It's Over. The Vaccines Have Failed.

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You have been spreading lies and misinformation about COVID since the outbreak began

You opposed masks, social distancing and mocked those who practiced it
You encouraged people not to vaccinate and spread lies and mistruths about its safety

You are, without doubt, a despicable person who celebrates and contributes to the million people dying of COVID

No, it is you who are not understanding, researching, trying to determine truth from hype, etc.

Go back to the beginning.
Since epidemic grow geometrically, speed is of the essence.
Anything you choose as a strategy has to be done as quickly as possible, so you can end the epidemic completely, as soon as possible.
Any epidemic can be ended in about a month.
This has been done many times, like with Ebola.

So what are the strategy choices for any epidemic?

One is full quarantine.
That is for any epidemic that has a high lethality, like Ebola.
You do everything you can to prevent any infection, like contract tracing, masks, washing hands, social distancing, shut down all transportation, jobs, gatherings, etc.
Since viral pathogens have to switch hosts every 12 days, you can easily end any viral epidemic in less than a month.

But that is expensive, so if the pathogen is not very lethal, an alternative strategy is to accelerate its spread. If you deliberately infect enough easy hosts, then you achieve herd immunity levels, the pathogen can't find any new hosts, so dies out in less than a month.

Those are and always have been the main 2 strategies. They both always work in less than a month.
We could easily have chosen either one of them in the US.
But what did we do instead?
We did an absurd mixture of these opposing strategies, that could not possibly ever work.
We decided to just "flatten the curve" instead of full quarantine or deliberate spread.
We prevented full quarantine because we did not do contact tracing, shut down transportation, close all jobs, etc.
We prevented herd immunity because we ensured lots of easy hosts for the virus to transmit to.

Any doctor will tell you that "flattening the curve" is never the right thing to do, and instead ensures the epidemic can not possibly end, so then will have the greatest possible death toll.
Typhoid Sue at her best as she giggles at US reaching 1 million COVID deaths

When you "flatten the curve", you only do a little bit of a quarantine.
And a little bit of a quarantine strategy does no good at all, because you only need a little bit of infection in order to keep it going and a live.

But the problem with "flattening the curve" is that the best strategy for ending an epidemic that is not very lethal, is to accelerate infection with the initial spike, so that it quickly runs out of easy hosts, and ends from herd immunity. The longer an epidemic goes on, the harder it is to get herd immunity. It is best done by deliberate infection of volunteer with the initial spike. That requires the smallest number of infected, so the smallest death toll.
would that also apply to mask mandates, vax cards to enter a sporting event? or to get on a plane? the hypocrisy of the left is amazing. you say if you don't want the vax don't get it, then in the same breath say but if you don't get it you cannot have the freedom to do anything or go anywhere. What country is this?

I do not mind a full group of quarantine mandates that work and effect others in positive ways.
I mind weak partial mask and vax mandates that science clearly show do not work alone, and that the best way to have ended covid, (or any mild virus epidemic), is to deliberately speed infection through healthy volunteers, for herd immunity.
Why would you think vaccines don't cause variants?

That's how variants proliferate, there are infections that are tetracycline and penicillin resistant, you moron.
How did that come about?
Giving people BBQ sauce?

No similarity.
Antibiotic resistant bacteria are not caused by mutation or the antibiotics, and already always existed, but simply become more common as the non-resistant strains become less common.
But mRNA vaccines don't actually work at all since they contain no inert pathogen and only make our own cells start to grow spike proteins. That can't possible do anything more than to stimulate some antibody production in order to clean up the debris. After 6 months, it can not and will not do any possible good. But it can do lots of harm. For example, if our immune system were to start triggering on spike proteins, then our immune system would start attacking our own exosome, and that can be fatal.
We have to go to the UK for any honest information. The CDC goes all the way back to Mar 2021 to massage the numbers

Here, pg 10. Vaccine efficacy (VE) against hospitalizations ONLY. Look at the wane. They used to count cases and stopped--there was too much negative efficacy and it made the jabs look horrible. Can't have that.

Having trouble seeing the forest for the trees? Here is all you need to read from your link: overall, the benefits of COVID-19 vaccines outweigh any potential risks. It really is that simple.
Having trouble seeing the forest for the trees? Here is all you need to read from your link: overall, the benefits of COVID-19 vaccines outweigh any potential risks. It really is that simple.

You know who's gonna finally bust this open?

Life insurance companies.

When excess deaths are up 40% they tend to take notice. That's about payout. $$$. Then people don't play around
You know who's gonna finally bust this open?

Life insurance companies.

When excess deaths are up 40% they tend to take notice. That's about payout. $$$. Then people don't play around

Golfing Gator

They have to invoke The Incantation of course....couldn't be the vaccines. But if they were honest they would note that the excess deaths started when the vaccines were rolled out

You know who's gonna finally bust this open?

Life insurance companies.

When excess deaths are up 40% they tend to take notice. That's about payout. $$$. Then people don't play around
Exactly wrong. Life insurance profits by having you live longer so vaccines are in their interest. Same for health insurance companies.
Golfing Gator

They have to invoke The Incantation of course....couldn't be the vaccines. But if they were honest they would note that the excess deaths started when the vaccines were rolled out

How many vaccine were in use in Feb. 1, 2020?

That is when the excess deaths started.
For the end of 2020 and into 2021 the mantra from the COVID deniers was that there was no way that COVID was as bad as claimed because there were no excess deaths in the country. The fact that data on such had not been compiled yet did not seem to matter.

Then when the data comes out there were excess deaths in 2020 and 2021 the COVID deniers cannot bring themselves to think that for one tiny second the deaths were due to COIVD and related they have to blame the vaccines...which of course were not even in use for half of when the excess deaths and did have not widespread use during when up 75% of the excess deaths took place.
You are left with a limited efficacy and a higher propensity to being infected. Your immune response is stunted; it becomes a "one trick pony". This is shown around the world and at the state and community level here in the US.

And that does not even begin to factor in the side effects of these shots

I had the vaccine last May and I've never had COVID.
Exactly wrong. Life insurance profits by having you live longer so vaccines are in their interest. Same for health insurance companies.

They want to make an exception for the vaccines since they were experimental. They are already sounding the bell about this
For the end of 2020 and into 2021 the mantra from the COVID deniers was that there was no way that COVID was as bad as claimed because there were no excess deaths in the country. The fact that data on such had not been compiled yet did not seem to matter.

Then when the data comes out there were excess deaths in 2020 and 2021 the COVID deniers cannot bring themselves to think that for one tiny second the deaths were due to COIVD and related they have to blame the vaccines...which of course were not even in use for half of when the excess deaths and did have not widespread use during when up 75% of the excess deaths took place.

There were absolutely deaths due to Covid. I would never deny that.

The treatment is never ever supposed to come even close to as lethal as the disease. This has. Going forward...who knows
How many vaccine were in use in Feb. 1, 2020?

That is when the excess deaths start

No. In the US the excess deaths happened in March of 2022. Not even CLOSE to what they had in any point of 2020. Before vaccines. Age range 15-64

This is very bad

(Included screenshot)


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