It’s the economy: Greatest time to be alive is now. Thanks Biden!

Show me one. One guy here who admits to having trouble economically right now.

I mean besides that Quasar44 who's perpetually unemployed. I don't think we can hang that one on Joe.
You mean here, on this forum? Why? It doesn't matter about this forum.

Half of Americans believe they are worse off under Biden in blow to 'Bidenomics'​

Thanks, Uncle Joe!

Ummmmmmmmmmmm, polls show all kinds of Americans are having troubles. They don't just poll righties you fool.
Biden and Trump have 40-42% approval ratings. The economy polls are simply a reflection of that. Pubs have been dishonest about the economy since Obama. Pubs are a cult now.

99% of Americans will be financially worse-off than they were pre-pandemic by mid-2024, JPMorgan says​

That is a link to a blog which is a link to a quote of an analyst who said 100% chance of recession in 2023 as his other prediction. WRONG!
Many on the dishonest right are likely whining and lying about how they’re ‘struggling’ in an effort to advance the lie of economic gloom and doom.

Or as already correctly noted, some conservatives are struggling because of their own faults and failures having nothing do with the strong economy – such as personal fiscal incompetence and mismanagement.
They live on their credit cards but don't pay the balance off each month. Which means that they are living above their means. And then the ridiculous credit card interest rates make it much worse.

Do they blame the banks who are charging 20-30%?
Do they blame themselves for their piss-poor financial acumen?

No, they blame Joseph Biden (God's choice)
Shut the fuck up liar

More opinions!

Here's another:

Most Americans Think Trump is Unfit to Serve as President Again

Will you be parroting this opinion?

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