It's Over! Obama's Deputy Defense Secretary Comes Forward Admitting The Obama Admin Spied On Trump

He's almost as sure as he was when he said he was sure Obama was born in Kenya. I wonder what his next set of lies will be. Will he be just as positive about them too?
It's on right now! Fox News Channel

I can't see it. What's up Steve?
Talking about Evalyn Farkas and several felonies she committed in her admission. Lawyer Jay Sekulow talked about how could this low level woman get high classified info after she started working for Hillary and want that unmasked Trump information distributed to friends on the Hill. He said during the Watergate Scandal it was all about the cover up. With this scandal, it's all about the act. Sekulow said a grand jury should be convened immediately due to what Farkas admitted and that she should lawyer up now. Watch the replay later tonight.
How someone who works at the Defense Dept as deputy assistant secretary, therefore in lower tier of the Barry's administration, have the access to "very good intelligence". And she's not the only one, as she said, her colleagues did it too. She's not with NSA, or with FBI, so how she knew what she knew about "sources" and "methods"?

She left the government in mid 2014 to serve as foreign policy adviser to presidential candidate Hillary. So, Farkas is out of the Pentagon and out of the official information loop for about a year before Trump announcement to run for president was in mid 2015.

Knowing that, can someone explain how she was still getting "intelligence" after she left the government, and how they were monitoring Trump's stuff before he even announced to run? She said: "How we knew what we knew"... how exactly did she know about any of that and about that "there was more"?
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It's on right now! Fox News Channel

Ha.ha--why would anyone want to listen to Trump's fairy Godfather? Hannity's entire career is doing a high wire act right now. He is the one who sold Trump to you, and if Trump goes down hard so will he. He's going to cook up any conspiracy theory he can concock to keep his ratings from collapsing.

His days are short numbered.

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It's on right now! Fox News Channel

I can't see it. What's up Steve?
Talking about Evalyn Farkas and several felonies she committed in her admission. Lawyer Jay Sekulow talked about how could this low level woman get high classified info after she started working for Hillary and want that unmasked Trump information distributed to friends on the Hill. He said during the Watergate Scandal it was all about the cover up. With this scandal, it's all about the act. Sekulow said a grand jury should be convened immediately due to what Farkas admitted and that she should lawyer up now. Watch the replay later tonight.

Oh thanks Steve. I don't have television but I've been monitoring radio all day. Buck Sexton who is former CIA and I get him in the 9 to 12 slot is just freaking losing it over the Farkas interview. He's ex intelligence.
It's on right now! Fox News Channel

Ha.ha--why would anyone want to listen to Trump's fairy Godfather? Hannity's entire career is doing a high wire act right now. He is the one who sold Trump to you, and if Trump goes down hard so will he. He's going to cook up any conspiracy theory he can concock to keep his ratings from collapsing.

His days are short numbered.


What are you talking about? Farkas was on MSNBC and while bragging sunk herself and others over spying on the Trump transition team. You need to get up to speed.
For all we know they were listening to the Russians and low and behold kept finding Trump team on the other end. Her comment about "that's why they're leaking" is the same sort of comment I make at the bar.

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UPDATE: The plot thickens:

♦ Evelyn Farkas has stated freely on TV that she and a group of associates from the Obama Administration went to congressional staffers who did not have access to these COMINT products and urged them to seek to gain access to them.

At some point in the recent past Farkas was de-briefed (cut off) from access to the various kinds of compartmented information she had been given as a requirement of her prior job. When that occurred she signed some papers in which she accepted the responsibility to protect the secrecy of that information. (link)

♦ Evelyn Farkas is also a senior fellow of the Atlantic Council –SEE HERE– the Atlantic Council is funded in part by the US State Department, NATO, the governments of Latvia and Lithuania, the Ukrainian World Congress, and the Ukrainian oligarch Victor Pinchuk. The Atlantic Council has been among the loudest voices calling for a new Cold War with Russia

And guess who else is a senior fellow of the Atlantic Council? Dimitri Alperovitch – the founder and CTO of CrowdStrike! Alperovitch is head honcho of the Atlantic Council’s “Cyber Statecraft Initiative”.

♦ CrowdStrike, aka Dimitri Alperovitch was the organization that initially claimed they had evidence the Russians were connected to the Trump organization. A claim they have subsequently walked back – SEE HERE
It's on right now! Fox News Channel

Ha.ha--why would anyone want to listen to Trump's fairy Godfather? Hannity's entire career is doing a high wire act right now. He is the one who sold Trump to you, and if Trump goes down hard so will he. He's going to cook up any conspiracy theory he can concock to keep his ratings from collapsing.

His days are short numbered.


What are you talking about? Farkas was on MSNBC and while bragging sunk herself and others over spying on the Trump transition team. You need to get up to speed.
Damn bimbo wouldn't shut up.. She was gloating about how she did it and how she was trying to leak it... She gets everything that's coming..

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