It’s the economy: Greatest time to be alive is now. Thanks Biden!

But the percent numbers is what you care about?

Yes, because that takes into account the fact there are more people total working.

Shit, doing it your way with just straight numbers Obama will look way better than Trump and Clinton will kick both their asses.

In 2012 there were only 6,804,000 people working multiple jobs, yet in 2019 there were 8,319,000. So, sticking with your "logic" Obama had a way, way, way better economy than Trump.
Yes, because that takes into account the fact there are more people total working.

Shit, doing it your way with just straight numbers Obama will look way better than Trump and Clinton will kick both their asses.

In 2012 there were only 6,804,000 people working multiple jobs, yet in 2019 there were 8,319,000. So, sticking with your "logic" Obama had a way, way, way better economy than Trump.
You left this part out
The percentage number means nothing unless you have the numbers counted
13,220,541 fewer people had a single full time job.

543,000 fewer people had 2 jobs.

That is 13,763,541 fewer jobs under Trump. Great point dumbass.
Once again more Americans are working two jobs than were working two jobs while Trump was president
More you left out
It's a failure of biden's anti economic growth policies so is that why inflation is up with Biden?
Nope. Trump screwed up Covid response, held press conferences saying we’d be down to zero cases by the 2nd weekend in March, said you could inject disinfectant and shine lights inside the body to cure it, argued about masks, instead of methodically presenting a plan to react.

Then everything was shut down, old people died and retired, the work force was decimated. Employers hired new inefficient replacements and had to entice people with higher pay since people felt unsafe with Trump leading the pandemic response.

Production was low, salaries high, so then some inflation occurred. Then there was a transportation bottleneck as the supply chain got strained from the lack of infrastructure progress under Trump and the fact no manufacturing had returned to the US under Trump. Costs went up again and sly companies raised prices further to secure record profits. Then Biden fixed it all.

Surprise: Wage growth has actually outpaced the crushing inflation over the past 2.5 years. ‘The economy appears to be doing better than a lot of people might realize’​

The average American might not have much faith in the current U.S. economy, what with the cost-of-living increase over the past few years and persistent recession warning bells. But Americans have many reasons to feel confident—including that wage and salary growth are now outpacing inflation, according to myriad government data.

From January 2021 to October 2023, national average wages and salaries grew by nearly $15,000, according to an analysis from Democrats on the U.S. Congress Joint Economic Committee (JEC) released Monday. That’s over $3,500 more than the increase in inflation during that same time period, the Democrats say.
Who cares what Demicrats on Congress claim, moron.

Real wages are down under Tater.

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