It's Over

He said the election was stolen from him. He went to court. None of his claims showed merit for a case. Its all a PR stunt and a lie that has people like you duped

His lies and refusal to concede got people killed
Who got the people killed in the Summer of love protests? Pelosi, AOC, Harris, Waters. When is their trial?
I didn’t see any of them spreading lies to create an angry mob. George Floyd died

Yeah, he died from a self administered fentanyl overdose. The lies were he was killed by the police. Of course you commies never wait for ALL the facts to come to light before passing judgement. Just like palousey's snap impeachment.

He said the election was stolen from him. He went to court. None of his claims showed merit for a case. Its all a PR stunt and a lie that has people like you duped

His lies and refusal to concede got people killed
Who got the people killed in the Summer of love protests? Pelosi, AOC, Harris, Waters. When is their trial?
I didn’t see any of them spreading lies to create an angry mob. George Floyd died
George Floyd died because he overdosed on drugs. The autopsy made that very clear. So why didn't Democratic leaders stop claiming it was police brutality that killed Floyd? Why didn't they call on BLM to stop burning and looting?
Like who?....and who says he was lying?...who is the arbiter of truth?...
Just saying he lied doesn't make it must prove he lied...which I'm sure Trump would love to watch them try...that would require evidence to the contrary to be presented and no way do the guilty dems want that....
Everybody saying that Trump won the 2020 election is telling a lie. Anybody saying the election was stolen, is telling a lie.
He did win the election in a landslide...if you want to change my mind call for a real ballot and signature audit in every state....but I have a right to my opinion...and until your side is ready to open up the election to inspection you can't say I'm lying...I just have a different opinion from yours...same with Trump...
You can have whatever opinion you want but your opinions are not based on proven facts. They are based on emotional bias and lies that have been told to you by an Ex-president.

The fact is that the rules were judicially changed just before the election in favor of the Democrats and allowed for the ability to more. easily cheat. It can’t get any more factual than that.
If the rules were judicially changed then that is a legal change. The remedy is to challenge it in court or change it through legislation. Not try and overthrow the government.
Trump proved that he lied when he was unable to prove his claims. Thats how it works.
No No No that's not how it works...his opinion and the opinion of millions of Americans believe the election was fraudulent...disagreeing with you doesn't make me a liar....we asked for real audited recounts and didn't get them....we asked for evidentiary trials and didn't get one....until absolute proof is brought fourth you can't say I lied or that Trump lied....
You can ask for anything you want. It would be my expectation that nothing would make you happy. You could get your audit but then want something else or not believe the outcome of the audit... Which is actually what happened. So there is no appeasing people like you. I can say Trump lied because thats exactly what he has done. He was given information from state officials about the elections results and he chose to ignore that data and tell people something different. You may not be lying because you believe you are right, but you are believing lies and not recognizing the facts of the matter. I can't help you with that
Wrong about what?! Do you honestly think that riot would have happened if it wasn’t for Trump drilling in the unsubstantiated claim that the election was being stolen from him? Be honest

I saw an interview with Sen Angus King of Maine and he talked about a law professor who used the “but for” criteria of guilt.

“But for” Trumps statements and acts, would the riots have occurred.
If Trump had accepted the results after all his legal challenges were exhausted, would the riots have occurred?
You mean if he caved to obvious fraud. You have had fours years of him. What made people think he would not fight back?
The way to fight back is in court. Not tyranny
He tried the courts. They refused to hear evidence. He is telling the truth and has more credibility than the MSM. And stop the drama. Trump did not do one thing tyrannical.
If the courts refused to hear the evidence then there was a reason for that and Trumps team should have presented better cases. But that’s how our system works. You go through the system, you don’t try and overthrow it when you’re not happy with the results. This is basic shit people. Shouldn’t be complicated to understand

If they were trying to overthrow something they wouldn't have shown up with flags and banners, they would have guns. You commie drama queens are so pathetic. I carry a pocket knife, does that mean I'm armed?

I didn’t say they were armed. Since when does being armed set the bar for what qualifies with insurrection?! Damn your arguments are thin

Your fantastic house managers claimed they were armed. Are you saying they lied?
Did they say armed with guns? I don’t know what quote you’re talking about and I don’t see what it has to do with this discussion

Had you been listening yesterday, you'd know they did.
Ok if they said armed with guns and nobody was armed with guns then they were wrong. I didn’t hear it. What’s your point?
It's really simple, the commies are lying and their slick hollywood production is mostly fiction.
it’s not that simple. The majority of their presentation consists of videos and actual Trump statements. Can’t lie about that. Whether they called spear a and flags ‘arms’ really makes no difference to the trial.

Bullshit, out of context quotes are worthless and are used to build a false narrative.

I’m not seeing false narratives here. I’m seeing tweets and speeches and events laid out pretty clearly. And the only defense I’m hearing from Trumps people is “he’s already out of office, this is unconstitutional” ... so weak

Yet you missed the lies about the crowd being armed with guns.

Clubs, Bear gas and pipe bombs.

They were also adept at beating people with the American Flag

Pipe bombs in the capitol, you're such a liar.

The only ones to bomb the capitol were commie leftist scum in 1983.

And our duly impeached scumbag Bill Clinton pardoned them.
He said the election was stolen from him. He went to court. None of his claims showed merit for a case. Its all a PR stunt and a lie that has people like you duped

His lies and refusal to concede got people killed
Who got the people killed in the Summer of love protests? Pelosi, AOC, Harris, Waters. When is their trial?
I didn’t see any of them spreading lies to create an angry mob. George Floyd died

Yeah, he died from a self administered fentanyl overdose. The lies were he was killed by the police. Of course you commies never wait for ALL the facts to come to light before passing judgement. Just like palousey's snap impeachment.

From what I've seen even when all the facts come out they still lie.
Trump proved that he lied when he was unable to prove his claims. Thats how it works.
No No No that's not how it works...his opinion and the opinion of millions of Americans believe the election was fraudulent...disagreeing with you doesn't make me a liar....we asked for real audited recounts and didn't get them....we asked for evidentiary trials and didn't get one....until absolute proof is brought fourth you can't say I lied or that Trump lied....
You can ask for anything you want. It would be my expectation that nothing would make you happy. You could get your audit but then want something else or not believe the outcome of the audit... Which is actually what happened. So there is no appeasing people like you. I can say Trump lied because thats exactly what he has done. He was given information from state officials about the elections results and he chose to ignore that data and tell people something different. You may not be lying because you believe you are right, but you are believing lies and not recognizing the facts of the matter. I can't help you with that
They should at least try...they don't care enough...its much easier to call us liars...
Rightists: But Trump called for them to march peacefully!

...Trump used the word "peacefully" one time in his speech to his supporters the morning of Jan. 6 — a point his defense team used to argue he was not inciting violence. But Dean said the managers analyzed the same speech, and he used the words "fight" or "fighting" 20 times.

What do you think was the take away by his mob?
So you believe the word means only one thing and that it is physical?
It depends on the context. Other than breaking into the Capitol, how else were they supposed to "fight like hell" to "stop the steal" or risk "not hav[ing] a country anymore?"

After peppering that mass with statements like...

"Our country has had enough. We will not take it anymore and that’s what this is all about. To use a favorite term that all of you people really came up with, we will stop the steal."

"If this happened to the Democrats, there’d be hell all over the country going on. There’d be hell all over the country."

"you’ll never take back our country with weakness."
Everybody saying that Trump won the 2020 election is telling a lie. Anybody saying the election was stolen, is telling a lie.
He did win the election in a landslide...if you want to change my mind call for a real ballot and signature audit in every state....but I have a right to my opinion...and until your side is ready to open up the election to inspection you can't say I'm lying...I just have a different opinion from yours...same with Trump...
We don't need to audit every state. We can audit Georgia as an example to see if there is any evidence of election fraud. Since Georgia became the center of attention of voter integrity. Georgia counted, recounted, hand counted, and recounted the ballots again. And then on January 5th they did the whole thing again under the strictest scrutiny of any US election. And the results had democrats win the Georgia senate (a statewide election) by even a bigger margin than the statewide presidential election.
True...but I made my call a man a liar one needs to back that up....and they won't because they can't...
Its backed up. Trump said he won the election in a landslide. He didn't. Votes were certified for Joe Biden and Joe is now president. Trump said Pence could reject the votes. No he couldn't. Another lie that lead to a mob chanting Hang Mike Pence. Give it up man. Trump is a liar and his lies have fed the trolls long enough.
Democrats are beside themselves that no one is watching their little sham of a now they are tossing out all kinds of nutty shit.....
What kind of nutty shit are they tossing out?
That everyone on Trump's side is guilty....for everything...and they all must be punished....
I don't hear anybody saying that... Can you provide a quote? I see a pretty strong focus on Trump and those who raided the Capital.
Watch the sham hearing....look up AOC's demands...come on man don't play games....
I'm watching the hearing... AOC hasn't spoken
AOC speaks about this trial on an hourly basis....look her does she have time to do her job?....
I pay about as much attention to AOC as I do Jim Jordan. I don't care much for wing nuts. I haven't heard what she has said and I don't really care because its not really relevant
Those without honor and dignity have zero problems with letting off a known traitor.
who's that?

I didn't know Biden had been impeached yet. cause and effect, still not resonating with you fks.
Wrong about what?! Do you honestly think that riot would have happened if it wasn’t for Trump drilling in the unsubstantiated claim that the election was being stolen from him? Be honest

I saw an interview with Sen Angus King of Maine and he talked about a law professor who used the “but for” criteria of guilt.

“But for” Trumps statements and acts, would the riots have occurred.
If Trump had accepted the results after all his legal challenges were exhausted, would the riots have occurred?
You mean if he caved to obvious fraud. You have had fours years of him. What made people think he would not fight back?
The way to fight back is in court. Not tyranny
He tried the courts. They refused to hear evidence. He is telling the truth and has more credibility than the MSM. And stop the drama. Trump did not do one thing tyrannical.
If the courts refused to hear the evidence then there was a reason for that and Trumps team should have presented better cases. But that’s how our system works. You go through the system, you don’t try and overthrow it when you’re not happy with the results. This is basic shit people. Shouldn’t be complicated to understand

If they were trying to overthrow something they wouldn't have shown up with flags and banners, they would have guns. You commie drama queens are so pathetic. I carry a pocket knife, does that mean I'm armed?

I didn’t say they were armed. Since when does being armed set the bar for what qualifies with insurrection?! Damn your arguments are thin

Your fantastic house managers claimed they were armed. Are you saying they lied?

Some were. You've been shown this. So why do YOU continue to lie?
Great, then it shouldn't be hard for you to provide a link to this battering ram.

Battering ram


Everybody saying that Trump won the 2020 election is telling a lie. Anybody saying the election was stolen, is telling a lie.
He did win the election in a landslide...if you want to change my mind call for a real ballot and signature audit in every state....but I have a right to my opinion...and until your side is ready to open up the election to inspection you can't say I'm lying...I just have a different opinion from yours...same with Trump...
We don't need to audit every state. We can audit Georgia as an example to see if there is any evidence of election fraud. Since Georgia became the center of attention of voter integrity. Georgia counted, recounted, hand counted, and recounted the ballots again. And then on January 5th they did the whole thing again under the strictest scrutiny of any US election. And the results had democrats win the Georgia senate (a statewide election) by even a bigger margin than the statewide presidential election.
True...but I made my call a man a liar one needs to back that up....and they won't because they can't...
Its backed up. Trump said he won the election in a landslide. He didn't. Votes were certified for Joe Biden and Joe is now president. Trump said Pence could reject the votes. No he couldn't. Another lie that lead to a mob chanting Hang Mike Pence. Give it up man. Trump is a liar and his lies have fed the trolls long enough.
mail in ballots are fraudulent. why else won't the states let them be audited?
Great, then it shouldn't be hard for you to provide a link to this battering ram.

Battering ram



look at the tank he's in, wow. Certainly threatening looking for sure.
Wrong about what?! Do you honestly think that riot would have happened if it wasn’t for Trump drilling in the unsubstantiated claim that the election was being stolen from him? Be honest

I saw an interview with Sen Angus King of Maine and he talked about a law professor who used the “but for” criteria of guilt.

“But for” Trumps statements and acts, would the riots have occurred.
If Trump had accepted the results after all his legal challenges were exhausted, would the riots have occurred?
Hell no this wouldn’t have occurred. The anger of the mob was built on lies told by Trump and a willingness to fight for him after he asked over and over for them to fight for him. Not fight through the power of their voices or the power of their vote but fight through the power of force to “stop the steal”. Trump called them to come to Washington and to go to the capital and to stop the steal at the same time the votes were being certified. This shit doesn’t get any more obvious and in your face. How do these assholes here deny Trumps culpability with a straight face?
President Trump told the crowd to be peaceful and patriotic. Fact.
That he did. So what?
So we know President Trump never told anyone to storm the Capitol and we know he told the crowd to be peaceful and patriotic. You agree. Therefore, you agree that President Trump is innocent of insurrection.
No I don’t agree. If your mind is so simple that those are the only elements that you cam see and hear then I don’t think I can help you. The series of events are so crystal clear it’s embarrassing if people like you still don’t get it.

The one article of impeachment didn't list a series of events, it claimed one event was the cause. The commies are trying to push irrelevant crap that would never be allowed in a court of law. This shit show is nothing but political theater and you commies deserve to lose.

Idiot or liar? It cited months of indoctrination of his base. It wasn't speech from just one day. But there was speech on that one day which contributed to the insurrection...

On January 6, 2021, pursuant to the 12th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, the Vice President of the United States, the House of Representatives, and the Senate met at the United States Capitol for a Joint Session of Congress to count the votes of the Electoral College. In the months preceding the Joint Session, President Trump repeatedly issued false statements asserting that the Presidential election results were the product of widespread fraud and should not be accepted by the American people or certified by State or Federal officials. Shortly before the Joint Session commenced, President Trump, addressed a crowd at the Ellipse in Washington, D.C. There, he reiterated false claims that "we won this election, and we won it by a landslide." He also willfully made statements that, in context, encouraged — and foreseeably resulted in — lawless action at the Capitol, such as: "if you don't fight like hell you're not going to have a country anymore." Thus incited by President Trump, members of the crowd he had addressed, in an attempt to, among other objectives, interfere with the Joint Session's solemn constitutional duty to certify the results of the 2020 Presidential election, unlawfully breached and vandalized the Capitol, injured and killed law enforcement personnel, menaced Members of Congress, the Vice President, and Congressional personnel, and engaged in other violent, deadly, destructive and seditious acts.​
President Trump's conduct on January 6, 2021, followed his prior efforts to subvert and obstruct the certification of the results of the 2020 Presidential election. Those prior efforts included a phone call on January 2, 2021, during which President Trump urged the secretary of state of Georgia, Brad Raffensperger, to "find" enough votes to overturn the Georgia Presidential election results and threatened Secretary Raffensperger if he failed to do so.​

Wow, that's a great pack of lies. No one killed a law enforcement officer. Also the only one who died as a result of violence is the unarmed woman shot by the capitol police.

It's not yet known if the cop sustained injuries from the insurrection and whether or not he died from those injuries. The autopsy report has not been released to the public. While they are reporting it's not true he was struck with a fire extinguisher, the case is still being investigated as a homicide and they do have some suspects. I've read they're also looking into whether or not he was sprayed with bear spray and if that played a role in his death.

Since they guy called his brother afterwards and told him he had been pepper sprayed a couple of times, but was ok. I think he probably died from heart disease or other natural cause. The stress of the day probably contributed, but he wasn't murdered in cold blood the way the house managers are portraying it.

It matters not that he wasn't murdered in cold blood. If his death was attributable to what happened at the Capitol, it's still murder.
Trump proved that he lied when he was unable to prove his claims. Thats how it works.
No No No that's not how it works...his opinion and the opinion of millions of Americans believe the election was fraudulent...disagreeing with you doesn't make me a liar....we asked for real audited recounts and didn't get them....we asked for evidentiary trials and didn't get one....until absolute proof is brought fourth you can't say I lied or that Trump lied....
You can ask for anything you want. It would be my expectation that nothing would make you happy. You could get your audit but then want something else or not believe the outcome of the audit... Which is actually what happened. So there is no appeasing people like you. I can say Trump lied because thats exactly what he has done. He was given information from state officials about the elections results and he chose to ignore that data and tell people something different. You may not be lying because you believe you are right, but you are believing lies and not recognizing the facts of the matter. I can't help you with that
They should at least try...they don't care enough...its much easier to call us liars...
To assert something is true when you don't know its true... that is a lie. That is what you all are doing. you don't know that Trump won or that the election was stolen. You think thats what happened but you don't have any evidence to prove it, you wanted an audit. The states audited and did hand recounts and disproved many of Trumps claims. But you all keep wanting more and more while perpetuating the lie.
This is all irrelevant though. We are talking out impeachment and Trumps roll in what happened on Jan 6. It was all based on his lies (call them unproven narratives if you'd like) and based on these narratives people were directed to STOP THE STEAL. This is what lead to an insurrection. You can't deny these things
To assert something is true when you don't know its true... that is a lie.

BTW, to run the same ballots through a machine more than once is fraud.
copying ballots is also fraud
let's audit the mail in ballots if you're so confident neither of those two things happened.

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