It's Over! Obama's Deputy Defense Secretary Comes Forward Admitting The Obama Admin Spied On Trump

Great! Now perhaps Nunes will quit with the Hillary style of dragging his ass and get this show on the road and over with, one way or the other.
He said the Democrats have shown no desire to press on and get 'er done so he plans to do so with or without them. Good!
I showed you her tweet, rightard. :eusa_doh:
Using your logic; It wasn't her Tweet. You have no proof it was. Tweets can be hacked / faked. She did not deny anything. Your comment was as false as the article.

Sorry, try again.
Are you really claiming that somebody hacked or faked her tweet? Are you feeling ok?
Just go to twitter @evelynNfarkas and read for yourself. It's legit. I'm seriously starting to think something is wrong with you, such a disconnect from reality
I showed you her tweet, rightard. :eusa_doh:
Using your logic; It wasn't her Tweet. You have no proof it was. Tweets can be hacked / faked. She did not deny anything. Your comment was as false as the article.

Sorry, try again.

You rightards have no boundaries when it comes to crazy, do ya?

I showed you her tweet, rightard. :eusa_doh:
Using your logic; It wasn't her Tweet. You have no proof it was. Tweets can be hacked / faked. She did not deny anything. Your comment was as false as the article.

Sorry, try again.
Are you really claiming that somebody hacked or faked her tweet? Are you feeling ok?
Just go to twitter @evelynNfarkas and read for yourself. It's legit. I'm seriously starting to think something is wrong with you, such a disconnect from reality
Huh? You're just "starting" to think that??
Steve, no. What she admitted was the professionals in the Department preserved the proof of the Trump associates' treachery.
Actually, she was encouraging her FORMER professionals to preserve what she SPECULATED they had, since she was gone in 2015. That's right, she was long gone BEFORE anything was collected starting July 2016 on the Russians and Tramp, so all she could do was GUESS!!!!!
(Obama administration official Evelyn Farkas (Deputy Asst. Secretary of Defense) appearing on MSNBC and admitting first hand knowledge the Obama administration spied on candidate and president-elect Donald Trump’s transition team to gather “intelligence” for political use.)
Impossible for her to have "first hand knowledge" since she left in 2015. Everything she said was advice to formed colleagues based on pure speculation on her part!!!!!
Multiple Investigations - 9+ months:
ZERO evidence the Russians 'hacked the election'
ZERO evidence of Trump-Russian Collusion'
ZERO evidence of any criminal wrong-doing by TRUMP'S team.


The Obama administration passed PROTECTED personal classified information that was deemed to have 'NO Foreign Intel Value' to 'probama' holdovers in 16 Intel Agencies who later perpetrated what the Directors of both the FBI and NSA have considered 'Felony ESPIONAGE' by illegally leaking that information because THEY came to the conclusion that 'not enough (protected classified) information was 'getting out there' to the public, despite their knowing doing so was a CRIME.
-- NO INVESTIGATION / NO INTEREST in an investigation by Democrats.

Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, John Podesta, Tony Podesta were WORKING FOR, WORKING WITH, HIGHLY CONNECTED TO Russia, Ex-KGB, The Russian Spy Agency that hacked the DNC e-mails, and Vladimir Putin himself.
-- NO INVESTIGATION / NO INTEREST in an investigation by Democrats.

The Russians NEVER tried to hack the actual US Election system, but President Barak Obama and the DHS - while the President was attempting to take control of all US State Election Systems right before the 2016 election - attempted to hack the Indiana and Georgia state election systems more than 14 times to prove it could be done to bolster their justification for taking over US State Election Systems right before the election!
-- NO INVESTIGATION / NO INTEREST in an investigation by Democrats.

'Nuff said.

If Evelyn Farkas Resigned in 2015, How Did She Have Access to Trump-Russian Intelligence?
Great, now you're changing your narrative. Earlier, it was that she helped Obama spy. Now it's admission that she didn't.
Thats what he does when he loses an argument... move on to the next one and pretend like the past discussion never happened.

If Evelyn Farkas Resigned in 2015, How Did She Have Access to Trump-Russian Intelligence?
How did Hillary Clinton have access to Special Compartmentalized Top Secret Information / Documents / E-Mails - found on her server / in her e-mails - after having left the State Department and having been read out of those programs and her authority to have access to that classification / material having been terminated?

She probably had her own server / e-mail / etc as well. who knows with the most lawless administration ever in US history.
No, you're very wrong about that being my opinion. I'm stating facts, not opinion. For evidence, I submit your posts. :thup:
The post you submit for me (the very 1st post) is the one with the article written by a reporter. It is you who disagree with him and have presented your opinion in support of your argument.

You have not proven the reporter to be wrong at all. Your provided a Tweet from the person who admitted the Obama administration used personal protected classified information which was declared to have 'NO Foreign Intel Value' at all to 'probama' holdovers in 16 Us Intel Agencies where they later perpetrated Felony Espionage - according to the Directors of the FBI and the NSA - by illegally releasing that info to the public because - as stated - THEY deemed 'not enough info was getting out there' to the public, even though they knew doing so was illegal.

You have not proved anything.
You have not proved the article to be wrong.
You provided a follow-up Tweet 'uh-uh' by the woman interviewed after the fact. Of course she is denying it now because her comment could result in her being subpoenaed and potentially having to answer questions about the Felon Espionage the Directors of the NSA and FBI say occurred - all which have been recorded / referenced / linked in the past.

Put all the pieces together and they support each other and the whole story. You choose one article to use to try to claim it isn't true, ignoring all the other collaborating pieces that have been reported / proven.


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