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It's Over! Obama's Deputy Defense Secretary Comes Forward Admitting The Obama Admin Spied On Trump

What is amazing is how many otherwise seemingly intelligent people here believe the mischaracterization by breitbart of the MSNBC interview.

Thank heavens these people preserved the evidence of collusion of the Trump people with the Russians.

Trump will not resign for the good of the country and Trump will not martyr himself. This is going to be a long and drag out fight.
I know. The narcissist can't even admit when he's dead wrong. Just wait until the noose starts to tighten around his neck. If anyone thought he's been unhinged and erratic up to this point... you haven't seen anything yet.

This is better than professional wrestling.
The OP is a lie.

I'll play along . Let's say all that is true .(conservativetreehouse.com. Lol!! ) So what ! Trump is Mr. Law and Order! He wants more surveillance and stop n frisk .
"Law and Order" is the polar opposite of "more surveillance" you mental midget. The U.S. Constitution requires the government to get a signed warrant from a judge to search property or wiretap (among other things).
"What do you got to lose? " said the racist dunderhead to the black community.

As innocent blacks can look forward to stop and frisk laws.

Any black that voted for Trump will say, " NEVER AGAIN."
How do you spin her words that confirmed they were leaking to everyone and their mother on the Hill into "no crimes were committed"?
Here is what she said, "aimed at telling the Hill people, get as much information as you can" and you do know that "Capital Hill" is a metonym for the United States Congress, and not your lie that it is "everyone and their mother."

The OP is just another NaziCon fake news lie. USMB has become worse than the National Enquirer.

Pfffft. It's based on an interview she gave MSNBC.

Duh, I saw the interview. The OP is a lie.
I only post the factual truth for I am Steve McGarrett, American Patriot.
How do you spin her words that confirmed they were leaking to everyone and their mother on the Hill into "no crimes were committed"?
Here is what she said, "aimed at telling the Hill people, get as much information as you can" and you do know that "Capital Hill" is a metonym for the United States Congress, and not your lie that it is "everyone and their mother."
Using a colloquial term is now a lie? Try fucking decaff. And of course I know that it's Capitol Hill.
"Everyone and their mother" is NOT a colloquial term for "Congress" and to claim it to be IS a lie.

I went to have a few adult beverages with several of my law enforcement friends, two of which are attorneys.

WE watched that woman's interview several times and we noted some things as investigators do when preparing for a case.

1- Farkas spoke in the first person and as one who had first hand knowledge and was herself involved in the things she reveled.

2- Faraks was precise and deliberate in her speaking. She was telling the truth in a friendly atmosphere where she felt safe to release it.

3- Faraks was precise in her explanation of unmaksing and leaking of information and legitimized it.

4- Faraks was precise in her explanation of "how they were able to know what they knew". She has direct knowledge of OTHER ACTORS and the hierarchy of the collusion.

Within just a few minuets after we started listing, observing what we could discern from her language, body posture, and her general wording she was confident that what she had done was justified despite its illegality. The attorneys were screaming about placing her under oath and deposing her... RIGHT NOW!

We learned that there is a large group of people involved.
That they new it was espionage and violated laws.
They wanted it leaked far and wide to damage Trump..
That she was not legally able to have ANY OF THE INFORMATION SHE HAD because she held no security clearance and that she had left government service and was working for the Hillary Clinton Campaign..

By her own admission, she was trafficking in Top Secret Information, Trafficking in PRIVATE conversations of US Citizens illegally obtained, without a warrant for the subjects unmasked.

Who was feeding her the information and why was she providing it for her "Friends on the hill"? This means Clinton knew, Huma knew, as did Obama... (Don't think for a minuet that Obama wasn't involved.. He had to authorize it)

This interview should send her and a few dozen others right to prison..
Great post! Attorney Jay Sekulow was on Hannity last night and with his thougts would agree with your buddies assessment. I agree too. She needs to be deposed before she has time to be coached by a Democrat operative.

I have stored these two interviews for when I teach interrogation of suspect classes. Textbook examples of physical behaviors that you don't consciously control.

She's trying very hard to walk this back, but that's not going to happen. She ran her mouth too much.

Evelyn Farkas Interviews Contradict Denials of Inside Info, Reveal She Worked With Obama Admin to Spread Trump Intel


Oh There is about to be a big explosion on this.. Farkas opened up a new line of intel dissemination and collection. She is now Fu*ked. And it goes all the way to Obama who viewed and authorized the unmasking of Trumps people through the white-house counselors office of Valarie Jarret.

Its about to break wide open.. This is part of the documentation that Nunes was given access too and informed about by whistleblowers in the executive office building.
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She's trying very hard to walk this back, but that's not going to happen. She ran her mouth too much.

Evelyn Farkas Interviews Contradict Denials of Inside Info, Reveal She Worked With Obama Admin to Spread Trump Intel


Oh There is about to be a big explosion on this.. Farkas opened up a new line of intel dissemination and collection. She is now Fu*ked. And it goes all the way to Obama who viewed and authorized the unmasking of Trumps people through the white-house counselors office of Valarie Jarret.

Its about to break wide open..
For repeating what everyone already knew? Trump's people were intercepted communicating with Russians who were wiretapped. Russians hacked the election and the Obama administration didn't want Trump to squash evidence of that. All perfectly legal.

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