It's Over! Obama's Deputy Defense Secretary Comes Forward Admitting The Obama Admin Spied On Trump

Farkas is damn lucky. The anchor was too surprised to interrupt and they didn't delay the confession so they could erase it and not broadcast it. Otherwise that woman would be found in Rock Creek Park with 2 or 3 self inflicted bullet wounds in her head.
Hey brainiac: that episode aired almost a month ago, and was just corroborating a March 1st NY Times article.


Ya got played.

There's plenty of evidence against Obama and members of his administration to start handing down indictments. Trump needs to step up the pace and start charging some of them. The Dem's are waging a media war against Trump as a distraction, hoping Trump won't come after them for their crimes. He needs to take charge of this situation NOW.

big problem with that SJ


That doesn't mean he and his cronies can't be indicted for crimes committed while he was in office.
Farkas is damn lucky. The anchor was too surprised to interrupt and they didn't delay the confession so they could erase it and not broadcast it. Otherwise that woman would be found in Rock Creek Park with 2 or 3 self inflicted bullet wounds in her head.
Hey brainiac: that episode aired almost a month ago, and was just corroborating a March 1st NY Times article.


Ya got played.

Makes no difference. People are just today learning of the admission and the phone lines to Congress are having a traffic jam. I knew liberals would try to dismiss it and make feeble excuses
Yeah, it does make a difference, doof.

The New York Times -- the day before that segment aired:

"In the Obama administration’s last days, some White House officials scrambled to spread information about Russian efforts to undermine the presidential election — and about possible contacts between associates of President-elect Donald J. Trump and Russians — across the government. Former American officials say they had two aims: to ensure that such meddling isn’t duplicated in future American or European elections, and to leave a clear trail of intelligence for government investigators.

New York Times, 3/1/17

She was corroborating that report.

"Granted, getting a former administration to come right out and say what many of us have been told by President Trump and has been conveniently dismissed by the liberal media was an interesting chapter in the ongoing story. We’ll only start getting to the truth once we have hearings and hopefully Farkas will be added to the short list of those who’ll testify.

But this is NOT breaking news. It’s old news, maybe even #FakeNews because what Vargas said isn’t really an admission but a corroboration of a New York Times story that was written “according to three former American officials who requested anonymity in discussing classified intelligence”.

But as long as websites and news organizations can garner clicks on something said almost a month after the fact, that’s all that matters."

Evelyn Farkas: New Trump Wiretap Admission or Old #FakeNews Clickbait?
She'll end up being a witness for the prosecution (if she can stay hidden until the trial).
It seems these stupid libs don't know what "COLLUSION" means.

Donna Brazile from CNN and head fo the DNC gave debate questions to HILLARY CLINTON so she was able to know the questions in advance and prepare an answer. Donna DID NOT give the questions to the RNC or Trump.

The HILLARY CLINTON CAMPAIGN accepted the questions, and used the knowledge to their advantage. They did not out Donna Brazille as corrupt. They did not refuse to use the question. In other words, they were corrupt and accepted the UNFAIR HELP with the debate questions.


Here is the actual e-mail:

One of the questions directed to HRC tomorrow is from a woman with a rash - WikiLeaks

"One of the questions directed to HRC tomorrow is from a woman with a rash
From:[email protected] To: [email protected], [email protected] CC: [email protected], [email protected] Date: 2016-03-05 21:16 Subject: One of the questions directed to HRC tomorrow is from a woman with a rash

Her family has lead poison and she will ask what, if anything, will Hillary do as president to help the ppl of Flint. Folks, I did a service project today. It's so tragic. And what's worse, some homes have not been tested and it's important to encourage seniors to also get tested
. Sent from Donna's I Pad. Follow me on twitter @donnabrazile "

That, my snowflake bubblehead fellow posters and lurkers, is what is called "COLLUSION".
This news has been out for months that Obama had his staff hold onto the info on Russia.. Nothing on wiretapping..
There's plenty of evidence against Obama and members of his administration to start handing down indictments. Trump needs to step up the pace and start charging some of them. The Dem's are waging a media war against Trump as a distraction, hoping Trump won't come after them for their crimes. He needs to take charge of this situation NOW.

big problem with that SJ

Big problem with that, Siete. Leaving office does not let him off the hook for crimes committed as POTUS (or after).

lol, Benghazi!!!!!!!
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes PROVES the entire Democratic Party accusations of Trump collusion was a sham from the start - a DNC Fake News False Narrative designed to cover for their embarrassing e-mail leak exposing them as racists / sexists / homophobes / anti-Semites and the fact that they rigged their primary, engaged in election fraud during their Primary and fed Hillary debate questions in advance...proved Obama used the false Narrative to run his own 'Watergate' to spy on / 'monitor' Trump during the election, to improperly distribute protected personal Trump team information that had NO foreign Intel value to 16 Intel agencies whose Obama holdovers illegally and treasonously perpetrated Felony ESPIONAGE in an attempt to undermine the newly elected President and government:

After 9 months of multiple investigations of Trump and his team and producing no evidence to support their claim, Rep Nunes declared that they have not done so because they have gone through the motions of investigations after being unable to provide any evidence to prolong the made-up scandal, that they are putting no real effort into the investigations they continue to call for.

THEY demanded / keep demanding the investigations, so Nunes said the GOP will press on to investigate to bring this farce to a conclusion.

Rep. Nunes: ‘Democrats aren’t really serious about this investigaton’ - Hot Air

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes suggested Wednesday that Democrats are not serious about the ongoing investigation into Russia’s involvement in the election. Politico reports Nunes told NBC News, “We’re beginning to figure out who’s actually serious about the investigation because it appears like the Democrats aren’t really serious about this investigation.”

“As far as I know they’ve done very little to even look through the documents that the intelligence agencies have provided,” Nunes said. He added, “At the end of the day here, we’re going to get to the truth and we’re going to find out who’s actually doing a real investigation. And you’ll find out that we are very much doing an investigation and have been for a long time.”

“We’re always concerned about this and we always want to keep the committee bipartisan but at the end of the day we’re going to do an investigation with or without them.” He continued, “If they want to participate that’s fine, but the facts of the matter are pretty clear that they have no…we don’t even know who their witnesses [are] that they want to call.” Nunes concluded saying to the Fox News reporter, “I would encourage you guys to go and start to follow them around and figure out who they want to bring in and interview.”

Yesterday a Democratic member of the Intelligence Committee accused Nunes of being part of a White House-orchestrated cover-up. Other Democrats including ranking member Adam Schiff and minority leader Pelosi have called on Nunes to recuse himself. Meanwhile, Republicans including House Speaker Paul Ryan and Oversight Chairman Jason Chaffetz have stood by Nunes. Yesterday Chaffetz said calls for an investigation of Nunes by Democrats were “silly.”

The reason the Democrats have rabidly begun to attack Nunes is because he exposed the FACT that the Directors of both the FBI and the NSA, the two agencies conducting the investigations into Trump 'collusion' have both stated there is no evidence to support the accusations and more recently that they exposed the fact that Obama and his administration improperly / illegally shared protected personal information with NO foreign Intel value with 16 Intel agencies whose Obama-faithful members illegally leaked because they ADMITTEDLY believed 'not enough information was getting out there' to the public, acts both the Directors declared they believed to be Felony acts of ESPIONAGE

After 9 months of multiple investigations of Trump the ONLY crimes declared to have been proven to be committed, according to the Directors of both agencies, are the Felony acts of Espionage by Democrats / Obama holdovers, crimes Democrats are not eager to investigate at all.

Instead they claim to want to continue to investigate Trump while making little to no effort to do so to bring the issue to resolution any time soon. They would rather milk it and distract form their own party candidate's and her team's obvious connections to Russian Ex-KGB, the Russian Govt / Kremlin, and the Russian spy agency that hacked the DNCs e-mails.

Nunes states, with or without them the GOP will continue to investigate and bring this farce to an end one way or another.

There's plenty of evidence against Obama and members of his administration to start handing down indictments. Trump needs to step up the pace and start charging some of them. The Dem's are waging a media war against Trump as a distraction, hoping Trump won't come after them for their crimes. He needs to take charge of this situation NOW.

HOLY SHIT the outgoing president should NOT be using government agencies to spy on and undermine the incoming president elected by the people WTF. The lady admitted this was intentional as was the unmasking which is a felony. These lawless pricks need to be sent to prison including Obama who was the ring leader here. Its a freaking RICO case.
Former Obama official discloses rush to get intelligence on Trump team

"A former top Obama administration official has acknowledged efforts by her colleagues to gather intelligence on Trump team ties to Russia before Donald Trump took office and to conceal the sources of that intelligence from the incoming administration."

"Evelyn Farkas, deputy assistant secretary of defense under Obama, made the disclosure while on the air with
MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski."

“I was urging my former colleagues, and frankly speaking the people on the Hill, it was more actually aimed at telling the Hill people, get as much information as you can, get as much intelligence as you can, before President Obama leaves the administration,” Farkas, who is now a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council, said.

“Because I had a fear that somehow that information would disappear with the senior [Obama] people who left, so it would be hidden away in the bureaucracy ... that the Trump folks – if they found out how we knew what we knew about their ... the Trump staff dealing with Russians – that they would try to compromise those sources and methods, meaning we no longer have access to that intelligence.”

Of course we now know that the head of the FBI and the NSA alresady declared that the information that was gathered had 'NO FOREIGN INTEL VALUE', making the PERSONAL information protected secret information, yet was still shared with 16 Intel agencies, the later illegal release of which FBI Director Comey and the head of the NSA testified later before Congress constitutes Felony crimes of ESPIONAGE.

"Aside from questions over whether communications were improperly gathered during the transition and before, there is speculation over how widely such information was disseminated. Farkas described a rush to spread the material before Trump took office."

Sorry, but a 'rush to improperly collect and disseminate protected personal information that has no foreign Intel value to 16 Intel agencies is NOT an excuse for doing so or the Felony Espionage leaks perpetrated later!

"So I became very worried because not enough was coming out into the open and I knew that there was more. We have very good intelligence on Russia," she said. "So then I had talked to some of my former colleagues and I knew that they were trying to also help get information to the Hill."

So she personally decided there was 'not enough coming out in the open' and did something about it. Sounds like a partial admission of potential wrong-doing / crime to me...

Both Jean Camp (Hillary's Phd Hacker) and Evelyn Farkas both need to testify before Congress!

What was done by The Obama Adminstration is massive and unprecedented and dwarfs Watergate!
I have actually lost track of how many felonies were committed by Obama\Clinton loyalists and The Admistration and Campaign of Hillary Clinton.

actually, paid shill, farkas WANTS trump, putin's puppet, investigated.

you should probably lay off the rightwingnut matter what they pay you.

Now read and learn, little boy

Evelyn Farkas was the Pentagon’s top Russia expert. Now she wants Trump independently investigated.
There's plenty of evidence against Obama and members of his administration to start handing down indictments. Trump needs to step up the pace and start charging some of them. The Dem's are waging a media war against Trump as a distraction, hoping Trump won't come after them for their crimes. He needs to take charge of this situation NOW.

big problem with that SJ

That just makes it easier to press charges on him. He can't hide behind "I'm too busy being important for little things like that" any more.
The surveillance was being done on the Russians. The fact that Trumps team was in contact with an enemy nation is VERY telling.
you should probably lay off the rightwingnut matter what they pay you.

A former Obama official admits in Obama's rush to improperly share protected personal information that had NO foreign Intel value with 16 Intel agencies who later illegally perpetrated Felony Espionage because THEY decided 'not enough information was getting out there' to the public about the False Narrative of 'Trump-Russian Collusion' ... and YOU respond with Liberal Propaganda, basically calling the Obama ex-official a liar. It is easy to see who the paid political troll is, if there is one, and it ain't me, dear.


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