I lay in bed with tears in my eyes. I was staring at my tiny iPhone screen, watching a larger-than-life woman stand before a packed crowd in Brooklyn, dressed all in white like some kind of goddess wizard, making history as she officially became the presumptive Democratic nominee for president.

For the first time, a woman had a shot at real political power. For the first time, we could tell our daughters: You could be anything! And it would actually be true. As autumn approached, you could feel the excitement. Women were on the brink. On the morning of Election Day, they dressed in pantsuits and welled up, holding their little girls’ hands at the voting booth, posting adorable photos.

That night was a devastation. Ambitious women and girls across the country didn’t get a new role model. They got a smackdown.

Six months ago I lay in bed with tears in my eyes. I was staring at my tiny iPhone screen, watching a larger-than-life woman stand before a packed crowd in Brooklyn, dressed all in white like some kind of goddess wizard, making history as she officially became the presumptive Democratic nominee for president.

For the first time, a woman had a shot at real political power. For the first time, we could tell our daughters: You could be anything! And it would actually be true. As autumn approached, you could feel the excitement. Women were on the brink. On the morning of Election Day, they dressed in pantsuits and welled up, holding their little girls’ hands at the voting booth, posting adorable photos.

That night was a devastation. Ambitious women and girls across the country didn’t get a new role model. They got a smackdown.

Though the sexism behind Clinton’s loss has hardly been a secret, it’s taken me awhile to truly grapple with what lays at the bottom of those election results. Clinton’s loss isn’t simply about emails or Russian hacking or James Comey or the perils of the Electoral College or the struggles of the so-called white working class. Underneath that, her loss has everything to do with the different expectations men and women face in our country. Her loss is about what we do to women who dare to seek power.

This struck me as I read Ta-Nehisi Coates’ incredible essay on Barack Obama’s presidency. “To secure the White House,” Coates writes in The Atlantic, “Donald Trump needed only money and white bluster.” This is the simplest evidence you need to understand that of course racism played a role Trump’s election, Coates writes.

Immediately, I realized, Coates missed something.

It wasn’t just money and bluster.

Trump is a man.

Much of the country went for the guy. Sure, technically she got more votes, is winning the popular vote by millions, but a huge percentage of the country went for him. Obama voters switched sides. He won.

With his utter lack of government experience, track record of lies, without disclosing his taxes, with his hateful comments about women, his boast about sexual assault. For all that, Trump was seen as more “authentic” than her. More likable.

That’s sexism. You can dress it up in as many ill-advised email servers or Benghazi hearings as you like.

Time and again, men get a pass.

More: It’s OK To Mourn For Our First Female President

Amen! If you liked the above, you should read the other half of the link.

Only one thought comes to mind ...

What unmitigated bullshit.
Quite a few women probably feel that way, sexist puke lol

We saw what happens when a woman dares to seek power. It was heartbreaking.

Six months ago I lay in bed with tears in my eyes. I was staring at my tiny iPhone screen, watching a larger-than-life woman stand before a packed crowd in Brooklyn, dressed all in white like some kind of goddess wizard, making history as she officially became the presumptive Democratic nominee for president.

For the first time, a woman had a shot at real political power. For the first time, we could tell our daughters: You could be anything! And it would actually be true. As autumn approached, you could feel the excitement. Women were on the brink. On the morning of Election Day, they dressed in pantsuits and welled up, holding their little girls’ hands at the voting booth, posting adorable photos.

That night was a devastation. Ambitious women and girls across the country didn’t get a new role model. They got a smackdown.

Six months ago I lay in bed with tears in my eyes. I was staring at my tiny iPhone screen, watching a larger-than-life woman stand before a packed crowd in Brooklyn, dressed all in white like some kind of goddess wizard, making history as she officially became the presumptive Democratic nominee for president.

For the first time, a woman had a shot at real political power. For the first time, we could tell our daughters: You could be anything! And it would actually be true. As autumn approached, you could feel the excitement. Women were on the brink. On the morning of Election Day, they dressed in pantsuits and welled up, holding their little girls’ hands at the voting booth, posting adorable photos.

That night was a devastation. Ambitious women and girls across the country didn’t get a new role model. They got a smackdown.

Though the sexism behind Clinton’s loss has hardly been a secret, it’s taken me awhile to truly grapple with what lays at the bottom of those election results. Clinton’s loss isn’t simply about emails or Russian hacking or James Comey or the perils of the Electoral College or the struggles of the so-called white working class. Underneath that, her loss has everything to do with the different expectations men and women face in our country. Her loss is about what we do to women who dare to seek power.

This struck me as I read Ta-Nehisi Coates’ incredible essay on Barack Obama’s presidency. “To secure the White House,” Coates writes in The Atlantic, “Donald Trump needed only money and white bluster.” This is the simplest evidence you need to understand that of course racism played a role Trump’s election, Coates writes.

Immediately, I realized, Coates missed something.

It wasn’t just money and bluster.

Trump is a man.

Much of the country went for the guy. Sure, technically she got more votes, is winning the popular vote by millions, but a huge percentage of the country went for him. Obama voters switched sides. He won.

With his utter lack of government experience, track record of lies, without disclosing his taxes, with his hateful comments about women, his boast about sexual assault. For all that, Trump was seen as more “authentic” than her. More likable.

That’s sexism. You can dress it up in as many ill-advised email servers or Benghazi hearings as you like.

Time and again, men get a pass.

More: It’s OK To Mourn For Our First Female President

Amen! If you liked the above, you should read the other half of the link.

Only one thought comes to mind ...

What unmitigated bullshit.
Quite a few women probably feel that way, sexist puke lol

Damn, you're cranky today .....

What makes you think I'm a "sexist puke""

Or, is that something on your list of what to call adults today?
Racists, bigots, greedy a-holes and haters are GOOD? Fascinating...

You don't even pay attention to your own party. Liberals always side with evil and conservatives with good.

Abortion vs non-abortion. Liberals side with killing babies.

Police vs criminals. Liberals side with criminals and against police.

Military vs terrorists. Liberals side with terrorists.

Teaching God in school or banning God from school. Liberals chose banning God from school.

Allowing citizens to be armed to fight criminals or give criminals the upper hand. Liberals choose giving criminals the upper hand.

Bigger government or smaller government. Liberals choose bigger government.

Execute blood thirsty murderers or put them in a cell with three squares a day, workout rooms, libraries and free healthcare. Liberals are against executing these animals.

So you see, liberals are the son of Satin. They always side with evil any chance they get.
The guy who doesn't believe in god and shuts him out believes he's going to heaven and those who worship god are going to hell. You can't make this shit up!

What's more amazing is this is the type that fears an entity they tell us doesn't exist. How stupid is that?
Libs believe in god, silly dupe, just not a hater god who charges exorbitant prices. And loves the greedy GOP rich. wrong AGAIN and always....

Right. Libs believe in God. That's why they think humans can control the climate of the earth. Dupe.
Nonsense. Believing in ignorance is not believing in God.

We saw what happens when a woman dares to seek power. It was heartbreaking.

Six months ago I lay in bed with tears in my eyes. I was staring at my tiny iPhone screen, watching a larger-than-life woman stand before a packed crowd in Brooklyn, dressed all in white like some kind of goddess wizard, making history as she officially became the presumptive Democratic nominee for president.

For the first time, a woman had a shot at real political power. For the first time, we could tell our daughters: You could be anything! And it would actually be true. As autumn approached, you could feel the excitement. Women were on the brink. On the morning of Election Day, they dressed in pantsuits and welled up, holding their little girls’ hands at the voting booth, posting adorable photos.

That night was a devastation. Ambitious women and girls across the country didn’t get a new role model. They got a smackdown.

Six months ago I lay in bed with tears in my eyes. I was staring at my tiny iPhone screen, watching a larger-than-life woman stand before a packed crowd in Brooklyn, dressed all in white like some kind of goddess wizard, making history as she officially became the presumptive Democratic nominee for president.

For the first time, a woman had a shot at real political power. For the first time, we could tell our daughters: You could be anything! And it would actually be true. As autumn approached, you could feel the excitement. Women were on the brink. On the morning of Election Day, they dressed in pantsuits and welled up, holding their little girls’ hands at the voting booth, posting adorable photos.

That night was a devastation. Ambitious women and girls across the country didn’t get a new role model. They got a smackdown.

Though the sexism behind Clinton’s loss has hardly been a secret, it’s taken me awhile to truly grapple with what lays at the bottom of those election results. Clinton’s loss isn’t simply about emails or Russian hacking or James Comey or the perils of the Electoral College or the struggles of the so-called white working class. Underneath that, her loss has everything to do with the different expectations men and women face in our country. Her loss is about what we do to women who dare to seek power.

This struck me as I read Ta-Nehisi Coates’ incredible essay on Barack Obama’s presidency. “To secure the White House,” Coates writes in The Atlantic, “Donald Trump needed only money and white bluster.” This is the simplest evidence you need to understand that of course racism played a role Trump’s election, Coates writes.

Immediately, I realized, Coates missed something.

It wasn’t just money and bluster.

Trump is a man.

Much of the country went for the guy. Sure, technically she got more votes, is winning the popular vote by millions, but a huge percentage of the country went for him. Obama voters switched sides. He won.

With his utter lack of government experience, track record of lies, without disclosing his taxes, with his hateful comments about women, his boast about sexual assault. For all that, Trump was seen as more “authentic” than her. More likable.

That’s sexism. You can dress it up in as many ill-advised email servers or Benghazi hearings as you like.

Time and again, men get a pass.

More: It’s OK To Mourn For Our First Female President

Amen! If you liked the above, you should read the other half of the link.

Only one thought comes to mind ...

What unmitigated bullshit.
Quite a few women probably feel that way, sexist puke lol

We saw what happens when a woman dares to seek power. It was heartbreaking.

Six months ago I lay in bed with tears in my eyes. I was staring at my tiny iPhone screen, watching a larger-than-life woman stand before a packed crowd in Brooklyn, dressed all in white like some kind of goddess wizard, making history as she officially became the presumptive Democratic nominee for president.

For the first time, a woman had a shot at real political power. For the first time, we could tell our daughters: You could be anything! And it would actually be true. As autumn approached, you could feel the excitement. Women were on the brink. On the morning of Election Day, they dressed in pantsuits and welled up, holding their little girls’ hands at the voting booth, posting adorable photos.

That night was a devastation. Ambitious women and girls across the country didn’t get a new role model. They got a smackdown.

Six months ago I lay in bed with tears in my eyes. I was staring at my tiny iPhone screen, watching a larger-than-life woman stand before a packed crowd in Brooklyn, dressed all in white like some kind of goddess wizard, making history as she officially became the presumptive Democratic nominee for president.

For the first time, a woman had a shot at real political power. For the first time, we could tell our daughters: You could be anything! And it would actually be true. As autumn approached, you could feel the excitement. Women were on the brink. On the morning of Election Day, they dressed in pantsuits and welled up, holding their little girls’ hands at the voting booth, posting adorable photos.

That night was a devastation. Ambitious women and girls across the country didn’t get a new role model. They got a smackdown.

Though the sexism behind Clinton’s loss has hardly been a secret, it’s taken me awhile to truly grapple with what lays at the bottom of those election results. Clinton’s loss isn’t simply about emails or Russian hacking or James Comey or the perils of the Electoral College or the struggles of the so-called white working class. Underneath that, her loss has everything to do with the different expectations men and women face in our country. Her loss is about what we do to women who dare to seek power.

This struck me as I read Ta-Nehisi Coates’ incredible essay on Barack Obama’s presidency. “To secure the White House,” Coates writes in The Atlantic, “Donald Trump needed only money and white bluster.” This is the simplest evidence you need to understand that of course racism played a role Trump’s election, Coates writes.

Immediately, I realized, Coates missed something.

It wasn’t just money and bluster.

Trump is a man.

Much of the country went for the guy. Sure, technically she got more votes, is winning the popular vote by millions, but a huge percentage of the country went for him. Obama voters switched sides. He won.

With his utter lack of government experience, track record of lies, without disclosing his taxes, with his hateful comments about women, his boast about sexual assault. For all that, Trump was seen as more “authentic” than her. More likable.

That’s sexism. You can dress it up in as many ill-advised email servers or Benghazi hearings as you like.

Time and again, men get a pass.

More: It’s OK To Mourn For Our First Female President

Amen! If you liked the above, you should read the other half of the link.

Only one thought comes to mind ...

What unmitigated bullshit.
Quite a few women probably feel that way, sexist puke lol

Damn, you're cranky today .....

What makes you think I'm a "sexist puke""

Or, is that something on your list of what to call adults today?
lol means what?

We saw what happens when a woman dares to seek power. It was heartbreaking.

Six months ago I lay in bed with tears in my eyes. I was staring at my tiny iPhone screen, watching a larger-than-life woman stand before a packed crowd in Brooklyn, dressed all in white like some kind of goddess wizard, making history as she officially became the presumptive Democratic nominee for president.

For the first time, a woman had a shot at real political power. For the first time, we could tell our daughters: You could be anything! And it would actually be true. As autumn approached, you could feel the excitement. Women were on the brink. On the morning of Election Day, they dressed in pantsuits and welled up, holding their little girls’ hands at the voting booth, posting adorable photos.

That night was a devastation. Ambitious women and girls across the country didn’t get a new role model. They got a smackdown.

Six months ago I lay in bed with tears in my eyes. I was staring at my tiny iPhone screen, watching a larger-than-life woman stand before a packed crowd in Brooklyn, dressed all in white like some kind of goddess wizard, making history as she officially became the presumptive Democratic nominee for president.

For the first time, a woman had a shot at real political power. For the first time, we could tell our daughters: You could be anything! And it would actually be true. As autumn approached, you could feel the excitement. Women were on the brink. On the morning of Election Day, they dressed in pantsuits and welled up, holding their little girls’ hands at the voting booth, posting adorable photos.

That night was a devastation. Ambitious women and girls across the country didn’t get a new role model. They got a smackdown.

Though the sexism behind Clinton’s loss has hardly been a secret, it’s taken me awhile to truly grapple with what lays at the bottom of those election results. Clinton’s loss isn’t simply about emails or Russian hacking or James Comey or the perils of the Electoral College or the struggles of the so-called white working class. Underneath that, her loss has everything to do with the different expectations men and women face in our country. Her loss is about what we do to women who dare to seek power.

This struck me as I read Ta-Nehisi Coates’ incredible essay on Barack Obama’s presidency. “To secure the White House,” Coates writes in The Atlantic, “Donald Trump needed only money and white bluster.” This is the simplest evidence you need to understand that of course racism played a role Trump’s election, Coates writes.

Immediately, I realized, Coates missed something.

It wasn’t just money and bluster.

Trump is a man.

Much of the country went for the guy. Sure, technically she got more votes, is winning the popular vote by millions, but a huge percentage of the country went for him. Obama voters switched sides. He won.

With his utter lack of government experience, track record of lies, without disclosing his taxes, with his hateful comments about women, his boast about sexual assault. For all that, Trump was seen as more “authentic” than her. More likable.

That’s sexism. You can dress it up in as many ill-advised email servers or Benghazi hearings as you like.

Time and again, men get a pass.

More: It’s OK To Mourn For Our First Female President

Amen! If you liked the above, you should read the other half of the link.

Only one thought comes to mind ...

What unmitigated bullshit.
Quite a few women probably feel that way, sexist puke lol

We saw what happens when a woman dares to seek power. It was heartbreaking.

Six months ago I lay in bed with tears in my eyes. I was staring at my tiny iPhone screen, watching a larger-than-life woman stand before a packed crowd in Brooklyn, dressed all in white like some kind of goddess wizard, making history as she officially became the presumptive Democratic nominee for president.

For the first time, a woman had a shot at real political power. For the first time, we could tell our daughters: You could be anything! And it would actually be true. As autumn approached, you could feel the excitement. Women were on the brink. On the morning of Election Day, they dressed in pantsuits and welled up, holding their little girls’ hands at the voting booth, posting adorable photos.

That night was a devastation. Ambitious women and girls across the country didn’t get a new role model. They got a smackdown.

Six months ago I lay in bed with tears in my eyes. I was staring at my tiny iPhone screen, watching a larger-than-life woman stand before a packed crowd in Brooklyn, dressed all in white like some kind of goddess wizard, making history as she officially became the presumptive Democratic nominee for president.

For the first time, a woman had a shot at real political power. For the first time, we could tell our daughters: You could be anything! And it would actually be true. As autumn approached, you could feel the excitement. Women were on the brink. On the morning of Election Day, they dressed in pantsuits and welled up, holding their little girls’ hands at the voting booth, posting adorable photos.

That night was a devastation. Ambitious women and girls across the country didn’t get a new role model. They got a smackdown.

Though the sexism behind Clinton’s loss has hardly been a secret, it’s taken me awhile to truly grapple with what lays at the bottom of those election results. Clinton’s loss isn’t simply about emails or Russian hacking or James Comey or the perils of the Electoral College or the struggles of the so-called white working class. Underneath that, her loss has everything to do with the different expectations men and women face in our country. Her loss is about what we do to women who dare to seek power.

This struck me as I read Ta-Nehisi Coates’ incredible essay on Barack Obama’s presidency. “To secure the White House,” Coates writes in The Atlantic, “Donald Trump needed only money and white bluster.” This is the simplest evidence you need to understand that of course racism played a role Trump’s election, Coates writes.

Immediately, I realized, Coates missed something.

It wasn’t just money and bluster.

Trump is a man.

Much of the country went for the guy. Sure, technically she got more votes, is winning the popular vote by millions, but a huge percentage of the country went for him. Obama voters switched sides. He won.

With his utter lack of government experience, track record of lies, without disclosing his taxes, with his hateful comments about women, his boast about sexual assault. For all that, Trump was seen as more “authentic” than her. More likable.

That’s sexism. You can dress it up in as many ill-advised email servers or Benghazi hearings as you like.

Time and again, men get a pass.

More: It’s OK To Mourn For Our First Female President

Amen! If you liked the above, you should read the other half of the link.

Only one thought comes to mind ...

What unmitigated bullshit.
Quite a few women probably feel that way, sexist puke lol

Damn, you're cranky today .....

What makes you think I'm a "sexist puke""

Or, is that something on your list of what to call adults today?
lol means what?

I rest my case.

Franco is almost a Trump supporter, he's teetering right on the edge. I'll convert Franco to a conservative yet!!

That would be like trying to convert a nuclear waste dump into a public park.
I admire and respect your opinion, hater dupe lol...thank god Trump thinks you're an idiot, and has proved it.
Dumping lock her up, draining the swamp, repealing ACA, etc etc etc...
Why do you lie so much?
Franco is almost a Trump supporter, he's teetering right on the edge. I'll convert Franco to a conservative yet!!

That would be like trying to convert a nuclear waste dump into a public park.
I admire and respect your opinion, hater dupe lol...thank god Trump thinks you're an idiot, and has proved it.
Dumping lock her up, draining the swamp, repealing ACA, etc etc etc...
Why do you lie so much?

Liberals are born that way. :bsflag:

We saw what happens when a woman dares to seek power. It was heartbreaking.

Six months ago I lay in bed with tears in my eyes. I was staring at my tiny iPhone screen, watching a larger-than-life woman stand before a packed crowd in Brooklyn, dressed all in white like some kind of goddess wizard, making history as she officially became the presumptive Democratic nominee for president.

For the first time, a woman had a shot at real political power. For the first time, we could tell our daughters: You could be anything! And it would actually be true. As autumn approached, you could feel the excitement. Women were on the brink. On the morning of Election Day, they dressed in pantsuits and welled up, holding their little girls’ hands at the voting booth, posting adorable photos.

That night was a devastation. Ambitious women and girls across the country didn’t get a new role model. They got a smackdown.

Six months ago I lay in bed with tears in my eyes. I was staring at my tiny iPhone screen, watching a larger-than-life woman stand before a packed crowd in Brooklyn, dressed all in white like some kind of goddess wizard, making history as she officially became the presumptive Democratic nominee for president.

For the first time, a woman had a shot at real political power. For the first time, we could tell our daughters: You could be anything! And it would actually be true. As autumn approached, you could feel the excitement. Women were on the brink. On the morning of Election Day, they dressed in pantsuits and welled up, holding their little girls’ hands at the voting booth, posting adorable photos.

That night was a devastation. Ambitious women and girls across the country didn’t get a new role model. They got a smackdown.

Though the sexism behind Clinton’s loss has hardly been a secret, it’s taken me awhile to truly grapple with what lays at the bottom of those election results. Clinton’s loss isn’t simply about emails or Russian hacking or James Comey or the perils of the Electoral College or the struggles of the so-called white working class. Underneath that, her loss has everything to do with the different expectations men and women face in our country. Her loss is about what we do to women who dare to seek power.

This struck me as I read Ta-Nehisi Coates’ incredible essay on Barack Obama’s presidency. “To secure the White House,” Coates writes in The Atlantic, “Donald Trump needed only money and white bluster.” This is the simplest evidence you need to understand that of course racism played a role Trump’s election, Coates writes.

Immediately, I realized, Coates missed something.

It wasn’t just money and bluster.

Trump is a man.

Much of the country went for the guy. Sure, technically she got more votes, is winning the popular vote by millions, but a huge percentage of the country went for him. Obama voters switched sides. He won.

With his utter lack of government experience, track record of lies, without disclosing his taxes, with his hateful comments about women, his boast about sexual assault. For all that, Trump was seen as more “authentic” than her. More likable.

That’s sexism. You can dress it up in as many ill-advised email servers or Benghazi hearings as you like.

Time and again, men get a pass.

More: It’s OK To Mourn For Our First Female President

Amen! If you liked the above, you should read the other half of the link.

Only one thought comes to mind ...

What unmitigated bullshit.
Quite a few women probably feel that way, sexist puke lol

We saw what happens when a woman dares to seek power. It was heartbreaking.

Six months ago I lay in bed with tears in my eyes. I was staring at my tiny iPhone screen, watching a larger-than-life woman stand before a packed crowd in Brooklyn, dressed all in white like some kind of goddess wizard, making history as she officially became the presumptive Democratic nominee for president.

For the first time, a woman had a shot at real political power. For the first time, we could tell our daughters: You could be anything! And it would actually be true. As autumn approached, you could feel the excitement. Women were on the brink. On the morning of Election Day, they dressed in pantsuits and welled up, holding their little girls’ hands at the voting booth, posting adorable photos.

That night was a devastation. Ambitious women and girls across the country didn’t get a new role model. They got a smackdown.

Six months ago I lay in bed with tears in my eyes. I was staring at my tiny iPhone screen, watching a larger-than-life woman stand before a packed crowd in Brooklyn, dressed all in white like some kind of goddess wizard, making history as she officially became the presumptive Democratic nominee for president.

For the first time, a woman had a shot at real political power. For the first time, we could tell our daughters: You could be anything! And it would actually be true. As autumn approached, you could feel the excitement. Women were on the brink. On the morning of Election Day, they dressed in pantsuits and welled up, holding their little girls’ hands at the voting booth, posting adorable photos.

That night was a devastation. Ambitious women and girls across the country didn’t get a new role model. They got a smackdown.

Though the sexism behind Clinton’s loss has hardly been a secret, it’s taken me awhile to truly grapple with what lays at the bottom of those election results. Clinton’s loss isn’t simply about emails or Russian hacking or James Comey or the perils of the Electoral College or the struggles of the so-called white working class. Underneath that, her loss has everything to do with the different expectations men and women face in our country. Her loss is about what we do to women who dare to seek power.

This struck me as I read Ta-Nehisi Coates’ incredible essay on Barack Obama’s presidency. “To secure the White House,” Coates writes in The Atlantic, “Donald Trump needed only money and white bluster.” This is the simplest evidence you need to understand that of course racism played a role Trump’s election, Coates writes.

Immediately, I realized, Coates missed something.

It wasn’t just money and bluster.

Trump is a man.

Much of the country went for the guy. Sure, technically she got more votes, is winning the popular vote by millions, but a huge percentage of the country went for him. Obama voters switched sides. He won.

With his utter lack of government experience, track record of lies, without disclosing his taxes, with his hateful comments about women, his boast about sexual assault. For all that, Trump was seen as more “authentic” than her. More likable.

That’s sexism. You can dress it up in as many ill-advised email servers or Benghazi hearings as you like.

Time and again, men get a pass.

More: It’s OK To Mourn For Our First Female President

Amen! If you liked the above, you should read the other half of the link.

Only one thought comes to mind ...

What unmitigated bullshit.
Quite a few women probably feel that way, sexist puke lol

Damn, you're cranky today .....

What makes you think I'm a "sexist puke""

Or, is that something on your list of what to call adults today?

Today? I think that is the norm. Lots of cranky old men around here. :lol:

Merry Christmas! :)

We saw what happens when a woman dares to seek power. It was heartbreaking.

Six months ago I lay in bed with tears in my eyes. I was staring at my tiny iPhone screen, watching a larger-than-life woman stand before a packed crowd in Brooklyn, dressed all in white like some kind of goddess wizard, making history as she officially became the presumptive Democratic nominee for president.

For the first time, a woman had a shot at real political power. For the first time, we could tell our daughters: You could be anything! And it would actually be true. As autumn approached, you could feel the excitement. Women were on the brink. On the morning of Election Day, they dressed in pantsuits and welled up, holding their little girls’ hands at the voting booth, posting adorable photos.

That night was a devastation. Ambitious women and girls across the country didn’t get a new role model. They got a smackdown.

Six months ago I lay in bed with tears in my eyes. I was staring at my tiny iPhone screen, watching a larger-than-life woman stand before a packed crowd in Brooklyn, dressed all in white like some kind of goddess wizard, making history as she officially became the presumptive Democratic nominee for president.

For the first time, a woman had a shot at real political power. For the first time, we could tell our daughters: You could be anything! And it would actually be true. As autumn approached, you could feel the excitement. Women were on the brink. On the morning of Election Day, they dressed in pantsuits and welled up, holding their little girls’ hands at the voting booth, posting adorable photos.

That night was a devastation. Ambitious women and girls across the country didn’t get a new role model. They got a smackdown.

Though the sexism behind Clinton’s loss has hardly been a secret, it’s taken me awhile to truly grapple with what lays at the bottom of those election results. Clinton’s loss isn’t simply about emails or Russian hacking or James Comey or the perils of the Electoral College or the struggles of the so-called white working class. Underneath that, her loss has everything to do with the different expectations men and women face in our country. Her loss is about what we do to women who dare to seek power.

This struck me as I read Ta-Nehisi Coates’ incredible essay on Barack Obama’s presidency. “To secure the White House,” Coates writes in The Atlantic, “Donald Trump needed only money and white bluster.” This is the simplest evidence you need to understand that of course racism played a role Trump’s election, Coates writes.

Immediately, I realized, Coates missed something.

It wasn’t just money and bluster.

Trump is a man.

Much of the country went for the guy. Sure, technically she got more votes, is winning the popular vote by millions, but a huge percentage of the country went for him. Obama voters switched sides. He won.

With his utter lack of government experience, track record of lies, without disclosing his taxes, with his hateful comments about women, his boast about sexual assault. For all that, Trump was seen as more “authentic” than her. More likable.

That’s sexism. You can dress it up in as many ill-advised email servers or Benghazi hearings as you like.

Time and again, men get a pass.

More: It’s OK To Mourn For Our First Female President

Amen! If you liked the above, you should read the other half of the link.

Mourn for....or Moon at?

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