It's Over! Obama's Deputy Defense Secretary Comes Forward Admitting The Obama Admin Spied On Trump

As always, fuck you very much.
And as always, when snowflakes' opinions that are based on nothing but their own opinion are challenged, their argument eventually breaks down to THIS....

Sadly for you, that was not the extent of my post. The hallmark of you morons is to take words out of context and then render idiocies based on partial quotes.
Actually, the better question is why would you believe an article which you know mischaracterizes Farkas' comments?
NO ONE has come out to deny the admission was made - not even HER!
Great, more bullshit. :eusa_doh:

Of course Farkas denied the hallucination that she tacitly confessed to Obama spying on Trump...

Prison sentence for what?
Taking protected personal information deemed to have 'No Foreign Intel Value' and disperse it to 'probama' holdovers in 16 Intel agencies only to have them later illegally perpetrate what both the Directors of the FBI and NSA agreed amounted to Felony ESPIONAGE by illegally releasing that personal protected information that had 'NO Foreign Intel Value' simply because - as ADMITTED - THEY believed 'not enough was getting out there' (to the public).

Ya musta overlooked that part of the story that has come out.
Imbecile, Farkas did not have access to any such classified materials to disperse. Has your brain ever worked?
Prison sentence for what?
Taking protected personal information deemed to have 'No Foreign Intel Value' and disperse it to 'probama' holdovers in 16 Intel agencies only to have them later illegally perpetrate what both the Directors of the FBI and NSA agreed amounted to Felony ESPIONAGE by illegally releasing that personal protected information that had 'NO Foreign Intel Value' simply because - as ADMITTED - THEY believed 'not enough was getting out there' (to the public).

Ya musta overlooked that part of the story that has come out.
Imbecile, Farkas did not have access to any such classified materials to disperse. Has your brain ever worked?

she worked for hilly so who was feeding her.......Her statements are simply ass covering damage control hoping it all goes away
Prison sentence for what?
Taking protected personal information deemed to have 'No Foreign Intel Value' and disperse it to 'probama' holdovers in 16 Intel agencies only to have them later illegally perpetrate what both the Directors of the FBI and NSA agreed amounted to Felony ESPIONAGE by illegally releasing that personal protected information that had 'NO Foreign Intel Value' simply because - as ADMITTED - THEY believed 'not enough was getting out there' (to the public).

Ya musta overlooked that part of the story that has come out.
Imbecile, Farkas did not have access to any such classified materials to disperse. Has your brain ever worked?

she worked for hilly so who was feeding her.......Her statements are simply ass covering damage control hoping it all goes away
She still didn't have access to classified materials, which means she couldn't have unmasked any names, which means the nonsensical claim that she could go to prison over this is nothing but more rightwing bullshit. Not that there's any shortage of that around here.
Prison sentence for what?
Taking protected personal information deemed to have 'No Foreign Intel Value' and disperse it to 'probama' holdovers in 16 Intel agencies only to have them later illegally perpetrate what both the Directors of the FBI and NSA agreed amounted to Felony ESPIONAGE by illegally releasing that personal protected information that had 'NO Foreign Intel Value' simply because - as ADMITTED - THEY believed 'not enough was getting out there' (to the public).

Ya musta overlooked that part of the story that has come out.
Imbecile, Farkas did not have access to any such classified materials to disperse. Has your brain ever worked?

she worked for hilly so who was feeding her.......Her statements are simply ass covering damage control hoping it all goes away
She still didn't have access to classified materials, which means she couldn't have unmasked any names, which means the nonsensical claim that she could go to prison over this is nothing but more rightwing bullshit. Not that there's any shortage of that around here.

ergo who was feeding her statements .......someone was keeping the hilly campaign up to date on Obamas intel op
Prison sentence for what?
Taking protected personal information deemed to have 'No Foreign Intel Value' and disperse it to 'probama' holdovers in 16 Intel agencies only to have them later illegally perpetrate what both the Directors of the FBI and NSA agreed amounted to Felony ESPIONAGE by illegally releasing that personal protected information that had 'NO Foreign Intel Value' simply because - as ADMITTED - THEY believed 'not enough was getting out there' (to the public).

Ya musta overlooked that part of the story that has come out.
Imbecile, Farkas did not have access to any such classified materials to disperse. Has your brain ever worked?

she worked for hilly so who was feeding her.......Her statements are simply ass covering damage control hoping it all goes away
She still didn't have access to classified materials, which means she couldn't have unmasked any names, which means the nonsensical claim that she could go to prison over this is nothing but more rightwing bullshit. Not that there's any shortage of that around here.

ergo who was feeding her statements .......someone was keeping the hilly campaign up to date on Obamas intel op
Feeding her what? She still didn't admit to any spying on Trump, I don't care how delusional rightwingers are.
Taking protected personal information deemed to have 'No Foreign Intel Value' and disperse it to 'probama' holdovers in 16 Intel agencies only to have them later illegally perpetrate what both the Directors of the FBI and NSA agreed amounted to Felony ESPIONAGE by illegally releasing that personal protected information that had 'NO Foreign Intel Value' simply because - as ADMITTED - THEY believed 'not enough was getting out there' (to the public).

Ya musta overlooked that part of the story that has come out.
Imbecile, Farkas did not have access to any such classified materials to disperse. Has your brain ever worked?

she worked for hilly so who was feeding her.......Her statements are simply ass covering damage control hoping it all goes away
She still didn't have access to classified materials, which means she couldn't have unmasked any names, which means the nonsensical claim that she could go to prison over this is nothing but more rightwing bullshit. Not that there's any shortage of that around here.

ergo who was feeding her statements .......someone was keeping the hilly campaign up to date on Obamas intel op
Feeding her what? She still didn't admit to any spying on Trump, I don't care how delusional rightwingers are.
Densepack denial.....LLMAAOOOOO
She still didn't admit to any spying on Trump, I don't care how delusional rightwingers are.

Again, your opinion that is not shared by anyone other than other opinionated snowflakes. Even she hasn't come out to say that \'s not what she said.
Imbecile, Farkas did not have access to any such classified materials to disperse. Has your brain ever worked?

she worked for hilly so who was feeding her.......Her statements are simply ass covering damage control hoping it all goes away
She still didn't have access to classified materials, which means she couldn't have unmasked any names, which means the nonsensical claim that she could go to prison over this is nothing but more rightwing bullshit. Not that there's any shortage of that around here.

ergo who was feeding her statements .......someone was keeping the hilly campaign up to date on Obamas intel op
Feeding her what? She still didn't admit to any spying on Trump, I don't care how delusional rightwingers are.
Densepack denial.....LLMAAOOOOO

Pointing out reality is now denial? :lol:

We know that Russians were wiretapped and we know that some communications from some of Trump's people were intercepted as a result of them talking to wiretapped Russians. That's what she's speaking about.
She still didn't admit to any spying on Trump, I don't care how delusional rightwingers are.

Again, your opinion that is not shared by anyone other than other opinionated snowflakes. Even she hasn't come out to say that \'s not what she said.
Well my opinion is backed by the reality that you can't quote her saying, 'Obama spied on Trump.' Yours is based on delusions.
I showed you her tweet, rightard. :eusa_doh:
Using your logic; It wasn't her Tweet. You have no proof it was. Tweets can be hacked / faked. She did not deny anything. Your comment was as false as the article.

Sorry, try again.
Great! Now perhaps Nunes will quit with the Hillary style of dragging his ass and get this show on the road and over with, one way or the other.

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