It's Over! Obama's Deputy Defense Secretary Comes Forward Admitting The Obama Admin Spied On Trump

The hallmark of you morons is to take words out of context and then render idiocies based on partial quotes.

Do the words "shoe", "fits", and "wear it" in the same sentence have any meaning to you lefties?

That's an "In your face" tactic all you on the left adhere to, admiit it or not.
Well my opinion is backed by the reality that you can't quote her saying, 'Obama spied on Trump.' Yours is based on delusions.

View attachment 119390


It's already established that you're batshit insane. :cuckoo:

Which ironically, is even more evidence that Farkas didn't tacitly confess to Obama spying on Trump. :mm:

Let me use the left's convoluted logic for a moment. Hypothetically, "She said that the Bush administration gathered intelligence on Obama and held onto it, but not enough was getting released..." which means "It reasonably means that Bush spied on Obama and leaked it..."

Sound about right?

If Evelyn Farkas Resigned in 2015, How Did She Have Access to Trump-Russian Intelligence?
Earlier, it was that she helped Obama spy.
She did! She was a conduit!

So was her Unauthorized Maid. Who gives Classified Information to their Housekeeper?

Phucking Hillary Clinton, That's Who!
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So was her Unauthorized Maid. Who gives classified Information to their Housekeeper?
Phucking Hillary Clinton, That's Who!



..and of course Snowflakes STILL claim this violated no rules, regulations, or laws and doing such things could never put our National Security in jeopardy.

LOL She admitted no such thing. You flakes are too funny. :lol:
I see the reading dysfunction problem is wide-spread among the snowflakes, not just limited to one.
Great, so quote her saying, 'Obama spied on Trump,' without her saying something else that your flakey brain thinks is her saying that.
The article states she ADMITTED the trump administration spied on Trump.

Yet you still can't actually find a quote of her saying that.

Because you have your head so firmly buried up Trump's ass.
LOL She admitted no such thing. You flakes are too funny. :lol:
I see the reading dysfunction problem is wide-spread among the snowflakes, not just limited to one.
Great, so quote her saying, 'Obama spied on Trump,' without her saying something else that your flakey brain thinks is her saying that.
The article states she ADMITTED the trump administration spied on Trump. Sorry - you can't fix stupid. If that's not good enough it is so by CHOICE.
How interesting.........
It's simple: You either believe what an article says or you don't - it's your choice. I have found that most uber partisans (on both sides) refuse to believe the negative about 'their guys' and insist all the 'good' is Faun is demonstrating.

What she admitted was that there was evidence of Trump staffers dealing with Russia.

Which is why you keep lying and claiming she said something else.
She still didn't admit to any spying on Trump, I don't care how delusional rightwingers are.

Again, your opinion that is not shared by anyone other than other opinionated snowflakes. Even she hasn't come out to say that \'s not what she said.

LOL- now you believe that you know what everyone else thinks?

Here are her words:

Because I had a fear that somehow that information would disappear with the senior [Obama] people who left; so it would be hidden away in the bureaucracy, um, that the Trump folks – if they found out HOW we knew what we knew about their, the Trump staff, dealing with Russians – that they would try to compromise those sources and methods; meaning we no longer have access to that intelligence.

The only thing she 'admits' here is that they knew of the Trump staff dealing with the Russians.

Which you keep trying to ignore.
Multiple Investigations - 9+ months:
ZERO evidence the Russians 'hacked the election'
ZERO evidence of Trump-Russian Collusion'
ZERO evidence of any criminal wrong-doing by TRUMP'S team.

Because I had a fear that somehow that information would disappear with the senior [Obama] people who left; so it would be hidden away in the bureaucracy, um, that the Trump folks – if they found out HOW we knew what we knew about their, the Trump staff, dealing with Russians that they would try to compromise those sources and methods; meaning we no longer have access to that intelligence.

Fact: The Trump campaign is being investigated by the FBI to see if there was any collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia
Fact: The FBI, and every other American Intelligence agency have confirmed that Russia attempted to 'hack' our election- and 'hack' there means attempted to interfere and affect the outcome of the Presidential election
Fact: Both the House and the Senate are investigating possible Trump campaign connections with Russia.

And fact: the person quoted in this thread said that people within the Obama administration knew of Trump staff dealings with Russia.

I hope she gets called up to testify- in public- by the Senate committee. It will be very interesting.
Actually they have determined already that there was no collusion. What they are looking at now is who did the hacking of Alfa Bank for Hillary Clinton, and who was leaking classified information.

The only thing that has come out about Russia is that they were competing with Hillary's Army of Trolls to spread Fake News.
And unfortunately there is nothing illegal about that, or Clinton and Putin would be sharing a jail cell.
Taking protected personal information deemed to have 'No Foreign Intel Value' and disperse it to 'probama' holdovers in 16 Intel agencies only to have them later illegally perpetrate what both the Directors of the FBI and NSA agreed amounted to Felony ESPIONAGE by illegally releasing that personal protected information that had 'NO Foreign Intel Value' simply because - as ADMITTED - THEY believed 'not enough was getting out there' (to the public).

Ya musta overlooked that part of the story that has come out.
Imbecile, Farkas did not have access to any such classified materials to disperse. Has your brain ever worked?

she worked for hilly so who was feeding her.......Her statements are simply ass covering damage control hoping it all goes away
She still didn't have access to classified materials, which means she couldn't have unmasked any names, which means the nonsensical claim that she could go to prison over this is nothing but more rightwing bullshit. Not that there's any shortage of that around here.

ergo who was feeding her statements .......someone was keeping the hilly campaign up to date on Obamas intel op
Feeding her what? She still didn't admit to any spying on Trump, I don't care how delusional rightwingers are.

Faun is a phony baloney. He knows this woman is hosed, and since she was out of government and her friends were still in, they CONSPIRED to disseminate the intelligence.

As far as the investigation--------->show us one story saying Donald Trump is being investigated! Anybody? Didn't think so-)

And so, now show us a specific NAME, any name, is being investigated! No? Didn't think so!

You know what is really being investigated, or are you lefties to silly to figure it out, lol? No reason to tell you, cause your narrative is going to go poof, just like a fart, lol! You people are done, toast, over, as far as this narrative; but what you really should worry about is the Republican narrative soon to take its place, and they will have evidence!

Oh what a terrible web you weave, when lefties, practice to deceive. Good luck leftists, you are going to need it.
Imbecile, Farkas did not have access to any such classified materials to disperse. Has your brain ever worked?

she worked for hilly so who was feeding her.......Her statements are simply ass covering damage control hoping it all goes away
She still didn't have access to classified materials, which means she couldn't have unmasked any names, which means the nonsensical claim that she could go to prison over this is nothing but more rightwing bullshit. Not that there's any shortage of that around here.

ergo who was feeding her statements .......someone was keeping the hilly campaign up to date on Obamas intel op
Feeding her what? She still didn't admit to any spying on Trump, I don't care how delusional rightwingers are.

Faun is a phony baloney. He knows this woman is hosed, and since she was out of government and her friends were still in, they CONSPIRED to disseminate the intelligence.

As far as the investigation--------->show us one story saying Donald Trump is being investigated! Anybody? Didn't think so-)

And so, now show us a specific NAME, any name, is being investigated! No? Didn't think so!

You know what is really being investigated, or are you lefties to silly to figure it out, lol? No reason to tell you, cause your narrative is going to go poof, just like a fart, lol! You people are done, toast, over, as far as this narrative; but what you really should worry about is the Republican narrative soon to take its place, and they will have evidence!

Oh what a terrible web you weave, when lefties, practice to deceive. Good luck leftists, you are going to need it.
What are you guys listening to? She said absolutely nothing new or revealing or illegal in her interview. Anybody who says so is being ridiculous and being a partisan puppet feeding into the buzz.

These things you say she said or implicate are just not in the words that came out of her mouth. Stop inserting false narratives into the conversation.

This is hilarious, it's just that some people don't even understand what she's saying.

Here's the video of her talking. At no point did she say Obama or his administration were spying on Trump.

There's no way to spin this, douche bag. She admitted to people in the Obama admin, possibly even herself, committing felonies.
How do you spin her words that confirmed they were leaking to everyone and their mother on the Hill into "no crimes were committed"?
she worked for hilly so who was feeding her.......Her statements are simply ass covering damage control hoping it all goes away
She still didn't have access to classified materials, which means she couldn't have unmasked any names, which means the nonsensical claim that she could go to prison over this is nothing but more rightwing bullshit. Not that there's any shortage of that around here.

ergo who was feeding her statements .......someone was keeping the hilly campaign up to date on Obamas intel op
Feeding her what? She still didn't admit to any spying on Trump, I don't care how delusional rightwingers are.

Faun is a phony baloney. He knows this woman is hosed, and since she was out of government and her friends were still in, they CONSPIRED to disseminate the intelligence.

As far as the investigation--------->show us one story saying Donald Trump is being investigated! Anybody? Didn't think so-)

And so, now show us a specific NAME, any name, is being investigated! No? Didn't think so!

You know what is really being investigated, or are you lefties to silly to figure it out, lol? No reason to tell you, cause your narrative is going to go poof, just like a fart, lol! You people are done, toast, over, as far as this narrative; but what you really should worry about is the Republican narrative soon to take its place, and they will have evidence!

Oh what a terrible web you weave, when lefties, practice to deceive. Good luck leftists, you are going to need it.
What are you guys listening to? She said absolutely nothing new or revealing or illegal in her interview. Anybody who says so is being ridiculous and being a partisan puppet feeding into the buzz.

These things you say she said or implicate are just not in the words that came out of her mouth. Stop inserting false narratives into the conversation.
Nothing false here----> she disseminated it, should not have had access to it, and she had help from those left in the administration, who should NOT have had access to it.

It is all there. She admits this freely. Are you going to tell us that is NOT what she said? If so, tell us EXACTLY your version of what she meant! We will wait-)
She still didn't have access to classified materials, which means she couldn't have unmasked any names, which means the nonsensical claim that she could go to prison over this is nothing but more rightwing bullshit. Not that there's any shortage of that around here.

ergo who was feeding her statements .......someone was keeping the hilly campaign up to date on Obamas intel op
Feeding her what? She still didn't admit to any spying on Trump, I don't care how delusional rightwingers are.

Faun is a phony baloney. He knows this woman is hosed, and since she was out of government and her friends were still in, they CONSPIRED to disseminate the intelligence.

As far as the investigation--------->show us one story saying Donald Trump is being investigated! Anybody? Didn't think so-)

And so, now show us a specific NAME, any name, is being investigated! No? Didn't think so!

You know what is really being investigated, or are you lefties to silly to figure it out, lol? No reason to tell you, cause your narrative is going to go poof, just like a fart, lol! You people are done, toast, over, as far as this narrative; but what you really should worry about is the Republican narrative soon to take its place, and they will have evidence!

Oh what a terrible web you weave, when lefties, practice to deceive. Good luck leftists, you are going to need it.
What are you guys listening to? She said absolutely nothing new or revealing or illegal in her interview. Anybody who says so is being ridiculous and being a partisan puppet feeding into the buzz.

These things you say she said or implicate are just not in the words that came out of her mouth. Stop inserting false narratives into the conversation.
Nothing false here----> she disseminated it, should not have had access to it, and she had help from those left in the administration, who should NOT have had access to it.

It is all there. She admits this freely. Are you going to tell us that is NOT what she said? If so, tell us EXACTLY your version of what she meant! We will wait-)
Pretty simple. She said that she knew we had good intel on Russian activity and that there were links between Trumps campaign and Russia. She encouraged Obama staffers to get that information in as many hands as possible before Trump could bury it. Nothing new. What false revelation are you trying to draw from that?
The hallmark of you morons is to take words out of context and then render idiocies based on partial quotes.

Do the words "shoe", "fits", and "wear it" in the same sentence have any meaning to you lefties?

That's an "In your face" tactic all you on the left adhere to, admiit it or not.
No, but your post reeks of pre-K, I know you are but what am I, banter. Sad to see a rightie stretch their mighty wit to its absolute limit and still get no higher than that.
Well my opinion is backed by the reality that you can't quote her saying, 'Obama spied on Trump.' Yours is based on delusions.

View attachment 119390


It's already established that you're batshit insane. :cuckoo:

Which ironically, is even more evidence that Farkas didn't tacitly confess to Obama spying on Trump. :mm:

Let me use the left's convoluted logic for a moment. Hypothetically, "She said that the Bush administration gathered intelligence on Obama and held onto it, but not enough was getting released..." which means "It reasonably means that Bush spied on Obama and leaked it..."

Sound about right?

Except for your analogy being a lie and portraying it as though Obama would have been spied on; when the actual analogy would be that Russians were spied on and Obama was picked up legally as incidental chatter.

Now it sounds right.
Imbecile, Farkas did not have access to any such classified materials to disperse. Has your brain ever worked?

she worked for hilly so who was feeding her.......Her statements are simply ass covering damage control hoping it all goes away
She still didn't have access to classified materials, which means she couldn't have unmasked any names, which means the nonsensical claim that she could go to prison over this is nothing but more rightwing bullshit. Not that there's any shortage of that around here.

ergo who was feeding her statements .......someone was keeping the hilly campaign up to date on Obamas intel op
Feeding her what? She still didn't admit to any spying on Trump, I don't care how delusional rightwingers are.

Faun is a phony baloney. He knows this woman is hosed, and since she was out of government and her friends were still in, they CONSPIRED to disseminate the intelligence.

As far as the investigation--------->show us one story saying Donald Trump is being investigated! Anybody? Didn't think so-)

And so, now show us a specific NAME, any name, is being investigated! No? Didn't think so!

You know what is really being investigated, or are you lefties to silly to figure it out, lol? No reason to tell you, cause your narrative is going to go poof, just like a fart, lol! You people are done, toast, over, as far as this narrative; but what you really should worry about is the Republican narrative soon to take its place, and they will have evidence!

Oh what a terrible web you weave, when lefties, practice to deceive. Good luck leftists, you are going to need it.
First and foremost, you're not smart enough to know what I'm thinking.

That piece of business aside, you ask for evidence that Trump is being investigated, as though he's not...

“I’ve been authorized by the Department of Justice to confirm that the FBI, as part of our counterintelligence mission, is investigating the Russian government's efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election. That includes investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government, and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia’s efforts.

... sucks to be you .... and Trump.


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