IT’S OVER: Hillary’s ISIS Email Just Leaked & It’s Worse Than Anyone Could Have Imagined…

Oh I beg to differ. I have a funny feeling Assad, Putin and Abadi are really really pissed right off. This confirms America was complicit with the Gulf Sunni states in sponsoring terror.

And you know for all the Syrians and Iraqis that have been deeply affected by ISIS and Al Nusra I bet dollars to donuts they aren't going to be freaking happy campers with this confirmation.
You're kidding, right?

No. I think Syria and Iraq aren't going to be happy campers that we in the west have been complicit with turning a blind eye to the Sunni Gulf states funding the major terror groups that are slaughtering their people.

Now they've know for forever that the CIA was involved in assisting SA/Qatar/Turkey funneling weapons and cash to the terrorists errrrrrrrrrrrrrr rebels. But now it's out there that we were aware of direct financing of the terror groups.
So you don't know what propaganda is.

Oh well.

Go crazy then.
Today Wikileaks released what is, by far, the most devastating leak of the entire campaign. This makes Trump’s dirty talk video looks like an episode of Barney and Friends.

Even though when Trump called Hillary the ‘founder’ of ISIS he was telling the truth and 100% accurate, the media has never stopped ripping him apart over it.

Today the media is forced to eat their hats because the newest batch of leaked emails show Hillary, in her own words, admitting to doing just that, funding and running ISIS.

John Podesta, Hillary’s campaign chair, who was also a counselor to President Obama at the time, was the recipient of the 2014 email which was released today.

Assange promised his latest batch of leaks would lead to the indictment of Hillary, and it looks like he was not kidding. The email proves Hillary knew and was complicit in the funding and arming of ISIS by our ‘allies’ Saudi Arabia and Qatar!


What's the date on that Vig? This is very serious. Truly rises to crimes against humanity. All governments involved should be charged. Massive loss of life. Displacement of hundreds of thousands of Syrians. Mega death in Iraq.

Truly mother and fathers of all evil to have allowed to have occurred. I wonder what Putin and Assad and of course Abadi of Iraq are going to do.

Very worrisome. Russia is calling back all their officials and their families. Oh boy. Not good. Because the temptation will be retaliation against Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey.

Potential powder keg.
Chill out.

No I'm pissed right off. I knew we were involved. That information was out there a long ago. This just confirms how much we were involved.

There's a lot of dead and wounded in both Syria and Iraq. And hundreds of thousands of displaced Syrians.

I don't think I'm going to be the only one pissed right off.
It is propaganda that came from Russia.

You do know what propaganda is, don't you?

It's Hillary's email. All the other information is out there. Would you like a link to a New York Times article confirming the CIA involvement?
"The media" isn't reporting on any of the wiki reports. Nothing. All I'm seeing is 30 year old Trump groping stories. Don't you get it? tptb want her in, she'll get in. Lying, cheating, stealing ... nothing is off the table with them. She WANTED her opponent to be Trump, the wiki reports told us that. She played Republicans and some of you went willingly along. smh

16 other candidates and you guys just had to pick the one damn guy who has shit - grab them by their pussy? REALLY? And you excuse that??? Wow, how low your (collective) standards for potus are - from his past they can glom onto. 16 fucking other candidates, any of whom would be pounding the crap out of her with the wiki stories, with policy, with staying ON TOPIC. She was fucking easy to beat but no, you guys had to pick the one guy who was easier than her.

Fuck. You. Fucking. Retarded. Fucking. Fucking. Trumpanfuckingzees. This is on YOU GUYS. YOU voted for him, YOU OWN mrs bill being our next potus. Congratulations.

Fucking dipshits.
All they care about is ratings. And so far the trivial nonsense that's been released is boring af. Try harder.

I thought I might like to have a look a Podesta's recipes. I wonder if Wikileaks has any more of these???

View attachment 93307
He needs to work on his "it's" and it's no problem to add it half a cup at a time or even more and then leave it alone. It comes out the same either way.
Today Wikileaks released what is, by far, the most devastating leak of the entire campaign. This makes Trump’s dirty talk video looks like an episode of Barney and Friends.

Even though when Trump called Hillary the ‘founder’ of ISIS he was telling the truth and 100% accurate, the media has never stopped ripping him apart over it.

Today the media is forced to eat their hats because the newest batch of leaked emails show Hillary, in her own words, admitting to doing just that, funding and running ISIS.

John Podesta, Hillary’s campaign chair, who was also a counselor to President Obama at the time, was the recipient of the 2014 email which was released today.

Assange promised his latest batch of leaks would lead to the indictment of Hillary, and it looks like he was not kidding. The email proves Hillary knew and was complicit in the funding and arming of ISIS by our ‘allies’ Saudi Arabia and Qatar!


What's the date on that Vig? This is very serious. Truly rises to crimes against humanity. All governments involved should be charged. Massive loss of life. Displacement of hundreds of thousands of Syrians. Mega death in Iraq.

Truly mother and fathers of all evil to have allowed to have occurred. I wonder what Putin and Assad and of course Abadi of Iraq are going to do.

Very worrisome. Russia is calling back all their officials and their families. Oh boy. Not good. Because the temptation will be retaliation against Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey.

Potential powder keg.
Chill out.

No I'm pissed right off. I knew we were involved. That information was out there a long ago. This just confirms how much we were involved.

There's a lot of dead and wounded in both Syria and Iraq. And hundreds of thousands of displaced Syrians.

I don't think I'm going to be the only one pissed right off.
It is propaganda that came from Russia.

You do know what propaganda is, don't you?

It's Hillary's email. All the other information is out there. Would you like a link to a New York Times article confirming the CIA involvement?
It's propaganda. Why do you simply assume that the emails (which are digital mind you) weren't altered?

Oh I beg to differ. I have a funny feeling Assad, Putin and Abadi are really really pissed right off. This confirms America was complicit with the Gulf Sunni states in sponsoring terror.

And you know for all the Syrians and Iraqis that have been deeply affected by ISIS and Al Nusra I bet dollars to donuts they aren't going to be freaking happy campers with this confirmation.
You're kidding, right?

No. I think Syria and Iraq aren't going to be happy campers that we in the west have been complicit with turning a blind eye to the Sunni Gulf states funding the major terror groups that are slaughtering their people.

Now they've know for forever that the CIA was involved in assisting SA/Qatar/Turkey funneling weapons and cash to the terrorists errrrrrrrrrrrrrr rebels. But now it's out there that we were aware of direct financing of the terror groups.
So you don't know what propaganda is.

Oh well.

Go crazy then.

Let me get you that New York Times article. And check the date. June 2012. We were assisting in the funneling of arms and cash to the terrorists errrrrrrrrrrrr rebels via the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood.

Last I heard the New York Times wasn't writing stories out of Moscow. :)

C.I.A. Said to Aid in Steering Arms to Syrian Opposition

WASHINGTON — A small number of C.I.A. officers are operating secretly in southern Turkey, helping allies decide which Syrian opposition fighters across the border will receive arms to fight the Syrian government, according to American officials and Arab intelligence officers.

The weapons, including automatic rifles, rocket-propelled grenades, ammunition and some antitank weapons, are being funneled mostly across the Turkish border by way of a shadowy network of intermediaries including Syria’s Muslim Brotherhood and paid for by Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, the officials said.

More at link:

Oh I beg to differ. I have a funny feeling Assad, Putin and Abadi are really really pissed right off. This confirms America was complicit with the Gulf Sunni states in sponsoring terror.

And you know for all the Syrians and Iraqis that have been deeply affected by ISIS and Al Nusra I bet dollars to donuts they aren't going to be freaking happy campers with this confirmation.
You're kidding, right?

No. I think Syria and Iraq aren't going to be happy campers that we in the west have been complicit with turning a blind eye to the Sunni Gulf states funding the major terror groups that are slaughtering their people.

Now they've know for forever that the CIA was involved in assisting SA/Qatar/Turkey funneling weapons and cash to the terrorists errrrrrrrrrrrrrr rebels. But now it's out there that we were aware of direct financing of the terror groups.
So you don't know what propaganda is.

Oh well.

Go crazy then.

Let me get you that New York Times article. And check the date. June 2012. We were assisting in the funneling of arms and cash to the terrorists errrrrrrrrrrrr rebels via the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood.

Last I heard the New York Times wasn't writing stories out of Moscow. :)

C.I.A. Said to Aid in Steering Arms to Syrian Opposition

WASHINGTON — A small number of C.I.A. officers are operating secretly in southern Turkey, helping allies decide which Syrian opposition fighters across the border will receive arms to fight the Syrian government, according to American officials and Arab intelligence officers.

The weapons, including automatic rifles, rocket-propelled grenades, ammunition and some antitank weapons, are being funneled mostly across the Turkish border by way of a shadowy network of intermediaries including Syria’s Muslim Brotherhood and paid for by Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, the officials said.

More at link:

They apparently spent million and millions and were only able to vet and train something like four people.
What's the date on that Vig? This is very serious. Truly rises to crimes against humanity. All governments involved should be charged. Massive loss of life. Displacement of hundreds of thousands of Syrians. Mega death in Iraq.

Truly mother and fathers of all evil to have allowed to have occurred. I wonder what Putin and Assad and of course Abadi of Iraq are going to do.

Very worrisome. Russia is calling back all their officials and their families. Oh boy. Not good. Because the temptation will be retaliation against Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey.

Potential powder keg.
Chill out.

No I'm pissed right off. I knew we were involved. That information was out there a long ago. This just confirms how much we were involved.

There's a lot of dead and wounded in both Syria and Iraq. And hundreds of thousands of displaced Syrians.

I don't think I'm going to be the only one pissed right off.
It is propaganda that came from Russia.

You do know what propaganda is, don't you?

It's Hillary's email. All the other information is out there. Would you like a link to a New York Times article confirming the CIA involvement?
It's propaganda. Why do you simply assume that the emails (which are digital mind you) weren't altered?

Because we've been involved right from the get go. It makes total sense that we knew what the Gulf States were doing. The Arab Spring was a complete farce.

This has been more than suspected with the lack of true bombing raids by the west until Putin stepped in and started kicking the shit out of ISIS and Al Nusra.

Ditto the fact that Erdogan and Turkey were also buying oil from ISIS and selling it on the black market. As well as antiquities.

There is no way on the planet that our intelligence didn't know what was going on.

And now I'm looking at the movement around the release of these documents. Russia is calling in all official family members from abroad. The Iraqi Prime Minister just had a huge dust up with Erdogan of Turkey and have cut off all talks.

I hope it doesn't get dicey.
Oh I beg to differ. I have a funny feeling Assad, Putin and Abadi are really really pissed right off. This confirms America was complicit with the Gulf Sunni states in sponsoring terror.

And you know for all the Syrians and Iraqis that have been deeply affected by ISIS and Al Nusra I bet dollars to donuts they aren't going to be freaking happy campers with this confirmation.
You're kidding, right?

No. I think Syria and Iraq aren't going to be happy campers that we in the west have been complicit with turning a blind eye to the Sunni Gulf states funding the major terror groups that are slaughtering their people.

Now they've know for forever that the CIA was involved in assisting SA/Qatar/Turkey funneling weapons and cash to the terrorists errrrrrrrrrrrrrr rebels. But now it's out there that we were aware of direct financing of the terror groups.
So you don't know what propaganda is.

Oh well.

Go crazy then.

Let me get you that New York Times article. And check the date. June 2012. We were assisting in the funneling of arms and cash to the terrorists errrrrrrrrrrrr rebels via the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood.

Last I heard the New York Times wasn't writing stories out of Moscow. :)

C.I.A. Said to Aid in Steering Arms to Syrian Opposition

WASHINGTON — A small number of C.I.A. officers are operating secretly in southern Turkey, helping allies decide which Syrian opposition fighters across the border will receive arms to fight the Syrian government, according to American officials and Arab intelligence officers.

The weapons, including automatic rifles, rocket-propelled grenades, ammunition and some antitank weapons, are being funneled mostly across the Turkish border by way of a shadowy network of intermediaries including Syria’s Muslim Brotherhood and paid for by Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, the officials said.

More at link:

They apparently spent million and millions and were only able to vet and train something like four people.

That was our cover for "moderate rebels". ISIS was an amazing fighting force that broke off of AQ in Syria. Many Chechen fighters came in to fight that actually had been trained in Georgia by the US. The key military commander that was in charge for all the initial victories was Chechen. He also lead ISIS in the invasion of Iraq.
I hope it doesn't get dicey.
Becauuse of Wikileaks's propaganda?

Again, take a deep breath.

You can bet your bottom dollar that Russian intelligence is in the process of verification. If this is true there will be repercussions for the Sunni states.

I just can't see neither Assad nor Abadi being happy campers if this is valid information.
I hope it doesn't get dicey.
Becauuse of Wikileaks's propaganda?

Again, take a deep breath.

You can your bottom dollar that Russian intelligence is in the process of verification. If this is true there will be repercussions for the Sunni states.

I just can't see neither Assad nor Abadi being happy campers if this is valid information.
Who cares?

They have no power to do anything about it.
I hope it doesn't get dicey.
Becauuse of Wikileaks's propaganda?

Again, take a deep breath.

You can your bottom dollar that Russian intelligence is in the process of verification. If this is true there will be repercussions for the Sunni states.

I just can't see neither Assad nor Abadi being happy campers if this is valid information.
Who cares?

They have no power to do anything about it.

At this point diplomacy isn't going to work. I would advise Kerry to get himself some Extra Strength Tylenol and Immodium AD if he wants to give it a shot otherwise a Sunni Shia war might be on the horizon.

I'd want payback.
Why hasn't this been on the front page of every news paper, magazine and broadcast? No one's talking about this. You're right, this is much worse than trash talk. This is "sleeping with the enemy"!
Why hasn't this been on the front page of every news paper, magazine and broadcast? No one's talking about this. You're right, this is much worse than trash talk. This is "sleeping with the enemy"!
What the exciting part for you about the US saying we need to step on their heads a bit for funding the bad guys? Did you think ISIS got its cash from God?
All these years of bullshit. Lies and lies and more lies from our governments. Displacing hundreds of thousands if not millions. Trying to pawn the whole deal off on Assad when in fact our governments allowed this shit to go down with the freaking Saudis and the other Gulf states.


Oh I beg to differ. I have a funny feeling Assad, Putin and Abadi are really really pissed right off. This confirms America was complicit with the Gulf Sunni states in sponsoring terror.

And you know for all the Syrians and Iraqis that have been deeply affected by ISIS and Al Nusra I bet dollars to donuts they aren't going to be freaking happy campers with this confirmation.
You're kidding, right?

No. I think Syria and Iraq aren't going to be happy campers that we in the west have been complicit with turning a blind eye to the Sunni Gulf states funding the major terror groups that are slaughtering their people.

Now they've know for forever that the CIA was involved in assisting SA/Qatar/Turkey funneling weapons and cash to the terrorists errrrrrrrrrrrrrr rebels. But now it's out there that we were aware of direct financing of the terror groups.
that was written in 2014 by hillary, she was no longer secretary of State, She still seemed like she was kept abreast of everything going on there...even 2 years after she was no longer Secretary of State...

the memo says the US GOVT was working against the Saudis and Qatar for funding the rebels and isis through pressure of some kind they were or were going to put on them...

WHAT exactly are you upset about?
"The media" isn't reporting on any of the wiki reports. Nothing. All I'm seeing is 30 year old Trump groping stories. Don't you get it? tptb want her in, she'll get in. Lying, cheating, stealing ... nothing is off the table with them. She WANTED her opponent to be Trump, the wiki reports told us that. She played Republicans and some of you went willingly along. smh

16 other candidates and you guys just had to pick the one damn guy who has shit - grab them by their pussy? REALLY? And you excuse that??? Wow, how low your (collective) standards for potus are - from his past they can glom onto. 16 fucking other candidates, any of whom would be pounding the crap out of her with the wiki stories, with policy, with staying ON TOPIC. She was fucking easy to beat but no, you guys had to pick the one guy who was easier than her.

Fuck. You. Fucking. Retarded. Fucking. Fucking. Trumpanfuckingzees. This is on YOU GUYS. YOU voted for him, YOU OWN mrs bill being our next potus. Congratulations.

Fucking dipshits.

So the main stream media decided that Trump was the guy they wanted to run against and essentially shut down the campaigns of the other 15 them zero coverage and assuring that Trump would be the GOP nominee...but it's the fault of Republicans because they weren't politically savvy enough to see what Clinton and her little media buddies were up to?

The people who are going to OWN the performance of Hillary Clinton are those in control of the main stream media who got her elected. What's sad is that they've now decided that THEY are the ones calling the shots about who will run things in America and do so by what they choose to cover and not cover. Whatever happened to the concept of a unbiased media providing voters with the best possible information so that they can make informed decisions? Journalistic ethics and all of that? From where I sit the media aren't even pretending to be non partisan at this point. They consider themselves "players" in the process.
I hope it doesn't get dicey.
Becauuse of Wikileaks's propaganda?

Again, take a deep breath.

You can bet your bottom dollar that Russian intelligence is in the process of verification. If this is true there will be repercussions for the Sunni states.

I just can't see neither Assad nor Abadi being happy campers if this is valid information.
she's brilliant!! and seems to have a good handle on what to do and how to handle it....let's just hope, Kerry was just as knowledgeable...

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