It's really a cop-out to say you're against "organized religion"...


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
...we organize for every other human activity: business, sports, family, charity, politics, war, government, what is so different about religion that it shouldn't be organized?

The alternative is disorganized religion, meaning every man is an island to himself when it comes to religion.

One man may learn a lot reading the Bible in his off-hours, but with no one to guide him in his reading, what will prevent him from misinterpreting what he has read?

Organized religion means trusting experts in religion to guide people who pursue other walks of life, and can't be expected to spend the time to figure out religion for themselves.

And while it is true that every church has problems, a man alone has an even bigger problem, which is he has no one to support him when life becomes difficult, and it is at that moments that faith is most tested and he needs the greatest amount of wisdom and guidance from others.
Organized religion means trusting experts in religion to guide people who pursue other walks of life, and can't be expected to spend the time to figure out religion for themselves.
This statement is really scary to me.
The authoritarianism of religion is meant to intimidate.

That’s why we have the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment – to safeguard citizens from the arrogance and authoritarianism of religion.
God is this big <------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
The Bible is this big <-->

Seek God through prayer and other means besides just bible, bible, bible. The bible was written by man.
...we organize for every other human activity: business, sports, family, charity, politics, war, government, what is so different about religion that it shouldn't be organized?

That the people leading these organizations have no more connection with the imaginary sky fairy than you have. That's the problem. Unlike other organizations, where the most qualified person ends up in charge, (ideally, anyway), religion just has the guy who is the best bullshitter.

And we see where that gets us... if you're Catholic, the guy running the organization is a frustrated pedophile you just gave access to kids.

And that's a professional organization, then you get the real amateurs like Jim Jones or David Koresh or Joseph Smith.

One man may learn a lot reading the Bible in his off-hours, but with no one to guide him in his reading, what will prevent him from misinterpreting what he has read?

Organized religion means trusting experts in religion to guide people who pursue other walks of life, and can't be expected to spend the time to figure out religion for themselves.

That's awesome and stuff, but the fact is, the last 2000 years of Western Civilization has been Christians killing each other what the experts think the bible really says, or coming up with translations that justify their views.

And while it is true that every church has problems, a man alone has an even bigger problem, which is he has no one to support him when life becomes difficult, and it is at that moments that faith is most tested and he needs the greatest amount of wisdom and guidance from others.

Yeah, what I found in times of crisis is that the Church is full of shit. I have a standing instruction that I don't want any priests at my funeral.

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