It's Over! Obama's Deputy Defense Secretary Comes Forward Admitting The Obama Admin Spied On Trump

Hilarious deflection.
Realnewsof the day :
All bad news for 45.
His Muslim ban shot down indefinitely ... again.
He shot himself in the foot during the campaign talking about keeping MUSLIMS out of the country. Now lawsuits are mounting because its unconstitutional to ban a religion. So it's bullsit that it " isn't a Muslim ban." Trump's big mouth got him on this one.

NUNES has sabatoged the House investigation into the Trump Russian connection. Looks like another Trump- stalling tactic.
Who let him in the WH? It would take about 5 minutes to find out. It's been 3 days and Spicy is still looking into it. Lol. Serious talks of coverup now.

Senate intelligence committee will start their investigation into Trump tomorrow. There's also a CIA investigation. Lol.

Kushy... It's been discovered that Jarrod Kushner visited Russia to " engage them." On what? What is it with this Trump family/ administration and Russia?

Guess who was under FBI investigation this summer? None other than the pussy grabber himself.
So Trump was under investigation and Comey didn't report it... but he reported Hillary was under investigation but she really wasn't.
Boom. Trump wins.
You'll never guess who stopped the information from coming out that Trump was under an investigation? Hint: a man of integrity.
Now you know it wasn't a republican.
Want to know who it was and why? Check a valid news source. If you can't find it that proves the media you use is not adequate.
UPDATE: The plot thickens:

♦ Evelyn Farkas has stated freely on TV that she and a group of associates from the Obama Administration went to congressional staffers who did not have access to these COMINT products and urged them to seek to gain access to them.

At some point in the recent past Farkas was de-briefed (cut off) from access to the various kinds of compartmented information she had been given as a requirement of her prior job. When that occurred she signed some papers in which she accepted the responsibility to protect the secrecy of that information. (link)

♦ Evelyn Farkas is also a senior fellow of the Atlantic Council –SEE HERE– the Atlantic Council is funded in part by the US State Department, NATO, the governments of Latvia and Lithuania, the Ukrainian World Congress, and the Ukrainian oligarch Victor Pinchuk. The Atlantic Council has been among the loudest voices calling for a new Cold War with Russia

And guess who else is a senior fellow of the Atlantic Council? Dimitri Alperovitch – the founder and CTO of CrowdStrike! Alperovitch is head honcho of the Atlantic Council’s “Cyber Statecraft Initiative”.

♦ CrowdStrike, aka Dimitri Alperovitch was the organization that initially claimed they had evidence the Russians were connected to the Trump organization. A claim they have subsequently walked back – SEE HERE

I put this up last night, but I forget where. :) So much has been moving so fast over the past 24 hours. I've been saying all along that the key to this has been the collusion of the DNC with the Ukrainians. Millions were riding on the line for the failed state now. They needed Hillary to win at all costs.

Politico's investigation proved all their lies about Manafort. The Uks concocted an investigation into "Manafort corruption". All bullshit. Pinchuck of course is a dead give away on the council. Millions upon millions of $$$$$$$$$$ from Pinchuk's foundation went to the Clinton Foundation. He benefited directly with Hillary as SoS letting him make a deal with Iran despite the sanctions.

I'm still tracking down CrowdStrikes relationship with the hackers in the Pravy Sector. That lovely neo nazi group that Kiev adores.

But check out who was on the *cough* non partisan Atlantic Council. It's unreal.

"In February 2009, James L. Jones, then-chairman of the Atlantic Council, stepped down in order to serve as President Obama's new National Security Advisor and was succeeded by Senator Chuck Hagel.

In addition, other Council members also left to serve the administration: Susan Rice as ambassador to the UN, Richard Holbrooke as the Special Representative to Afghanistan and Pakistan, General Eric K. Shinseki as the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, and Anne-Marie Slaughter as Director of Policy Planning at the State Department.

Four years later, Hagel stepped down to serve as US Secretary of Defense. Gen. Brent Scowcroft served as interim chairman of the organization's Board of Directors until January 2014, when former ambassador to China and governor of Utah Jon Huntsman, Jr. was appointed.

Atlantic Council - Wikipedia
Hilarious deflection.
Realnewsof the day :
All bad news for 45.
His Muslim ban shot down indefinitely ... again.
He shot himself in the foot during the campaign talking about keeping MUSLIMS out of the country. Now lawsuits are mounting because its unconstitutional to ban a religion. So it's bullsit that it " isn't a Muslim ban." Trump's big mouth got him on this one.

NUNES has sabatoged the House investigation into the Trump Russian connection. Looks like another Trump- stalling tactic.
Who let him in the WH? It would take about 5 minutes to find out. It's been 3 days and Spicy is still looking into it. Lol. Serious talks of coverup now.

Senate intelligence committee will start their investigation into Trump tomorrow. There's also a CIA investigation. Lol.

Kushy... It's been discovered that Jarrod Kushner visited Russia to " engage them." On what? What is it with this Trump family/ administration and Russia?

Guess who was under FBI investigation this summer? None other than the pussy grabber himself.
So Trump was under investigation and Comey didn't report it... but he reported Hillary was under investigation but she really wasn't.
Boom. Trump wins.
You'll never guess who stopped the information from coming out that Trump was under an investigation? Hint: a man of integrity.
Now you know it wasn't a republican.
Want to know who it was and why? Check a valid news source. If you can't find it that proves the media you use is not adequate.

No coverup with Nunes and Gowdy confirmed a separate investigation into the Obama administration spying on the Trump's transition team.
For all we know they were listening to the Russians and low and behold kept finding Trump team on the other end. Her comment about "that's why they're leaking" is the same sort of comment I make at the bar.

Sent from my SM-G930V using mobile app

Gee. An incoming administration is allowed to talk with ambassadors from around the world. It's not illegal. It's not illegal to talk to the Russians. Part of Flynn 's job for example.

The issue here though is that they were spying on the Trump team and spreading information that had no relationship to the Russians, Russian investigation or any foreign intelligence.

Spying. Unmasking. Leaking. Breaking rules and breaking the law.
It's on right now! Fox News Channel

Ha.ha--why would anyone want to listen to Trump's fairy Godfather? Hannity's entire career is doing a high wire act right now. He is the one who sold Trump to you, and if Trump goes down hard so will he. He's going to cook up any conspiracy theory he can concock to keep his ratings from collapsing.

His days are short numbered.


What are you talking about? Farkas was on MSNBC and while bragging sunk herself and others over spying on the Trump transition team. You need to get up to speed.
Damn bimbo wouldn't shut up.. She was gloating about how she did it and how she was trying to leak it... She gets everything that's coming..

I couldn't believe this part of her statements. To Democrat politicians? Who are they?

"So I became very worried because not enough was coming out into the open and I knew that there was more. We have very good intelligence on Russia; so then I had talked to some of my former colleagues and I knew that they were also trying to help get information to [Democrat politicians]."

And I think it ties in with this statement by Nunes. And this is where it's going to get really hot on Capitol Hill. Nunnes doesn't even think the D's are going thru the documentation

Nunes: Democrats Aren’t Even Looking Through Intelligence Documents
Hilarious deflection.
Realnewsof the day :
All bad news for 45.
His Muslim ban shot down indefinitely ... again.
He shot himself in the foot during the campaign talking about keeping MUSLIMS out of the country. Now lawsuits are mounting because its unconstitutional to ban a religion. So it's bullsit that it " isn't a Muslim ban." Trump's big mouth got him on this one.

NUNES has sabatoged the House investigation into the Trump Russian connection. Looks like another Trump- stalling tactic.
Who let him in the WH? It would take about 5 minutes to find out. It's been 3 days and Spicy is still looking into it. Lol. Serious talks of coverup now.

Senate intelligence committee will start their investigation into Trump tomorrow. There's also a CIA investigation. Lol.

Kushy... It's been discovered that Jarrod Kushner visited Russia to " engage them." On what? What is it with this Trump family/ administration and Russia?

Guess who was under FBI investigation this summer? None other than the pussy grabber himself.
So Trump was under investigation and Comey didn't report it... but he reported Hillary was under investigation but she really wasn't.
Boom. Trump wins.
You'll never guess who stopped the information from coming out that Trump was under an investigation? Hint: a man of integrity.
Now you know it wasn't a republican.
Want to know who it was and why? Check a valid news source. If you can't find it that proves the media you use is not adequate.

No coverup with Nunes and Gowdy confirmed a separate investigation into the Obama administration spying on the Trump's transition team.
No coverup? Lol. Why did he shut down the investigation for the week? What did he ILLEGALLY inform Obama? Why won't he even tell members of his own committee? His impartiality is totally compromised and he needs to step down.
This has Trump's fingerprints all over it. If he says he " has no Russian connections." Why is he throwing road blocks into the investigation?
Innocent men don't do that.
Carl Bernstein: "trump acts guilty. "
While you chase the lie Trump put out for you that Obama was spying...
everyone knows every single one of you deplorables are doing exactly what your fuhrer is doing. Trying to distract from the incredible daily breaking news on the Trump/ Russian connections
Why so many made so many trips to Russia?
You refuse to deal with it because you're afraid to.
The truth will come out and it won't be pretty for you.
It's on right now! Fox News Channel

Ha.ha--why would anyone want to listen to Trump's fairy Godfather? Hannity's entire career is doing a high wire act right now. He is the one who sold Trump to you, and if Trump goes down hard so will he. He's going to cook up any conspiracy theory he can concock to keep his ratings from collapsing.

His days are short numbered.


What are you talking about? Farkas was on MSNBC and while bragging sunk herself and others over spying on the Trump transition team. You need to get up to speed.
Damn bimbo wouldn't shut up.. She was gloating about how she did it and how she was trying to leak it... She gets everything that's coming..

I couldn't believe this part of her statements. To Democrat politicians? Who are they?

"So I became very worried because not enough was coming out into the open and I knew that there was more. We have very good intelligence on Russia; so then I had talked to some of my former colleagues and I knew that they were also trying to help get information to [Democrat politicians]."

And I think it ties in with this statement by Nunes. And this is where it's going to get really hot on Capitol Hill. Nunnes doesn't even think the D's are going thru the documentation

Nunes: Democrats Aren’t Even Looking Through Intelligence Documents
Schiff was reported to be on the receiving recipient list for the unmasked NSA documents.. SO this doesn't surprise me. They are trying to kill the investigation as their hands are inside the cookie jar.

Nunes needs to demand all of their documentation. This is a ploy to get a special prosecutor of their choice..

Nunes needs to call out the obstructionist democrats and ask them what it is they are trying to hide?
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What cracks me up about this whole thing is that the Hildebeast, Bill "drop trou" and John Podesta had MANY ties to Russia while sucking off the public teat. Can we blame Russia for the maneuver? Not really.....Russia only became an enemy of the Deep State when they kicked out the Rothschilds and their central bank and then intervened on behalf of Crimea when the duly elected government of Ukraine was overthrown by the George Soros funded E.U lackeys. Crimea was the sweetest plum on the tree because of it's peninsula and they were denied it because Putin stepped in.....good for him and good for the people of Crimea. I was LMAO when the butthurt E.U and George Soros ran to the Barrypuppet with clinched and reddened buttcheeks declaring that Putin hurt their little feelings and wanted sanctions placed on Russia. Russia replied by dumping U.S Treasury bonds...check and "checkmate". Putin then furthered pissed off the elites by siding with Assad over the CIA sponsored ISIS/Al qaeda/ISIL that were the same bunch of mercenaries used to take down Libya. The raping and pillaging of that country's assets (like 143 tons of gold) because Gaddafi threatened the petro dollar is well known to anyone with any ability to read and research. Syria became the next target and Putin rebuked them.....good on him. Butthurt, clueless asswipes like you will bypass this information because it doesn't fit the leftard narrative. I thank God every day that I am not an ignorant idiot like those such as yourself.........
Last edited:
Are you all nuts? Were we watching the same interview? There was absolutely nothing revealed in Farkas' statements. We already knew that the FBI has had an open investigation since last July, and from this investigation they had intercepts of Trump staffers talking to the Russians. Beyond that, nothing else has been disclosed. What dots are you all trying to connect?
Are you all nuts? Were we watching the same interview? There was absolutely nothing revealed in Farkas' statements. We already knew that the FBI has had an open investigation since last July, and from this investigation they had intercepts of Trump staffers talking to the Russians. Beyond that, nothing else has been disclosed. What dots are you all trying to connect?

Two investigations on the go now. One for the Russian angle, but now the other one where members of the transition team were unmasked and information shared that had nothing to do with the Russian investion.

AKA Obama's people were out and out spying on the transition team.

Try this part of the interview where she says they were trying to get all sorts of information to Capitol Hill. She admits it. I love it. She's toast. She's talking about how they leaked.

"So I became very worried because not enough was coming out into the open and I knew that there was more. We have very good intelligence on Russia; so then I had talked to some of my former colleagues and I knew that they were also trying to help get information to [Democrat politicians]."

UPDATE: President Obama’s Own Defense Deputy Admits Obama White House Spied on Candidate/President-Elect Trump…
Are you all nuts? Were we watching the same interview? There was absolutely nothing revealed in Farkas' statements. We already knew that the FBI has had an open investigation since last July, and from this investigation they had intercepts of Trump staffers talking to the Russians. Beyond that, nothing else has been disclosed. What dots are you all trying to connect?

Two investigations on the go now. One for the Russian angle, but now the other one where members of the transition team were unmasked and information shared that had nothing to do with the Russian investion.

AKA Obama's people were out and out spying on the transition team.

Try this part of the interview where she says they were trying to get all sorts of information to Capitol Hill. She admits it. I love it. She's toast. She's talking about how they leaked.

"So I became very worried because not enough was coming out into the open and I knew that there was more. We have very good intelligence on Russia; so then I had talked to some of my former colleagues and I knew that they were also trying to help get information to [Democrat politicians]."

UPDATE: President Obama’s Own Defense Deputy Admits Obama White House Spied on Candidate/President-Elect Trump…
Uh not quite... that narrative has been out there for months that intel was getting spread because of fear that Trump would try and cover it up. Only thing that tells me is there is some damaging intel on Trump that hasn't yet hit daylight. Nobody is toast, you're on crack.

And it wasnt Obamas people running around spying on Trump as you inaccurately state. It was the FBI investigating the Russians under the leadership of Comey who is now Trumps guy. Trumps people were speaking to the Russians and somebody illegally leaked That these communications were taking place. That's all the facts that we know from what evidence has been released. Stop making shit up.
Last edited:
Hilarious deflection.
Realnewsof the day :
All bad news for 45.
His Muslim ban shot down indefinitely ... again.
He shot himself in the foot during the campaign talking about keeping MUSLIMS out of the country. Now lawsuits are mounting because its unconstitutional to ban a religion. So it's bullsit that it " isn't a Muslim ban." Trump's big mouth got him on this one.

NUNES has sabatoged the House investigation into the Trump Russian connection. Looks like another Trump- stalling tactic.
Who let him in the WH? It would take about 5 minutes to find out. It's been 3 days and Spicy is still looking into it. Lol. Serious talks of coverup now.

Senate intelligence committee will start their investigation into Trump tomorrow. There's also a CIA investigation. Lol.

Kushy... It's been discovered that Jarrod Kushner visited Russia to " engage them." On what? What is it with this Trump family/ administration and Russia?

Guess who was under FBI investigation this summer? None other than the pussy grabber himself.
So Trump was under investigation and Comey didn't report it... but he reported Hillary was under investigation but she really wasn't.
Boom. Trump wins.
You'll never guess who stopped the information from coming out that Trump was under an investigation? Hint: a man of integrity.
Now you know it wasn't a republican.
Want to know who it was and why? Check a valid news source. If you can't find it that proves the media you use is not adequate.
His horrible performance is echoed in the polls. Gallup has him at 35%.

All time lows, according to Gallup...

Roosevelt ..... 48%
Eisenhower .... 48%
Kennedy ....... 56%
Ford .......... 37%
Clinton ....... 37%
Obama ......... 37%
Johnson ....... 35%
Trump ......... 35%
GHW Bush ...... 29%
Carter ........ 28%
Bush .......... 25%
Nixon ......... 23%
Truman ........ 22%
Hilarious deflection.
Realnewsof the day :
All bad news for 45.
His Muslim ban shot down indefinitely ... again.
He shot himself in the foot during the campaign talking about keeping MUSLIMS out of the country. Now lawsuits are mounting because its unconstitutional to ban a religion. So it's bullsit that it " isn't a Muslim ban." Trump's big mouth got him on this one.

NUNES has sabatoged the House investigation into the Trump Russian connection. Looks like another Trump- stalling tactic.
Who let him in the WH? It would take about 5 minutes to find out. It's been 3 days and Spicy is still looking into it. Lol. Serious talks of coverup now.

Senate intelligence committee will start their investigation into Trump tomorrow. There's also a CIA investigation. Lol.

Kushy... It's been discovered that Jarrod Kushner visited Russia to " engage them." On what? What is it with this Trump family/ administration and Russia?

Guess who was under FBI investigation this summer? None other than the pussy grabber himself.
So Trump was under investigation and Comey didn't report it... but he reported Hillary was under investigation but she really wasn't.
Boom. Trump wins.
You'll never guess who stopped the information from coming out that Trump was under an investigation? Hint: a man of integrity.
Now you know it wasn't a republican.
Want to know who it was and why? Check a valid news source. If you can't find it that proves the media you use is not adequate.

No coverup with Nunes and Gowdy confirmed a separate investigation into the Obama administration spying on the Trump's transition team.
No coverup? Lol. Why did he shut down the investigation for the week? What did he ILLEGALLY inform Obama? Why won't he even tell members of his own committee? His impartiality is totally compromised and he needs to step down.
This has Trump's fingerprints all over it. If he says he " has no Russian connections." Why is he throwing road blocks into the investigation?
Innocent men don't do that.
Carl Bernstein: "trump acts guilty. "
While you chase the lie Trump put out for you that Obama was spying...
everyone knows every single one of you deplorables are doing exactly what your fuhrer is doing. Trying to distract from the incredible daily breaking news on the Trump/ Russian connections
Why so many made so many trips to Russia?
You refuse to deal with it because you're afraid to.
The truth will come out and it won't be pretty for you.

Whoa. Try fucking decaff.


The investigations are continuing. Gowdy and Schiff are getting their witness lists together. The new spy investigation threw a spanner in the works. Two investigations now.
Are you all nuts? Were we watching the same interview? There was absolutely nothing revealed in Farkas' statements. We already knew that the FBI has had an open investigation since last July, and from this investigation they had intercepts of Trump staffers talking to the Russians. Beyond that, nothing else has been disclosed. What dots are you all trying to connect?

Two investigations on the go now. One for the Russian angle, but now the other one where members of the transition team were unmasked and information shared that had nothing to do with the Russian investion.

AKA Obama's people were out and out spying on the transition team.

Try this part of the interview where she says they were trying to get all sorts of information to Capitol Hill. She admits it. I love it. She's toast. She's talking about how they leaked.

"So I became very worried because not enough was coming out into the open and I knew that there was more. We have very good intelligence on Russia; so then I had talked to some of my former colleagues and I knew that they were also trying to help get information to [Democrat politicians]."

UPDATE: President Obama’s Own Defense Deputy Admits Obama White House Spied on Candidate/President-Elect Trump…
Uh not quite... that narrative has been out there for months that intel was getting spread because of fear that Trump would try and cover it up. Only thing that tells me is there is some damaging intel on Trump that hasn't yet hit daylight. Nobody is toast, you're on crack.

And it wasnt Obamas people running around spying on Trump as you inaccurately state. It was the FBI investigating the Russians under the leadership of Comey who is now Trumps guy. Trumps people were speaking to the Russians and somebody illegally leaked That these communications were taking place. That's all the facts that we know from what evidence has been released. Stopped making shit up.
To put things in perspective, tinydancer was claiming a video of Bill Clinton raping a 13 year old was going to be released. She's more than a few cards shy of a full deck. :cuckoo:

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