It's So Ironic

You can't govern if you don't win. Win first; ask questions later. Trump is the lead horse in the pack so the money is being placed on him.

I still wonder why you think this bench is so deep. Romney had better credentials.

I think your political bias is clouding your judgement. They have a lot of successful young men of national prominence, either as governors or senators. They look much better than the Democrats.

The Democrats are putting forward a woman who is in her late 60s and is retread of the 90s (albeit I think she will be President). Look at who is challenging her. A septuagenarian socialist who isn't even a Democrat. And now that she's falling in the polls, who is being mooted as possible replacements? Guys in the 60s. Where are all the young Democrats? Where are the governors and senators? Gore, Kerry and Biden? Seriously? Can't find anyone not on Social Security? It's pretty sad.

This isn't anything new. I saw James Carville say the same thing a few years ago. I see many more potential Presidents on the Republican side than I do on the Democrats.

But the Republicans are intent on snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. It's amazing how clueless these people are.

You can't govern if you don't win. Win first; ask questions later. Trump is the lead horse in the pack so the money is being placed on him.

I still wonder why you think this bench is so deep. Romney had better credentials.

I think your political bias is clouding your judgement. They have a lot of successful young men of national prominence, either as governors or senators. They look much better than the Democrats.

I'll give you Rubio who has "national prominence". He did the rebuttal to Obama's SOTU a few years back (the infamous drink heard around the world). Outside of that, he has done very little to improve his standing--in fact has done quite a bit to hurt his standing. During Cruz's filibuster, he was quoting rap stars.
Marco Rubio Filibusters With Jay-Z, Wiz Khalifa Quotes | Rolling Stone
Say what you want about the politics of it. Does that scream "Elder Statesman" to you? As for success, being elected Senator is an accomplishment. Has he set the world on fire as such? Hardly. And his one big accomplishment--the Immigration plan--is pretty much garbage as far as the GOP is concerned.

But Paul, Cruz, and Graham? There is little hope of any of them becoming President.

The Governors are a better lot. Pataki, Kasich, Walker, Bush and Christie. Some decent candidates. But I'll stand by what I said, Romney with the mixture of public/private sector experience was a better candidate than them. Maybe Bush is better.

The Democrats are putting forward a woman who is in her late 60s and is retread of the 90s (albeit I think she will be President). Look at who is challenging her. A septuagenarian socialist who isn't even a Democrat. And now that she's falling in the polls, who is being mooted as possible replacements? Guys in the 60s.
That you think she will be President indicates that you don't take Sanders insurgency seriously....or the GOP field for that matter. When you have someone with her resume, I don't think you worry too much about the rest of the field this go-round.

Where are all the young Democrats? Where are the governors and senators? Gore, Kerry and Biden? Seriously? Can't find anyone not on Social Security? It's pretty sad.
Corey Booker (46) isn't on Social Security.
Julian Castro (40) isn't on Social Security.
Maria Cantwell (56) isn't on Social Security.
Steve Bullock (Gov. of MT) (51) isn't on Social Security and a rising star.
Jim Webb
Governor O'Malley
Susan Rice

There are plenty more who will be coming of age about the time Hillary is finishing her 2nd term. LOL. <--wishful thinking

This isn't anything new. I saw James Carville say the same thing a few years ago. I see many more potential Presidents on the Republican side than I do on the Democrats.
Well, if you use the word "potential", Jim Webb is a potential President I suppose. So is Lyndon LaRouche. You honestly look at Ted Cruz and see a President? At Rand Paul? At Marco Rubio? Really?

You'll see a lot more GOP contenders for the throne as we move forward. Two reasons. The GOP is dominating the State Houses. Inside of 20 years, the electoral map will be nothing like it is today. Second reason is that the GOP can't decide what it means to be a republican.

But the Republicans are intent on snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. It's amazing how clueless these people are.
Most of us measure victory by getting to 270 EVs. Some in the GOP have a different measurement. Unfortunately, that is a segment that seems to be growing
oh brother. those are tame compared to what the Democrats do to people and call people
whatever, you believe what you need. go vote for the party of love who never called people teabaggers, birthers, deniers, flat earthers, and doesn't cheer when a baker is fined 100 grand over not baking a cake and now cheering some woman being jailed for not giving people a piece of paper that they could have got if they just drove down the street aways

This isn't about the Democrat party.

You said "The Republican party isn't hostile to anyone."

That is wrong.

Republicans are frickin' hostile to people in their own frickin' party FFS!

"RINOs?" Give me a break.

Until the strident ideologues in the GOP STFU, they are rowing against the tide.
Please. The GOP isnt hostile to anyone. Some knuckleheads might be hostile. But there is a difference between hostility and vigorous debate.

Hostile and in denial apparently.
they aren't hostile to anyone.

Of course they are.

Many Republicans believe Obama was born in Kenya. Many believe Trump's rantings about illegals being rapists. They call Republicans who don't believe in conservative orthodoxy "RINOs." They say ridiculous things about "legitimate rape." They cheer when Rush Limbaugh calls Sandra Fluke a slut. Colin Powell was on Meet the Press last week saying that there is a strain of intolerance in the party.

The Republican Party has become a small tent party.

I seem to remember quite the same when it was Obama vs Hillary. That's when the gloves come off, so Republicans bickering among themselves in a primary is really nothing new.

Colin Powell? The same back-stabber that crossed party lines and voted for DumBama......twice? He's worse than a RINO and I have no idea why he joined the party in the first place.

So what is hostile to a liberal? One that disagrees with their positions or policies. If you think it's wrong that the federal government force insurance companies to provide birth control as a minimum standard, it's a war on women. If you believe in marriage the way it's been in this country since our founding, you hate homosexuals. We on the right simply voice our beliefs. It's those on the left that do the labeling.

So what is hostile to a liberal? One that disagrees with their positions or policies. If you think it's wrong that the federal government force insurance companies to provide birth control as a minimum standard, it's a war on women. If you believe in marriage the way it's been in this country since our founding, you hate homosexuals. We on the right simply voice our beliefs. It's those on the left that do the labeling.

Yes, you're a bigot if you want to deny gays the right to marry.
Corey Booker (46) isn't on Social Security.
Julian Castro (40) isn't on Social Security.
Maria Cantwell (56) isn't on Social Security.
Steve Bullock (Gov. of MT) (51) isn't on Social Security and a rising star.
Jim Webb
Governor O'Malley
Susan Rice

I'm sorry, who are those people? What national prominence do they have?

IOW a mayor of a suburb, Jim Webb has zero chance, Susan Rice is DOA and O'Malley was so unpopular he was followed by a Republican in a blue state.

Not exactly a blue-ribbon slate.

Republicans are way deeper than Democrats. That Democrats don't see it doesn't mean the rest of the country won't.
Last edited:
they aren't hostile to anyone.

Of course they are.

Many Republicans believe Obama was born in Kenya. Many believe Trump's rantings about illegals being rapists. They call Republicans who don't believe in conservative orthodoxy "RINOs." They say ridiculous things about "legitimate rape." They cheer when Rush Limbaugh calls Sandra Fluke a slut. Colin Powell was on Meet the Press last week saying that there is a strain of intolerance in the party.

The Republican Party has become a small tent party.

I seem to remember quite the same when it was Obama vs Hillary. That's when the gloves come off, so Republicans bickering among themselves in a primary is really nothing new.

Colin Powell? The same back-stabber that crossed party lines and voted for DumBama......twice? He's worse than a RINO and I have no idea why he joined the party in the first place.

So what is hostile to a liberal? One that disagrees with their positions or policies. If you think it's wrong that the federal government force insurance companies to provide birth control as a minimum standard, it's a war on women. If you believe in marriage the way it's been in this country since our founding, you hate homosexuals. We on the right simply voice our beliefs. It's those on the left that do the labeling.

And if a large number of people who identify themselves as conservatives happen to refer to homosexuals as "fags", blacks as ni**ers, Hispanics as w**backs, women who stand up for themselves as b!tches or whores or sluts...anyone who derives from this callus, incorrect, and repeated use of such words as hateful is wrong?

"If the shoe fits, wear it." As the saying goes.

The shoe fits perfectly on the GOP. Sorry.
So what is hostile to a liberal? One that disagrees with their positions or policies. If you think it's wrong that the federal government force insurance companies to provide birth control as a minimum standard, it's a war on women. If you believe in marriage the way it's been in this country since our founding, you hate homosexuals. We on the right simply voice our beliefs. It's those on the left that do the labeling.

You mean liberals were the ones who crated the lable "RINO?"

Many Republicans are intolerant of people in their own party!

Get back to me when conservatives stop trying to run moderates out of the GOP.
Corey Booker (46) isn't on Social Security.
Julian Castro (40) isn't on Social Security.
Maria Cantwell (56) isn't on Social Security.
Steve Bullock (Gov. of MT) (51) isn't on Social Security and a rising star.
Jim Webb
Governor O'Malley
Susan Rice

I'm sorry, who are those people? What national prominence do they have?
HUD Secretary, Senator from WA, NJ. Gov of Maryland.

What prominence does Ted Cruz have except to have made a total ass of himself? Same for Rand Paul?. Ben Carson? You got to be kidding me.

Republicans are way deeper than Democrats. That Democrats don't see it doesn't mean the rest of the country won't.

But really; when you looked at Rick Perry did you think, "Ahh, there is someone I would like to be President?" Bobby Jindal? Mike Huckabee?

I guess we'll see in 2020 or 2024 perhaps just how much umph the Democrats have. They'll likely be appointing a new Majority Leader in 2016 when they re-take the Senate. That means a new Majority Whip...

Whomever gets the VP slot with Hillary (assuming she gets POTUS) will have instant gravitas more than likely.
Remember a few years back, Cantor was bandied about as a boy-prince who was ready to conquer?
they aren't hostile to anyone.

Of course they are.

Many Republicans believe Obama was born in Kenya. Many believe Trump's rantings about illegals being rapists. They call Republicans who don't believe in conservative orthodoxy "RINOs." They say ridiculous things about "legitimate rape." They cheer when Rush Limbaugh calls Sandra Fluke a slut. Colin Powell was on Meet the Press last week saying that there is a strain of intolerance in the party.

The Republican Party has become a small tent party.

I seem to remember quite the same when it was Obama vs Hillary. That's when the gloves come off, so Republicans bickering among themselves in a primary is really nothing new.

Colin Powell? The same back-stabber that crossed party lines and voted for DumBama......twice? He's worse than a RINO and I have no idea why he joined the party in the first place.

So what is hostile to a liberal? One that disagrees with their positions or policies. If you think it's wrong that the federal government force insurance companies to provide birth control as a minimum standard, it's a war on women. If you believe in marriage the way it's been in this country since our founding, you hate homosexuals. We on the right simply voice our beliefs. It's those on the left that do the labeling.

And if a large number of people who identify themselves as conservatives happen to refer to homosexuals as "fags", blacks as ni**ers, Hispanics as w**backs, women who stand up for themselves as b!tches or whores or sluts...anyone who derives from this callus, incorrect, and repeated use of such words as hateful is wrong?

"If the shoe fits, wear it." As the saying goes.

The shoe fits perfectly on the GOP. Sorry.

Really? Because I haven't heard any of that from the GOP. What are you watching on your television that I'm not seeing?
Corey Booker (46) isn't on Social Security.
Julian Castro (40) isn't on Social Security.
Maria Cantwell (56) isn't on Social Security.
Steve Bullock (Gov. of MT) (51) isn't on Social Security and a rising star.
Jim Webb
Governor O'Malley
Susan Rice

I'm sorry, who are those people? What national prominence do they have?
HUD Secretary, Senator from WA, NJ. Gov of Maryland.

What prominence does Ted Cruz have except to have made a total ass of himself? Same for Rand Paul?. Ben Carson? You got to be kidding me.

Republicans are way deeper than Democrats. That Democrats don't see it doesn't mean the rest of the country won't.

But really; when you looked at Rick Perry did you think, "Ahh, there is someone I would like to be President?" Bobby Jindal? Mike Huckabee?

I guess we'll see in 2020 or 2024 perhaps just how much umph the Democrats have. They'll likely be appointing a new Majority Leader in 2016 when they re-take the Senate. That means a new Majority Whip...

Whomever gets the VP slot with Hillary (assuming she gets POTUS) will have instant gravitas more than likely.
Remember a few years back, Cantor was bandied about as a boy-prince who was ready to conquer?

I've never heard of half the people you posted. I'd bet most people who aren't hardcore Democrats haven't either.

You can't be a star if no one knows who you are.
BTW, Clinton leads Rubio by a whopping 1%.

2016 - General Election: Rubio vs. Clinton | RealClearPolitics

That's not exactly a position to be wondering whether or not someone is a reputable candidate.


As soon as Rubio's position on rape babies becomes known...

(CNN)Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio said his views on abortion -- which were grilled Thursday night at the Republican field's first primary debate -- are rooted in his faith and that's why he opposes abortion even in cases of rape or incest. :disbelief:

"People should hope that my faith influences my political position and in this case I'm proud to say that my faith influences me," he told CNN's "New Day" on Friday. "It teaches me that God knew us when he formed us in the womb. ... :confused-84:

And even some human life that some scientist wants to have a debate about but I believe that science is clear. That when there is conception that that is a human life in the early stages of its total development that is worthy of the protection of our laws."

He can kiss any hope he once had goodbye.

This is the danger the GOP has of having to lurch back and fourth during the primaries. Really, how is he going to explain to anyone who was, knows someone who was or is the FATHER OR MOTHER of a sexual assault victim that the female victim is going to have to carry the rapist baby to term?

People outside of the GOP don't know Rubio yet. When they get to know won't be pretty.
So what is hostile to a liberal? One that disagrees with their positions or policies. If you think it's wrong that the federal government force insurance companies to provide birth control as a minimum standard, it's a war on women. If you believe in marriage the way it's been in this country since our founding, you hate homosexuals. We on the right simply voice our beliefs. It's those on the left that do the labeling.

You mean liberals were the ones who crated the lable "RINO?"

Many Republicans are intolerant of people in their own party!

Get back to me when conservatives stop trying to run moderates out of the GOP.

Unlike the Democrats who are basically clones of each other, we on the right have different factions of our party. That doesn't make it hostile, it makes it diverse. For instance I consider myself 70% conservative and 30% libertarian. I would be a total libertarian if not for their strong views on recreational narcotics and our military.

I think we need a strong military. I also have witnessed tragedy after tragedy with illegal drugs; the most recent one of my cousin who lost her 27 year old son a few months ago due to an overdose.

I don't care about abortion which seems to be an obsession with the GOP. My concern is smaller and less intrusive government which message evidently escaped the GOP over the past couple of years. I want as much government out of my life as possible while the establishment Republicans want a bigger government--just their brand of a bigger government.

So yes, I disagree with people of my own party, but I"m still a member of that party.
Corey Booker (46) isn't on Social Security.
Julian Castro (40) isn't on Social Security.
Maria Cantwell (56) isn't on Social Security.
Steve Bullock (Gov. of MT) (51) isn't on Social Security and a rising star.
Jim Webb
Governor O'Malley
Susan Rice

I'm sorry, who are those people? What national prominence do they have?
HUD Secretary, Senator from WA, NJ. Gov of Maryland.

What prominence does Ted Cruz have except to have made a total ass of himself? Same for Rand Paul?. Ben Carson? You got to be kidding me.

Republicans are way deeper than Democrats. That Democrats don't see it doesn't mean the rest of the country won't.

But really; when you looked at Rick Perry did you think, "Ahh, there is someone I would like to be President?" Bobby Jindal? Mike Huckabee?

I guess we'll see in 2020 or 2024 perhaps just how much umph the Democrats have. They'll likely be appointing a new Majority Leader in 2016 when they re-take the Senate. That means a new Majority Whip...

Whomever gets the VP slot with Hillary (assuming she gets POTUS) will have instant gravitas more than likely.
Remember a few years back, Cantor was bandied about as a boy-prince who was ready to conquer?

I've never heard of half the people you posted. I'd bet most people who aren't hardcore Democrats haven't either.

You can't be a star if no one knows who you are.

Really? Okay. You must not have been watching the DNC convention last time out (Castro was the chair). Or paid attention when Booker took over as Senator for, I believe, Laughenberg. Never heard or the governor of Montana? That's fine. And the fact that a Democrat won in a western State shouldn't worry you at all. LOL. Maria Cantwell has (former CEO of Real Audio) has been in the Senate for about 12 years if I remember.

Something tells me you'll come to recognize the names over time.
Really? Okay. You must not have been watching the DNC convention last time out (Castro was the chair). Or paid attention when Booker took over as Senator for, I believe, Laughenberg. Never heard or the governor of Montana? That's fine. And the fact that a Democrat won in a western State shouldn't worry you at all. LOL. Maria Cantwell has (former CEO of Real Audio) has been in the Senate for about 12 years if I remember.

Something tells me you'll come to recognize the names over time.

I don't remember most of the RNC speakers either.

That after 7 years of a Democrat Presidency, you're pulling up an obscure Senator of no national prominence, a governor no one has heard of before (think Alaska) and a mayor - mayor - of a third-tier city should worry you. I know of the Republican governors and senators that you claim aren't Presidential. When was the last time we elected a mayor President? Why do you think an appointed liberal senator from a liberal state is any more Presidential than a Senator from a purple state or an Indian governor from a red state?
BTW, Clinton leads Rubio by a whopping 1%.

2016 - General Election: Rubio vs. Clinton | RealClearPolitics

That's not exactly a position to be wondering whether or not someone is a reputable candidate.


As soon as Rubio's position on rape babies becomes known...

(CNN)Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio said his views on abortion -- which were grilled Thursday night at the Republican field's first primary debate -- are rooted in his faith and that's why he opposes abortion even in cases of rape or incest. :disbelief:

"People should hope that my faith influences my political position and in this case I'm proud to say that my faith influences me," he told CNN's "New Day" on Friday. "It teaches me that God knew us when he formed us in the womb. ... :confused-84:

And even some human life that some scientist wants to have a debate about but I believe that science is clear. That when there is conception that that is a human life in the early stages of its total development that is worthy of the protection of our laws."

He can kiss any hope he once had goodbye.

This is the danger the GOP has of having to lurch back and fourth during the primaries. Really, how is he going to explain to anyone who was, knows someone who was or is the FATHER OR MOTHER of a sexual assault victim that the female victim is going to have to carry the rapist baby to term?

People outside of the GOP don't know Rubio yet. When they get to know won't be pretty.

And yet, he's 1% behind because Democrats have put all their eggs in one basket behind a woman who doesn't have the sense to know not to use a secure server when conducting confidential business, and senior citizens are being mooted as possible replacements if she falters.
So what is hostile to a liberal? One that disagrees with their positions or policies. If you think it's wrong that the federal government force insurance companies to provide birth control as a minimum standard, it's a war on women. If you believe in marriage the way it's been in this country since our founding, you hate homosexuals. We on the right simply voice our beliefs. It's those on the left that do the labeling.

You mean liberals were the ones who crated the lable "RINO?"

Many Republicans are intolerant of people in their own party!

Get back to me when conservatives stop trying to run moderates out of the GOP.

How many people has lost their job in the Republican party in the last five years? so this whine of how, conservatives is running them out is bs. but look at you, you can sit here and run down your fellow republicans , but how dare they call those elected people Rinos.

good grief. trump has really got you all in knots and almost to point of freaking out. now your dumping all over your fellow republicans, and all over what?
Because we aren't getting all twisted up over Trump? what good would it do right now. His following is bigger than any of us here. I'm just not letting him and all this media, and leftwing nonsense over him get to me. not this early in this game. But they've evidently got you all down and out. time for a break
BTW, Clinton leads Rubio by a whopping 1%.

2016 - General Election: Rubio vs. Clinton | RealClearPolitics

That's not exactly a position to be wondering whether or not someone is a reputable candidate.


As soon as Rubio's position on rape babies becomes known...

(CNN)Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio said his views on abortion -- which were grilled Thursday night at the Republican field's first primary debate -- are rooted in his faith and that's why he opposes abortion even in cases of rape or incest. :disbelief:

"People should hope that my faith influences my political position and in this case I'm proud to say that my faith influences me," he told CNN's "New Day" on Friday. "It teaches me that God knew us when he formed us in the womb. ... :confused-84:

And even some human life that some scientist wants to have a debate about but I believe that science is clear. That when there is conception that that is a human life in the early stages of its total development that is worthy of the protection of our laws."

He can kiss any hope he once had goodbye.

This is the danger the GOP has of having to lurch back and fourth during the primaries. Really, how is he going to explain to anyone who was, knows someone who was or is the FATHER OR MOTHER of a sexual assault victim that the female victim is going to have to carry the rapist baby to term?

People outside of the GOP don't know Rubio yet. When they get to know won't be pretty.

And yet, he's 1% behind because Democrats have put all their eggs in one basket behind a woman who doesn't have the sense to know not to use a secure server when conducting confidential business, and senior citizens are being mooted as possible replacements if she falters.

As I said, ignorance is bliss for Rubio. Sadly, ignorance (or at least lack of political acumen) is a well stocked commodity among his supporters. I agree the poll is encouraging for his supporters. I doubt there was much analysis done by the polled because When you compare resumes...Clinton wins. When you compare records, Clinton wins. When you consider electoral math, Clinton wins big time. Of the 3 that have a real shot (Bush, Christie and Rubio), Marco is the low-hanging fruit that is easiest to pick off.

When it comes to likability....not so sure that Hillary wins that one.

Anyway, not to mention that Rubio voted to confirm Clinton as SoS and later was quoted as saying the following:


Bring him on.
Really? Okay. You must not have been watching the DNC convention last time out (Castro was the chair). Or paid attention when Booker took over as Senator for, I believe, Laughenberg. Never heard or the governor of Montana? That's fine. And the fact that a Democrat won in a western State shouldn't worry you at all. LOL. Maria Cantwell has (former CEO of Real Audio) has been in the Senate for about 12 years if I remember.

Something tells me you'll come to recognize the names over time.

I don't remember most of the RNC speakers either.

That after 7 years of a Democrat Presidency, you're pulling up an obscure Senator of no national prominence, a governor no one has heard of before (think Alaska) and a mayor - mayor - of a third-tier city should worry you. I know of the Republican governors and senators that you claim aren't Presidential. When was the last time we elected a mayor President? Why do you think an appointed liberal senator from a liberal state is any more Presidential than a Senator from a purple state or an Indian governor from a red state?

Who is this mayor you're talking about?

Again Toro, I'm not expecting anyone to vote for any of these folks for 2016. Hillary's husband came out of nowhere to win the Presidency from Arkansas of all places. Obama came from next to nowhere. I would wager that few could pull John Kasich out of a police line-up (the same goes for a lot of the GOP contenders).
to the OP- I believe Trump loves the country the most and also he is the only one willing to do anything substantial on the border issue, which is the most important issue.

Illegal Immigration usually polls around 3%.

Loves the Country "the most"? Thanks for another reason to chuckle.

illegal immigration affects everyone and everything- from schools to hospitals to healthcare to the debt to unemployment to minorities, the economy, crime- it affects everything.

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