It's Over! Obama's Deputy Defense Secretary Comes Forward Admitting The Obama Admin Spied On Trump

With the recent admission by the dumbass former Department of Defense broad that she and her people wiretapped President Trump's administration, the Justice Dept. needs to follow through where the facts lead them. Of course the swamp needs to be drained still. But IMO Obama should not be pardoned.
NYcarbineer, what evidence do you have that President Trump orchestrated a wiretapping of Butthurt Barry Hussaine Obama and Obama's corrupt administration?
With the recent admission by the dumbass former Department of Defense broad that she and her people wiretapped President Trump's administration, the Justice Dept. needs to follow through where the facts lead them. Of course the swamp needs to be drained still. But IMO Obama should not be pardoned.
Here is a link to that story.
Now THIS is a bomb exploding.
Uh Oh: Former Obama Official Admits She 'Urged' Intelligence Gathering On Trump Team | The Sean Hannity Show
There's a video that doesn't lie, unlike you.

All the video does is tell that Obama looked for the needle in the haystack. But he didn't commission the haystack. Obama didn't order the collection of any information, he used information that was already legally collected.

That remains to be seen.. The unmasking and leaks done by Obama and his minions was certainly not...
So if you accept what the Defense Deputy says as accurate- then she is admitting that they knew that the Trump staff had been dealing the Russians.
Which Trump has been denying.
So Trump is a liar.
What a shock.

The above is a perfect example of how the lame stream media comes up with it's "facts" and "news".

Your quote is a perfect example of how the lame right wing is ignorant and poorly educated.

What I posted was my opinion- based upon the quotes in the media that the OP provided as 'proof' of Obama ordering wire tapping(LOL)

Here again is the relevant quote:

Because I had a fear that somehow that information would disappear with the senior [Obama] people who left; so it would be hidden away in the bureaucracy, um, that the Trump folks if they found out HOW we knew what we knew about their, the Trump staff, dealing with Russians – that they would try to compromise those sources and methods; meaning we no longer have access to that intelligence.
You highlight treason... then ignore it..
The crime syndicate is the trump organization that worked with the Russians to throw the election
And there's a wee bit of evidence on that. Like the entire intelligence community.
When did the entire intelligence community testify under oath?

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What? You mean they didn't call and let you know about it? Damn!

They haven't told anyone, moron. James Clapper is not "the entire intelligence community."

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