It’s the economy: Greatest time to be alive is now. Thanks Biden!

Nope. Trump screwed up Covid response, held press conferences saying we’d be down to zero cases by the 2nd weekend in March, said you could inject disinfectant and shine lights inside the body to cure it, argued about masks, instead of methodically presenting a plan to react.

Then everything was shut down, old people died and retired, the work force was decimated. Employers hired new inefficient replacements and had to entice people with higher pay since people felt unsafe with Trump leading the pandemic response.

Production was low, salaries high, so then some inflation occurred. Then there was a transportation bottleneck as the supply chain got strained from the lack of infrastructure progress under Trump and the fact no manufacturing had returned to the US under Trump. Costs went up again and sly companies raised prices further to secure record profits. Then Biden fixed it all.
You mean the democrat states killed the economy. Trump gave the democrats space to destroy something familiar about that. Yep democrat Baltimore mayor give them space to destroy. You fuckers don't like states rights when you have them. Abortion controlling your states economy.
A record number do have two full time jobs, vermin.
Fuck off idiot. More people were unemployed at the end of Trump’s administration than were unemployed during the Great Depression. He was the single worst president for employment in history. Biden has been the best president for employment in history.
You mean the democrat states killed the economy. Trump gave the democrats space to destroy something familiar about that. Yep democrat Baltimore mayor give them space to destroy. You fuckers don't like states rights when you have them. Abortion controlling your states economy.
Derp derp
Many on the dishonest right are likely whining and lying about how they’re ‘struggling’ in an effort to advance the lie of economic gloom and doom.

Or as already correctly noted, some conservatives are struggling because of their own faults and failures having nothing do with the strong economy – such as personal fiscal incompetence and mismanagement.
Ummmmmmmmmmmm, polls show all kinds of Americans are having troubles. They don't just poll righties you fool.
Due to COVID and Ukraine, Inflation skyrocketed globally
President Biden took positive action to control inflation and has brought it down to the 3 percent range
Inflation is under control
This started to really hit hard in December, 2021, as I documented in my award-winning thread Extreme food prices slam the world

Ukraine made it worse, as they are the second-leading wheat producer/exporter in the world.
So, you're trying to counter facts with the opinions of dumbass Americans?
Show me one. One guy here who admits to having trouble economically right now.

I mean besides that Quasar44 who's perpetually unemployed. I don't think we can hang that one on Joe.
Okay, I'll be the first to say that these three years under the Bai Dung administration have been economically and financially devastating living on a fixed retirement funding.
Okay, I'll be the first to say that these three years under the Bai Dung administration have been economically and financially devastating living on a fixed retirement funding.
You are indeed the very first person to have admitted it, and I'm very sorry to hear it.

That makes one guy having a rough time though, not "a terrible economy".

And you've gotta admit you're pretty seriously biased and prepared to cast blame.
Meanwhile, in realville................................

CNN Poll: Biden’s job approval has dropped since start of the year as economic concerns remain prevalent​

"Fewer agree with the Democratic Party than with the GOP on how to handle the economy, crime, America’s role in the world or immigration"

More opinions from one of the most ignorant electorates on the planet.

Well stick with the facts.

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