It's Over! Obama's Deputy Defense Secretary Comes Forward Admitting The Obama Admin Spied On Trump

Trump ally: Obama official should be subpoenaed after 'leaking' admission

" "That is just a devastating admission right there...They need to be sending her a subpoena, they need to be deposing her immediately,” he said.”

The comments come after Evelyn Farkas, deputy assistant secretary of defense under then-President Barack Obama, discussed collection efforts by her colleagues during a March 2 interview with
MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski."


Given the Dems recent track record, Farkas belongs in witness protection
LOL She admitted no such thing. You flakes are too funny. :lol:
I see the reading dysfunction problem is wide-spread among the snowflakes, not just limited to one.
Great, so quote her saying, 'Obama spied on Trump,' without her saying something else that your flakey brain thinks is her saying that.
The article states she ADMITTED the trump administration spied on Trump. Sorry - you can't fix stupid. If that's not good enough it is so by CHOICE.
A simple, "no, I can't actually quote her saying Obama spied on Trump," would have sufficed.

LOL She admitted no such thing. You flakes are too funny. :lol:
I see the reading dysfunction problem is wide-spread among the snowflakes, not just limited to one.
Great, so quote her saying, 'Obama spied on Trump,' without her saying something else that your flakey brain thinks is her saying that.
The article states she ADMITTED the trump administration spied on Trump. Sorry - you can't fix stupid. If that's not good enough it is so by CHOICE.
A simple, "no, I can't actually quote her saying Obama spied on Trump," would have sufficed.


Any half competent prosecutor could get her a 10 year prison sentence. Hell, they got a guy for insider trading for saying "Your bunny has a good nose!"
LOL She admitted no such thing. You flakes are too funny. :lol:
I see the reading dysfunction problem is wide-spread among the snowflakes, not just limited to one.
Great, so quote her saying, 'Obama spied on Trump,' without her saying something else that your flakey brain thinks is her saying that.
The article states she ADMITTED the trump administration spied on Trump. Sorry - you can't fix stupid. If that's not good enough it is so by CHOICE.
How interesting.........
It's simple: You either believe what an article says or you don't - it's your choice. I have found that most uber partisans (on both sides) refuse to believe the negative about 'their guys' and insist all the 'good' is Faun is demonstrating.
Actually, the better question is why would you believe an article which you know mischaracterizes Farkas' comments?
A simple, "no, I can't actually quote her saying Obama spied on Trump," would have sufficed.
No, it's more like you saying, "Yeah the article states that she admitted to this and no one else but me denies - so I will just be an ass and falsely claim you can't prove it...even though the article claims she did and no one but me denies it."


LOL She admitted no such thing. You flakes are too funny. :lol:
I see the reading dysfunction problem is wide-spread among the snowflakes, not just limited to one.
Great, so quote her saying, 'Obama spied on Trump,' without her saying something else that your flakey brain thinks is her saying that.
The article states she ADMITTED the trump administration spied on Trump. Sorry - you can't fix stupid. If that's not good enough it is so by CHOICE.
If an article says that she admitted spying then that article is full of shit. Click on the video and listen to her interview or read a transcription of her actual words. She says nothing new and nothing that we haven't been talking about for the past few weeks. You all are trying way too hard to spin this... Bit of advice, just because Levin and Hannity jump on a story like this, it doesn't make it valid, they are both slaves of the ratings and they do things like this to generation buzz. Don't be a puppet.
Actually, the better question is why would you believe an article which you know mischaracterizes Farkas' comments?
Why do you create a FALSE NARRATIVE with your 'partisan spin' question?

The article does NOT ' mischaracterizes Farkas' comments' - you have no proof of that. That statement represents your OPINION, as opposed to the reporter who conducted the interview and researched the information before writing the article. NO ONE has come out to deny the admission was made - not even HER! So why should I believe YOU, a proven partisan standing up in defense of a man who already during his own term in office illegally spied on the American people, reporters, the media, and even CONGRESS?
LOL She admitted no such thing. You flakes are too funny. :lol:
I see the reading dysfunction problem is wide-spread among the snowflakes, not just limited to one.
Great, so quote her saying, 'Obama spied on Trump,' without her saying something else that your flakey brain thinks is her saying that.
The article states she ADMITTED the trump administration spied on Trump. Sorry - you can't fix stupid. If that's not good enough it is so by CHOICE.
A simple, "no, I can't actually quote her saying Obama spied on Trump," would have sufficed.


Any half competent prosecutor could get her a 10 year prison sentence. Hell, they got a guy for insider trading for saying "Your bunny has a good nose!"
Prison sentence for what? Encouraging folks to find information on Trump colluding with Russia to hack the election?

You flakes have completely lost your minds.
A simple, "no, I can't actually quote her saying Obama spied on Trump," would have sufficed.
No, it's more like you saying, "Yeah the article states that she admitted to this and no one else but me denies - so I will just be an ass and falsely claim you can't prove it...even though the article claims she did and no one but me denies it."

View attachment 119359

Your idiocy is to claim she confessed to Obama spying on Trump, not because she actually said Obama spied on Trump, but because some article mischaracterized her saying that. That's what makes you an idiot.
A simple, "no, I can't actually quote her saying Obama spied on Trump," would have sufficed.
No, it's more like you saying, "Yeah the article states that she admitted to this and no one else but me denies - so I will just be an ass and falsely claim you can't prove it...even though the article claims she did and no one but me denies it."

View attachment 119359

Castaneda's "A Separate Reality" is actually about arguing with Faun

Prison sentence for what?
Taking protected personal information deemed to have 'No Foreign Intel Value' and disperse it to 'probama' holdovers in 16 Intel agencies only to have them later illegally perpetrate what both the Directors of the FBI and NSA agreed amounted to Felony ESPIONAGE by illegally releasing that personal protected information that had 'NO Foreign Intel Value' simply because - as ADMITTED - THEY believed 'not enough was getting out there' (to the public).

Ya musta overlooked that part of the story that has come out.
I see the reading dysfunction problem is wide-spread among the snowflakes, not just limited to one.
Great, so quote her saying, 'Obama spied on Trump,' without her saying something else that your flakey brain thinks is her saying that.
The article states she ADMITTED the trump administration spied on Trump. Sorry - you can't fix stupid. If that's not good enough it is so by CHOICE.
A simple, "no, I can't actually quote her saying Obama spied on Trump," would have sufficed.


Any half competent prosecutor could get her a 10 year prison sentence. Hell, they got a guy for insider trading for saying "Your bunny has a good nose!"
Prison sentence for what? Encouraging folks to find information on Trump colluding with Russia to hack the election?

You flakes have completely lost your minds.

Nice attempt at spin dumbass. The prison sentence is for the unmasking. THAT is the felony. Do try and keep up.
Actually, the better question is why would you believe an article which you know mischaracterizes Farkas' comments?
Why do you create a FALSE NARRATIVE with your 'partisan spin' question?

The article does NOT ' mischaracterizes Farkas' comments' - you have no proof of that. That statement represents your OPINION, as opposed to the reporter who conducted the interview and researched the information before writing the article. NO ONE has come out to deny the admission was made - not even HER! So why should I believe YOU, a proven partisan standing up in defense of a man who already during his own term in office illegally spied on the American people, reporters, the media, and even CONGRESS?

Opinions that can't be proven are worthless. Much like what you post. Even worse for you, thinking people don't merely blindly accept other peoples' opinions when they can't be confirmed. Brain-dead folks do accept such nonsense when they hear what they like, even if it's not demonstrable.

But if nothing else, this lesson has taught us a) Farkas did not admit Obama spied on Trump; and b) you believe in fairies as long as they're the baseless opinion of rightwingers who tell you what you want to hear.
Opinions that can't be proven are worthless.
Opinions without any supporting material ARE worthless. They are just like the saying goes: 'opinions are like assholes - everyone's got one...but there's only 1 'truth'.'
Great, so quote her saying, 'Obama spied on Trump,' without her saying something else that your flakey brain thinks is her saying that.
The article states she ADMITTED the trump administration spied on Trump. Sorry - you can't fix stupid. If that's not good enough it is so by CHOICE.
A simple, "no, I can't actually quote her saying Obama spied on Trump," would have sufficed.


Any half competent prosecutor could get her a 10 year prison sentence. Hell, they got a guy for insider trading for saying "Your bunny has a good nose!"
Prison sentence for what? Encouraging folks to find information on Trump colluding with Russia to hack the election?

You flakes have completely lost your minds.

Nice attempt at spin dumbass. The prison sentence is for the unmasking. THAT is the felony. Do try and keep up.
As always, fuck you very much. Now that we've gotten that formality out of the way, where did she confess to unmasking anything? Hell, if I'm not mistaken, she wasn't even working in the government last year, so she wouldn't even have had access to classified materials.
As always, fuck you very much.
And as always, when snowflakes' opinions that are based on nothing but their own opinion are challenged, their argument eventually breaks down to THIS....

Opinions that can't be proven are worthless.
Opinions without any supporting material ARE worthless. They are just like the saying goes: 'opinions are like assholes - everyone's got one...but there's only 1 'truth'.'
and there's nothing to support the opinion that she admitted Obama spied on Trump when she never said that.

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