It's Over! Obama's Deputy Defense Secretary Comes Forward Admitting The Obama Admin Spied On Trump

she worked for hilly so who was feeding her.......Her statements are simply ass covering damage control hoping it all goes away
She still didn't have access to classified materials, which means she couldn't have unmasked any names, which means the nonsensical claim that she could go to prison over this is nothing but more rightwing bullshit. Not that there's any shortage of that around here.

ergo who was feeding her statements .......someone was keeping the hilly campaign up to date on Obamas intel op
Feeding her what? She still didn't admit to any spying on Trump, I don't care how delusional rightwingers are.

Faun is a phony baloney. He knows this woman is hosed, and since she was out of government and her friends were still in, they CONSPIRED to disseminate the intelligence.

As far as the investigation--------->show us one story saying Donald Trump is being investigated! Anybody? Didn't think so-)

And so, now show us a specific NAME, any name, is being investigated! No? Didn't think so!

You know what is really being investigated, or are you lefties to silly to figure it out, lol? No reason to tell you, cause your narrative is going to go poof, just like a fart, lol! You people are done, toast, over, as far as this narrative; but what you really should worry about is the Republican narrative soon to take its place, and they will have evidence!

Oh what a terrible web you weave, when lefties, practice to deceive. Good luck leftists, you are going to need it.
What are you guys listening to? She said absolutely nothing new or revealing or illegal in her interview. Anybody who says so is being ridiculous and being a partisan puppet feeding into the buzz.

These things you say she said or implicate are just not in the words that came out of her mouth. Stop inserting false narratives into the conversation.
They have nothing else.

I went to have a few adult beverages with several of my law enforcement friends, two of which are attorneys.

WE watched that woman's interview several times and we noted some things as investigators do when preparing for a case.

1- Farkas spoke in the first person and as one who had first hand knowledge and was herself involved in the things she reveled.

2- Faraks was precise and deliberate in her speaking. She was telling the truth in a friendly atmosphere where she felt safe to release it.

3- Faraks was precise in her explanation of unmaksing and leaking of information and legitimized it.

4- Faraks was precise in her explanation of "how they were able to know what they knew". She has direct knowledge of OTHER ACTORS and the hierarchy of the collusion.

Within just a few minuets after we started listing, observing what we could discern from her language, body posture, and her general wording she was confident that what she had done was justified despite its illegality. The attorneys were screaming about placing her under oath and deposing her... RIGHT NOW!

We learned that there is a large group of people involved.
That they new it was espionage and violated laws.
They wanted it leaked far and wide to damage Trump..
That she was not legally able to have ANY OF THE INFORMATION SHE HAD because she held no security clearance and that she had left government service and was working for the Hillary Clinton Campaign..

By her own admission, she was trafficking in Top Secret Information, Trafficking in PRIVATE conversations of US Citizens illegally obtained, without a warrant for the subjects unmasked.

Who was feeding her the information and why was she providing it for her "Friends on the hill"? This means Clinton knew, Huma knew, as did Obama... (Don't think for a minuet that Obama wasn't involved.. He had to authorize it)

This interview should send her and a few dozen others right to prison..
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I went to have a few adult beverages with several of my law enforcement friends, two of which are attorneys.

WE watched that woman's interview several times and we noted some things as investigators do when preparing for a case.

1- Farkas spoke in the first person and as one who had first hand knowledge and was herself involved in the things she reveled.

2- Faraks was precise and deliberate in her speaking. She was telling the truth in a friendly atmosphere where she felt safe to release it.

3- Faraks was precise in her explanation of unmaksing and leaking of information and legitimized it.

4- Faraks was precise in her explanation of "how they were able to know what they knew". She has direct knowledge of OTHER ACTORS and the hierarchy of the collusion.

Within just a few minuets after we started listing, observing what we could discern from her language, body posture, and her general wording she was confident that what she had done was justified despite its illegality. The attorneys were screaming about placing her under oath and deposing her... RIGHT NOW!

We learned that there is a large group of people involved.
That they new it was espionage and violated laws.
They wanted it leaked far and wide to damage Trump..
That she was not legally able to have ANY OF THE INFORMATION SHE HAD because she held no security clearance and that she had left government service and was working for the Hillary Clinton Campaign..

By her own admission, she was trafficking in Top Secret Information, Trafficking in PRIVATE conversations of US Citizens illegally obtained, without a warrant for the subjects unmasked.

Who was feeding her the information and why was she providing it for her "Friends on the hill"? This means Clinton knew, Huma knew, as did Obama... (Don't think for a minuet that Obama wasn't involved.. He had to authorize it)

This interview should send her and a few dozen others right to prison..

Now compare her CNBC interview today..

She was short in her answers.
She was fidgety and nervous (rapid eye blinking, playing with her hands, readjusting her seating over and over again) these all indicate that she was untruthful.
Her answers were rambling, another sign of deceit.

Farkas knows she is in deep shit and she is desperately trying to weave a lie that people will believe.
What they are looking at now is who did the hacking of Alfa Bank for Hillary Clinton, and who was leaking classified information.
Nobody hacked Alfa bank, and Pence is leaking info against Tramp so he can take over as the GOP Establishment wishes.

I went to have a few adult beverages with several of my law enforcement friends, two of which are attorneys.

WE watched that woman's interview several times and we noted some things as investigators do when preparing for a case.

1- Farkas spoke in the first person and as one who had first hand knowledge and was herself involved in the things she reveled.

2- Faraks was precise and deliberate in her speaking. She was telling the truth in a friendly atmosphere where she felt safe to release it.

3- Faraks was precise in her explanation of unmaksing and leaking of information and legitimized it.

4- Faraks was precise in her explanation of "how they were able to know what they knew". She has direct knowledge of OTHER ACTORS and the hierarchy of the collusion.

Within just a few minuets after we started listing, observing what we could discern from her language, body posture, and her general wording she was confident that what she had done was justified despite its illegality. The attorneys were screaming about placing her under oath and deposing her... RIGHT NOW!

We learned that there is a large group of people involved.
That they new it was espionage and violated laws.
They wanted it leaked far and wide to damage Trump..
That she was not legally able to have ANY OF THE INFORMATION SHE HAD because she held no security clearance and that she had left government service and was working for the Hillary Clinton Campaign..

By her own admission, she was trafficking in Top Secret Information, Trafficking in PRIVATE conversations of US Citizens illegally obtained, without a warrant for the subjects unmasked.

Who was feeding her the information and why was she providing it for her "Friends on the hill"? This means Clinton knew, Huma knew, as did Obama... (Don't think for a minuet that Obama wasn't involved.. He had to authorize it)

This interview should send her and a few dozen others right to prison..
Yall ate nits and your attorney friends don't sound very bright if they were drawing those conclusions. Let me ask, what specific Top secret information was she trafficking?
How do you spin her words that confirmed they were leaking to everyone and their mother on the Hill into "no crimes were committed"?
Here is what she said, "aimed at telling the Hill people, get as much information as you can" and you do know that "Capital Hill" is a metonym for the United States Congress, and not your lie that it is "everyone and their mother."
How do you spin her words that confirmed they were leaking to everyone and their mother on the Hill into "no crimes were committed"?
Here is what she said, "aimed at telling the Hill people, get as much information as you can" and you do know that "Capital Hill" is a metonym for the United States Congress, and not your lie that it is "everyone and their mother."

The OP is just another NaziCon fake news lie. USMB has become worse than the National Enquirer.
How do you spin her words that confirmed they were leaking to everyone and their mother on the Hill into "no crimes were committed"?
Here is what she said, "aimed at telling the Hill people, get as much information as you can" and you do know that "Capital Hill" is a metonym for the United States Congress, and not your lie that it is "everyone and their mother."

Using a colloquial term is now a lie? Try fucking decaff. And of course I know that it's Capitol Hill.
How do you spin her words that confirmed they were leaking to everyone and their mother on the Hill into "no crimes were committed"?
Here is what she said, "aimed at telling the Hill people, get as much information as you can" and you do know that "Capital Hill" is a metonym for the United States Congress, and not your lie that it is "everyone and their mother."

The OP is just another NaziCon fake news lie. USMB has become worse than the National Enquirer.

Pfffft. It's based on an interview she gave MSNBC.

I went to have a few adult beverages with several of my law enforcement friends, two of which are attorneys.

WE watched that woman's interview several times and we noted some things as investigators do when preparing for a case.

1- Farkas spoke in the first person and as one who had first hand knowledge and was herself involved in the things she reveled.

2- Faraks was precise and deliberate in her speaking. She was telling the truth in a friendly atmosphere where she felt safe to release it.

3- Faraks was precise in her explanation of unmaksing and leaking of information and legitimized it.

4- Faraks was precise in her explanation of "how they were able to know what they knew". She has direct knowledge of OTHER ACTORS and the hierarchy of the collusion.

Within just a few minuets after we started listing, observing what we could discern from her language, body posture, and her general wording she was confident that what she had done was justified despite its illegality. The attorneys were screaming about placing her under oath and deposing her... RIGHT NOW!

We learned that there is a large group of people involved.
That they new it was espionage and violated laws.
They wanted it leaked far and wide to damage Trump..
That she was not legally able to have ANY OF THE INFORMATION SHE HAD because she held no security clearance and that she had left government service and was working for the Hillary Clinton Campaign..

By her own admission, she was trafficking in Top Secret Information, Trafficking in PRIVATE conversations of US Citizens illegally obtained, without a warrant for the subjects unmasked.

Who was feeding her the information and why was she providing it for her "Friends on the hill"? This means Clinton knew, Huma knew, as did Obama... (Don't think for a minuet that Obama wasn't involved.. He had to authorize it)

This interview should send her and a few dozen others right to prison..

You're fucking hysterical, I'll give you that. If you truly were in law-enforcement, you're a complete embarrassment. Hell despite your "investigation," you can't even spell the name of the woman you're "scrutinizing." It's 'Farkas,' not 'Faraks.' But way more salient, you claim crimes were committed, yet you can't prove a crime was committed. Hell, even Nunes has yet to prove a crime was committed and he's conducting an actual investigation. Plus you claim that she herself was involved in the leak and should be going to jail; except she didn't even work for the government at the time and did not have access to any classified information. Other than your hallucinations you posted really nothing informative at all.

I went to have a few adult beverages with several of my law enforcement friends, two of which are attorneys.

WE watched that woman's interview several times and we noted some things as investigators do when preparing for a case.

1- Farkas spoke in the first person and as one who had first hand knowledge and was herself involved in the things she reveled.

2- Faraks was precise and deliberate in her speaking. She was telling the truth in a friendly atmosphere where she felt safe to release it.

3- Faraks was precise in her explanation of unmaksing and leaking of information and legitimized it.

4- Faraks was precise in her explanation of "how they were able to know what they knew". She has direct knowledge of OTHER ACTORS and the hierarchy of the collusion.

Within just a few minuets after we started listing, observing what we could discern from her language, body posture, and her general wording she was confident that what she had done was justified despite its illegality. The attorneys were screaming about placing her under oath and deposing her... RIGHT NOW!

We learned that there is a large group of people involved.
That they new it was espionage and violated laws.
They wanted it leaked far and wide to damage Trump..
That she was not legally able to have ANY OF THE INFORMATION SHE HAD because she held no security clearance and that she had left government service and was working for the Hillary Clinton Campaign..

By her own admission, she was trafficking in Top Secret Information, Trafficking in PRIVATE conversations of US Citizens illegally obtained, without a warrant for the subjects unmasked.

Who was feeding her the information and why was she providing it for her "Friends on the hill"? This means Clinton knew, Huma knew, as did Obama... (Don't think for a minuet that Obama wasn't involved.. He had to authorize it)

This interview should send her and a few dozen others right to prison..
Great post! Attorney Jay Sekulow was on Hannity last night and with his thougts would agree with your buddies assessment. I agree too. She needs to be deposed before she has time to be coached by a Democrat operative.

I went to have a few adult beverages with several of my law enforcement friends, two of which are attorneys.

WE watched that woman's interview several times and we noted some things as investigators do when preparing for a case.

1- Farkas spoke in the first person and as one who had first hand knowledge and was herself involved in the things she reveled.

2- Faraks was precise and deliberate in her speaking. She was telling the truth in a friendly atmosphere where she felt safe to release it.

3- Faraks was precise in her explanation of unmaksing and leaking of information and legitimized it.

4- Faraks was precise in her explanation of "how they were able to know what they knew". She has direct knowledge of OTHER ACTORS and the hierarchy of the collusion.

Within just a few minuets after we started listing, observing what we could discern from her language, body posture, and her general wording she was confident that what she had done was justified despite its illegality. The attorneys were screaming about placing her under oath and deposing her... RIGHT NOW!

We learned that there is a large group of people involved.
That they new it was espionage and violated laws.
They wanted it leaked far and wide to damage Trump..
That she was not legally able to have ANY OF THE INFORMATION SHE HAD because she held no security clearance and that she had left government service and was working for the Hillary Clinton Campaign..

By her own admission, she was trafficking in Top Secret Information, Trafficking in PRIVATE conversations of US Citizens illegally obtained, without a warrant for the subjects unmasked.

Who was feeding her the information and why was she providing it for her "Friends on the hill"? This means Clinton knew, Huma knew, as did Obama... (Don't think for a minuet that Obama wasn't involved.. He had to authorize it)

This interview should send her and a few dozen others right to prison..
Great post! Attorney Jay Sekulow was on Hannity last night and with his thougts would agree with your buddies assessment. I agree too. She needs to be deposed before she has time to be coached by a Democrat operative.
Trump will go down before Farkas.

I'll play along . Let's say all that is true .( Lol!! ) So what ! Trump is Mr. Law and Order! He wants more surveillance and stop n frisk .

What's the big deal ? Who cares ? He's got nothing to hide , right ?
Republicans want it to be legal for internet companies to be able to sell our search history
Whenever I need a laugh or a little pick me up I turn to this thread.
The Trump presidency is collapsing, now even his family is involved with the Russian scandal. Trump is trying to sabatoge the House investigation by making NUNES his tool. The senate investigation committee has their act together and will release a combined report with both republicans and democrats and these poor sorry souls are desperately trying to spin it all because they're scared shitless to find out if their president is a crook.
While the orange clown is acting more and more guilty every day.

Too damn funny.

I kind of remember Obama ordering an investigation into the Russian hacking and he wanted it done before he left office.

Several sources also say Obama
preserved intelligence that was DAMMING. IOW he wasn't going to hand it over to Trump & Company.
Obama administration reportedly raced to preserve intelligence on possible contact between Russians and Trump associates

FBI Director James Comey testified last week that this investigation started in July, 2016 at the RNC Convention and that's when the Russian phone lines were tapped. So anyone calling the Russians would have been wiretapped. Comey also testified that no President can order the wiretapping of anyone. And Comey stated something very interesting under oath: "It's like they didn't even care if they got caught." That can only mean one thing. They've been caught.

It's not unusual for intelligence agencies to search for Traitors in this country. They've been doing that since the beginning of this nation, and they don't care who the traitor is. So I doubt you'll find anything "illegal" in what they did--because that's what they do.

The Trump inner circle denies (5 times) that any surrogate of theirs had contact with Russians during the campaign season.

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

Collusion with a foreign adversary to interfere into an American election is Treason. If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi, it's not too hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction & lies when they take over in 2018. You'll also get a grasp of what that nasty Emolument clause is in the Constitution while they're at it.
The Emoluments Clause: Its text, meaning, and application to Donald J. Trump | Brookings Institution


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What is amazing is how many otherwise seemingly intelligent people here believe the mischaracterization by breitbart of the MSNBC interview.

Thank heavens these people preserved the evidence of collusion of the Trump people with the Russians.

Trump will not resign for the good of the country and Trump will not martyr himself. This is going to be a long and drag out fight.
How do you spin her words that confirmed they were leaking to everyone and their mother on the Hill into "no crimes were committed"?
Here is what she said, "aimed at telling the Hill people, get as much information as you can" and you do know that "Capital Hill" is a metonym for the United States Congress, and not your lie that it is "everyone and their mother."

The OP is just another NaziCon fake news lie. USMB has become worse than the National Enquirer.

Pfffft. It's based on an interview she gave MSNBC.

Duh, I saw the interview. The OP is a lie.
What is amazing is how many otherwise seemingly intelligent people here believe the mischaracterization by breitbart of the MSNBC interview.

Thank heavens these people preserved the evidence of collusion of the Trump people with the Russians.

Trump will not resign for the good of the country and Trump will not martyr himself. This is going to be a long and drag out fight.
I know. The narcissist can't even admit when he's dead wrong. Just wait until the noose starts to tighten around his neck. If anyone thought he's been unhinged and erratic up to this point... you haven't seen anything yet.

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