It's So Ironic

they aren't hostile to anyone.

Of course they are.

Many Republicans believe Obama was born in Kenya. Many believe Trump's rantings about illegals being rapists. They call Republicans who don't believe in conservative orthodoxy "RINOs." They say ridiculous things about "legitimate rape." They cheer when Rush Limbaugh calls Sandra Fluke a slut. Colin Powell was on Meet the Press last week saying that there is a strain of intolerance in the party.

The Republican Party has become a small tent party.

I seem to remember quite the same when it was Obama vs Hillary. That's when the gloves come off, so Republicans bickering among themselves in a primary is really nothing new.

Colin Powell? The same back-stabber that crossed party lines and voted for DumBama......twice? He's worse than a RINO and I have no idea why he joined the party in the first place.

So what is hostile to a liberal? One that disagrees with their positions or policies. If you think it's wrong that the federal government force insurance companies to provide birth control as a minimum standard, it's a war on women. If you believe in marriage the way it's been in this country since our founding, you hate homosexuals. We on the right simply voice our beliefs. It's those on the left that do the labeling.

And if a large number of people who identify themselves as conservatives happen to refer to homosexuals as "fags", blacks as ni**ers, Hispanics as w**backs, women who stand up for themselves as b!tches or whores or sluts...anyone who derives from this callus, incorrect, and repeated use of such words as hateful is wrong?

"If the shoe fits, wear it." As the saying goes.

The shoe fits perfectly on the GOP. Sorry.

Really? Because I haven't heard any of that from the GOP. What are you watching on your television that I'm not seeing?

No worries mate. It's just PMS. Lifelong.
to the OP- I believe Trump loves the country the most and also he is the only one willing to do anything substantial on the border issue, which is the most important issue.

Illegal Immigration usually polls around 3%.

Loves the Country "the most"? Thanks for another reason to chuckle.

illegal immigration affects everyone and everything- from schools to hospitals to healthcare to the debt to unemployment to minorities, the economy, crime- it affects everything.

And it still polls at around 3% when there isn't a carnival barker trying to make the weak minded and hateful afraid of it.
they aren't hostile to anyone.

Of course they are.

Many Republicans believe Obama was born in Kenya. Many believe Trump's rantings about illegals being rapists. They call Republicans who don't believe in conservative orthodoxy "RINOs." They say ridiculous things about "legitimate rape." They cheer when Rush Limbaugh calls Sandra Fluke a slut. Colin Powell was on Meet the Press last week saying that there is a strain of intolerance in the party.

The Republican Party has become a small tent party.

I seem to remember quite the same when it was Obama vs Hillary. That's when the gloves come off, so Republicans bickering among themselves in a primary is really nothing new.

Colin Powell? The same back-stabber that crossed party lines and voted for DumBama......twice? He's worse than a RINO and I have no idea why he joined the party in the first place.

So what is hostile to a liberal? One that disagrees with their positions or policies. If you think it's wrong that the federal government force insurance companies to provide birth control as a minimum standard, it's a war on women. If you believe in marriage the way it's been in this country since our founding, you hate homosexuals. We on the right simply voice our beliefs. It's those on the left that do the labeling.

And if a large number of people who identify themselves as conservatives happen to refer to homosexuals as "fags", blacks as ni**ers, Hispanics as w**backs, women who stand up for themselves as b!tches or whores or sluts...anyone who derives from this callus, incorrect, and repeated use of such words as hateful is wrong?

"If the shoe fits, wear it." As the saying goes.

The shoe fits perfectly on the GOP. Sorry.

Really? Because I haven't heard any of that from the GOP. What are you watching on your television that I'm not seeing?

Spend about 2 days reading posts from fellow conserve-hate-ives here.
they aren't hostile to anyone.

Of course they are.

Many Republicans believe Obama was born in Kenya. Many believe Trump's rantings about illegals being rapists. They call Republicans who don't believe in conservative orthodoxy "RINOs." They say ridiculous things about "legitimate rape." They cheer when Rush Limbaugh calls Sandra Fluke a slut. Colin Powell was on Meet the Press last week saying that there is a strain of intolerance in the party.

The Republican Party has become a small tent party.

I seem to remember quite the same when it was Obama vs Hillary. That's when the gloves come off, so Republicans bickering among themselves in a primary is really nothing new.

Colin Powell? The same back-stabber that crossed party lines and voted for DumBama......twice? He's worse than a RINO and I have no idea why he joined the party in the first place.

So what is hostile to a liberal? One that disagrees with their positions or policies. If you think it's wrong that the federal government force insurance companies to provide birth control as a minimum standard, it's a war on women. If you believe in marriage the way it's been in this country since our founding, you hate homosexuals. We on the right simply voice our beliefs. It's those on the left that do the labeling.

And if a large number of people who identify themselves as conservatives happen to refer to homosexuals as "fags", blacks as ni**ers, Hispanics as w**backs, women who stand up for themselves as b!tches or whores or sluts...anyone who derives from this callus, incorrect, and repeated use of such words as hateful is wrong?

"If the shoe fits, wear it." As the saying goes.

The shoe fits perfectly on the GOP. Sorry.

Where the shoe doesn't fit is that......... fags should not be used in the above context. Apples and oranges

they aren't hostile to anyone.

Of course they are.

Many Republicans believe Obama was born in Kenya. Many believe Trump's rantings about illegals being rapists. They call Republicans who don't believe in conservative orthodoxy "RINOs." They say ridiculous things about "legitimate rape." They cheer when Rush Limbaugh calls Sandra Fluke a slut. Colin Powell was on Meet the Press last week saying that there is a strain of intolerance in the party.

The Republican Party has become a small tent party.

I seem to remember quite the same when it was Obama vs Hillary. That's when the gloves come off, so Republicans bickering among themselves in a primary is really nothing new.

Colin Powell? The same back-stabber that crossed party lines and voted for DumBama......twice? He's worse than a RINO and I have no idea why he joined the party in the first place.

So what is hostile to a liberal? One that disagrees with their positions or policies. If you think it's wrong that the federal government force insurance companies to provide birth control as a minimum standard, it's a war on women. If you believe in marriage the way it's been in this country since our founding, you hate homosexuals. We on the right simply voice our beliefs. It's those on the left that do the labeling.

And if a large number of people who identify themselves as conservatives happen to refer to homosexuals as "fags", blacks as ni**ers, Hispanics as w**backs, women who stand up for themselves as b!tches or whores or sluts...anyone who derives from this callus, incorrect, and repeated use of such words as hateful is wrong?

"If the shoe fits, wear it." As the saying goes.

The shoe fits perfectly on the GOP. Sorry.

Where the shoe doesn't fit is that......... fags should not be used in the above context. Apples and oranges


See, Ray?

Typical conserve-hate-ive. Calls anyone that isn't straight, male, caucasian, and protestant a derogatory term. Then turns around and says that he is entitled to his opinion and it has no bearing on anything else.

Partly true of course; he is entited to his opinion and he can call anyone anything he wants.

But when the candidates start taking their cues from their supporters, we shouldn't be surprised. We shouldn't be surprised when The Donald calls people names, says "he likes" soldiers who don't get captured (as if there was a choice), rejoices in talking about the appearances of women in terms that would (or should) make any woman in his life or that supports this goon ashamed. We shouldn't be surprised when Rubio wants to make sexual assault victims bear the kids of their rapists. We shouldn't be surprised when an entire national political party that screams daily about government over-reach is all too happy to have the government in a role of blessing your marriage if you wish to wed someone with the same anatomy.

Democrats are not necessarily better people. I'm not a democrat for several reasons but I will say this, democrats seem to have been raised better than most republicans if USMB is any sort of indicator.
they aren't hostile to anyone.

Of course they are.

Many Republicans believe Obama was born in Kenya. Many believe Trump's rantings about illegals being rapists. They call Republicans who don't believe in conservative orthodoxy "RINOs." They say ridiculous things about "legitimate rape." They cheer when Rush Limbaugh calls Sandra Fluke a slut. Colin Powell was on Meet the Press last week saying that there is a strain of intolerance in the party.

The Republican Party has become a small tent party.

I seem to remember quite the same when it was Obama vs Hillary. That's when the gloves come off, so Republicans bickering among themselves in a primary is really nothing new.

Colin Powell? The same back-stabber that crossed party lines and voted for DumBama......twice? He's worse than a RINO and I have no idea why he joined the party in the first place.

So what is hostile to a liberal? One that disagrees with their positions or policies. If you think it's wrong that the federal government force insurance companies to provide birth control as a minimum standard, it's a war on women. If you believe in marriage the way it's been in this country since our founding, you hate homosexuals. We on the right simply voice our beliefs. It's those on the left that do the labeling.

And if a large number of people who identify themselves as conservatives happen to refer to homosexuals as "fags", blacks as ni**ers, Hispanics as w**backs, women who stand up for themselves as b!tches or whores or sluts...anyone who derives from this callus, incorrect, and repeated use of such words as hateful is wrong?

"If the shoe fits, wear it." As the saying goes.

The shoe fits perfectly on the GOP. Sorry.

Where the shoe doesn't fit is that......... fags should not be used in the above context. Apples and oranges


See, Ray?

Typical conserve-hate-ive. Calls anyone that isn't straight, male, caucasian, and protestant a derogatory term. Then turns around and says that he is entitled to his opinion and it has no bearing on anything else.

Partly true of course; he is entited to his opinion and he can call anyone anything he wants.

But when the candidates start taking their cues from their supporters, we shouldn't be surprised. We shouldn't be surprised when The Donald calls people names, says "he likes" soldiers who don't get captured (as if there was a choice), rejoices in talking about the appearances of women in terms that would (or should) make any woman in his life or that supports this goon ashamed. We shouldn't be surprised when Rubio wants to make sexual assault victims bear the kids of their rapists. We shouldn't be surprised when an entire national political party that screams daily about government over-reach is all too happy to have the government in a role of blessing your marriage if you wish to wed someone with the same anatomy.

Democrats are not necessarily better people. I'm not a democrat for several reasons but I will say this, democrats seem to have been raised better than most republicans if USMB is any sort of indicator.

Unless they are democrat minorities, then again, the above relative to 'being raised' is not raising the bar considering odds are, the being 'raised'- part was by a single parent which is not conducive to being 'better' raised

The Republicans have the deepest bench in a decade and they are falling in love with someone with no experience and little chance of winning the election.

Except they don't have a deep bench. They have a bunch of clowns serving the same warmed over crap.

The establishment wanted to foist Jeb! Bush on us, completely forgetting what an absolute fuckin' disaster his brother and father were. That's your deep bench.

I do like how Trump has you Wall Street assholes shitting your expensive silk trousers. Probably for the same reason Ross Perot did. Here you have someone who is calling bullshit on Free Trade and Globalism, and he has enough money to be heard.
The Republicans have the deepest bench in a decade and they are falling in love with someone with no experience and little chance of winning the election.

Except they don't have a deep bench. They have a bunch of clowns serving the same warmed over crap.

The establishment wanted to foist Jeb! Bush on us, completely forgetting what an absolute fuckin' disaster his brother and father were. That's your deep bench.

I do like how Trump has you Wall Street assholes shitting your expensive silk trousers. Probably for the same reason Ross Perot did. Here you have someone who is calling bullshit on Free Trade and Globalism, and he has enough money to be heard.

Don't know why you aren't a Trump supporter, given his populist agenda and your unhealthy psychotic obsessions of personal slights that last for decades.
Don't know why you aren't a Trump supporter, given his populist agenda and your unhealthy psychotic obsessions of personal slights that last for decades.

Well, the racism and misogyny bother me a lot. But you probably wouldn't get that.

I am amused how he has you Wall Street types shitting yourself. Might be worth it to see him get the GOP nomination for that alone.

here's the real problem. Most Americans have figured out Free Trade is a shit sandwich. Trump is the guy who just yelled "The Emperor has No Clothes!"
I did notice that you danced around my observation that any "Deep Bench" headed by Jeb Bush isn't really all that deep.

"My brother and father were awful Presidents! Vote for me!"

Clinton and Sanders? With Biden warming up in the bullpen?

I rest my case

I did notice that you danced around my observation that any "Deep Bench" headed by Jeb Bush isn't really all that deep.

"My brother and father were awful Presidents! Vote for me!"

If Jeb Bush dropped out, it wouldn't matter a whole lot to the GOP. If Hillary dropped out, it would be a disaster for the Democrats.

Republicans have a deep bench. Democrats do not. They've put all their eggs in one basket.
they aren't hostile to anyone.

Of course they are.

Many Republicans believe Obama was born in Kenya. Many believe Trump's rantings about illegals being rapists. They call Republicans who don't believe in conservative orthodoxy "RINOs." They say ridiculous things about "legitimate rape." They cheer when Rush Limbaugh calls Sandra Fluke a slut. Colin Powell was on Meet the Press last week saying that there is a strain of intolerance in the party.

The Republican Party has become a small tent party.

I seem to remember quite the same when it was Obama vs Hillary. That's when the gloves come off, so Republicans bickering among themselves in a primary is really nothing new.

Colin Powell? The same back-stabber that crossed party lines and voted for DumBama......twice? He's worse than a RINO and I have no idea why he joined the party in the first place.

So what is hostile to a liberal? One that disagrees with their positions or policies. If you think it's wrong that the federal government force insurance companies to provide birth control as a minimum standard, it's a war on women. If you believe in marriage the way it's been in this country since our founding, you hate homosexuals. We on the right simply voice our beliefs. It's those on the left that do the labeling.

And if a large number of people who identify themselves as conservatives happen to refer to homosexuals as "fags", blacks as ni**ers, Hispanics as w**backs, women who stand up for themselves as b!tches or whores or sluts...anyone who derives from this callus, incorrect, and repeated use of such words as hateful is wrong?

"If the shoe fits, wear it." As the saying goes.

The shoe fits perfectly on the GOP. Sorry.

Really? Because I haven't heard any of that from the GOP. What are you watching on your television that I'm not seeing?

Spend about 2 days reading posts from fellow conserve-hate-ives here.

Are you talking about bloggers
they aren't hostile to anyone.

Of course they are.

Many Republicans believe Obama was born in Kenya. Many believe Trump's rantings about illegals being rapists. They call Republicans who don't believe in conservative orthodoxy "RINOs." They say ridiculous things about "legitimate rape." They cheer when Rush Limbaugh calls Sandra Fluke a slut. Colin Powell was on Meet the Press last week saying that there is a strain of intolerance in the party.

The Republican Party has become a small tent party.

I seem to remember quite the same when it was Obama vs Hillary. That's when the gloves come off, so Republicans bickering among themselves in a primary is really nothing new.

Colin Powell? The same back-stabber that crossed party lines and voted for DumBama......twice? He's worse than a RINO and I have no idea why he joined the party in the first place.

So what is hostile to a liberal? One that disagrees with their positions or policies. If you think it's wrong that the federal government force insurance companies to provide birth control as a minimum standard, it's a war on women. If you believe in marriage the way it's been in this country since our founding, you hate homosexuals. We on the right simply voice our beliefs. It's those on the left that do the labeling.

And if a large number of people who identify themselves as conservatives happen to refer to homosexuals as "fags", blacks as ni**ers, Hispanics as w**backs, women who stand up for themselves as b!tches or whores or sluts...anyone who derives from this callus, incorrect, and repeated use of such words as hateful is wrong?

"If the shoe fits, wear it." As the saying goes.

The shoe fits perfectly on the GOP. Sorry.

Really? Because I haven't heard any of that from the GOP. What are you watching on your television that I'm not seeing?

Spend about 2 days reading posts from fellow conserve-hate-ives here.

You mean the same conservatives that have Carson in second place? The same conservatives that supported Herman Cain until he got busted for his past?

Look at our contestants! We have blacks, whites, women, Indians, Hispanics.........

The party of Progress has old white Senior Citizens.
If Jeb Bush dropped out, it wouldn't matter a whole lot to the GOP. If Hillary dropped out, it would be a disaster for the Democrats.

Republicans have a deep bench. Democrats do not. They've put all their eggs in one basket.

If Bush dropped out, the GOP would have 14 clowns instead of 15.

Thet hing is, the guys you consider the "Deep Bench", which I guess would be nice safe corporate tools like Walker, Rubio, Kascich and all the other gusy who would hold the working man down while the 1% fucked them, aren't supring passions. That tells me the rank and file are finally starting to get it.
If Jeb Bush dropped out, it wouldn't matter a whole lot to the GOP. If Hillary dropped out, it would be a disaster for the Democrats.

Republicans have a deep bench. Democrats do not. They've put all their eggs in one basket.

If Bush dropped out, the GOP would have 14 clowns instead of 15.

Thet hing is, the guys you consider the "Deep Bench", which I guess would be nice safe corporate tools like Walker, Rubio, Kascich and all the other gusy who would hold the working man down while the 1% fucked them, aren't supring passions. That tells me the rank and file are finally starting to get it.

If Trump dissed Mormons, you'd be right there with him, eh bigot?
If Trump dissed Mormons, you'd be right there with him, eh bigot?

Well, he sucked up to one in 2012, but now that Mormon is shitting his magic underwear because he enabled a monster.

If Romney had done the honorable thing, and denounced Trump and his birtherism then, we wouldn't be having to deal with this problem now.

But Mormons have no honor. So now you guys are stuck with him.

Enjoy. I know I am.

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