It's Over! Obama's Deputy Defense Secretary Comes Forward Admitting The Obama Admin Spied On Trump

BREAKING Update: The ethical patriotic website Gateway Pundit is now carrying the story. Makes sense since they have press credentials for daily White House press briefings. Hopefully their reporter will have a chance to ask Sean Spicer about this tomorrow.

Just and FYI Hannity is all over this. He's kicking D ass like crazy!
Damn! Let me go turn the radio on. Thanks for the heads up. By the way, I paged you in my new thread. Read it closely.
It was only a matter of time members of The Obama Administration and Clinton Campaign started coming forward.

Two people that should be brought before Congress To Testify are Evelyn Farkas, and Dr. Jean Camp who was Hillary's Phd Cyber Security Expert and Hacker who created the false Russian Hacking Story and who planted Pings on Trump Tower and Alfa Bank Servers.

OOOPS. They spend every day trashing America and our President, and just can't help themselves....and in their zeal to take down Trump, they take themselves down.


"if they found out how we knew what we knew"

Farkas described a rush to spread the material before Trump took office.

"So I became very worried because not enough was coming out into the open and I knew that there was more. We have very good intelligence on Russia," she said. "So then I had talked to some of my former colleagues and I knew that they were trying to also help get information to the Hill."

“I was urging my former colleagues and, frankly speaking, the people on the Hill, it was more actually aimed at telling the Hill people, get as much information as you can, get as much intelligence as you can, before President Obama leaves the administration,” Farkas, who is now a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council, said.

“Because I had a fear that somehow that information would disappear with the senior [Obama] people who left, so it would be hidden away in the bureaucracy.."

When is Comey going to get whacked for committing Perjury.....again....
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Donna Brazile is SUCH a lying twat that only a month ago, she was STILL LYING about the e-mails....

Maybe if the DNC staff wasn't such corrupt fucks, the e-mail dump on Wikileaks wouldn't have mattered.

Brazile: I ‘allegedly’ sent CNN questions to Hillary team

(WASHINGTONEXAMINER) — Former Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Donna Brazile is maintaining that the emails showing her relay questions ahead of debates to Hillary Clinton during the Democratic primary may not be authentic.

In an interview with Politico published Monday, Brazile, a former CNN contributor, acknowledged the emails “allegedly” show her passing advantageous information to Clinton’s campaign. She said, however, that those emails don’t show full context.

“You know, I think there’s always a lot of confusion when something is put out in a dump of emails that trickles out,” she said. “So, the first answer is an easy answer. Did CNN provide Donna Brazile or any other contributor debate questions? No. I’ve never received questions from CNN. I’ve made that very clear, I’ve made that very plain.”

“[T]he emails that were allegedly sent to me or sent from me, you know, told a story but it didn’t tell a complete story,” she said.

Read more at Brazile: I ‘allegedly’ sent CNN questions to Hillary team
The surveillance was being done on the Russians. The fact that Trumps team was in contact with an enemy nation is VERY telling.

Nothing illegal since they were private citizens at the time and contact to learn more about common ground would be necessary for knowledgeable choices.

Clinton and Podesta had far more ongoing contact with the russians during the last year, and payments. Where is the outrage over that?

This is not a bipartisan investigation, it is a which hunt. Drown Trump and see if he floats, then kill him. If he dies from drowning he was innocent.
The crime syndicate is the trump organization that worked with the Russians to throw the election

Have any proof that anyone changed their vote because of Russia "throwing the election"? Just one person even?

The Trump organization ran on a platform of trying to make better relations with the Russian, instead of trying to go to war with them. He won on that.

Will you ever stop whining about it?
You people are too funny. During the election, you're pouring through hacked emails from the DNC screaming about how corrupt Democrats are.... now you cry but hey, that didn't actually cause anyone to not vote for Hillary.


Imagine how it would have HELPED Hillary if the DNC e-mails revealed that they were amazingly honest and good people.

It's the DNC's own fault for being corrupt shits.
Imagine how many votes Trump would have lost if America knew he too was so corrupt, he was in collusion with Russia to hack Democrats' email.
Too bad Republicans aren't corrupt douche bags like Democrats.

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The crime syndicate is the trump organization that worked with the Russians to throw the election

Have any proof that anyone changed their vote because of Russia "throwing the election"? Just one person even?

The Trump organization ran on a platform of trying to make better relations with the Russian, instead of trying to go to war with them. He won on that.

Will you ever stop whining about it?
You people are too funny. During the election, you're pouring through hacked emails from the DNC screaming about how corrupt Democrats are.... now you cry but hey, that didn't actually cause anyone to not vote for Hillary.


How about a recorded private conversation of Trump, was that not used to "throw the election" as well? If hacked emails are, certainly violating someone's privacy rights is. By your standards the release of that tape was "undermining the election process".
At least you now admit that hacking the DNC cost Hillary votes. It's a start for you. :thup:
The Russians didn't provide Podesta's emails to Wikileaks

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What is this, the FIFTH thread now, about an article that was written about extensively (that says nothing at all like the OP and title), and an MSNBC episode that aired a MONTH ago.


Lotta peepers gettin' played.
What is this, the FIFTH thread now, about an article that was written about extensively (that says nothing at all like the OP and title), and an MSNBC episode that aired a MONTH ago.


Lotta peepers gettin' played.
Gotto go with what they got. LOL
Let's not forget about Podesta and Russia and money while we're at it.
Proof? Not yet?

As is often noted the proof is in NSA intercepts, that are classified as top secret, sources and methods, and will not, and probably will never, at least for 50 years, be allowed to be posted in public. So the proof won't be in the form of a link to the intell data, but to someone will the security clearnce to interpret the data.
So you have no proof, yet you keep lying. Why is that?
Personally, i believe the Democrats did engage in surveilling the Trump Campaign. It's Watergate ten-fold. However, i doubt we'll ever find the 'Smoking Gun' proof. So i can't get too excited about things like this.

It's all a nasty mess. Clearly, the CIA, FBI, and NSA are out of control. But what can we the People do? I don't see much we can do. It is pretty depressing.
I'll play along . Let's say all that is true .( Lol!! ) So what ! Trump is Mr. Law and Order! He wants more surveillance and stop n frisk .

What's the big deal ? Who cares ? He's got nothing to hide , right ?
The Conservative Tree House is a near cousin to Lizard boy's Infowars.

IF the pussy grabber was innocent he'd be ENCOURAGING an investigation and calling out for a special prosecutor. But he's not doing that now is he.
He's as guilty as sin.
He is calling for an investigation - a number of them, but only a fool would appoint a special prosecutor whose only job is to prosecute the President.

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There's a video that doesn't lie, unlike you.

All the video does is tell that Obama looked for the needle in the haystack. But he didn't commission the haystack. Obama didn't order the collection of any information, he used information that was already legally collected.
Prove it or go away.
Nunes said the information was collected legally.
But it was used illegally

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