It's Over! Obama's Deputy Defense Secretary Comes Forward Admitting The Obama Admin Spied On Trump

Are you all nuts? Were we watching the same interview? There was absolutely nothing revealed in Farkas' statements. We already knew that the FBI has had an open investigation since last July, and from this investigation they had intercepts of Trump staffers talking to the Russians. Beyond that, nothing else has been disclosed. What dots are you all trying to connect?

Two investigations on the go now. One for the Russian angle, but now the other one where members of the transition team were unmasked and information shared that had nothing to do with the Russian investion.

AKA Obama's people were out and out spying on the transition team.

Try this part of the interview where she says they were trying to get all sorts of information to Capitol Hill. She admits it. I love it. She's toast. She's talking about how they leaked.

"So I became very worried because not enough was coming out into the open and I knew that there was more. We have very good intelligence on Russia; so then I had talked to some of my former colleagues and I knew that they were also trying to help get information to [Democrat politicians]."

UPDATE: President Obama’s Own Defense Deputy Admits Obama White House Spied on Candidate/President-Elect Trump…
Uh not quite... that narrative has been out there for months that intel was getting spread because of fear that Trump would try and cover it up. Only thing that tells me is there is some damaging intel on Trump that hasn't yet hit daylight. Nobody is toast, you're on crack.

And it wasnt Obamas people running around spying on Trump as you inaccurately state. It was the FBI investigating the Russians under the leadership of Comey who is now Trumps guy. Trumps people were speaking to the Russians and somebody illegally leaked That these communications were taking place. That's all the facts that we know from what evidence has been released. Stop making shit up.

Tell Gowdy he can't run a second investigation into the spying. He's the one that broke it today in an interview. Comey is Obama's man. Trump's people in transition had every freaking right to be talking to the Russians as well as many other dignities and ambassadors. Flynn broke no law whatsoever.

As a matter of fact the only illegal act came from the intel community.
Are you all nuts? Were we watching the same interview? There was absolutely nothing revealed in Farkas' statements. We already knew that the FBI has had an open investigation since last July, and from this investigation they had intercepts of Trump staffers talking to the Russians. Beyond that, nothing else has been disclosed. What dots are you all trying to connect?

Two investigations on the go now. One for the Russian angle, but now the other one where members of the transition team were unmasked and information shared that had nothing to do with the Russian investion.

AKA Obama's people were out and out spying on the transition team.

Try this part of the interview where she says they were trying to get all sorts of information to Capitol Hill. She admits it. I love it. She's toast. She's talking about how they leaked.

"So I became very worried because not enough was coming out into the open and I knew that there was more. We have very good intelligence on Russia; so then I had talked to some of my former colleagues and I knew that they were also trying to help get information to [Democrat politicians]."

UPDATE: President Obama’s Own Defense Deputy Admits Obama White House Spied on Candidate/President-Elect Trump…
Uh not quite... that narrative has been out there for months that intel was getting spread because of fear that Trump would try and cover it up. Only thing that tells me is there is some damaging intel on Trump that hasn't yet hit daylight. Nobody is toast, you're on crack.

And it wasnt Obamas people running around spying on Trump as you inaccurately state. It was the FBI investigating the Russians under the leadership of Comey who is now Trumps guy. Trumps people were speaking to the Russians and somebody illegally leaked That these communications were taking place. That's all the facts that we know from what evidence has been released. Stopped making shit up.
To put things in perspective, tinydancer was claiming a video of Bill Clinton raping a 13 year old was going to be released. She's more than a few cards shy of a full deck. :cuckoo:

I didn't claim it. The source claimed it would be released. It was going around at the time. It's a fucking message board and you put up what's out there. Just like every one does. Piss off.
Hilarious deflection.
Realnewsof the day :
All bad news for 45.
His Muslim ban shot down indefinitely ... again.
He shot himself in the foot during the campaign talking about keeping MUSLIMS out of the country. Now lawsuits are mounting because its unconstitutional to ban a religion. So it's bullsit that it " isn't a Muslim ban." Trump's big mouth got him on this one.

NUNES has sabatoged the House investigation into the Trump Russian connection. Looks like another Trump- stalling tactic.
Who let him in the WH? It would take about 5 minutes to find out. It's been 3 days and Spicy is still looking into it. Lol. Serious talks of coverup now.

Senate intelligence committee will start their investigation into Trump tomorrow. There's also a CIA investigation. Lol.

Kushy... It's been discovered that Jarrod Kushner visited Russia to " engage them." On what? What is it with this Trump family/ administration and Russia?

Guess who was under FBI investigation this summer? None other than the pussy grabber himself.
So Trump was under investigation and Comey didn't report it... but he reported Hillary was under investigation but she really wasn't.
Boom. Trump wins.
You'll never guess who stopped the information from coming out that Trump was under an investigation? Hint: a man of integrity.
Now you know it wasn't a republican.
Want to know who it was and why? Check a valid news source. If you can't find it that proves the media you use is not adequate.
His horrible performance is echoed in the polls. Gallup has him at 35%.

All time lows, according to Gallup...

Roosevelt ..... 48%
Eisenhower .... 48%
Kennedy ....... 56%
Ford .......... 37%
Clinton ....... 37%
Obama ......... 37%
Johnson ....... 35%
Trump ......... 35%
GHW Bush ...... 29%
Carter ........ 28%
Bush .......... 25%
Nixon ......... 23%
Truman ........ 22%

Polls are just so darn accurate right? Send the memo to Madame President.

Are you all nuts? Were we watching the same interview? There was absolutely nothing revealed in Farkas' statements. We already knew that the FBI has had an open investigation since last July, and from this investigation they had intercepts of Trump staffers talking to the Russians. Beyond that, nothing else has been disclosed. What dots are you all trying to connect?

Two investigations on the go now. One for the Russian angle, but now the other one where members of the transition team were unmasked and information shared that had nothing to do with the Russian investion.

AKA Obama's people were out and out spying on the transition team.

Try this part of the interview where she says they were trying to get all sorts of information to Capitol Hill. She admits it. I love it. She's toast. She's talking about how they leaked.

"So I became very worried because not enough was coming out into the open and I knew that there was more. We have very good intelligence on Russia; so then I had talked to some of my former colleagues and I knew that they were also trying to help get information to [Democrat politicians]."

UPDATE: President Obama’s Own Defense Deputy Admits Obama White House Spied on Candidate/President-Elect Trump…
Uh not quite... that narrative has been out there for months that intel was getting spread because of fear that Trump would try and cover it up. Only thing that tells me is there is some damaging intel on Trump that hasn't yet hit daylight. Nobody is toast, you're on crack.

And it wasnt Obamas people running around spying on Trump as you inaccurately state. It was the FBI investigating the Russians under the leadership of Comey who is now Trumps guy. Trumps people were speaking to the Russians and somebody illegally leaked That these communications were taking place. That's all the facts that we know from what evidence has been released. Stopped making shit up.
To put things in perspective, tinydancer was claiming a video of Bill Clinton raping a 13 year old was going to be released. She's more than a few cards shy of a full deck. :cuckoo:

I didn't claim it. The source claimed it would be released. It was going around at the time. It's a fucking message board and you put up what's out there. Just like every one does. Piss off.

Way to own your own posts. You're like Trump -- the buck stops ... over there somewhere.


At any rate, you even started a thread on it. Goes to show just how gullible and ignorant you are. Just like now.
Hilarious deflection.
Realnewsof the day :
All bad news for 45.
His Muslim ban shot down indefinitely ... again.
He shot himself in the foot during the campaign talking about keeping MUSLIMS out of the country. Now lawsuits are mounting because its unconstitutional to ban a religion. So it's bullsit that it " isn't a Muslim ban." Trump's big mouth got him on this one.

NUNES has sabatoged the House investigation into the Trump Russian connection. Looks like another Trump- stalling tactic.
Who let him in the WH? It would take about 5 minutes to find out. It's been 3 days and Spicy is still looking into it. Lol. Serious talks of coverup now.

Senate intelligence committee will start their investigation into Trump tomorrow. There's also a CIA investigation. Lol.

Kushy... It's been discovered that Jarrod Kushner visited Russia to " engage them." On what? What is it with this Trump family/ administration and Russia?

Guess who was under FBI investigation this summer? None other than the pussy grabber himself.
So Trump was under investigation and Comey didn't report it... but he reported Hillary was under investigation but she really wasn't.
Boom. Trump wins.
You'll never guess who stopped the information from coming out that Trump was under an investigation? Hint: a man of integrity.
Now you know it wasn't a republican.
Want to know who it was and why? Check a valid news source. If you can't find it that proves the media you use is not adequate.
His horrible performance is echoed in the polls. Gallup has him at 35%.

All time lows, according to Gallup...

Roosevelt ..... 48%
Eisenhower .... 48%
Kennedy ....... 56%
Ford .......... 37%
Clinton ....... 37%
Obama ......... 37%
Johnson ....... 35%
Trump ......... 35%
GHW Bush ...... 29%
Carter ........ 28%
Bush .......... 25%
Nixon ......... 23%
Truman ........ 22%

Polls are just so darn accurate right? Send the memo to Madame President.

Yes, they are pretty accurate. The polls during the election predicted Hillary would get 3.2% more votes than Trump and she ended up with 2.1% more. Not too shabby.

Of course, with Trump sucking ass like he is; what other defense can the brain-dead right make up for him?
Are you all nuts? Were we watching the same interview? There was absolutely nothing revealed in Farkas' statements. We already knew that the FBI has had an open investigation since last July, and from this investigation they had intercepts of Trump staffers talking to the Russians. Beyond that, nothing else has been disclosed. What dots are you all trying to connect?

Two investigations on the go now. One for the Russian angle, but now the other one where members of the transition team were unmasked and information shared that had nothing to do with the Russian investion.

AKA Obama's people were out and out spying on the transition team.

Try this part of the interview where she says they were trying to get all sorts of information to Capitol Hill. She admits it. I love it. She's toast. She's talking about how they leaked.

"So I became very worried because not enough was coming out into the open and I knew that there was more. We have very good intelligence on Russia; so then I had talked to some of my former colleagues and I knew that they were also trying to help get information to [Democrat politicians]."

UPDATE: President Obama’s Own Defense Deputy Admits Obama White House Spied on Candidate/President-Elect Trump…
Uh not quite... that narrative has been out there for months that intel was getting spread because of fear that Trump would try and cover it up. Only thing that tells me is there is some damaging intel on Trump that hasn't yet hit daylight. Nobody is toast, you're on crack.

And it wasnt Obamas people running around spying on Trump as you inaccurately state. It was the FBI investigating the Russians under the leadership of Comey who is now Trumps guy. Trumps people were speaking to the Russians and somebody illegally leaked That these communications were taking place. That's all the facts that we know from what evidence has been released. Stop making shit up.

Tell Gowdy he can't run a second investigation into the spying. He's the one that broke it today in an interview. Comey is Obama's man. Trump's people in transition had every freaking right to be talking to the Russians as well as many other dignities and ambassadors. Flynn broke no law whatsoever.

As a matter of fact the only illegal act came from the intel community.

Trey Gowdy can do whatever he wants, and can investigate whoever he wants.

The question is, is it worth it for him to make a show of this?

There are basically two ways that this can work itself out - either absolutely nothing will come of the investigations into Trump's team, or something will.

If nothing comes up, then Gowdy could theoretically spin it into an investigation of "leaks" - but if something, anything does come up, then blaming the leaker isn't going to work. Even if you're all in with the ridiculous narrative that you guys are trying to build, if anything at all comes up connecting Trump's campaign to Russia, then it all falls apart. Obama comes out looking vindicated.
Are you all nuts? Were we watching the same interview? There was absolutely nothing revealed in Farkas' statements. We already knew that the FBI has had an open investigation since last July, and from this investigation they had intercepts of Trump staffers talking to the Russians. Beyond that, nothing else has been disclosed. What dots are you all trying to connect?

Two investigations on the go now. One for the Russian angle, but now the other one where members of the transition team were unmasked and information shared that had nothing to do with the Russian investion.

AKA Obama's people were out and out spying on the transition team.

Try this part of the interview where she says they were trying to get all sorts of information to Capitol Hill. She admits it. I love it. She's toast. She's talking about how they leaked.

"So I became very worried because not enough was coming out into the open and I knew that there was more. We have very good intelligence on Russia; so then I had talked to some of my former colleagues and I knew that they were also trying to help get information to [Democrat politicians]."

UPDATE: President Obama’s Own Defense Deputy Admits Obama White House Spied on Candidate/President-Elect Trump…
Uh not quite... that narrative has been out there for months that intel was getting spread because of fear that Trump would try and cover it up. Only thing that tells me is there is some damaging intel on Trump that hasn't yet hit daylight. Nobody is toast, you're on crack.

And it wasnt Obamas people running around spying on Trump as you inaccurately state. It was the FBI investigating the Russians under the leadership of Comey who is now Trumps guy. Trumps people were speaking to the Russians and somebody illegally leaked That these communications were taking place. That's all the facts that we know from what evidence has been released. Stop making shit up.

Tell Gowdy he can't run a second investigation into the spying. He's the one that broke it today in an interview. Comey is Obama's man. Trump's people in transition had every freaking right to be talking to the Russians as well as many other dignities and ambassadors. Flynn broke no law whatsoever.

As a matter of fact the only illegal act came from the intel community.
Well we can agree there, the only illegal act that there is evidence of is from the leaker. The investigations are still ongoing and there seems to be plenty of breadcrumbs that are being looked into so we shall see. I never claimed that talking to the Russians was illegal or that Flynn did anything illegal. But he did get fired, right? Do you know why he got fired?
Are you all nuts? Were we watching the same interview? There was absolutely nothing revealed in Farkas' statements. We already knew that the FBI has had an open investigation since last July, and from this investigation they had intercepts of Trump staffers talking to the Russians. Beyond that, nothing else has been disclosed. What dots are you all trying to connect?

Two investigations on the go now. One for the Russian angle, but now the other one where members of the transition team were unmasked and information shared that had nothing to do with the Russian investion.

AKA Obama's people were out and out spying on the transition team.

Try this part of the interview where she says they were trying to get all sorts of information to Capitol Hill. She admits it. I love it. She's toast. She's talking about how they leaked.

"So I became very worried because not enough was coming out into the open and I knew that there was more. We have very good intelligence on Russia; so then I had talked to some of my former colleagues and I knew that they were also trying to help get information to [Democrat politicians]."

UPDATE: President Obama’s Own Defense Deputy Admits Obama White House Spied on Candidate/President-Elect Trump…
Uh not quite... that narrative has been out there for months that intel was getting spread because of fear that Trump would try and cover it up. Only thing that tells me is there is some damaging intel on Trump that hasn't yet hit daylight. Nobody is toast, you're on crack.

And it wasnt Obamas people running around spying on Trump as you inaccurately state. It was the FBI investigating the Russians under the leadership of Comey who is now Trumps guy. Trumps people were speaking to the Russians and somebody illegally leaked That these communications were taking place. That's all the facts that we know from what evidence has been released. Stop making shit up.

Tell Gowdy he can't run a second investigation into the spying. He's the one that broke it today in an interview. Comey is Obama's man. Trump's people in transition had every freaking right to be talking to the Russians as well as many other dignities and ambassadors. Flynn broke no law whatsoever.

As a matter of fact the only illegal act came from the intel community.
Well we can agree there, the only illegal act that there is evidence of is from the leaker. The investigations are still ongoing and there seems to be plenty of breadcrumbs that are being looked into so we shall see. I never claimed that talking to the Russians was illegal or that Flynn did anything illegal. But he did get fired, right? Do you know why he got fired?

Because he didn't tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth to VP Pence and hung him out to dry.
Are you all nuts? Were we watching the same interview? There was absolutely nothing revealed in Farkas' statements. We already knew that the FBI has had an open investigation since last July, and from this investigation they had intercepts of Trump staffers talking to the Russians. Beyond that, nothing else has been disclosed. What dots are you all trying to connect?

Two investigations on the go now. One for the Russian angle, but now the other one where members of the transition team were unmasked and information shared that had nothing to do with the Russian investion.

AKA Obama's people were out and out spying on the transition team.

Try this part of the interview where she says they were trying to get all sorts of information to Capitol Hill. She admits it. I love it. She's toast. She's talking about how they leaked.

"So I became very worried because not enough was coming out into the open and I knew that there was more. We have very good intelligence on Russia; so then I had talked to some of my former colleagues and I knew that they were also trying to help get information to [Democrat politicians]."

UPDATE: President Obama’s Own Defense Deputy Admits Obama White House Spied on Candidate/President-Elect Trump…
Uh not quite... that narrative has been out there for months that intel was getting spread because of fear that Trump would try and cover it up. Only thing that tells me is there is some damaging intel on Trump that hasn't yet hit daylight. Nobody is toast, you're on crack.

And it wasnt Obamas people running around spying on Trump as you inaccurately state. It was the FBI investigating the Russians under the leadership of Comey who is now Trumps guy. Trumps people were speaking to the Russians and somebody illegally leaked That these communications were taking place. That's all the facts that we know from what evidence has been released. Stop making shit up.

Tell Gowdy he can't run a second investigation into the spying. He's the one that broke it today in an interview. Comey is Obama's man. Trump's people in transition had every freaking right to be talking to the Russians as well as many other dignities and ambassadors. Flynn broke no law whatsoever.

As a matter of fact the only illegal act came from the intel community.
Well we can agree there, the only illegal act that there is evidence of is from the leaker. The investigations are still ongoing and there seems to be plenty of breadcrumbs that are being looked into so we shall see. I never claimed that talking to the Russians was illegal or that Flynn did anything illegal. But he did get fired, right? Do you know why he got fired?

Because he didn't tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth to VP Pence and hung him out to dry.
I would have put money down that you wouldn't say the word "LIE" in your response. Yes, Flynn was fired for lying to the VP about meeting with the Russians. People lie about things when they have something to hide... Do you know why Sessions recused himself? Did you hear the multiple statements by Trump and his staffers that NOBODY from his campaign had spoken to the Russians? Now we all know that Flynn, Sessions, Mr. Ivanka, and 3 other staffers all met with the Russians. All could have been about legit stuff but it begs the question... why all the lies???
you should probably lay off the rightwingnut matter what they pay you.

A former Obama official admits in Obama's rush

Show us the quote where she says anything about Obama.

Show us.

Oh wait- you are just lying again, from deep within Trump asscrack.

Going through life with such a harsh reading challenge must be tough...

"...former Obama administration official Evelyn Farkas (Deputy Asst. Secretary of Defense) appearing on MSNBC and admitting first hand knowledge the Obama administration spied on candidate and president-elect Donald Trump’s transition team to gather “intelligence” for political use."

The OBAMA administration spied on Trump and his team. Obama IS / WAS the Obama administration...OR are you SERIOUSLY suggesting that Obama was an incompetent President who had no control over his own administrative staff, that they had the ability / authority - based on their own decision to do so - to spy on the GOP Presidential candidate in the middle of an election without conferring with their boss, the President?
Because he didn't tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth to VP Pence and hung him out to dry.
Flynn did nothing illegal and was the victim of a 'political assassination', partly made possible because of his own actions.

Perception, especially that which is created by partisan liberals who are trying to make something into more than it is in order to damage their rivals, is extremely important. Flynn failed to inform his bosses that he had made legal contact with the Russians because he feared the potential perception of doing so...even though, again, it was perfectly fine. In doing so, he created the perception - or helped create it, that he was doing something 'sneaky' behind his bosses backs and had kept something from them. It was due to the rabid partisan atmosphere, the accusations made, and the perception the liberals helped escalate into a faux scandal that forced Pence's hand.

Again, Flynn did nothing illegal; however, liberals blew the entire incident into another one of their Fake News hypocritical one-sided 'McCarthy-era-Resurrection' 'witch hunts'...

....meanwhile Slick Willey was working for Putin Ex-KGB pals, Hillary's campaign manager's company's board was made up of 1/3rd prominent Russian businessmen with intimate connections to the KREMLIN, and her campaign manager's brother was working for the KGB Bank AND the Russian Spy Agency that supposedly hacked the DNC's e-mails. (Talk about a self-inflicted wound...) yet the Democrats did not bat an eyelash while claiming they were after Flynn because 'they were worried about RUSSIAN INFLUENCE'.

you should probably lay off the rightwingnut matter what they pay you.

A former Obama official admits in Obama's rush

Show us the quote where she says anything about Obama.

Show us.

Oh wait- you are just lying again, from deep within Trump asscrack.

Going through life with such a harsh reading challenge must be tough...

"...former Obama administration official Evelyn Farkas (Deputy Asst. Secretary of Defense) appearing on MSNBC and admitting first hand knowledge the Obama administration spied on candidate and president-elect Donald Trump’s transition team to gather “intelligence” for political use."

She admitted no such thing. You flakes are too funny. :lol:
I'll play along . Let's say all that is true .( Lol!! ) So what ! Trump is Mr. Law and Order! He wants more surveillance and stop n frisk .

What's the big deal ? Who cares ? He's got nothing to hide , right ?
The Conservative Tree House is a near cousin to Lizard boy's Infowars.

IF the pussy grabber was innocent he'd be ENCOURAGING an investigation and calling out for a special prosecutor. But he's not doing that now is he.
He's as guilty as sin.
Trump was the person who called for the investigations.
When this farce is over and blows up in the DEM's/LIB MSM's face President Trump is going to call for a SP to go after the Clintons/LIB MSM.
Hannity was neutered by Ted Koppel. He'll never live it down.
Kopple is a partisan hack who refused to allow the full interview into the light, showing what a lying snake he is.

A lying piece of shit and a propagandist is what Kopple is.. And they wonder why they have no credibility with the people. And they wonder why their trust rate is single digits
Last edited:
LOL She admitted no such thing. You flakes are too funny. :lol:
I see the reading dysfunction problem is wide-spread among the snowflakes, not just limited to one.
Great, so quote her saying, 'Obama spied on Trump,' without her saying something else that your flakey brain thinks is her saying that.
LOL She admitted no such thing. You flakes are too funny. :lol:
I see the reading dysfunction problem is wide-spread among the snowflakes, not just limited to one.
Great, so quote her saying, 'Obama spied on Trump,' without her saying something else that your flakey brain thinks is her saying that.
The article states she ADMITTED the trump administration spied on Trump. Sorry - you can't fix stupid. If that's not good enough it is so by CHOICE.
Are you all nuts? Were we watching the same interview? There was absolutely nothing revealed in Farkas' statements. We already knew that the FBI has had an open investigation since last July, and from this investigation they had intercepts of Trump staffers talking to the Russians. Beyond that, nothing else has been disclosed. What dots are you all trying to connect?

Two investigations on the go now. One for the Russian angle, but now the other one where members of the transition team were unmasked and information shared that had nothing to do with the Russian investion.

AKA Obama's people were out and out spying on the transition team.

Try this part of the interview where she says they were trying to get all sorts of information to Capitol Hill. She admits it. I love it. She's toast. She's talking about how they leaked.

"So I became very worried because not enough was coming out into the open and I knew that there was more. We have very good intelligence on Russia; so then I had talked to some of my former colleagues and I knew that they were also trying to help get information to [Democrat politicians]."

UPDATE: President Obama’s Own Defense Deputy Admits Obama White House Spied on Candidate/President-Elect Trump…
Uh not quite... that narrative has been out there for months that intel was getting spread because of fear that Trump would try and cover it up. Only thing that tells me is there is some damaging intel on Trump that hasn't yet hit daylight. Nobody is toast, you're on crack.

And it wasnt Obamas people running around spying on Trump as you inaccurately state. It was the FBI investigating the Russians under the leadership of Comey who is now Trumps guy. Trumps people were speaking to the Russians and somebody illegally leaked That these communications were taking place. That's all the facts that we know from what evidence has been released. Stopped making shit up.
To put things in perspective, tinydancer was claiming a video of Bill Clinton raping a 13 year old was going to be released. She's more than a few cards shy of a full deck. :cuckoo:
Let's not forget all the faith she's put into #Pizzagate.
LOL She admitted no such thing. You flakes are too funny. :lol:
I see the reading dysfunction problem is wide-spread among the snowflakes, not just limited to one.
Great, so quote her saying, 'Obama spied on Trump,' without her saying something else that your flakey brain thinks is her saying that.
The article states she ADMITTED the trump administration spied on Trump. Sorry - you can't fix stupid. If that's not good enough it is so by CHOICE.
How interesting.........was that Freudian?
Last edited:
LOL She admitted no such thing. You flakes are too funny. :lol:
I see the reading dysfunction problem is wide-spread among the snowflakes, not just limited to one.
Great, so quote her saying, 'Obama spied on Trump,' without her saying something else that your flakey brain thinks is her saying that.
The article states she ADMITTED the trump administration spied on Trump. Sorry - you can't fix stupid. If that's not good enough it is so by CHOICE.
How interesting.........
It's simple: You either believe what an article says or you don't - it's your choice. I have found that most uber partisans (on both sides) refuse to believe the negative about 'their guys' and insist all the 'good' is Faun is demonstrating.

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